Spitfire's POV:

Spinning, spinning, spinning: that's the last thing I remember before I blacked out. A little of my screaming was mixed in there along with my friend, Soarin's.

Hold up. Before I continue, let me introduce myself. My name is Spitfire. I am a pegasus. I live in Cloudsdale, Equestria. I am the leader of the pegasus flying team, the Wonderbolts. At least, I was until today...

I was just strolling along Cloudsdale with Soarin' when I heard evil laughter. "Goodbye, Wonderbolts. Without your leader, you will be nothing!"

Then we were suctioned to the ground, almost like we were being pulled into the ground. Which we were, because a few moments later we were falling.

I wake up laying in a field with Soarin' laying next to me. "Soarin'? Wake up, Soarin'."

"Hnnnnnngh," Soarin' groans and sits up. But he looks... Different. Different as in not even a pony anymore! I scream when I see what he is. He looks at me a screams also. I look at my "hooves" and scream again.

We were... *shiver* humans. I know this because I've seen pictures and books on what they're supposed to look like.

"Soarin'! We're... We're... People!" I yell in disbelief.

"Please be a dream, please be a dream!" He pleads.

I look stand up and look down at myself. I was wearing a shirt without sleeves (What do humans call that? A tank top?) and a simple pair of shorts.

Soarin' now was a tall teenaged human boy with navy blue, long hair and green eyes. Thank goodness his transformation provided clothes for him. Well, it gave him pants. He also kept his light blue feathered wings.

"What do I look like?" I close my eyes tightly and dread the answer. I hope I got to keep my yellow wings also.

"Well, you're kinda short..." He says, staring me up and down. "You have bright orange hair and big brown eyes. Oh, and you still have your wings. Do I have mine?"

After cheering a bit, I give Soarin' a nod. "I wonder if we can still fly."

"Let's give it a shot," Soarin' says.

I try to stand up, but collapse. I laugh. "Maybe we should try walking first."

"And how are we supposed to do that?"

"I'm pretty sure they walk on their back legs. Soo... Practice run?"

It takes us a few tries, but we get the concept down. I crouch and jump, flapping my larger-than-normal wings to get started. It's a lot like flying when I was a pegasus, but I'm just bigger. "Try it, Soarin'!"

He does the same and gets a good start.

"I've heard of ponies who get sucked into the human world. Apparently, there's some secret Equestria society around here somewhere where people like us all get together."

"Just get us there before anyone sees us," Soarin' says, glancing around.

"You're lucky I've actually read a few books," I grumble. I lead the way off, only vaguely remembering where it is from the books. I land with Soarin' right behind me in front of a cave in the middle of nowhere.

"Is this the place, Spitfire?" He asks.

"I think so. Let's walk in and check." I walk in with Soarin' trailing behind me.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Soarin' calls.

"Who goes there?" Answers a deep voice.

"Who is speaking?" Soarin' says suspiciously.

A shadowy figure comes out of the shadows. But there's something different about this person; they have a horn.

"This must be the place," I whisper to Soarin'. I clear my throat. "Is this the... Secret Equestria society?" I ask.

"Yes. I am, er... was Coffee Bean," The dark-haired middle aged man says. "And you are?"

"I'm Spitfire, and this is Soarin'," I introduce.

Coffee Bean gasps. "Spitfire and Soarin'? The Wonderbolts?"

I blush. "You recognize us?"

"Certainly!" Coffee Bean says with a nod. "You were just starting your career when I got sucked into this awful place."

"How did we get here anyways?" Soarin' asks.

"There's a really spiteful unicorn running amok in Equestria," Coffee Bean says. "She's pulling everyone through the ground and into the human world for revenge."

"Revenge for what?" I ask.

"I'm not sure," Coffee Bean says with a shrug. "She just mentioned it when I was being pulled through."

"That's odd," I say. "Soarin' and I will try to find a way back to Equestria."

"We will?" Soarin' asks, his eyes widening.

I try to elbow him in the arm, but end up catching him in the side. "Yes, we are."

Coffee Bean snorts. "You can try. Most of us here have tried, but failed."

"So what you're saying," Soarin' says. "Is that we'll be stuck here forever?