A/N: Another short chapter, big stuff coming.
Not mine
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Gibbs returned to the nearly empty waiting room the smell of cloves clinging to him like the somber mood he was in. Kyle was so young and he was facing the fact that he was mortal and having to do it mostly alone. And Tony, Tony would have to learn to deal with whatever this operation did to his body, he might even have to live with never being an agent again. It was too much, all of it. Gibbs for once didn't think he could be strong for everyone. He sat down next to Ducky and fought the urge to sigh in frustration.
"Are you alright my friend?"
"Not sure Duck."
"There's this kid, name's Kyle, he's a pistol." Gibbs smiled and then frowned. "He's got cancer, and then there's Tony… I just don't know how to handle this—stuff."
"Ah Jethro, no one does. We just do the best we can and try to be supportive to the ones going through the illness."
"Yeah, I know."
"I'm sure you do, however you are dealing with the fact you care for Anthony in the midst of this chaos. It cannot be easy, even for you."
Gibbs gripped the arms of the chair his knuckles white. "Yeah, well for all I know he may not even recognize me."
Ducky turned to look Gibbs in the eye. "That is not possible; the connection you and Anthony share is far too strong."
"Ya think?"
"I most certainly do."
Gibbs looked away and felt himself relax a little.
"Good, now here come the children do try to perk up a bit."
They shared a laugh. It felt good to have a bit of his burden lightened.
Abby came tromping up with coffee in one hand and her Caf-pow in the other, "Gibbs, I got you coffee." She handed him the still steaming cup.
"Thanks Abs."
"Hey Boss." McGee came walking up behind Abby Ziva by his side.
"Hello Gibbs." Ziva said.
"Any cases right now?" Gibbs demanded.
"No, we're on stand down until after Tony's operation."
The three younger people sat down and began talking quietly Gibbs sipped his coffee and soon the calm and quiet worked to lull him to sleep.
He didn't know how long he slept but it was a good nap. He was woken up at the sound of the OR suite's doors opening.
came into the waiting room looking like he'd just ran a marathon. Before anyone could begin asking questions he held his hand up in the universal gesture for wait and collapsed into a nearby chair.
"Before I go into details I have to tell you this was a very difficult surgery for all of us but Tony hung in there like a champ through some very hairy moments. That AVM was a monster."
Gibbs smiled at the doctor's praise of Tony's fighting spirit.
"Now here's what the situation is, I was able to make the repairs necessary for the Chiari malformation and fix the AVM but the fact is Tony will have a long road ahead of him in terms of rehab and he may find at the end of that road it's likely he won't be the same."
"What do you mean 'won't be the same'?" Abby asked.
"I mean he may have permanent physical and/or mental impairment."
Gibbs' stomach roiled at that statement.
He won't be the same?
Ziva broke the sickening silence. "I do not mean to be rude but you do not know our Tony."
The group nodded their agreement.
"It's good that you all have such faith in him, but don't overlook the fact that he has had a significant bleed, and surgery to correct two major brain anomalies. These things add up to definite neurological impairment. Now whether any effects are permanent is yet to be seen. But make no mistake he will be impaired."
"Okay, so what's next?" Gibbs asked tersely.
"He'll come out of recovery and then when he is fully awake I will do a neuro check."
"What will that tell us?" McGee asked.
"It will give us an idea where we stand in terms of his prognosis."
"Thanks for being straight with us Doc."
"If I were in your shoes I'd want the whole truth and not some glossed over version of it." Gibbs nodded in agreement.
"Well if you'll excuse me, I am headed to the oncall room for a bit. They'll page me if they need me." He rose from his seat like an old man and stumbled off to rest.
"I can't believe this." McGee said and walked away.
"McGee, wait!" Ziva called and ran after him.
Abby stood up her lip quivering and tears pooling in her emerald eyes.
"I have to go; the sisters are expecting me to call."
Ducky watched them go before standing up himself.
"I am sorry Jethro but Mr. Palmer has a guest that needs my attention."
Gibbs rose to his feet and began walking with Ducky towards the elevator.
"That's okay Duck. Thanks for being here."
"We all love Anthony, Jethro." Ducky reminded him.
"Well thanks all the same."
"Very well… Do try to get some rest and a decent meal. I shall return in the morning."
Gibbs nodded and watched as the elevator closed.