Okay, chapter 6 is up. This one is kinda funny but also intense. Very intense. Caution:blood. Other than that, I'd like to thank all of those who have reviewed, liked or watched this story. I love all my viewers!

Feel free to review or like, I loveth all whoeth payeth meeth attention. Enjoy!

"I am going to eat you!" Roared the dragon

"No! Please don't eat me! I'll make you fat with high cholesterol and increase your risk of diobedes!" pleaded the princess

"No! Not diobedes! I won't be able to drink milkshakes!" Said the dragon.

"Chigi! Who the hell wrote this garbage? This is the most messed up children's book I've ever read!"

"Then why the heck are you reading it, Parker?"

"It's better than the tabloid crap… oh wait, I take that back. At least I can ogle anorexic chicks in those-"

"Hey!" I smack Parker upside the head angrily, "Why are you so mean? Anorexia isn't a joke!"

"Yeah well, I don't freaking care." He tossed the book back in its basket.

Kevin picked it up and flipped through it.

"Oh my god… it's a coloring book. This is just messed up. Wow, Parker, why did you pick this up in the first place?"

"Shut up!" The little guy is beet red as he snatches the book from Kev and tosses it into the book bin across the room. I admit that he has good aim for someone who trips over his own feet. "It's none of your business, okay? My dad and I used to do these together when I was little, so I just wanted to see. Those didn't have crap pictures though and they were in Japanese."

"Huh? Why?" I look up at him from my scores, still mad about the anorexia comment. "Do you know Japanese?"

He looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Duh, I am Japanese, stupid."

"Woah, wait… dude, you're Asian!" Kevin states loudly, causing us to get some strange looks from people sitting near us in the waiting room.

Parker blushed furiously at the looks he gets and glares at Kevin angrily.

"Yeah, what did you think I was, Russian? That's Ruski's territory."

"Excuse me?" An angry looking Josh comes over from the window. "Did you just call me a Ruski?" His voice gets really soft and his purpley eyes flash.

Here comes the storm.

"You heard me, commie bastard!" Parker gets up to face the (MUCH) taller junior.

Sparks fly between them and I see Sandy sinking lower in her chair. She has both of them in study hall… poor girl; this must be a common occurrence.

"And in the left corner we have four foot nine freshie Parker Vargas, apparently Asian and even shorter than Napoleon Bonaparte according to Mr. Carpenter! And in the right corner, we have six foot three Junior Joshua…. really confusing and hard to pronounce last name who is going to beat the pulp out of tomato face! Ding ding ding!"

"Kevin, are you ever mature about anything? And Parker, cut it out!" I stand up and get in between the bristling athletes (Parker plays football and Josh basketball) who look ready to tear each other's throats out.

"Josh is Ukrainian, okay? His dad doesn't count. And you need to stop picking fights, especially when one of our club members just suffered and extreme loss!"

Both look at each other and sit down. I glare at Kevin for instigating as Parker mumbles, "I'm Japanese and Italian, okay? The Asian is on my mom's side. No Spanish," and get back to my music. Not for long.

"Has anyone seen my daughter? Please, I can't find her anywhere!" A young woman with a black teen by her side runs frantically into the room. I think I remember seeing her before with a little girl.

Josh looks up "What happened?" his face is concerned for some reason. I remember that he was talking to a kid by the window. It must have been the missing girl.

"I took her to the bathroom and she wanted to go in alone. Then Liam got in a fight-"

Kevin has a newspaper over his head by this point, as well as a book that looks suspiciously like Jonas' diary in his lap. That explains why Jonas was yelling at him earlier.

The woman continued "When I came back, she was gone. I think she might have wandered off somewhere, she's very curious" a look of worry is etched on her face which leads me to believe that this is not the first time something like this has happened.

"We can help you look," I say, getting up. Mr. C was outside talking to someone over the phone, so I figured he wouldn't mind if we looked around.

The others followed me, including Kevin who looks nervously at the Liam boy. Sandy has just walked up to the desk to inquire with the receptionist about whether anyone had seen a kid that fit the description, when the front doors burst open violently.

"Everyone get on the ground! Hands up where we can see 'em!"

The affect is instantaneous. Everyone screams and drops to the floor as five armed men in fedoras stride in. The leader has a nose that looks as though someone took a hammer to it when he was a baby. In fact, they all look a little crumpled in different places. One guy even has a nose ring. Hmmm…

One of the guys goes up to the desk, shoving Sandy aside and leaning on the counter.

"We're looking for a guy by the name of Parker Vargas, you seen 'im? We got a tip off dat he checked into the hospital 'bout two hours ago. You know the one?"

He has one elbow on the counter and is holding his gun casually while giving the terrified receptionist a freaky leer. I felt sick just watching.

Parker is frozen at the window with the missing girl's mother, looking freaked out while comforting the shaking woman. The black boy is grinding his teeth and glaring like a devil.

"Yo…who called the creep patrol?" a whisper next to me asks, earning a kick.

"Can't you ever be serious?" I hiss back

"Nope. Kesesese!"

"No talking!" nose-ring spits at us in a weird accent… Russian? Maybe?

Creepo # 3 casually goes around locking all doors except the one to the outside which is guarded by two other guys. Squash nose is looking around at all the terrified people, us included. I see a movement out of the corner of my eyes and, before I can stop him, Kevin has all but one on his fingers down. It takes exactly half a second for the bomb to go off.

"You messing with me, smartass?" Squashie's over to us in a flash and drags Kev to his feet by the collar of his shirt.

"Oh no sir, I was only saluting you in the way of my people. You see, we have long standing tradition of ceremonial handshake, you want to see it?"

"Are you shitting me, punk?"


"Okay, that does it! Now you all get to see my people's long standing tradition of what we do to wise ass teenagers! Watch well everyone!"

Squash nose pulls back his right arm to clock Kevin with the butt of his gun. Smirking, he makes his fatal mistake. Pinning Kevin the wall with one hand pressed hard against his chest, he asks a questions.

"Any last word's smartass?"

"Yeah," he looks directly at me and winks with a giant grin, "Hand sanitizer stings like the devil."

"What?" The guy looks at him, completely confused "Don't you mean, save me or please don't punch my lights out?"


And then he does it. Whipping his hands over his head, Kevin face palms Squash nose with both hands. The man throws him to the side with a roar, then blinks, confused. He has some sort of liquid dripping down his nose and cheeks.

"What the f- ARRRRRRRGGHHHH!" He claps both hands over his eyes and screams in pain, his eyes turning red and bulging, with tears streaming down his face.

The other armed guys run over to Squash nose, except for Nose-Ring, who lumbers threateningly toward Kevin.

On an instinct, I lunge at the guy and shove him in a full tackle. It isn't very powerful, and he turns to shoot; facing me on full. Bad move. My arm shoots our and I grab his large nose-ring, yanking down with all my might. He yells in pain and grips his bleeding nose as I kick him in the nuts and grab Kevin who is wincing from smashing into the wall.

Squash nose is going berserk. He swings at everything, streaming curses and knocking over everything. Everyone takes this time to act as the creep brigade is in confusion and disorganization. Parker tackles one of the door guards to the ground and yells at the other people in the waiting room to get out. Josh gets the other guard and sandy gives #3 a good kick in the balls for shoving her. Then, while the whole room is in complete chaos, Parker yells for us to come and we all start for the door.

At the last second, Squash nose lunges and grabs me from behind, still unable to see.

"Get down or I'll blow her brains out! Whoever is Parker Vargas, you'd better get your ass over here before the lady gets it- urg!"

Parker punches the guy in the small of the back and grabs my hand.

"Come one, time to split! Yo squash face this is the voice of the guy you're looking for! Remember it, 'cause the next time you here it-"

"Parker! Shut up!"

"Yeah well… anyway, I'll kick your ass!"

And on that note; we got the hell out of there.

"No.No NO! Damn! I. was. So close! Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Jonas screamed in frustrated German as he fell to his knees in the parking lot. His fist pounded the hard asphalt furiously and he cursed everything to hell. That man in the white coat, his father, even himself.

Not even the squeal of tires broke him out of his furious reverie. It didn't matter if he got run over; May could be dead for all he knew and he hadn't stopped them when he had the chance. Now he couldn't do anything. Useless, useless USELESS!

The force of the teen's unrelenting blows cracked both the blacktop and his own skin. Jonas's knuckles split down to the bone and his blond hair became freckled with the spray of blood. He didn't care. Nothing mattered at the moment.

A rough hand fell on his shoulder, causing the boy to start. In his frenzy, Jonas whirled around with his fist clenched tight and his eyes wild with fear and anger. But the blow never connected.

Mr. Carpenter caught Jonas's wrist an inch from his face. Wild eyes locked on to the calm, never wavering expression of his teacher.

The boy's face grew hot with shame as he followed Mr. C's gaze down to his raw and bloody hands. After a long silence, one sentence escaped Mr. Carpenter's lips. "They got away." It wasn't a question, nor and accusation, but Jonas stared at the ground in silence, ashamed of his weakness. Idiot!

"No time, I'll fix your hands in the car. It isn't safe and Alfred is nearly here. Come"

Gingerly the Swede led his German student along through the lot. Breathless, panicked voices soon reached them. "Jonas!"

Ally, Parker, Josh and Kevin ran up to them, led by Sandy. "Jonas thank God you're alright! Some gunmen came into the lobby looking for someone and we only got out because –hey…what happened to your hands?" Sandy stared at him in shock, as did almost everyone else.

Jonas didn't meet their eyes, especially not Sandy's. How could he? He'd let her best friend get taken away to…God-knows where. And he physically couldn't say anything either; he had momentarily lost his ability to English.

"Hey…" Parker looked around suspiciously "Where's Maylex? Wasn't she with your?"


"She didn't…" Parker's eyes widened and his jaw practically dropped "NO…she wasn't?-"


And all hell broke loose.

"Are you effing kidding me?" Parker suddenly snapped and lunged at Jonas, "How could you let them get away, you good for nothing effing potato bastard? *punch* Chigi! *slap* You stupid Kraut! *slap* she might be dead and it's all. Your. Effing. Fault!"

Josh and Kevin grabbed Parker's arms behind his back as he violently struggled, breathing fire.

"Let me at him! Let go you… you bastards! Don't you know what he's done? He's started a war, that's what! Chigi! Umph!"

Josh tackled Parker to the ground as the creep brigade burst out of the hospital entrance: releasing bullets right and left. The group hit the dirt (metaphorically speaking) just in time. Squash faces eyes were still raw red, even from this distance, causing Kevin to chuckle from where he lay.

"Heh heh, he's in pain!-Ack!" a bullet whizzed by his head, nicking the edge of his ear. Ally looked concernedly over at him from where she was next to Jonas. His hands still bled, even though she tried to stop the flow by wrapping them in his own shirt.


Mr. Carpenter pulled her back down as the men (now much closer) fired again.

"Hey, Mr. C?" Kevin had a hand clapped over his ear and winced as it started to bleed through his fingers "Can you do your whole "Superman" thing again, please?" His fear was evident in his voice.

Not good; his feelings soon spread to the rest of the group and Sandy started to silently cry. They all knew their only hope of survival would be if their teacher turned superhero again and kicked the attackers' asses.

But Mr. Carpenter knew he couldn't protect all of them. He'd been caught off guard; his best bet would be to wait until the attackers were close enough then take them on one at a time. If he was alone her could do it easily; five guys with shotguns was nothing. But he had to protect his students; he couldn't leave them in the open. It was hopeless. He couldn't protect six children at once!

Then it happened. As the gunners were in lot "E" (only two away from where the group cowered) a strange roar sounded stopping them in their tracks. Then the honking out of the revelry cut the air, heralding its vehicle's arrival with an off key; "Doo-doo–beedoop-doop-doo-doop-beedoop-doop-doop-doo-beedoop–doo-doo-dee-doo!"

The familiar sound broke through the chill air as a giant RV came hurtling straight at the kids. When it came close to the gunners, the huge trailer swerved madly; coming within inches of them, and threatening to knock them down like bowling pins.

"Yeehaw! Yeah you'd better run you varmints!" The driver of the RV yelled out the window as the gunmen scattered, many dropping their weapons.

As they freaked out and scurried backwards, the hospital security officers were able to tackle all but one to the ground who tripped running up the steps, crashed into the iron railing and fell headfirst into the large trashcan beside the entrance.

"Na ha ha! Serves them right those scumbags! No one messes with my citizens! Yo Waldo, how's it going Homie?"

The cold glare from Mr. Carpenter showed who the driver was referring to. It would have been funny, if they weren't still possibly about to die.

The RV screeched to a halt right in front of them. Everyone stared, dumbfounded; even Jonas who broke his silence for a brief moment;

"Dubloo-Tee eff?"

There was a good reason actually, many reasons, for their confusion. One was that the driver was wearing a giant ten gallon hat with sunglasses and the other was the vehicle itself. A thirty foot long submarine sandwich decal stretched from one end of the monster to the other. Written above it was the ginormous caption "THE HERO MOBILE!" And the vehicle also donned a pair of bull horns attached to the front with an American flag waving from the top. If this was their getaway car, the group was screwed.

The driver opened the door with a huge grin, lifting his sunglasses up so they could see his twinkling blue eyes. It had a strange effect; all of a sudden the kids felt their nerves relax a little, and Josh even smiled a bit. Probably because the guy looked pretty stupid in his giant hat.

"Well, don't be shy, come on in before your friends escape or call more of their buddies to beat the crap out of you! Hahahaha! What, never seen a hero before? Come one!"

Reluctantly, the children got on board. The driver closes the door, but not before noting Jonas' damaged hands.

"Ouch. Sweden, if you need some supplies to fix him up, there's a first aide kit in the back."

Sandy and Ally looked at the driver in confusion. Did he just say-woah!

The RV took off with a jolt going from zero to fifty in about five seconds. The kids all fell backwards, some tumbling over, while Kevin landed on top of Parker and Josh grabbed the top luggage rack at the last second.

All in all, from the terrorist attack, to the shooting, to the attack in the hospital and the kidnapping of May Alex and now the being jumbled around on a crazy van going to who knows where; it had not been a very good day.

"Go Fish~ve!"

"Damn Veniciano! Why are you better than me at everything!"

"Hmm, what was-a that?"

"Nothing… just just… Chigi!" The angry Italian knocked over the card table and stormed out of the room.

Why did Feli have to be so damn persistent? That potato jerk had already caught him trying to make contact with that girl twice, and now he was probably planning to try again! Yeesh, stupid little brother; he was as good at being sneaky and clever as Lovino was at… everything else. Grr…

Lovi sighed and leaned against the outside of the building while lighting a cigarette. Yeah well, at least he was allowed to see his kid. Of course… that was kind of all China's fault, and the boy couldn't have a normal life… Eh.

The phone rang from inside for the third time, and Lovi cursed. He threw the butt on the ground and snuffed it with his boot. Veniciano was probably sleeping, that lazy bastard. Now he had to answer it. Grr…

Lovino rushed into the house, slammed the door, tripped on the carpet, grabbed the edge of a table (which fell) and lunged for the phone just in time.

"Yeah? Lovino Vargas-a here; this had-a better be important or I'll shove an umbrella up your- what… oh hey Sweden… he he… I was-a totally joking, ve~."


"Eh well… what is it… what? What! WHAT! VENICI!"

They had got her.