Authors note: well I decided to write one of these since I completely love these stories… it may seem cliché at the beginning, but I assure you, it is the same but not the same, and it has very different twists to it…

Disclaimer: if I owned PJATO, would I be writing fanfics?, No?, well there's your answer


I trudged through the slushy mud on the side of the highway. I was cold, wet, and miserable. I, Percy Jackson, am truly alone.

After the Giant war, my jerk of a brother came along, being chased by the Minotaur. Now just because he defeated him, he is suddenly the best warrior the camp has ever seen, blah blah blah. Everyone left me for him, except for Annabeth, Thalia, Grover and Nico, but Thalia was with the Hunters, Grover was busy being the lord of the wild, and Nico was in the underworld with his dad Hades. The only one left was Annabeth, and even she was growing even more distant. How about instead of moaning about it, I'll just tell you what happened.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had just come back from the hospital were my mom was being treated for some unknown illness. So I thought 'why don't I go visit my truly wonderful and amazing girlfriend', to see if she could keep my mind of my mom.

I headed to place were Annabeth was surely to be; The Athena cabin. Thinking that I should surprise my wise girl, I silently opened the door about an inch and peeked into the cabin. The sight before me was hurtful. I could feel the sadness, and betrayal hit me like a bullet right through my heart.

There was Annabeth kissing another guy, and not just any guy. That jerk that my dad claimed as my brother.

Even though I felt the anger build up, I bottled it up. I silently opened the door a bit more, and crept inside and leaned against the book shelf, waiting for them to notice.

They kept on sucking each others faces for about a minute before they finally broke apart for air. Max had this smug look on his face, and Annabeth had a dreamy look to her.

"You were right, you are better then Percy" Annabeth said, kissing Max another time.

"See I told you Annabeth, I'm way better at anything that stupid brother of mine" Max said kissing Annabeth longer.

I smirked as an idea came to me. I held out 2 fingers as in counting the number of insults Max and Annabeth said about me.

They broke apart once more.

"You are definably a better kisser then Percy"

Another finger up.

"Way hotter then he is"

Another finger up

"And in overall just a hero"

Another finger up.

"I know I'm way better then that thing that my dad claimed as my brother"

Heh wow they are really nonobservant. Another shocker, they are up to five insults… well, might as well but in before I get to 200.

"Wow Annabeth, I never knew you hated me so much" I said loudly in a sarcastic voice, with a fake grin/smirk on my face, which I think turned into a real one, once I saw there expressions.

I'm telling you now, it was hilarious. Annabeth and Max jumped away from each other, Max tripping over a fallen book, and Annabeth banging into the nearby bookshelf, causing some to fall.

"P-p-Percy I didn't see, hear… I'm sorry…I don't know… Its not what it looks like" Annabeth managed to stammer out.

"Oh really Annabeth… do you want to know what it looks like to me? It looks like you were, I don't know, cheating, on me" I say getting of the door frame and glaring at her.

"Well obviously, I am so much better then you" Max sneered, narrowing his eyes at me.

I glared even harder at them both, before silently turning on my heels, but before I walked away I said something to the both of them.

"You will never forget me Annabeth Chase and Max Chapel, for you will suffer the wrath of Percy Jackson" I said darkly at them, with out looking at them, and walked out the Athena cabin, and over Half-Blood Hill, unknown to what would become of me, who I would be, and who I was going to be.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Line Break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So yeah, that's how my life turned out after I saved their useless butt's from the titans and giants.

It is also why I'm walking on the side of a highway in the rain, cold, wet, weaponless, and completely alone.

I grumbled to myself as I bowed my head to keep the rain of my face. Stupid camp, Stupid Max, Stupid Anna-


I felt myself connect with another being, and topple over to the ground.

"Gah, you Idiot watch were you going!" the person shouted.

"Well, sorry" I said sarcastically "if you haven't noticed, no one could see a thing in this weather.

It came out of my mouth before I even saw the person.

He was about my age, 17, maybe 18. Tall, about 6ft 2, blonde hair, and piercing grey eyes…

"Malcolm?" I asked confused. The last person who ever saw him was me and… that girl. And that was 2 or 3 years ago, and no one knew where he went.

"No, I'm Mary, of cause I'm Malcolm, now excuse me I've got a message to deliver," he said, not seeming to recognize me.

So he walked on muttering something about a war, and a chip…

"Wait!" I shouted after him

"It's me! Percy!" I said, running to catch up to him.

He turned about and looked me up and down.

"Percy? What are you doing out here?" he asked looking confused.

"Well, your lovely dear sister of yours cheated on me with my jerk of a brother who everyone loves, and they forgot me for him" I said.

Then as an afterthought: " what are you doing out here?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Well, it will take a long time to explain, and I rather not in this weather either. But to put it in short terms, I am delivering a message." He said

I almost laughed.

"How does delivering a message become a long story?" I asked stifling back a laugh.

"Ha-ha, I know it sounds stupid, but trust me, it's a very long story." He said laughing

"Hey would you care to join me? And if you join the err… group that I'm in, you'll have a new start at life, and it's a pretty cool place" he said, nearly as an after thought.
"Ummm… sure. I'll have to know more about this ' group' before I join though" I say.

" Great!" he said, " I can give this message to Sam, but for now, it's time to meet, Robin Hood, The Huntsman, and Commander of Chaos."

Haha I loved that ending, I found it perfect. Yeah… well I hoped you enjoyed, and, to get the next chapter you'll have to review… I'll need atlest 5 reveiws… and im serious, I wont post until I get 5 reveiws. And counts on all my stories.
