Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. Tite Kubo does!

A/N: I just want to say that in this story, Rukia's hair is like her old hair, her shoulder length hair. Hehe. Don't get me wrong, I love Rukia's new hair, but I just love her old hair more. Anyway, enjoy!

It all began when Ichigo was asked by Renji to join a hollow hunting time with the Soul Society guys; Ikkaku, Yumichika, Hisagi, Kira, and Iba. After hunting, usually the guys would have some sake until mid night. Tonight was no different.

"Rangiku-san and I fooled around last night. We were totally drunk. But man, last night was amazing." drunk Shuuhei said.

"That can't be good for your friendship, can it?" Kira replied.

"We're fine, we're just friends. It's ok for friends to fool around sometime. She is ok. I am ok. No strings attached,"

"Isane and I broke up, she caught me kissing with some bar girl I don't even remember. I was drunk." Iba said.

"Told you guys relationships are messy. Girls are troublesome." Ikkaku told the group.

"Yeah Ikkaku-san's partly right. I mean, I still wake up longing for the girl I can never get. I hope Momo is happy with Hitsugaya-taichou," Kira said dryly.

"How about you, Renji? How's your girl problem?" Ikkaku grinned. The other guys started laughing their asses off.

"Renji has girl problem?" Ichigo raised an eyebrow then an arrogant smirk was painted on his face.

"Oh shut up, I am over her," Renji said. "And I am not telling you guys anything this time,"

"Wooo, over her my ass." Hisagi grinned then laughed.

"Of course you're not telling us anything tonight, the problem's here," Yumichika smirked.

Ichigo started to not get this. "What's Renji's problem?" asked Ichigo, leaning into the conversation.

"You," Ikkaku answered and poked Ichigo.

"What the hell? Me? I am Renji's girl problem?" Ok Ichigo had the right to be terrified now.

Renji hit Ichigo's head with his strong fist. "Get that stupid thought outta your head, dumbass!"

"Renji had feelings for Kuchiki Rukia but could do nothing about that because she has always been Ichi's girl," Ikkaku told Ichigo. The guys laughed hard. We could blame the alcohol.

Ichigo was dumbfounded.

"It's ok, Ichigo. No hard feelings. No hard feelings. I have been over her for a pretty long time," Renji gave Ichigo a pat on the shoulder.

"Rukia is not my girl," Ichigo stopped, trying to get the words together. "We," Ichigo looked at the group straight in the eyes. "Are not together. I am not in love with her."

No one said anything.

No one (still) said anything.

No one (still) (still) said anything.


The group of hot Soul Society guys burst in laughter.

"You suck at lying," Iba said.

"Yeah sure despite all of those histories with her, the way you sacrifice almost everything for her, the way you look at her, the way you look like a hungry murderer whenever a guy flirts to her..." Ikkaku wasn't finished here.

"The way you're willing to have awkward lunch with Kuchiki-taichou every time you're in Soul Society only to make her happy," Yumichika added.

"Or the way you accompany her wherever she wants to go just to make sure that she's safe," Kira added.

"Or the way you smile out of characteristically when you're with her," Hisagi made another point.

"OR!" Renji gave Ichigo his evillest grin. "The way you gave me a death glare when Rukia said that she loved my tattoo and she loved my hair because she thought I looked great with the hair and the tattoo!"

"Despite all of those things, you are now telling us that You. Are. Not. In. Love. With. Her?" Now Ikkaku was finished. The group grinned evilly. Then they started laughing their asses off again. Then they drank some more, and more, and more.

Ichigo diasgreed.

Rukia was his friend. His best friend. His nakama. She's not his lover. He didn't have any romantic feelings for her. That would be weird. Ichigo knew Rukia was not a regular best friend, she was always special to him. She changed his world. She was the only person that could bring him back to his normal state when he was down. They shared a special bond.

She meant the world to him.


He was not in love with her.

Or was he?

Ichigo would need a lot of alcohol tonight.

When Karin, Ichigo, and Rukia were watching TV in the cold winter night, Rukia was cold. Ichigo kept her warm. They looked like a couple. Were they even the real ones? Karin didn't understand.

"Ichigo, I am cold," Rukia said. Her cheeks were red. Her skin was paler than usual.

No reply.

"Ichigo, I. Am. Cold,"

Ichigo sighed. "Come here,"

Rukia snuggled closer to the orange haired boy. Her head rested on his chest, his arms circled around her waist. His chin was on top her head. He could smell her scent, jasmine.

And by the way, Rukia had fallen asleep in his arms. But before she fell asleep,

"I always like this you know, you're always warm," she said. That, that made Ichigo smile and held her closer to him.

For some minutes Ichigo forgot that her sister was there. Her smirking evil sister was still there. And now he remembered.

"What are you smirking for?" He glared.

"Sweet," Karin said sarcastically. "Why aren't you two together again?"

No answer.

"You're in love with her, Ichi-nii,"

"I am not,"

"Says who couldn't stop grinning like an idiot when she said she liked being in your arms," Karin grinned.

Ichigo rolled his eyes.

When Keigo, Mizuiro, and Ichigo had a date with some hot girls they met at the gym, Keigo and Mizuiro had no idea they would end up accompanying Ichigo to the vet. Did they finally meet the hot girls? No. Did they meet some flurry animals that stink? Yes.

"Come on, Ichigo, hurry up! We promise to meet them at 4 p.m. We can't be late!" Mizuiro said, knocking Ichigo's apartment's door.

"Yeah, Ichigo! H-o-t, no, I mean v-e-r-y h-o-t chicks are waiting for us! I really can not wait!" Keigo added.

The door was opened. Ichigo showed up, he was wearing his favorite basketball team jersey and a pair of shorts. He was not ready to go. One more thing, he was holding a puppy in his arms. Cute little puppy.

"YOU'RE NOT READY?" Keigo screamed. How dare he, how dare he ruined his beautiful day!

"Sorry, guys. Don't think I can go," Ichigo told them. His hands were playing with the puppy's fur.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING?" Keigo screamed again.

"Geez, relax, Keigo. I didn't even agree to come along from the beginning. You two go without me,"

"Easy for you to say, mister! You know Anitha, Yume, Sonoko, and Tara agreed to go on a date with us because they couldn't take their eyes off you! If you're not going, they are not going either!" Keigo cried.

Ichigo frowned. "Not my fault. I didn't ask them to go on a date, you two did!"


"Ichigo, why you can't go with us?" Mizuiro asked.

"YOUR ANSWER BETTER BE GOOD, ICHIGOOO!" Keigo said with fake tears.

"Because," Ichigo paused, playing with the puppy again.

"Because I need to take this little, annoying, troublesome, tiny bastard to the vet," he told them.

"YOU WHAT? You choose to spend your Saturday night with this little-not-too-cute puppy instead of some hot, sexy, sporty chicks with big boobs?" Keigo's jaw dropped.

"Keigo's right. You had a hectic week with your medical study. You had been forcing yourself for your exam, you need some en-ter-tain-ment. You need to clear your head! Girls, Ichigo. Girls! And since when do you have a dog?" Mizuiro added.

"Tonight Rukia and I are going to go watch a movie, that will be enough entertainment for me. And this ugly dog is not mine. It is Rukia's. He has been ill for the past 2 days. Rukia's really worried but she can't take it to the vet, so I volunteer." Ichigo said, ran his finger through his orange folks.

"But Ichigo, you can take this puppy tomorrow, right?" Mizuiro replied.

"No can do. She was so happy when I told her I am going to take her puppy to the vet today. Can't break my promise, can I?"

"How about this. You tell Kuchiki-san that the vet is closed on Saturday... And-" Mizuiro could feel Ichigo's drawing hole on his chest with his death glare. "-and we can go to the vet now!"

"HOLD ON! So you just let Anitha, Yume, Sonoko, and Tara go only because of this tiny bastard with cute eyes and fur?" Keigo asked again. Unbelievable.

"Don't give a damn about Antha, Yue, Sansoko, and... Whatever," Ichigo answered.

"Dude, you're either gay or crazy!" Keigo told him.

"He is crazy, Keigo. Crazily in love with Kuchiki-san." Mizuiro added.

Oh please not this again. "I'm not. Say that again and you two will be Rukia's ugly puppy's dinner."

When Kon and Ichigo had conversation, usually it would end up like this: Kon was kicked out from the house or Kon was given to Yuzu or Kon was given to Ishida. This time was not different. Lesson for everyone especially Kon, never disturb Kurosaki Ichigo when he was doing his medical study task except... you were Kuchiki Rukia.

"Ichigo, I am hungry."

"Ichigo, I really, really am hungry,"

"Ichigo, let's go have lunch,"


"I am studying, Rukia. We can eat later," Ichigo finally answered.

Focus, Kurosaki. Focus. Focus. Focus. Ignore her. But to Ichigo, Rukia was impossible to be ignored. It became harder to concentrate when he could feel her presence right behind his chair, his back. He couldn't ignore her scents; jasmine, vanilla; and he absolutely couldn't ignore her arms that now were around his neck and her fingers that now were running on his chest, and he could feel her breath tickling his ear. He couldn't ignore that either. Ichigo never minded about their closeness. They were Ichigo and Rukia. They had known each other for years and they were friends. Some skin contacts, some touchings never really bothered Ichigo. Really?

"Please?" she whispered.

If you were Kuchiki Rukia, one word was enough to make Ichigo stop studying. But if you were Kon...

"Ichigo, I am hungry."

"Ichigo, I really, really am hungry,"

Still no reply.

"ICHIGO, I AM HUNGRY. ARE YOU DEAF?" Kon yelled, and then Kon made a terrible mistake. He bit Ichigo's ear.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Kon?" Ichigo snapped.

Kon was on the floor. Ichigo's foot on his body.

"I am hungry! You were fine with Nee-san doing that before!" Kon snapped back after Ichigo released him.

The orange haired shinigami didn't reply.

"Bastard! What was that? Was that an act? You act like a gentleman around Nee-san!"

"I do not and she didn't bite me, asshole! If you're hungry then eat, it's none of my business!"

"You're so unfair! Just because you're in love with Nee-san you treat her differently!"

That's it. He said it. Kon was dead meat.

Once again Kon was on the floor. Ichigo's foot was on his body.

"I can't.. pfft.. can't.. pfft.. breath.. pfft!"

"The hell I care if you can breath or not,"

"I can't, pfft, see, pfft.. what.. pfft.. Nee-san.. sees.. pfft.. in.. you.. lucky.. pfft.. bastard!"

That was why Kon was found in Yuzu's room, wearing a dress, and there was flower on his ears. Oh wait, we also could see tears in his eyes. Poor Kon.

When Tatsuki and Ichigo hang out, they simply hang out at the doujo where Tastuki was teaching at. They talked a lot, they shared stories, and of course they sparred.

"You've gotten stronger," Ichigo commented. He was kind of sweaty. Tatsuki was quiet difficult to be beaten.

"I know," the tomboy spoke up, drank her water. "You are such a softie now," she said teasingly.

"Che. I'm not," he frowned. "I don't hit girls,"

"Oh right. Guys always say that," Tatsuki said back.

There was a comfortable silence between the old best friends.

"So," Tatsuki began. "How's Rukia?"

"Rukia's currently mad at me," Ichigo spoke up.

Tatsuki laughed. "I see. That's what bothering you. What's the matter? What stupid thing did you do this time?"


"Can't be nothing." Tatsuki grabbed the snack in her bag and started eating.

"She told me she got a mission. She looked so excited. It was dangerous but she felt honoured to be chosen as the team leader, and she said she would be gone for a month,"

"And I didn't let her go." Ichigo said.

"Aww. Overprotective boyfriend are you?" Tatsuki said teasingly and ruffled Ichigo's messy orange spikes.

Ichigo wanted to argue but decided to ignore Tatsuki's previous comment. "I said it was too dangerous for her. Then she told me I wasn't being supportive and I was just like Byakuya,"

"She said I should stop being an idiot, she said I didn't understand her and she also said she didn't want to be protected by me all the time,"

"I am with you so far," Tatsuki commented.

"What the hell is her problem? I just want her to be safe. And I don't understand her? Bullshit."

"I understand why she's mad. She wants you, the person that she trusts the most, to trust her too,"

"I never think Rukia is weak, Tatsuki,"

"I know. You just can't stand it if she's out of your reach. You're afraid you can't be there if she needs help," Tatsuki said.

Ichigo let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah. You sound cheesy but that's partly true," he said, scratching the back of her neck.

"Oh and you know what's also true, Ichigo? You can't handle a month without her," Tatsuki grinned. It was always fun to tease her best friend.

Well that was partly true too.

"And, you're just too in love to let her go,"

Nah this one didn't sound right in Ichigo's ears.

"I will pretend I don't hear that," Ichigo rolled his eyes.

Tatsuki laughed. "Alright, alright. So how do you apologize to Rukia?"

"I don't know. Have something in your mind?"

"Kiss her," Tatsuki answered. "It works on girls,"

"The hell?"

"What you think I don't know? You two have kissed before, a lot."

Ichigo sighed. "Want to spar again?"

Oh be careful, Tatsuki. Someone was going to break your bones.

When Orihime confessed her feelings for Ichigo, he was really sorry to turn her down but even himself couldn't answer why he couldn't return Orihime's feeling.

"I.. Uhm.. I have.. Had feelings.. Uhm.. For Kurosaki-kun for a pretty long time..."


"It's ok! It's ok! Kurosaki-kun doesn't have to answer now,"

"Inoue," he started again.

Orihime couldn't look at Ichigo. She couldn't. She was afraid of what he was going to say to her.

"Inoue, I am sorry."

Orihime looked up, only to find a pair of hazel eyes stared deeply into her brown ones.

"I..." Orihime didn't know what to say. She was broken hearted, of course. But somehow she felt relieved she got her answer, the truth.

"I... It's fine, really! Thank you for being honest to me, Kurosaki-kun!" Orihime smiled even though her eyes were red and teary.

"I am sorry," Ichigo managed to say, still staring so deeply into Orihime's eyes.

"Kurosaki-kun, is this... is this about Kuchiki-san?"

One minute passed.
Another minute passed.


Ichigo sighed then let out a small chuckle. "What about Rukia?"

Orihime gave him an understanding yet sad smile. She knew. Then she hugged him. It was intense at first but then he began relax.



"You should tell Kuchiki-san that you love her," she murmured into his chest.

Ichigo never hit a girl especially an innocent girl. So Orihime should be thankful that she was born with a vagina.

When Uryuu came home on weekend afternoon (Uryuu and Ichigo were room mates), he usually found Ichigo and Rukia taking a nap together on the couch. Sometimes, Ichigo was awake, reading a book and Rukia was sleeping in his arms. Sometimes, Rukia was awake, watching TV without sound and playing with Ichigo's hair, and Ichigo was sleeping on her lap. This time, when Uryuu walked in, he couldn't find Rukia in their apartment.

"Where is Rukia?"

"In Soul Society, why?" Ichigo answered, didn't even look at Uryuu. He was busy with his phone.

"You texting with her?" Uryuu questioned.

Ichigo nodded. "Yeah. Want to leave a message?" once again, he didn't look at Uryuu, he was still busy with his phone.

"Tell her, my room mate misses his nap partner." Uryuu smirked.

Ichigo finally looked at his quincy friend with a glare. "Should I be offended by that?"

Uryuu smirked and sat beside Ichigo.

"Kurosaki, can I ask you about... you know, some stuffs?"

"Go on." Ichigo answered lazily, busy with his phone again.

"I have been going out with Orihime for almost a month," Uryuu spoke up.

"Yeah tell me about it," Ichigo replied, still not interested.

"You... you and Rukia, you two have done, you know, some stuffs right?"

Ichigo's eye twitched. The phone was forgotten.


Deciding by Ichigo's shocked look, Uryuu realized that his choice of words didn't sound quiet right.

"Not dirty stuffs, dumbass!" Uryuu snapped.

Ichigo was relieved. People thought they were in love with each other, he's used by that. But he and Rukia doing 'some stuffs', that was new.

"You better make your point clear before I lose interest," Ichigo said.

"I mean, you two have kissed right?"

Ichigo scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yes?"

"And you two have, you know, held hands?"

Ichigo started to think that he hated this conversation. "Uh yes?"

"And you two have danced together?"

Rukia once forced him to dance so, "Uh, yeah."

"And judging your taking a nap together habit I suppose you two have shared a bed? You know, you hold her close when you're sleeping?"

At some cold winter nights... no, every cold night, some regular nights too, so the answer would be, "Yes." Ichigo frowned. How could Ishida make him answer all of these questions again? He hated this guy.

"How did you do that for the first time, Kurosaki?" Uryuu finally made his point. "I've been trying to start things with Orihime but then I become nervous then things start to be awkward."

Ichigo was dumbfounded.

Uryuu gritted his teeth. "Yes, yes, and yes. We haven't had our first kiss, we haven't held hands, I have never played with her hair, she has never slept in my arms, and I have never done anything you have done with Rukia."

Then Ichigo started to laugh sarcastically. "Whoa, whoa. Ishida, are you sure you're asking me relationship advice?"

"I am. Whoelse can I ask?" Uryuu frowned. "Just answer my damn question, Kurosaki."

Ichigo took a deep breath. He sucked at things like this. "I don't know. I say, just do it. I don't think she will slap you."

"You suck at giving advice, Kurosaki."

"I told you, dumbass." Ichigo replied, started to be busy with his phone again.

"Kurosaki?" Uryuu began again.

"What now?"

"I know me and Orihime have just been together for like a month, but I have been in love with her for years." Uryuu started.

Ichigo didn't know what to say about this one. For years, Uryuu and Orihime didn't happen because the said girl was in love with him for God's sake. So, this was exactly the kind of social situation that Ichigo was not comfortbale with.

"I just want to ask you..."

"You have asked damn plenty questions already, if you want to ask again, then hurry up." Ichigo interrupted.

"How did you say to Rukia that you're in love with her for the first time?"

There he said it.

Ichigo couldn't want to kill this quincy more.

"Rukia. And. I. Are. Just. Friends." Ichigo said, gritting his teeth. He squeezed his phone too hard, now his phone was broken.

When Chad and Ichigo were having their quality time together, they liked to share stories. Alright, none of them was the kind of talkative guy but when it came to Chad and Ichigo, Chad was the listener and Ichigo was quite the talker. This time, they were having a drink in some bar.

"I don't understand her, you know. She said she would have time for me this weekend, then Renji came and then they took off to Soul Society," Ichigo said, his face flushed because of the alcohol he drank.

Chad was with him so far.

"'I am sorry, Ichigo. It's an emergency'. Bullshit." He drank some more.

"You should see her happy face when Renji came to pick her up, they were laughing. That's one funny emergency, huh?" He went on and drank more alcohol.

"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday for Soul Society. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, for me. That's the damn deal,"

Chad could tell his best friend was really drunk. He said 'for me' and Chad knew it should have been 'for us', by us, it meant Ichigo, Chad, Orihime, Ishida, and some other friends in the living world. That was the true deal.

"I hate her, I hate her, and her stupid Soul Society, and her stupid Renji,"

"You're drunk and you're jealous, Ichigo." Chad finally said something.

"Oh no," Ichigo chuckled in a mocking tone. "No, no, not you too, Chad," he chuckled some more. How many alcohol had he consumed tonight?

"I am tired," he paused, took a sip of his drink again, "of people telling me that," he placed his head on the table, "I am in love with Rukia," he finished his sentence.

Chad drank his beer. "So, you're not?"

"You know me," Ichigo grinned.

Drunk Kurosaki Ichigo looked so handsome with that grin, too bad the girl wasn't here...

Whining about the girl not being here with him tonight because she was out with some guy was one strange way of convincing someone that he wasn't in love with the girl. Ichigo's smart way that's it.

A/N: There is it! If you like it, tell me! That will help me continue with the other characters like Isshin, Kenpachi, or Byakuya (insert evil laugh here). So in this story Ichigo and Rukia do what people do in a relationship, but they never really think about where they are. I always think Ichigo is always so stubborn so he won't admit that he's in love with her. LOL. This A/N is forever. Constructive cricisms are welcomed! :)