I ran. I ran as fast as I could, down the unknown streets. I did not know where I was. I did not know the way. All I knew is that I had to run, escape, flee. From who I was running, I did not know. Only having ripped off my blindfold after I started running, and not having dared to look behind me.

I heard the clanking of shoes against the tiled sidewalk behind me and I started running faster. I dashed into an alley of sorts, that lead to the backyard doors of this street and the street behind it.

I noticed, that up ahead one of the doors was slightly ajar. I ran to it and dashed through. Letting it shut behind me. I quickly looked around. Nothing to hide behind. I ran up to the backdoor of the house and jiggled the handle. Surprisingly it opened, I dashed in closing it behind me. Faintly hearing the backyard door being jiggled before I shut the door.

Seeing as the door stayed shut I figured they thought it's either the wrong yard or it must have fell into the lock when it closed behind me. I leaned against the wall, catching my breath. Until I heard banging on the front door with screams of 'We know you're in there!' and 'Open the hell up or you're dead kid!'.

I quickly looked around and saw a staircase and ran upstairs. I ended up in a hallway and opened one of the doors sliding inside as quietly as possible. Just as the door shut I heard a loud back and a crash. They kicked in the door. I had to stay silent now. I looked around, I had dashed into the bedroom of whoever lived here.

I saw an ajar door, I peeked in and saw it was a closet full of boxes. I saw a big one that was empty standing there. I carefully picked it up and slid it aside, taking it's spot.

I heard footsteps coming upstairs. I had the hurry. I picked up the box with one hand and softly closed the closet door. I then proceeded to put the box over me, it completely concealing me. It didn't have any flaps either. And if you looked from the outside, you won't be able to tell which way is the bottom or top. And from the smell of it, it probably came with something this person just recently bought.

I was trying to stop my panting, taking deep calming breaths, staying deathly silent as I heard the door of the bedroom open. I heard footsteps, shuffling and hushed voices. I stopped breathing altogether as I heard them creak open the closet door. One of them cursed and mumbled about, 'having lost him', then the door fell shut. I heard them go downstairs and eventually their voices too died down as they left.

I stayed where I was. Not moving. Finally catching my breath. At one point I threw off the box and curled up against the wall. Everything finally crashed down on me. I was in an strangers house, in the middle of a city I did not recognize, god knows how many miles from home, and worst of all. I was alone. Completely and utterly ALONE. I felt something wet escape my eyes and realized I had started crying. I buried my head in my knees and let everything out.

This just came to me while I cycled to intern, thank god It remained in my head all day. Stupid of me to start ANOTHER multichap but this was a nice break from my xmas fics. I gotta get crankin on them now again. Still gotta do the Jagan and Mimes! Wish me Luck!