Okay, this is my corny Christmas chapter but I threw in Donna to make it awesome ^.- Hope you all liked it! :D

Harvey was pretty sure the only thing keeping Donna from ripping his head off at the moment was the purse he'd just given her for Christmas. He'd decided to soothe the raging beast known affectionately as his secretary with gifts of designer handbags and hoped it would be enough to calm to impending storm. It simply acted as hurricane shutters.

"He fell through a frozen lake!" Donna snarled, glaring at Harvey viciously. "He fell off a bridge and into a frozen lake! What the hell, Harvey!"

"I know, Donna, and I'm sorry but he's okay, I promise. I took care of it."

"It shouldn't have happened in the first place!" She raged on, swatting him on the arm hard enough to leave a mark. "He could have died, Harvey! Died!"

Harvey hadn't mentioned Mike's near drowning but he didn't need to. Donna was smart, one of the smartest women he knew, and she could piece two and two together like the best of them. She'd guessed there was more to the story than Harvey was letting on and had come to her own conclusion. Which happened to be right on the mark.

"I can't believe this happened! What if you hadn't found him? What if you couldn't get him out!" Donna scrubbed at her face angrily. "Ugh, you boys are going to give me grey hairs!"

Harvey sighed and collapsed on her spotless leather couch. "I know Donna, trust me when I say I went through every single thought that you did. I kept thinking about that over and over again: what if I was too late? What if I didn't find him? But I did, I did find him and he's okay." There was finality to that statement, almost a reassurance in a way, and Harvey felt the couch sink next to him as Donna dropped down beside him.

She let out a long breath, much of her anger leaving with it, and slumped into the cushions. "God, Harvey…what are we going to do with that kid? He has no self-preservation instincts…"

Harvey nodded slightly and said nothing. Mike put everything he had into everything he did and it was usually to the point of his own downfall. Between he and Donna, they'd been trying to break him of that habit just enough to learn to fend for himself in the world of cut-throat corporate law but it hadn't seemed to have any effect. Donna showed her concern more than Harvey did but he was just as worried as she was.

"I don't know, he's a little old to sign up for Boy Scouts now," Harvey joked and Donna punched him in the arm playfully.

"No, I think I'm just going to get him micro chipped for Christmas and give him a collar with a tag that says 'If Found, Please Return To…'" Donna sighed, slumping sideways and resting her head against her boss's shoulder. She was silent for a minute before continuing. "He's really okay?"

"He's really okay, I promise," Harvey assured her in his most calming voice. "I think you need to start feeding him though, that kid is stupidly skinny."

"Oh, I'll do more than feed him," Donna snapped, a bit of her previous irritation returning. "The next time I see him I'm going to smack him upside the head for nearly giving me a heart attack."

Harvey smirked and nodded. "Yeah, I'm with you there."


The afternoon passed by unremarkably and Harvey called Jessica to let her know they'd gotten back. She explained that their case had been moved back until after the Christmas holiday so he was off the hook as far as the Hudson case went for the time being. "Besides," she'd told him, her dark voice calm and soothing as ever. "It's Christmas Eve. Stop thinking about work for a minute and enjoy the holiday."

Harvey had completely lost track of the days he'd been gone and hadn't even realized it was Christmas Eve until Jessica said something. He'd vaguely wondered why Donna wasn't up at work but the thought never made itself known in a verbal statement. Well, considering the rest of the day was now open…

That being said, Harvey collapsed almost bonelessly into the couch, flipping on the TV and settling on the first channel it came to. There was some generic Christmas movie playing across the screen idly and it was all the same sappy storylines that were reproduced every year but Harvey found he really didn't mind. He watched the show through half-lidded eyes until exhaustion finally won over and he fell asleep just as Silent Night began to play on the TV

He was jolted awake some time later by someone knocking on his door. He frowned, looking around his darkened apartment and wondering how long he'd been asleep. Night had already fallen and the city was aglow with hundreds of strands of Christmas lights. It was Christmas Eve and he was alone again.

He sighed, getting up from the couch and making his way to the door. Probably the neighbor across the hall coming to wish him a Merry Christmas. He was in no mood for this but he turned the doorknob, opening the door anyway and coming face-to-face with Mike.

The younger man looked much better than he had the day before, his complexion back to normal and a warm smile on his face. He took one look at Harvey's disheveled appearance and laughed softly. "Thought you were going to sleep through Christmas, huh?"

Harvey frowned a bit, confused for a second. "What are you doing here?"

Mike's smile faltered for a split second and he looked away. "I uh…I thought you wanted to me to stop by for Christmas."

"No, I mean, I did but…why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your grandmother?"

Mike's smile returned a little. "I'm going to spend the whole day with her tomorrow but I figured you could use some company tonight." He still looked a bit uncertain and added, "I mean, if you still wanted to."

"Yeah, yeah sure. Come on in." He stepped to the side, allowing the younger man into his apartment and brushing past him to turn on a lamp. "Make yourself at home while I change into something more comfortable." And God, that was not supposed to sound as sexual as it did and Harvey immediately disappeared into the bedroom. He heard Mike chuckle from the living room and contented himself to rummaging through his drawers to find some more comfortable clothes.

He found a pair of old sleep pants and long-sleeve t-shirt and slipped them on in place of the rumpled suit he'd been wearing since yesterday. He'd mourn the tragic life of the suit later but for now he was content to just toss it on the bed and leave it there.

Mike was curled up on the couch when he got back, two small, wrapped gifts sitting on the coffee table. Harvey frowned, looking at the gift curiously. "What are those?"

Mike smiled a little and nodded toward the gifts. "They're called presents, Harvey. Its what people do for each other during the holidays."

Harvey wanted to roll his eyes and protest that yes, he knew what presents were, but he stopped himself. "But I haven't gotten anything for you yet."

Mike shook his head. "I don't want anything, you've done more than enough for me." He smiled again and silent understanding passed between them. Thanks, friendship, loyalty, all of those things combined into one look. It was all Mike needed to say without ever opening his mouth. Finally, he smiled and looked back at the table. "Well, are you just going to stand there or are you going to open them?"

Harvey resisted the urge to roll his eyes again and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to Mike and taking one of the gifts. It was heavy and distinctly bottle-shaped and he knew what it was without even having to open it. Upon ripping the paper, his suspicions were confirmed. Mike had found his favorite brand of scotch and carefully wrapped it in dark green paper. He knew it wasn't cheap and he had no idea how the younger man had stashed away the money for it but he didn't ask. The second package was much smaller and thinner, neatly wrapped in the same green paper with a silver bow on the front. He opened it and bit back a laugh as he came face to face with A Muppets Christmas Carol.

Mike was grinning next to him. "See, now its officially a tradition. If you do it more than once, you have to mark it down as a tradition in my book."

"Its not a tradition," Harvey commented and Mike frowned in confusion. "Its not a tradition because last year I was alone and this year I'm not. See? Its not a true tradition if something like that has changed."

Mike shrugged casually. "Well, we can make it a tradition this year then."

Harvey nodded with a smile. "I'd like that."

A small silence filled the room, quiet save for the TV playing softly in the background. Finally, Mike broke the silence with a small smile. "Merry Christmas, Harvey.

"Merry Christmas, Mike."

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my dears! Hope you all have a great one! :D