Hey guys! Dear God, I haven't written anything in forever! Curse you college and your difficult classes! *angry fist shake at the sky* Anyway, this is a little Christmas story in response to a prompt over on the LJ site. I saved this prompt back in July and just now got around to writing it O.o Its not overtly slash but there will be some slashy elements later on! Hope everyone enjoys! :D
Disclaimer: I own nothing because you can believe if I did, Mike would be tied up in a shiny red bow right about now! XD
Harvey hated the holidays. Okay, so maybe "hate" was a bit too strong of a word but he definitely didn't like them. He disliked all the emphasis on family and togetherness and love and how it all seemed to center around commercialism. He disliked the sappy holiday music and movies that bombarded the airwaves from October 20th to January 1st so that he couldn't go anywhere without hearing something resembling Jingle Bells for over two months. And he especially disliked the way all of his clients and coworkers casually questioned him about what his plans were for the impending holiday season.
The truth was Harvey had no plans for this Christmas, just like he hadn't had any for last Christmas or the Christmas before. Christmas was a time for family and friends, both of which Harvey was short on. His mother was more than likely off on a cruise or indisposed in the Bahamas with her newest fling and his father made it a point to stay as busy as possible during the holidays. He would usually get a call from his mother Christmas Eve lasting all of about five minutes, just long enough to assure her that he was still alive and for her to wish him happy holidays before she hung up and it would be another three months before he spoke to her. His father would send a card, something cheap and likely from the Hallmark aisle in Walgreens, and that would be the extent of their interaction for the season.
Harvey wasn't bothered by it, in fact he'd grown so accustomed to the limited interaction with his parents over the past few years that it barely even fazed him anymore. His parents had never really been into the spirit of togetherness when he was growing up and now it was even more apparent they didn't support that aspect of the holidays. Their mutual dismissal of the holiday had rubbed off on Harvey at a young age and he had formed his own dislike of "the most wonderful time of the year" as he grew up. Sure, he participated in the PH Christmas party every year and dropped a $10 into the little Good Will buckets outside the department stores but for the most part Harvey let Christmas roll off of him like water off a duck's back.
He rolled his eyes slightly, remembering for the first time that the Christmas party was that Friday. He'd almost completely forgotten about it and had it not been for the memo Jessica sent out that morning he would have. The Christmas party was never anything fancy, just a time for all of the employees to get together and spread a little holiday cheer. If he'd had it his way, Harvey would have skipped the whole damn thing entirely in favor of finding a beautiful woman to take home that night but Donna had other plans.
Donna, unlike Harvey, adored everything about Christmas and New Years and everything else that went along with it. She was one of the those people who started decorating her house in October just to be ready for the month of December. Her desk had been decked out in an assortment of Holly berry stationary and reindeer post-it notes since November 3rd and there was even a very tiny potted fir tree on the corner of her desk that had a homemade gold star on the top. Donna loved Christmas and she would be damned if Harvey didn't at least pretend like he liked it around her. The one year he'd skipped the Christmas party, she showed up at his apartment and threatened him with vast amounts of bodily harm if he didn't get his Armani suited ass to the firm and show a little Christmas cheer. She called him a Grinch and he called her Max which was about as close as he could get to calling her a bitch without getting shanked with a letter opener. So no, skipping the Christmas party was not an option at least as far as Donna was concerned.
She'd been dropping hints all month about what she'd like for Christmas and Harvey had already gotten her gift tucked away at his apartment. Donna was a damn good secretary and deserved all the praise she could get so Harvey always made sure to get her a really nice gift even if he didn't enjoy the holiday. She'd been about as subtle at hinting at a new Gucci purse as a billboard in the middle of Times Square so Harvey had no trouble knowing exactly what she wanted from him. He'd had the purse at his house since November 1st and was getting antsier the longer he had to hold on to it. Then, to add to his discomfort, Donna had started asking him about what he was going to get Mike.
Harvey sighed inwardly. He'd been wondering how to handle Mike when it came to Christmas. Part of him wanted to get something for his associate and the other part of him was vehemently against the idea. Mike tended to get all googly eyed when Harvey even complimented him, he had no idea how the kid would react if he actually got a gift from his boss. He'd probably fall into a heap of gratitude and Harvey would never be able to live it down. Still, maybe a gift would snap Mike out of whatever mood he was in.
The younger man had been unusually subdued lately, sitting quietly at his desk and working just as hard as ever but there was something off about him. He still smiled and joked around with Harvey but it never seemed genuine, more a show than anything. Harvey figured it had something to do with the holidays but he didn't really know how to breech the subject without sounding like a shoulder to cry on. The last thing he needed was for Mike to break down in tears on Harvey's doorstep because then he'd really never be able to get rid of him.
Donna, perceptive mother hen that she was, had suggested that Mike was lonely and that maybe Harvey should ask him to spend Christmas with him. Harvey had almost laughed in her face but figured that would be the quickest way in the world to end up with a semi-permanent handprint on his cheek so he decided against it. He had to admit Donna was right, he'd been thinking the same thing for a while now but would never say it out loud. He'd been going over all the ways to casually ask Mike to spend the holidays with him in his head but couldn't figure out a way to do it without making it sound like they were giggly high school sweethearts. Christmas was still a week away though so he had time to come up with a better approach than the ones he was working with now. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have someone around for the holidays this year. With that thought in mind, he turned his attention back to the file he'd been working on and buried himself in the paperwork.
Ohhh Harvey, you're such a Scrooge :p Hope you guys like it so far! :D