Alright before we talk about this story at all. Can I just make a comment about the finale? This is where you stop reading, if you haven't watched it yet. Although, I'm assuming you all have. Robin is the bride! Which we all knew and predicted, but it's official. Swarkles is canon! Words cannot describe my happiness. Ahhhhhh!
Okay, anyways...hahah. This is the last chapter of this story! I thought there'd be two more, but I really liked the way this ended so, yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I really loved writing it. I'm obviously going to continue writing more HIMYM stories, especially since we have to wait until September for new episodes. What are we going to do? I don't know if I'm going to make it. But if you are having HIMYM withdrawals as well, check out my other stories. Thank you guys so much for all your wonderful reviews and support. It means a lot and I hope you liked this story!
"Wow." Robin muttered.
"I know it's a lot to take in," Barney shrugged waiting for some sort of rejection to come.
"Wow," she repeated.
"Yeah, you already said that…"
"I just- I don't know. I wasn't expecting that."
"I wasn't going to say anything, but Ted wouldn't let it go. And he said if I didn't tell you, he would and if you were going to find out I at least wanted you to find out from me…" He explained trying to remain calm. It's not like he expected Robin to jump into his arms with a declaration of love, he was expecting something, though. But she just kept staring at him.
"I don't know if this is a good idea. I mean, it didn't work out the first time. What if were too awesome to be together?"
"Robin, I've been a lot of places and seen a lot of things, but I've never seen anything that's too awesome. It's impossible for there to be too much awesome. You're awesome and I'm obviously awesome. And awesome times awesome doesn't cancel it out, if anything it's awesome squared, which sounds pretty awesome if you ask me." He said with a slight smile waiting for Robin's answer.
"You're an idiot." She laughed and shook her head taking a step toward him.
"Am I your idiot?" He asked pulling her closer. He saw the slight panic in her eyes and quickly backtracked. "I mean- I don't mean- I don't- we don't have to-" Barney sputtered off and then took a deep breath. "We don't have to put a label on it." Honestly, he didn't want a label on it. That would just set standards that he wasn't sure he could reach. "I don't have to be your boyfriend. I just want you to know that I'm in this and I'm done sleeping with other girls."
"Barney-" She interrupted, but he wouldn't let her speak.
"No, I am because there's nothing out there that another girl can do, that you can't. Trust me, I tried to get this girl to do that thing we did the other week. Apparently not every girl can bend her legs that way. Plus, they're not as hot as you." I know we suck at relationships, but I want to try." He admitted quietly.
"I'm worried it'll ruin our friendship. I don't want to lose you, Barney."
"Robin, and I hate to be a downer here, but I think we already ruined our friendship the moment we started the whole friends with benefits thing…" Robin chewed on her bottom lip thinking it over. "You don't have to decide right now, but at least think about it." She smiled and took another step toward him gently pressing her lips against his.
"You're my idiot."
"Hey guys," Barney and Robin greeted sitting down across from Marshall, Ted, and Lily in their normal booth. Ted and Lily looked at them expectantly, but Barney and Robin continued on nonchalantly as if nothing had happened.
"Hey guys? That's all you have to say is 'hey guys'?" Lily asked getting frustrated. Barney shrugged and Robin took a sip of her drink.
"Did you read the speech?" Ted asked bouncing in his seat.
"What is going on?" Marshall questioned looking between the rest of the people at the table.
"Yes, Lily. That is all we have to say. And no, Ted, I did not read your lame, corny speech. I made up my own awesome speech in the moment and it was legen- wait for it! Dary! Legendary!"
"Hey! I worked hard on that speech!" Ted pouted crossing his arms.
"Ted, you started it with 'I love you', you didn't really think I was going to read that?" Barney scoffed.
"What is happening?" Marshall yelled gaining everyone's attention.
"I think…I think Barney and Robin are in a relationship." Marshall's eyes widened and his face lit up.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," the two of them protested as soon as the words left Ted's mouth.
"Barney and I are way too awesome to be in a relationship." Robin laughed rolling her eyes.
"So, then what's going on here?" Lily asked in a stern voice.
"We are hanging out and having sex exclusively with each other."
"Well, I think someone's checking out your exclusive sex partner." Lily said gesturing to the back of the bar. Barney turned in his chair and noticed that there was a guy staring at Robin. Barney sent the man the meanest glare he could manage before placing his arm possessively around Robin's shoulders.
"Dude, chill!" She said adjusting herself under his arm. "Just because he's staring at me doesn't mean I'm going to talk to him."
"He's coming over here."
"Hey buddy, I don't know what you're planning on saying, but let me save you the trouble and embarrassment. She's taken." Barney smirked.
"Yeah, I got that." The man laughed and then turned his attention toward Robin. "I'm sorry, you just look really familiar and it was driving me crazy. Do we know each other from somewhere?"
"The classic 'do I know you?' line." Barney scoffed. "Not gonna work," he mumbled jealousy clear in his voice. Robin elbowed him in the ribs and he groaned. He was trying not to be jealous, but he didn't want to share Robin. He really liked her, maybe even loved her, and he really wasn't a fan of random guys trying to hit on her. He knew it would happen, but he hated it already.
"It's not a line," the guy insisted. "Did we used to work together or something?"
"Uhm, I don't think so…" Robin trailed off, a look of concentration on her face.
"Maybe high school," he said chewing on his lower lip. "Did you grow up in Canada?" Robin smiled.
"I did actually!" He understood Robin was excited to meet a fellow Canadian, especially because they were less than polite about her home country, but he wanted to make this guy go away. Everyone at the table was focused on Robin's conversation and Barney couldn't stand it.
"Hey, there's a sale going on at Sharper Image, do you guys want to go to the mall?" What happened the next couple of seconds confused Barney. As soon as the word mall left his mouth, Robin paled and the stranger's face lit up.
"No way!" He cheered.
"No, no, no, no," Robin mumbled burying her head in her hands.
"No way!" The man repeated. "You're Robin Sparkles!"
"No, I'm not!" Robin quickly denied. "She was a blonde."
"Well, you may have dyed your hair and gotten older, but you are definitely Robin Sparkles." He said sure of himself. "Man, I knew I recognized you from somewhere. I used to have a poster in my room."
"Little creepy, dude." Robin muttered glaring at the bar.
"Any chance you'll get up and sing Let's Go to the Mall?"
"Not at all." She said taking a swig of beer.
"Hey, what ever happened to Jessica Glitter?"
"Dude! Take a hint and go away."
"Can I at least get an autograph?" Robin decided to ignore the man and instead turned back to her friends.
"So, what did you guys do today?"
"Oh, you do not get off that easy." Lily laughed. "Who is Robin Sparkles?"
"You guys don't have to worry about it." She shrugged leaning against Barney's arm.
"Oh, I think we do." Marshall smiled widely.
"Yes, as your exclusive sex partner I don't think we should keep secrets from each other." Barney chimed in. He didn't know who Robin Sparkles was, but it sounded like a good porn name. Plus there was a Jessica Glitter. What if Robin did girl on girl porn?
"Really? Then what's your job?" She asked raising an eyebrow at Barney.
"Something that's powerful enough to find out who Robin Sparkles is whether or not you tell us." Barney shrugged taking a sip of his beer.
"Ugh, come on." Robin muttered standing up.
"Where are we going?" Ted asked.
"I can't just tell you who Robin Sparkles is. I have to show you…" She said regretfully.
"Yes!" He cheered with a fist pump. "It's porn, isn't it?" He smiled widely following Robin up the steps. "Robin was a porn star!" Barney whispered to Ted.
"If Robin was a porn star, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't show us." Ted said debunking Barney's theory.
"You're such a spoil sport, Ted." Barney mumbled like a petulant child. Robin quickly pulled up a video entitled 'Let's Go to the Mall' and backed away as the other four gathered around the computer. Everyone was bouncing on their feet in excitement once Barney hit the play button.
"This is so totally porn." Barney commented when the beginning of the video started.
"I wish." Robin muttered from the other side of the table.
"Oh my God!" Lily squealed once the song started.
"Nice robot," Marshall smiled.
"Guys, Robin is rapping!" Ted cheered, eyes wide. Barney continued to stare at the screen completely speechless. After the video was over all four of them turned toward Robin, shock written all over their faces.
"I used to be a teenage pop-star in Canada." Robin admitted. Barney took a couple steps toward her and then broke into a wide smile.
"My girlfriend is awesome!" He cheered pulling Robin into a hug.
"Can we never mention this again?" She asked from her place in Barney's arms.
"Are you kidding me? I'm going to show this to everyone at work and watch it a million more times. Please tell me there's another video or a CD? Robin! Is there a Robin Sparkles fan club? Do you still have the robot? Do you have the jean jacket? Can we watch the video again?" Barney walked back over to the computer hitting the replay button. "This is awesome! You're awesome! My girlfriend is awesome!" He repeated entranced by the video.
"Awh, Barney is in a committed relationship and Robin used to be a Canadian pop-star. This is the best day ever!" Marshall smiled sitting down on the couch.
"Do you guys want to go on a double date with us?" Lily asked. Barney and Robin looked at each other in horror.
"I guess so…" Robin finally acquiesced after a moment of silence. They really couldn't deny their best friends.
"It'll be the best night ever!" Marshall said patting Barney on the back. "You guys like Gouda, right?"