This story has started from 2011, and ended in 2012. Between these 5 months, I am pretty sure that most of you might have given up on me already. But in case you haven't I do ask for you to leave me a message on tumblr. Because it is just so necessary for me to acknowledge your perfect existence in my ff life. A million and one thank you to all the subscriptions. The numbers just shot up tremendously that I was completely overwhelmed by all the love showered upon me. I understand that you wouldn't want to waste your time reading my gratitude speech, but there is just something I have to say to the reviewers.

Angel-eyed Vampire, the anon from ch. 2, cici, edurrant0404, finchel-frankenberry-gleek, geekygleek, Georgia, julgleek, justahopelessromantic, kezztip, maybelle22, monteiths, sweetsinger4321, I reckon none of you are here anymore, especially since I've changed my username. But in case you are, I'd just like to say that your contribution means the world to me, and honestly, without even that one comment, I wouldn't have had the strength to carry on the story for you guys. Just because I hardly mention you anymore, it doesn't change the fact that I appreciate the effort for commenting. My heart is warmed up by your compassion, and just a million thanks for everything. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Annpatrick, Bananappancakes, Brookedavis23, Carcarbeepbroom, FinchelFever33, Imabfamous, Jellybeangirl9792, Kaylabeth21, Kissforthewinner, Laylita83, Lovetheday, Mandy-twinkletoes, Melly233, Mudbloodgleek, PerfectFinchel, Sammystump, Sliguu, Sourilove, Supabec, Taralynnn x, Theluckyclover, okay, some of you may have commented more than the others, but can I just say that it doesn't matter? IT DOESN'T MATTER! Because honestly, I understand how scary it is to comment. I mean, all I gotta do is just add the story to my favorites, and that's good enough isn't it? Well, no. Because you guys have gone the extra mile to comment. And what's more, the reviews are always so encouraging and supportive! I don't know how you guys do that, really I don't. You have no idea how much brighter my world seems whenever you guys leave you tail behind in the list, and the fact that it got up to over 200, it's just wow. Breathtaking and exquisite, all of you, each of you is just so very dear to me.

Noro, my darling, wherever you are right now, you are just I don't know. Flawless could quite be the closest description I've got for you. You managed to make me remember you, right from the start. You have no idea how encouraging it is for me whenever you leave one comment down. Every. Single. Chapter. Seriously, I do wish you could read this, and if you are, I'm sending my love.

PaochiCute, my darling friend whom I've missed so very dearly. I don't know if you've seen my PM to you, and I have indeed written something there. Anyhow, you are just so precious to have commented at everything. My love for you are beyond the oceans and the skies, and to wherever you are right now, thank you for being a complete angel in my life. So much love from me, to you my sweetheart. Xoxo.

Sarasetif, G'day girl! Like I've said, I have uploaded everything today and you know honestly, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the determination to finish everything so quickly. So thank you, for being my motivation. You are just such a precious little doll, and yes. DO GET A TUMBLR because I am dying to know you better. You are a wonderful human being and I'm just so glad to have someone like you in my life.

Finally, to all who have subscribed, my boundless love and gratitude. The Other End is actually the story that I'm most excited about, so if I'll see you there, then thank goodness, this is not the end. But in case some of you who aren't that interested, and this is my last message to you, thank you for being here. I wish you well, and may you always be joyful in whatever you do.

Signing off, Ashley.