One year later:
Skye pushed open the door to her favourite shop and entered the familiar ring of the bell that was almost drowned out from the noise of the busy kids that always crowded the store. She weaved in and out of the crowds that filled the shop, heading to the winding staircase where she knew her favourite twins would be stood, laughing and joking as they always did.
Skye was dressed in her nicest dress, her red hair had been styled and her face held the lightest shadowing of make-up. The twins were dressed to the nines in white suits, George sporting a black bow tie, while Fred had a simple black tie. She greeted Fred with a quick kiss and greeted George, just as she did everyday. But this was not an ordinary day. Today, George was getting married. The store was closing early so Verity could be present. There was still an hour before the twins were planning to close.
"You look amazing, Skye," Fred whispered in her ear. She blushed and thanked him.
"You both look pretty dashing yourselves," she replied, as Fred wrapped his arm around her waist.
"One hour to go, and we'll be at the church waiting for Angelina to arrive," said Fred. "George is already a nervous wreck."
"What do you expect? He's getting married."
"If I were getting married to you, I wouldn't be nervous. I think I might just explode with excitement." Fred kissed her cheek, feeling the warmth that rushed against his lips as Skye blushed. He hadn't asked her, but the closer George's wedding had got, Fred had been thinking a lot about his own wedding, about settling down with Skye and having a family of his own.
After tonight, Fred would have the flat to himself as George would be moving into a house with Angelina, and would be able to ask Skye to move in with him. He had been thinking about it since George had announced that he'd be moving out, but Fred had mentioned it to no-one. He wanted it to be a surprise for everyone. He didn't feel quite ready to propose, but he already had the ring, and once the time was right, he would ask Skye. For now, he just wanted to revel in her company, enjoy the time that they had. He wanted to give Skye everything and he intended to do it right,
Soon, the hour was upon them and the store was emptied and Fred and Skye vanished, arriving at The Burrow where the wedding would take place. A giant white marque had been set up and the yard was filled with guests. Verity was next to arrive and then finally George, who was surrounded by a sea of ginger in record time. His mother fussed over him like she did with all her children on their wedding day. Fred and Skye chuckled as they watched George try to ease her off so that he could welcome the rest of the guests.
The ceremony was to take place in the marquee and then the reception would be held in the yard that had been beautifully decorated by the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Skye. Fred looked at Skye. They had a surprise for George up their sleeves that they were both eager for themselves and they couldn't wait until the perfect time to present it showed itself.
George had invited Roxy and Damon to the wedding too and Fred and Skye found their way over to them, and spent their time chatting, until Mrs Weasley gave the call for everyone to be seated in the tent. Damon and Roxy sat just behind where Skye and Fred were to be sat. Fred had been asked to be George's best man, and so he was currently stood beside his twin, smiling proudly.
Then the music began, a soft, slow piano tune was being played and from the end of the marquee walked Angelina. Her dark skin contrasted with the soft white of her dress, her eyes sparkling with tears of joy. She was a thing of beauty and George couldn't turn his eyes away. He watched as his bride glided down the aisle towards him, his own tears welling up. All nerves had left George the moment Angelina had stepped into the tent.
All eyes were on Angelina, all except Fred's who were trained on Skye. Love filled his heart as she smiled, watching Angelina walk down the aisle with her father. He couldn't wait to see her dressed in white, walking with John towards him as he prepared to vow in front of everyone his love for her, and his promise to always love her.
The day was as magical as it could possibly be. The vows brought all to tears and the way George looked at Angelina was something that could never be described well enough to do it justice. The ceremony passed by perfectly. It wasn't rushed, nor was it too long. It was perfection for George and Angelina.
Evening came quickly and Fred and Skye were eager for their gift. Set up a some distance from the house was a bonfire. The wood was all ready and a selection of Fred and George's best fire-crackers were ready to be set off. But that wasn't the gift. Calling George over, Fred and Skye lead George and the rest of the wedding guests over, stopping some short distance away.
And then, from the hills surrounding the great party, a loud cry rang out and from the darkness in the distance a great form rose from hills, drawing closer and closer. With a great breath, the shadow shot down a bolt a fire, lighting the bonfire and throwing a golden glow about the guests. Then the shadow landed behind the fire, and stood tall. And there, in front of the guests and George stood Rydus, standing proud. The fire he had started lit the fireworks and soon the sky above them exploded with color and sound. George smiled. It had been the most perfect day, topped off with the most perfect of gifts.
Fred wrapped is arms around Skye from behind and pulled her into him. She was watching the fireworks fill the sky as Fred nestled his head into her neck, placing a soft kiss above her collar bone. "Move in with me?"he whispers quietly.
Skye looked down and turned to face Fred, who moved his head back to look at her face. "What?" she asked, just as quietly.
"Move in with me. George is moving in with Angelina, and I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to ask you to move in. I want to spend my life you with Skye, and it just seems like the next step for us," Fred explained.
Skye looked up at him with love in her eyes and in her heart. There had once been a time where Fred had been nothing but a friend, a guy she had kissed because of a dare, and now here he was, stood before her making her heart soar.
"Yes," she replied.
Fred swooped her up in his arms and kissed her passionately, warmth flooding through them. "I love you, Skye."
"I love you too, Fred."
A.N: Um. So. That's it I guess. Obviously over the next few weeks I'll be doing some editing, making chapters longer, adding more of Fred and Skye, as I know a few of you have asked for that, but besides that, the story is done. Finished. I won't be doing a sequel to this story, however I will be doing small chapters, that I'll probably be adding on to here as extras; these may include more Fred and Skye moments after the story, memories from Hogwarts and possibly even include more about her sister Sahara. If you have any suggestions on how this story could be improved, or what you'd like more to read more of, please let me know.