Sasuke hadn't been able to focus all day. He'd had trouble staying clear-headed for the past week, at least, but no one around him seemed to notice. He bounced between home, school, and extracurriculars in a haze. He kept up with his work, thus his parents didn't spare him a glance, nor did his teachers, though Sasuke always had been good at keeping up a mask. He would be graduating all too soon, and he was still trapped in what his parents wanted for him. He wanted to apply to his own choice of university, pursue psychology, and tell his family's business exactly where in hell it could go. But, his time for that was slimming. At least one person had faith in him…that was another reason Sasuke was struggling to keep his head.

Were they going to be able to continue their relationship, even after Sasuke graduated? Kakashi had promised he wouldn't abandon Sasuke, but things were going to get so hectic. If Sasuke disobeyed his family and pursued his own goals… Sasuke didn't want to dwell on the bleak thought. They could cut him off, or send him away, or any other terrible thing that might isolate him and take away something he's grown so accustomed to. The word "dependent" came to mind, but Sasuke didn't want to apply it. Kakashi had said that it wasn't a need, it was a want, but Sasuke wasn't always so sure.

"Uchiha-san, spacing out again?" Sasuke got startled out of his own head by a familiar voice, which had just asked him a stern question. Sasuke's eyes shot up, his head tilting a little to look at Kakashi, who was standing in front of Sasuke's desk. Sasuke couldn't even say how long Kakashi had been there, or when he'd neared at all, or… Sasuke doubted he knew what today's whole lesson had been about. This felt very déjà vu to him and, he was sure, to Kakashi. Sasuke was a top tier student, and his grades never slipped, but it was bitingly obvious to Kakashi how distracted the young man was as of late. "If you need extra assistance, stay after class. I'll work through the lesson with you."

Oh. Sasuke swallowed around the surprise and nodded, mumbling something under his breath about assenting. It was a thinly veiled order, in all honesty, that was blatant. The prickling rise of excitement started in Sasuke's nerves, though he had almost thirty minutes to go until the school day was over. He needed that lesson, the extra attention was more than welcome. Sasuke wanted a little while to do nothing except feel, and more than anything, right then, he wanted to feel Kakashi.

Had time been a sentient force, Sasuke would swear up and down that it was against him. It passed by at a crawl, none of which had Sasuke focused on anything other than making it until the end of the day. The scribble of pens on paper, the bored or confused sighs, and the pages in textbooks turning all passed by Sasuke's senses and hardly scraped them. Kakashi's voice, however, it affected Sasuke in the worst of ways. He always spoke in a bored, albeit patient voice, and he never let one of his students fall behind the others. For all that Kakashi was unorthodox, and his superiors hated him for his more relaxed ways, he was an excellent teacher.

Sasuke loosened the collar of his shirt. Kakashi's voice washed over him and left him with rivulets of want, but he kept himself in check by pretending to take notes. He was sure Kakashi saw through that, but he left Sasuke alone the rest of the lesson. That was good for Sasuke's self-control, at least. He had to remind himself not to be selfish and reach for all Kakashi's attention; there was a barrier between their lives here, and their lives in private. It was for both their sakes, though there were times Sasuke wished he could turn to Kakashi when he needed someone to vent to. Someone who would listen and actually have something to say other than the mirthless "wow, that sucks" that Sasuke's friends would likely give him.

When the bell decided to deliver some much-needed mercy to Sasuke's day, his shoulders sagged with relief. The façade of being okay was beginning to tear at the drapes. He listened to his classmates trample out of the room, some less civilized than others. There were always a few students (Sakura included) who sat at their desks until the stampede was over, as they were sane and happened to value their lives. Sasuke nodded at her when she stood and patted his shoulder, before scurrying off to catch up to her boyfriend, who had been one of the "less civilized" to barrel outside.

Kakashi didn't immediately address Sasuke, as per their unspoken routine, when these lessons happened at school. He tidied the room, prepared for tomorrow, and wandered over to shut and lock the door. Sasuke sat at his desk, vibrating with tension, though those minutes of silence were to give him time to relax or prepare for a scene. A heavy hand came to rest on Sasuke's shoulder, and Sasuke leaned into it almost on total reflex. "Is it bad, today?" Kakashi asked, though he could see it himself, he wanted Sasuke to validate his own feelings. It was a slow process, but a progressive one.

Sasuke nodded his head, but he was familiar with Kakashi's rule of having to verbalize how he felt. It was a rule Sasuke struggled to remember, but he was getting a little better with it. "I can't get out of my own head. I'm worried about graduating, about going to college, about my parents disowning me if I go to a different school to study what I want. I'm worried about losing you..." The rambling continued until Sasuke bit his lip, bringing his tumble of words to an abrupt end. Kakashi's hand on his shoulder never left, and when Sasuke had finished talking, it gave a reassuring squeeze.

"Everything seems like it's going to be the end of the world when you're young," Kakashi began, "a few years from now, and things will look like an old passage from a book, after you've closed the pages." He leaned down to kiss Sasuke on the forehead. "But, that doesn't make your feelings now any less real does it?"

Sasuke was silent for about a second before realizing that Kakashi wanted an answer, to which he quickly shook his head. With his arms wrapped himself in a self-hug, Sasuke peered up, his eyes already glossing over. He'd been verging on subspace for a little while now, aching to sink into it and let his problems swirl down the proverbial drain. "Will you help me with it?"

How could anyone ever turn down such an ardent request? Kakashi's palm cupped Sasuke's cheek, and he ran his thumb across the expanse of soft, ivory skin. "Get up, onto the desk." Kakashi took a step away and watched Sasuke stand and follow the directions.

"How do you want me?" Sasuke asked, coming to a stop in front of the desk, his gaze remained lowered out of respect. Kakashi stepped behind Sasuke and slipped the school jacket off Sasuke's shoulders, then he took Sasuke's wrist and tugged the younger man to face him.

"On your back, facing me," Kakashi answered, his fingers already working on the buttons of Sasuke's shirt. They popped apart and the thin white fabric slipped open, exposing Sasuke's navel and chest. It was pristine, clear of marks, and as pretty as Sasuke was… Kakashi preferred him marked. Sasuke rolled his shoulders back to push the shirt off, where Kakashi caught it and set it behind them on the teacher's chair. "Try not to scream, unless you want to experiment with exhibitionism."

Sasuke snorted at that and rolled his eyes, a habit Kakashi had never (and probably would never) break him of. "I guess you'll have to cover my mouth, then," Sasuke returned the playful banter. That's all it was, a joke, they both were stringent with keeping their secret. Sasuke leaned his weight back, until his hips hit the edge of the desk. He had intended on pushing himself up onto it. Before he could make a move to do that, a pair of strong hands clasped Sasuke by his hips and lifted him onto the desk. His arms went around Kakashi's neck immediately, clumsily pressing their lips together in a kiss that was too hungry for Sasuke to even try and make it good.

And that was the thing, he wasn't trying, but it was still good. He exhaled a needy sound against Kakashi's lips, and got met with a reassuring hush in return as the older man's palms traversed down Sasuke's slim stomach. "I've got you," Kakashi promised, his fingers pressing into Sasuke's hips. He would always have Sasuke, for as long as Sasuke wanted that. To an outsider, it might have looked like Kakashi was the one who gained everything out of the relationship, but some knew better. Sasuke was the one who had the control—a single word, and Kakashi stopped. It also usually took just a single word for him to begin. A pretty plea, whispered from soft lips that were often swollen from being bitten or kissed too hard. "Please, sir."

A hungry sound rumbled in Kakashi's chest, and he was burying his hand into Sasuke's hair and yanking the boy's head back. Sasuke cried out, more of surprise, but with a smidgen of pain. That went straight to Sasuke's cock. Sharp teeth hinted at his throat and he arched forward, struggling to press himself further against Kakashi and hoping the man would hurry. They had other times to take it slow, right now, slow wasn't what Sasuke needed. He wanted to be bruised by the desk, to focus with his body and not his mind.

Kakashi bit him, and Sasuke snapped from his daze to release a startled whine. Kakashi's teeth were sharp and always left such dark, beautiful imprints on Sasuke's flesh, sometimes they took a week to heal up. Not that it mattered, Kakashi would always leave more in their place. He was possessive enough to make sure Sasuke was always marked up, but conscientious enough to leave them in places Sasuke could hide. Kakashi laved his tongue over the bruise forming on Sasuke's throat, whispering praise against it. "Good boy, stay with me," Kakashi said, just as his fingertips reached the hem of Sasuke's jeans.

Impatient, Sasuke rolled his hips forward, making his erection impossible to ignore. Kakashi hissed at the friction, to which Sasuke smirked, and was likely moments away from a smug comment, before Kakashi pushed him down. The surface of the desk was cold against Sasuke's bare back, and he made that complaint known with a sharp gasp as he arched his spine.

"You're the one who wants to be impatient, Sasuke. Are you telling me you can't handle it, now?" Kakashi's question earned him a petulant look from Sasuke, who didn't respond to the bait like he might have once. He was willing—no, more than willing—to handle everything Kakashi deemed to give him. To prove that point, and his own need, Sasuke pushed further up on the desk and raised his hips up in a silent ploy for Kakashi to pull them off. Kakashi was the patient one, but he was no saint, and the sight was too tempting to deny. He found the cool metal of the zipper and tugged it down, slipping Sasuke's jeans off his hips. When he reached for the boxers, Kakashi made sure to palm Sasuke's erection. Already, it had started leaking pre-cum that had stained the front of the underwear.

A breathy curse pushed past Sasuke's lips. Fuck, he knew he'd regret it if he rushed Kakashi, but Sasuke couldn't even think straight, much less worry about the consequences. Kakashi had called Sasuke needy once, and it had been in an affectionate manner, but it was nothing but the truth. Kakashi dipped his head and kissed Sasuke's navel, slowly rolling Sasuke's boxers down his legs. The second they were off, Sasuke was pulling his knees up and spreading them, affording Kakashi an amazing view. Sasuke's cock was hard and shining at the tip, and his pink entrance, exposed by the lewd spread, was twitching and ready for Kakashi's cock.

"Such an eager slut," Kakashi smirked, "you've been fingering yourself, haven't you?" Sasuke whimpered at that, his face going red, and Kakashi knew it was true. He reached for his satchel, where he had started keeping a tube of lubricant to keep up with Sasuke. Sasuke may not have been an exhibitionist (no, too shy, too reserved) but he was needy and impatient, often unwilling to wait until they were at Kakashi's home. Kakashi unscrewed the cap, and that alone was enough for Sasuke's body to stiffen in anticipation.

Rubbing the tip of his index finger against Sasuke's entrance, slick with lube, Kakashi let it sink into his lover's welcoming body. He was loose and relaxed, accepting the digit with ease and near-dissatisfaction. "When was the last time?" Kakashi asked, pushing his finger in deep. Sasuke sucked in a wet breath, but he didn't answer. Kakashi hummed in disapproval and withdrew his finger; when he pushed it in again, he added his middle finger alongside it. "Tell me when, Sasuke. When was the last time you fucked yourself, wishing it was me?"

The pressure of Kakashi's fingers inside of him, too slow and not nearly enough, was driving Sasuke to the end of his rope. "L—last night!" he exclaimed, in half a breath. "I worked myself open last night, but it didn't do anything, I was too frustrated—Kakashi please!" Sasuke's eyes were glassy when he managed to locate and focus on Kakashi, who had never stopped pushing his fingers in and out of Sasuke's worked entrance. The muscles clamped down on them, trying to pull them in deeper. With a filthy grin, Kakashi shoved them both in, curving them up to press into Sasuke's prostate. The noise that launched from Sasuke's mouth was salacious, borderline sin, and it was the last straw.

Sasuke flinched when Kakashi pulled his fingers out, the emptiness inside of him was unbearable. It was still easy to get Sasuke worked up, for all that the boy tried to put on a bravado. Sasuke dug his nails into the wood of the desk, pulling his legs up higher to welcome Kakashi to press their hips together. The blunt head of Kakashi's cock pressed into Sasuke's pucker, pushing in slowly until the twitching muscle opened up. Kakashi slid inside in a slick thrust. Sasuke's mouth dropped open and his eyes fluttered shut, the electricity shooting through his nerves felt like it had short-circuited his brain.

"Such a good boy," Kakashi's lips moved against the bruised skin of Sasuke's throat, "that's it, take me." Kakashi's hips rolled forward in shallow thrusts as he filled Sasuke to the brim, stretching him open and drawing a keening noise from him. Sasuke was sure that this desk had grooves in it from his nails—maybe something Kakashi would have to spank him for, later. Until then, Sasuke wanted to get drunk on this experience. His body went lax, tension abandoning him. He pressed his knees against Kakashi's waist, murmuring incoherent encouragement. The older man withdrew his hips, pulling out about half-way before rocking forward again. Kakashi's cock filled Sasuke perfectly, and soon his nails were scratching down the teacher's back instead of the desk.

Kakashi didn't mind the slight sting, in fact, he drove harder into Sasuke's body. His cock slid over Sasuke's prostate, hard and fast and unrelenting enough to leave Sasuke almost delirious with pleasure. He was a sensitive boy, and his lover never failed to take advantage of that. Kakashi's hands found Sasuke's waist, and he held his lover still as he fucked into him, the lube making a wet sound each time he shoved inside of Sasuke's quivering body.

As Sasuke had said earlier, Kakashi was going to have to cover his mouth. The teenager's voice was rising in pitch every time Kakashi's cock rubbed over his prostate, to the point that there was a definite risk of someone overhearing. Kakashi clapped a hand over his lover's mouth, and a series of muffled moans followed. "Noisy slut," Kakashi's voice was a husky growl that made Sasuke's muscles tighten. Kakashi groaned, struggling not to falter in rhythm even as he started pushing himself harder into Sasuke. A crude, wet slapping sound accompanied every thrust into Sasuke, as embarrassing as it was turning Sasuke on. He was starting to arch off the desk, his body tightening up and thrumming with ecstasy as it was pushed towards orgasm. Sasuke hoped to hell that Kakashi wasn't in the mood to tease or deny, because Sasuke was sure it'd kill him if he had to wait. He was right on the precipice, Kakashi's cock was driving into him so hard, and in the perfect spot, just a little more—

The scream from behind Kakashi's hand was still loud, Sasuke should have been ashamed at how unabashed he was being. Spurts of white shot from his cock, bobbing against his abdomen, and painted his navel and pelvis. Wet tracks dripped down Sasuke's face when Kakashi continued pounding into his oversensitive ring and prostate, but it didn't last long. Not long enough for Sasuke to break, at least. Kakashi was still thrusting his hips inside of Sasuke's trembling muscles when he started to come, spilling inside of the condom. Sasuke's legs locked tight around Kakashi, both of them were rocking their hips as they rode off the high. Sasuke hadn't had such an intense climax in days, he never could get to that point by himself, he always needed Kakashi to get him there.

Sasuke blinked, dazed, staring at the ceiling as he waited for his body to stop thrumming. Kakashi, still inside of Sasuke and growing flaccid, leaned over the boy. Their fronts pressed together, sticky from Sasuke's come. "Status?" Kakashi asked, using both hands to cup Sasuke's face as he pressed a kiss to the boy's mouth.

"Green," Sasuke replied without hesitance. His voice was a bit gravelly, and he hoped he hadn't been too loud. He often got too lost in the moment and forgot to reign himself in. Not that Kakashi minded, he'd spent a lot effort getting Sasuke to that point.

"Perfect." Kakashi straightened up and pulled out of Sasuke, who made a quiet noise of dissent. Carefully, Kakashi removed the condom and tied it off, before disposing of it in the trash and covering it with a few papers. Sasuke lowered his legs until he felt the cool floorboards beneath his feet, prompting a shudder. Usually, it didn't take Sasuke long to recover from a scene, though it depended on the intensity and duration. Kakashi still preferred his boy have that option. "Take it easy. I'll take you to my place so you can come down completely," Kakashi said. He helped Sasuke dress, unbothered when Sasuke didn't answer. Sometimes, Sasuke was nonverbal when he was particularly deep in subspace, and he was feeling content enough.

With Kakashi's support, Sasuke allowed himself to be led out of the room. The idea of curling up with Kakashi for a few hours was enticing, almost overwhelmingly so. To his side, he heard Kakashi hum a thoughtful sound. "You know that my home is yours, regardless of what happens?"

Sasuke felt a warmth fluttering in his chest, and for the first time in months, Sasuke wasn't as worried about his future. He had a home in Kakashi.

I'm a ho for relationships with dynamics similar to this? Pls fuck me up, daddy.