Kagome/Hakudoshi.(Kago Youkai's story Kagai Aijaku gave me this idea)Kikyo never thought she was betrayed and never betrayed Inuyasha so did he. Sango and Miroku was born when Kikyo and Inuyasha were. But Inuyasha was the one who destroyed the Jewel and has formed a group with Kikyo, Sango and Miroku. But what of Kagome? Well she did pass through the well but as a 5 year old! But she was found by Hakudoushi. Also she isn't the rencarnation of Kikyo.

Man this summary sucks! But oh well. I hope you read this. Please no flames. Thank you!


The Beginning

Kikyo walked through the field to meet with Inuyasha, as planed with the Shikon Jewel at hand. She looked around trying to find Inuyasha.

'Where is he? 'She thought to herself walking deeper into the forest.

She stopped once she got to the middle of the field. She kept looking around, her eyes scanning the field. Her eyes were turning left when she felt claws digging in her back. She fell, the jewel flying from her hand, as she made a load thud as she came crashing down to the ground.

"Ugh," she moaned, struggling to get up.

"Hehehehe," was heard chuckling above her. "So Kikyo, yer not so tough are ya?"

Kikyo's eyes widen when she heard the voice.

'That voice! It can't be...' Kikyo thought as she turned her face to look up to find...'INUYASHA!'

She watched as he smirked and started to walk towards her. As he walked towards her she noticed a different aura around him, more demonic. She thought to herself 'This is NOT Inuyasha!'

As the demon that is disguised as Inuyasha came closer, she quickly grabbed the Shikon Jewel and held it to her chest.

"Inuyasha" came closer as he laughed at her cower.

"I never thought of you as coward, Kikyo," he said to her not stopping.

"You are much of a coward than I, demon!" Kikyo said as sent miko power through her hand towards the demon.

The demon dodged and leaped into the air. Kikyo just stared as he came down upon her with his claws extending and digging into her shoulder.

"Ah!' yelled Kikyo, dropping the jewel to hold her injured shoulder. She noticed that she dropped the jewel and quickly went to grab it but in a flash it was gone. She looked up to see the demon holding it. The demon examined, twirling it around between his fingers. When he was done he looked at her and smirked.

"Well, Kikyo," the demon started, still in his Inuyasha disguise. "It has been a pleasure but now you must DIE!" He yelled out the last part as he went to attack her yet again. Kikyo could only just stare as her attacker came closer to her. Then all of the sudden her attacker stopped and jumped backwards, after he did Inuyasha jumped in front of her, the real Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha!" yelled Kikyo, happy to see the real Inuyasha. Inuyasha kneeled down in front of her then held her to him and said to her.

"Are you ok, Kikyo?" he asked as he pushed her gently to exam, his temper rising when he seen the wounds. Kikyo's eyes soften at his concerned and smiled warmly at him.

"Aye, I am fine, Inuyasha" said Kikyo soflty, looking at him gently but her gaze hardened when she heard chuckling from the demon. Both Inuyasha and Kikyo turned to the demon. Who is still in disguise as Inuyasha.

"What a heartwarming scene!" mocked the demon. Both Kikyo and Inuyasha stood to face him, Inuyasha putting Kikyo behind him.

The demon smirked at them, his apperance melting into another. His eyes turned from the suns of gold to a bloody red, white snow hair to midnight waves, puppy ears to elven ears, his face turned from that of a muscular built to a feminine slender, a perky nose to a long roman nose, and his deep crimson clothes to those of black of heart.

"Who the hell are ya, bastard?" demanded Inuyasha, as he cracked his knuckes, ready to pound the demon with all his might.

"Kukukuku," laughed the demon evilly "You may call me Naraku." He said as his body was disappearing in a black fog.

"Inuyasha!" yelled out Kikyo "Don't let him get away! He has the Shikon Jewel!"

"What!" yelled Inuyasha as he stared at her, disbelief that someone was actually able to get the Jewel from her, then glaring at Naraku he hasn't completely yet disappeared. He leaped at Naraku and was able to hit him in the chest before he was able to be gone."Give us back the jewel!" demanded Inuyasha as he stood over Naraku.

Naraku smirked at him and spit poison to his eyes.

"Augh!" yelled Inuyasha as he rubbed his eyes.

"Inuyasha!" screamed Kikyo as she runs to him. Inuyasha finally getting the poison out and turns to tell Kikyo.

"Don't come any closer, Kikyo!" Kikyo stopped running, and looked at him with worry in her eyes. Inuyasha then turned to Naraku. "Yer gonna get it this time, ya bastard!"

He leaped into the air, crushing his claws into the flesh of his palm and swang his hand towards Naraku and yelled "Claws of Blood!"

The Claws of Blood went straight to Naraku but he dodge, and he flew into the air, his miamsa carring him for his escape.

"Damn, you coward!" Inuyasha yelled also flying into the air to kill Naraku.

Kikyo watched them and remembered her bow and arrows, she turned and ran to them as they were thrown when Naraku attacked her. She grabbed them and prepared the arrow. She tried to get Naraku wit in aim without having Inuyasha in her way. She focused her eyes and evened her breath. She finally got Naraku in shot and fired.

The arrow went flying to Naraku, past Inuyasha. Naraku heard a wush and turned to see what it was. When he turned the arrow penetrated his chest where the jewel was.

The jewel glowed brightly blinding everyone, sending Naraku back by the force, landing not to far from it. The jewel grew brighter and brighter by the second.

Then a crack was heard and everything and everyone stood still.

The explosion was incredible, thousands of shards sparkled the sky. Like tiny shooting stars they scattered through the bright blue sky.

They looked in awe, mesmerized of their beauty.

"I can't believe it," Naraku broke the silence. All his work, for nothing. But he will come on top in the end, which he will see to it. His body broke into a cloud of miasma and started to disappear. Inuyasha reacted first.

"Wait, ya bastard!" Inuyasha yelled as he ran to him. Naraku only turned his eyes to look at him and then he chuckled darkly.

"Kukuku, do not fret Inuyasha. We WILL meet again." He told him reassuringly. His head only was left. "But when it happens your breath will longer belong among the living." Then he disappeared, with no trace.

Inuyasha stood there shaking, quiet for a minute. Then he let loose an angry snarly growl.

"DAMMIT!" he yelled to the sky, but also to himself. How could he let this happen? He should have been able to beat him! He promised himself that next time he make him suffer. The pained moan of Kikyo stopped him from furthering himself in his self-brooding. He turned and saw her kneeling on the ground, holding her shoulder.

"Kikyo!" he ran to her and fell on the ground to hold her close to him. "Are you ok?" he asked gently. Holding her far from him to inspect her fully. The shoulder wound was not that deep but she still needed stitches to close it. He felt his blood boil again.

"Inuyasha, Inuyasha," Kikyo whispered to him, panting at the pain. This gained his attention again. "I-I'm sorry Inuyasha. If I had better aim, the jewel wouldn't, it wouldn't" She started to sob. Inuyasha was frantic now. He did not know how to deal with a distressed woman, much less a crying one .

"Kik-"he was stopped in mid of his comforting of her by something sparkling landing in between them. "What the-"

He couldn't believe it. He shakily reached for it and gently grabbed it with his index finger and thumb.

"Kikyo look," he gently said with disbelieved voice. Kikyo turned her red brimmed eyes towards his hand. Her eyes widened in shock.

"It's a piece of the jewel," they said in unison.

Inuyasha took Kikyo back to the village. Where he was practically attacked when they saw their miko injured. Right away blaming him. Kikyo had to calm them down explaining that it wasn't him. They took her right away to the doctor.

"Kikyo! Kikyo!" yelled Kaede as she ran inside the doctors hut. She threw herself to Kikyo's arms and started crying. Kikyo only rocked her gently and sang to her, which it immediately put her to sleep.

"Inuyasha," Kikyo said where she is laid with Kaede in her arms. Inuyasha, being near the corner, turned and kneeled closer to her. He looked straight into her worry filled eye. "We need to find the rest of those jewels. If we don't that he will find them and-"She was cut off from her frantic speech by Inuyasha's finger on her mouth.

"I know Kikyo. I know." Inuyasha said as soothingly massaged her head to calm her. Kikyo laid there with a worried expression. After what seemed like an eternity to him, Kikyo fell asleep.

Inuyasha went outside and jumped on the roof. He will never be able to be accustomed to sleep inside. Too stuffy for him. Inuyasha stared into the night sky, thinking of that half demon, Naraku. His blood rose again. He destroyed his and Kikyo's dream of becoming human and living out their lives together. He will find the shards and he WILL be human with Kikyo. With that thought in mind he fell asleep.

The next day Kikyo and Inuyasha prepared to leave the village to search for the jewel shards.

"Sister," Kaede whispered. Kikyo and Inuyasha turned towards the doorway to see her standing there with tears in her eyes. She sniffed a little and ran towards Kikyo and hugged her. "Please, please don't leave."

Kikyo looked gently at her sister and hugged her back. Inuyasha quietly left, knowing that they needed privacy, anyways tears hurts his nose from all their salt.

"Kaede," Kikyo gently whispered. Kaede only buried her head deeper into her shoulder. "I must go. I cannot have the jewel land in the hands of that man. If I do then the hands of evil will bloom into famine, and we shall land into deaths grip and all humanity will be lost. It is my duty to prevent it. I am it's guardian and so far I have failed it by letting it get broken into slivers. Please understand." She let go of Kaede and looked at her. Kaede did not wish to see her for if she did then she accept that she will leave and if she accepts then she will must accept that if she does not return then she must be dead, then she must accept her death. Which she will not do. So she laid her eyes on the floor refusing silently, rebelliously. Kikyo hooked her finger under Kaede's chin and forced it up. Kaede turned her eyes elsewhere. "OK?" Kikyo asked.

Kaede scrunched her eyes deep in thought. Trying so hard not to look at her. She felt them. Those deep pools of chocolate bore into her face. Looking into her soul. She was forced by the pressure of those pools to look. It was warm, those eyes. Kikyo was everything to her. Mother, father, sister, protector, and provider. She did not wish for those eyes to be replaced by the dead. She wished she could prevent her from going but she knew just by looking at her she will leave. Knowing that made her cry again.

"Ssh, Ssh" Kikyo gently shushed her, while wiping her face from her tears. "It's alright Kaede. Do not fret. I will have Inuyasha with me. He will not harm befall me, alright." She said it with such confidence that made her think that it will be possible for her sister to be safe from danger but she knew it will not be so.

Kaede hanged her head, swaying it side to side, thinking, and pondering. She finally sighed and wiped her eyes and looked Kikyo straight in the eyes.

"Ok," she said with confidence that she summoned up to master. Kikyo smiled sweetly and patted her head.

"That's my girl," she praised.

The villagers waved at them as they departed. Inuyasha faced forward and ignored the threats of the villager if something horrible should befall on their miko then they will torture him until he wishes death. But as in Inuyasha's terms: They are talking out of their asses. Each and every one of them are petrified of him. Kikyo just smiled and waved. She stopped for a moment and gazed at Kaede, who stood there just watching her. Then Kaede smiled at her and waved at her with both hands. Kikyo smiled and waved back, know now that Kaede will be just fine.

Inuyasha and Kikyo will have a long journey before them. Making allies and friends with an orphaned kitsune Shippo, a perverted monk named Miroku, and a yokai slayer named Sango with her two tailed cat demon, Kirara.

All of them will fight together to bring down the demon called Naraku and his pawns of evil named Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoushi, Akago, Goshinki, Jūrōmaru, Kagerōmaru, and Byakuya to end their terror against of humanity.

Together they will prosper and bring peace and purity back to the lands.

Maybe they will even get a little help from a little unknown star named Kagome.

Authors note: Well what do guys think? It's not that horrible right? I hope not. I'll explain it a little more.

In this story it's starts in the beginning where Naraku tries to trick them. Kikyo and Inuyasha are tricked into thinking that they were betrayed by one another. Kikyo is the one who brakes the jewel but not from that crazy demon crow but from Naraku. Kikyo and Inuyasha decide that their going on journey to find the jewel shards. In this one I made it so that Shippo, Miroku, and Sango were born the same year spand as Kikyo and Inuyasha. I'll have some years passby so that Naraku's detachment's will be born so the story line will kind of fit with this one. Kagome will appear in this but she will be just a child because since I want it to be Kagome/Hakudoushi I don't want it to be all weird with Kagome being 16 and him being a child and all. I'm not going any further that in explanation them two. This will be focused on Kagome and Hakudoushi. I just started off with this chapter as a prologue to explain what's going on. Also in this one Kagome will be more naive and pure then the original plot. Menaing she's going to be childish but knows about the adult world. Sorry if that didn't make any since.

The title is called the Younger Beginning because I wanted it to focus Kagome as a child but also how it all began. I should of called the Older Beginning but all well I like my original one better.

This will be a MA rating, ok? So there will be lemon warings.

If you guys have any question please send a pm.

ALSO NO FLAMES PLEASE BECAUSE I WILL PUT AN AUTHORS NOTE UP ON AND I WON'T BE NICE ABOUT IT! Please if you don't like it just don't say anything and leave it as is.