Charles began prancing around, with Peter still in his arms. "Yes! My Brother! Mother! Father! Come quick!"

Wendy began thinking…and yes. Why hadn't she known before?

Mr. and Mrs. Dachion walked to the door. "What is it Ch-" Both of them looked up, straight at Peter. The woman ran to tackle Peter, while the man just stood there, and began to cry.

Wendy stepped back. Oh, the irony. She fell in love with a boy who lost his home, and decided to never grow up, and became engaged to a boy who was actually his long lost brother, which caused them both to dislike each other. "You found your way back home." Wendy whispered, tears beginning to fall, but this time, tears of joy.

Peter pushed them away. "My name…is Peter. Not…Jason."

Mrs. Dachion cried out, "NO! You are Jason! You named one of your drawings Peter Pan! The child who would never age and always saved the day!" She looked him in the eyes. "You always wanted to be him." Peter's face filled with disbelief.

"No… You locked the window!" He said, stepping away from them. "You forgot!"

Wendy walked to Peter and grabbed his hand. "Peter, they didn't forget. They thought you died." He looked at her, still confused. "You took your bicycle to run away, and I guess you threw your clothes in the river and left your bike beside the bridge when you went to Kensington Gardens. Peter, they found the clothes and the bike and thought you fell to your death off of the bridge. They didn't replace you! You had a little brother." Wendy looked at Charles, who was now crying heavily. "A brother named Charles. That is who you saw. Not your replacement." He looked from Wendy, to the family.

He jumped away from Wendy and placed his hand on his head. "It's too much."

Charles stepped closer. "Jason, Peter, whichever you wish to be called. We have pictures of you all around the house. Your blue eyes stood out amongst us, your blonde hair from mother. It's definitely you."

Peter looked at Charles. "Wendy is not to marry you." He stepped closer. "My own brother will not…marry Wendy." He stepped to the family. "I don't want to grow up."

Wendy closed her eyes. "Peter, even if it means you'll be growing up with me?" A single tear fell, landing on the ground. Peter turned around.

"Wendy… I-"

Wendy nodded, wiping at her eyes. "It's fine. At least now…I know you won't be coming back. I'm glad Michaels alive…" She whispered the last part to herself, allowing her to fly. She left.

"I will be back." Peter said, flying after Wendy. Charles looked at his parents, then began running.

So there they were. The love triangle.

"I understand now Peter." Wendy said looking at her feet. "Why you refuse to love. You did love once, and then you thought the people you loved… forgotten you." She looked at Peter. "You know, you did the same to me. But Peter, I still love you! Together, there is no such thing as hate, or fear! It's just us. I helped you take down your walls you built up around you, but you continuously push me away." She walked to Charles. "You must forgive them Peter. Forgive, and forget." She held the acorn. "Go home. Go home, and live."

"Wendy, what is this feeling I feel, right now, for you?"

"It's called love, Peter. And just the sound of it offends you."

"Is that a grown up feeling?" Peter asked.

"I believe it becomes clear…when you grow up."

"So, all along, it was my brother who you were in love with?" Charles asked.

"Apparently so. But he does not wish to grow up. So I must wish not to love him. And maybe, my wish will come true, since his did."

Peter sighed and shook his head. "Why must you spoil everything?" He asked, calmly.

"Because Peter, it wall all just make believe." Peter shook his head.

"No. No, it wasn't. What was make believe… was the thought that I could stay happy and young forever. And that you would stay young with me. It is time for reality, Wendy."

"And what is your, Peter? Because I would very much so like to know."

"My reality, is to grow up." Wendy gasped. "To go to school. To go to an office. And to become a man." He walked to Wendy, and took both of her hands in his. "And to do all of those things with you by my side." Wendy smiled and hugged Peter. For all her dreams are becoming true. But a light began to glow from Peter. Wendy took a step back, as it began to consume him.

"Peter!" She yelled, but Charles held her back from running to him.

As all this happened, she began to think about what Tink said. Peter had flown to Wendy's house, to see if they had forgotten her, but they hadn't, and Peter had been upset, and closed the nursery window, but Mrs. Darling had begun to open it again, and Mr. Darling helped her. And when he left Wendy, all of Neverland became dark and stormy. Peter couldn't fly, and he whispered her name in his sleep. He had been afraid that what Captain Hook said would come true. And Wendy was appalled when she found out what he had said. He told him that she was leaving him, and that in the future, Wendy would be grown in her nursery, with window shut, but Peter said he would open it. So hook said it would be barred, and Peter said he'd call out her name, but hook said she couldn't hear, nor see him. She would have forgotten all about him. But that was impossible, she would never forget. Then Hook told him that Wendy's husband would replace Peter. But there was no man in the world who could take his place in her heart. He had have known that.

She looked down to see Peter laying on the ground, covered in blue dust. Wendy fell to her knees beside him, and began dusting it off of him. The powder clung to him, so it was dreadfully hard, but she finally got enough off to see the difference in Peter's jaw bone, and cheeks, and arms, and torso, and legs. He had aged. Wendy fell back.


Peter opened his eyes and sat up, looking at Wendy. "I feel different."

"You look different!" She yelled. Peter looked at his arms, then legs, and jumped up. He was now the same height as Wendy again.

"How old am I?"

"Probably around sixteen, or seventeen."

"Is that how old you are?" He asked Charles. Charles nodded.

"Sixteen." He said.

"Then I can do this." He turned to Wendy. "Wendy…will you marry me?"

Wendy smiled and ran to Peter. "Is that even a question? Of course I will!" She kissed him.

"Well played brother. I shall see you at home." And Charles began to walk away.

"Peter, this isn't make believe anymore. You shall really be my…husband." She giggled at the last word.

"I know. And we both shall have new names! For I, am Peter Jason Pan, and you, will be Wendy Moira Angela Pan."

Wendy laughed. "What silly names we have!"

"Then I guess we can keep your last name." Peter lifted her chin and kissed her. Then lifted away and smiled, but Wendy grabbed his shirt, and pulled him into a deeper kiss.

Now, Peter lives with Wendy in her nursery, with one child. Jane.

"And she never was to see Peter Pan again." Wendy said, finishing her story of Peter Pan.

"Wasn't she sad?"

"No, she knew he would forget. For he has many adventures."

"Ah, goodnight momma."

"Goodnight, Darling."

And Wendy did tell her young Jane the truth. The boy who she saw, was not the boy she once knew as Peter Pan. The Peter she knows, is still childish, and still makes her laugh, and is still just as cocky as ever. But this boy…Grew up. And he is now the a author of Pirate books, and Wendy helps him by telling him wonderful stories.

"Wendy." Peter said through the open door. Wendy stood and walked to him in the hall.


"There is another in my place on Neverland. And he has taken my name." Wendy gasped.

"How do you know?"

"I can feel it. Tinker Bell has just told me."

"Tinker Bell was here?" Wendy and Peter looked each other in the eyes, and then ran back into the nursery.

I would love to tell you that they reached the nursery in time, but then…

There would be no story.
