
A/N: We are done! Wohoooo! Thank you to all that have reviewed because they all brought smiles to my face


Coming into the master bedroom Jackie passed her husband his warm jacket to the man as he was pulling a light green polo shirt on over his head.

"Here you go hunny" Jackie said as she passed the jacket to her husband who accepted it with a smile and a grateful nod.

"How long are you going to be?" Jackie asked Leon as the pair exited the room and headed downstairs so Leon could grab a coffee to go.

"Um maybe an hour?" Leon said as he poured the coffee into his traveling mug, and took out a second traveling mug to fill up for McGee.

"Just call when you are on your way that way I know when to start dinner" Mrs. Vance said before leaning in for a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Ewwww! Get a room" and both Vance's heads swirled in the direction of the disgusted voices to see the scrunched up faces of their children.

Letting out a laugh Leon said, "what are you guys doing down here I thought you were both cleaning your rooms?"

"We are…but I, no we, just wanted to ask you something" Kayla timidly said biting her lips in nervous apprehension.

Squatting down so she was eye level with her children Jackie took the children's hands in hers before she asked, "what is it guys?"

Looking over at his sister Jared said, "well, we were…uh…wondering if agent McGee could spend Christmas with us?"

Smiling Leon said, "what brought the sudden change of heart in regards to agent McGee?"

Looking up at her father Kayla said, "Lawrence is my friend and he told the class what Tim did…and I heard you and mom talking last night about how Tim's family wasn't coming down."

"Plus I heard that McGee used a pretty kick ass…sorry butt…technique for bringing down the assailant" Jared added chiming in.

Momentarily becoming overcome with anger at senior McGee who had flat out said on the phone that even though Tim was hurt that he shouldn't look for sympathy from him, Leon eventually squashed down those emotions before saying, "if this is what you want then I can ask McGee when I see him."

Shaking their heads before retreating back upstairs to clean their rooms Jackie walked her husband to the door before saying, "make sure McGee agrees. No one deserves to be alone on Christmas" and leaning in for another quick kiss before Leon was on his way.

Exiting the elevator and quickly stopping by the nurses' station got Vance the directions to his agent's room and quickly the man was in front of the room door knocking on it before hearing a murmured "come in" before he ushered himself into the room.

Tim, who was looking at the window didn't see who it was until a throat cleared and his vision was drawn to his boss' face. The agent rushed to straighten up until he felt a hand on his shoulder that stilled his movements and the words, "lay down McGee you need the rest."

Nodding gratefully Tim said, "Gibbs said you would be around today. Is there anything you need? I can write up the reports after I am released tomorrow."

Smirking at the professional and workaholic before him Vance said, "The report can and will wait…" before being interrupted by the usually shy man.

"Really it is no problem, I don't have anything planned…" Tim began before he was cut off.

"Actually you do have somewhere to be, Tim" Vance said enjoying the dumbstruck look crossing his agent's face before adding, "my family would love to have you over."

Hearing the end of the sentence Tim was even more dumbstruck before realizing that the director was probably being nice so Tim said, "That isn't necessary, I wouldn't want to interrupt your children's Christmas."

"Really McGee it is no trouble at all, and my children would love to have you over" Vance said trying to get the man to say yes, because he knew Jackie would have his hide if the man didn't come over tomorrow.

Turning away to hide the little bit of resentment that creped into his eyes at the mention of the Vance children, who he knew weren't fond of his decision to speak to the winning class added, "you don't have to lie director."

Cocking his head at the latest remark Vance prodded Tim a bit by saying, "why do you think that I am?"

" I know that your children weren't fond of your decision to pick me" Tim said still not making eye contact with the man before him.

"Who told you that?" Vance said deciding that being honest with the man was better than lying to him.

Shrugging Tim said, "I heard it around the school. Really it was no big deal because I have heard it a lot."

Putting his arm on Tim's shoulder and squeezing the skin beneath his Vance said, "You are right that they were not thrilled at first, but after what you did with Lawrence they came around."

"Really?" Tim asked as he finally swiveled his head so that he was looking into the director's eyes looking for any sign of lying, but after searching those eyes he found no malice of lying tendrils.

Shaking his head Vance said, "in fact it was their idea to have you over."

Smiling now and blushing a bit at the praise Tim said, "are you sure that I wouldn't be putting anyone out?"

"No McGee, you are welcome in my home just as any other NCIS agent would be" Vance said with sincerity.

"Thank you. Do you need me to bring anything over?" Tim asked.

Shaking his head the Director said, "No, and thank you for accepting the invitation."

"Why" Tim asked cocking his head a bit in the same manner that he did when he was trying to think through something.

"Because Jackie would have had my ass if you didn't come tomorrow" Vance said before both men dissolved into a laughing fit that Vance thought freely helped add color to Tim.


Coming up the driveway with his small gifts Tim knocked on the Vance's door waiting to be admitted early the next day.

Tim had stopped at a store late last night after his discharge to get a gift for the Vance children and his sleep last night was okay at best. However, the pain was not the reason for his inability to sleep, but rather excitement for today had. The agent laughed to himself while waiting for the door to open because he had never been giddy for Christmas since his mom had died and Sarah had grown up more.

"Hello Tim" Jackie Vance said as she opened the door and stepped aside so the man before her could enter the warm and deliciously smelling home.

Shrugging of his coat and putting it on the coat hanger Tim said, "thank you for having me Mrs. Vance."

"Please call me Jackie" Jackie said before her eyes turned to the gifts in Tim's hands and the woman said, "Leon didn't I tell you that Tim didn't have to bring anything!"

Peering out from his spot in the kitchen the older man flinched before saying, "I did tell him that dear."

"M'am I just picked up something small for Jared and Kayla, and your husband did tell me that I didn't have to bring anything" Tim said rushing to explain.

"Oh good, and I am sure the kids will appreciate the gifts…anything could beat the clothes and books we got them" Jackie said ushering the man into the kitchen and grabbing the man a coffee.

Accepting the coffee with a smile Tim said, "Thank you and it smells delicious in here," letting his nose sniff the air around him.

Smiling Jackie said, "Thank you. I baked snicker doodles and we are going to have ham and stuffing for dinner."

"Sounds great. My mom used to love ham on Christmas" Tim said rather wistfully trying to grasp onto happier Christmas past memories.

"Tim!" Kayla said running into the room with her brother following closely behind her.

Bending down a bit Tim said, "Hi Jared, Kayla. I got you these" as he held out the neatly wrapped presents.

Each taking their gifts both children ripped into the paper with ferocity and Tim's face lit up seeing the smiles cross each child's face.

"Just Dance 3! Sweet…I can work on my dance moves between practices!" Kayla exclaimed before tightly enveloping Tim in a hug that surprisingly matched Abby's ferocity.

"I am glad that you like it" Tim breathlessly muttered out in between bone crushing hugs from the little girl that had surprising strength for her age.

"I got the new computer game…thanks man" Jared said looking in awe at the unwrapped toy before lightly hugging Tim.

Smiling that he had picked the right gifts Tim said, "I am glad that you like the gifts, and thank you for having me over."

"No one should be alone on Christmas especially a hero like you!" Kayla said after taking a bite of the homemade cinnamon rolls that just came out of the oven.

Blushing a bit at the praise Tim said, "I just did my job."

"You saved my friend's life and we're sorry for not thinking you were a real agent" Jared said as he snagged a bit of his sister's breakfast.

"Mrs. Williams said that we shouldn't judge a package by its appearance…and we did that. We were wrong" Kayla said a bit ashamed.

Stooping down once more so he was at eye level with the children again Tim said, "It's okay, it happens. You learn from it though. Apology accepted" before he enveloped the children in a hug of his own.

"So how do you play Just Dance 3" Vance asked which elicited menacing glints and everyone rushed into the living room to set up the game…
