Hey guys!

In full spirit of the winter holidays, we've decided to do some Christmas themed songfics! We'll try to post this story every day so you'll have most of it before Christmas. (That's probably really unlikely. but oh well.) There will be more than one song in here, by the way.

Anyway, if you have any cute holiday songs you would like us to make a fanfic for, leave it in a review or PM us and we'll try to whip something up.

Happy Holidays!


Story 1

~Baby It's Cold Outside~

Summary: This Christmas, Sally Jackson is taking on a new skill: match-making. The mission: Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson. At this time, Percy is still an awkward 14-year old who's terrified of his mom's new obvious plans. Meanwhile, Annabeth is just as uncomfortable.

The result? A Christmas Catastrophe

It was five o'clock on Christmas day. Percy Jackson was planted on the couch in front of the TV, where a Home Alone marathon was playing. He wrapped the large quilt tighter around himself and breathed in the fumes of pecan pie wafting from the kitchen. Mmmmmm, he thought. Yummy. The very thought of his mother's giant roasted chicken with baked potatoes and sour cream made his stomach rumble. Ooooh, and the eggnog and the honey ham, and the...

Ding-Dong! Percy's thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Sally rushed to open the front door as Percy stayed put and wondered who it was. Could it be Dad? he brainstormed. No, he would've just popped right in. Maybe Grover? Again, Percy shook his head. Nah, he's in Canada looking for some demigods. And Percy knew for a fact that any relatives wouldn't come to visit, so the only logical answer would be...

"Annabeth, sweetie!" His mother's voice rang from the entryway. "Come in!"

Percy leaped to his feet and joined Sally at the door. Standing very awkwardly in front of them was none other than Annabeth Chase all dressed up in a red velvet dress. Her blond curls hung around her shoulders and it was different from her usual ponytail. Percy noticed that her cheeks were a little pinker and her eyelids sparkled. Make-up.

"Uh, hi! What are you doing here?" Percy asked, more surprised than upset.

"Is it a problem that I'm in your house?" Annabeth asked, amused.

"No! It's not like that!" he assured her. "I just didn't know you were coming..."

Sally laughed, and Percy saw that she definitely dressed up for the occasion. His mother wore a red flowy shirt with a black skirt and heels. "I invited her," she explained, shutting the door. "Paul is coming, too. Oh, and I invited some friends from work as well."

Percy nodded. He still couldn't grasp the fact that Paul was dating his mom.

"So, can I sit down?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah, of course," Percy told her, pointing to the couch.

"Well, I'll be in the kitchen," Sally told them, giggling with a giddy anticipation. "Just call if you need me! And Percy, don't forget to be a polite gentleman to Annabeth, got it?" She smiled at them and disappeared into the hallway.

Annabeth snickered, sitting down on the couch.

Percy turned beet-red. "So, how've you been since last summer?" he asked, staring at the TV screen to avoid eye-contact with Annabeth. He felt so awkward that it was only them two alone in the room, especially from what Sally had said beforehand.

"Good," Annabeth said. She eyed his jeans and blue polo shirt. "You look nice."

"Uh, thanks," he replied, still staring at the screen.

"Home Alone, huh?" she said, smiling. "I love those movies. My dad used to watch them with me. I still watch them sometimes; they're my guilty pleasure." She scooted about two inches closer to Percy.

Percy smiled for the first time since Annabeth had come in. "Mine too."

"I'm back!" someone sing-songed from behind them.

The two fourteen year-olds turned to see Sally carrying a platter of warm chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven and two steaming hot chocolates with mini marshmallows floating inside.

"Oh, thanks, Mrs. Jackson," Annabeth said, accepting a cookie and a mug full of the warm liquid.

"No problem," Sally said, winking at Percy.

Percy responded with a puzzled expression as always.

"So, are you kids having a good time?" she asked them, placing the platter on the table in front of them. They nodded. Sally suddenly noticed the wide gap between the two kids on the couch and her eyes brightened with a plan. "You know what? I think it's much too cold in here, am I right?"

"No," Percy replied, just as Annabeth said, "I agree, Mrs. J."

Sally smiled at Annabeth and turned on the fireplace. She chuckled to herself. "And I could definitely light some candles."

"No need," Percy shrugged, just as Annabeth replied, "That would be amazing. Thank you."

Sally grinned and pulled out two vanilla scented candles out from a drawer. "The special candles," she announced.

"Mom, why do you have vanilla candles hidden in a drawer?" Percy asked, eying them suspiciously.

"Oh, for no reason," Sally answered casually, but Percy could see the mischievous gleam in her eyes. "I usually reserve these for Valentine's Day, but I think they really set the mood." She winked again and produced some matches from another drawer and lit the candles, placing them on the side table next to Annabeth. They let off a very welcoming scent, and Annabeth couldn't help but feel at home.

"Alright, well, you know where to find me," she said, smiling knowingly at Percy. She glanced at both of them. "Enjoy, kids. And don't forget to converse amongst yourselves."

"Moooom," he whined, shooing her off.

Sally only gave a light-hearted laugh and swept back into the kitchen.

"Your mom's really nice," Annabeth told Percy, taking another cookie.

"Yeah, I guess," he replied, not really knowing what to say. "I don't know what she's up to, though."

They sat in silence, focusing on the movie. Annabeth scooted a little bit closer to Percy. He blushed and just quickly grabbed a cookie.

"Sorry, I'm just cold from this end of the couch," she explained when she saw Percy's face.

"Um, no worries," he replied, handing over some of the the blanket that he was wrapped in.

Annabeth sighed. Of course she felt the awkwardness in the room, but she at least wanted him to talk to her like they did at camp. Now, this was different...weird. Even as they sat sharing the same blanket which now seemed awfully too small.


Sally Jackson peeked out from the corner of the kitchen doorway, staring at the back of two teenagers' heads. She shook her head, mainly to herself. Sally felt obligated to help Percy out with his, um, girl problems. She knew that there was something special brewing between those two, and it was only right that she could do her part to help out.

"I've gotta do something..." she muttered, then snapped her fingers. "I got it!" she thought. She snuck back into the living room and opened the cabinet that contained the stereo. She quietly shuffled through the discs for a while before finding the right one. "Ah! Here it is!" Sally smiled dreamily as she found the CD titled Romantic Love Songs. She shoved it into the CD player, and hitting play, crept back into the kitchen with a smirk.

Those kids don't know what's in for them, Sally thought, as the song started to play on the speakers.

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