A/N: Its 2014, so here comes the revise:

Robin sat in bed, finishing what ever it was Megan had brought him earlier that day for lunch. On a regular basis he would have just dumped the bowl and it brownish black contents into a nearby potted plant and then just forget about it, but today he was nursing a head cold that was worse than anything he had ever faced (in his opinion) and really didn't give a crap what he was eating. When he finally finished eating, he set his bowl aside on the table and laid back down on his soft mattress as he snuggled closer into his warm covers and closed his eyes. He wasn't for long asleep, however. Before long, he awoke with a start when he heard a loud knocking on his bedroom door, followed by a swishing sound as the doors parted, allowing his friend Wally to come walking through the door.

"Hey Robby!" He said in a rather cheerful tone, waving a spoon under Robin's nose as he held something behind his back. "Hows the cold doin'?"

Robin grunted and threw a pillow at his red headed friend in response, earning himself a chuckle from the older boy. Frowning, Robin reached over for a nearby box of tissues and took out one for himself before chucking the rest of the box at Wally, which he ended up knocking away with the flick of his wrist and laughed once more. Rolling his eyes, Robin proceeded to blow his nose, trying once again in vein to clear up his nose a bit so that he could breathe, and Wally took notice of this.

"I know you're sick and all, but this will fix you right up! Aunt Iris said so!" Wally laughed, pouncing on the boy suddenly.

"W-Wall-y! T-the he-eck!?" Robin gasped out, wincing as his words only seemed to make his sore throat worse. "O-o-off!"

"Just a sec, Rob. This'll clear you right up." Wally said as he pinned the boy's arms with his knees and proceeded to open up a glass jar in his hand and scoop out the contents onto a spoon.

"W-Wally! Get of-!" The boy wonder stopped as Wally held up the spoon and began forcing Robin's mouth open.

The raven haired boy tried desperately to fight back, but soon the spoon was shoved in his mouth and he tasted a very hot, slightly lumpy and stringy glob being poured down his throat. In a last effort, he managed to shove Wally off of his arms, all while he gagged and thrashed his fists violently into Wally's chest. Finally, he managed to get Wally off of him fully, and jumped up and ran for the bathroom to wash his mouth out, having no idea what was in it now. This whole process took him about five minutes (As the taste seemed to have burned itself into his mouth) and required several squirts of tooth paste to get out. Much to the boy's annoyance also, he found that what ever it was he had eaten had caused his nose to run like a faucet, and when he came back out, he found Wally still sitting on his bed with a wide grin on his dorky face.

"There, now how do you feel?" He asked in an innocent and yet humored tone, folding his arms over his chest.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Robin roared, though a smile did find its way onto the upturned corners of his lips at the realization that he had his voice back and that he could breath out his nose again.

Wally got up suddenly from the bed and innocently walked over to the boy, before he held out an empty bottle and tossed it the rest of the way to the boy wonder. Once he caught it, Wally wasted no time in letting out a woody wood-pecker styled laugh, turning quickly on his heels, and then speed out of the room. Robin rose an eye brow and thumbed the bottle in his hand before he actually looked down at it:
