See previous chapters for disclaimer.

A/n: And here it is…eventually, lol. Sorry I took so long in posting this but I wasn't sure about it, still not sure, lol, but after falling into that ditch we call writers block and not being able to get back out, I decided to post it after all, lol. My Thanks go to everyone who reviewed, gave advice and commented. *Sniff, hiccup* I just love you guys so much!!! * Pulling myself together* ok, ok, I'm fine. Anyhoo, I'll leave you to read in peace, while I go and start writing another one! Enjoy, and thanks again.


Clarice was lost. Lost in his eyes, lost in his kiss and lost in his presence. She didn't notice when he pushed her down to the pillows, and didn't notice when he was suddenly on the bed. She was nothing but pure emotion, pure love and maddening lust. He seemed to take charge of the pace, his hands holding her own at her sides, his mouth warm yet demanding. The need to touch him became suddenly urgent and she fought to pull out of his grasp, drawing his attention. Both were breathing a little heavier when there lips parted.

" Something wrong Clarice?" he purred, the very sound of his voice enough to make her groan in pleasure.

Before she could answer his lips descended on hers once again, his touch soft and breathe sweet as he explored her mouth. She could feel the lightest touch on her calf as they kissed, could feel it slowly moving north to her thigh. It was she who broke the kiss this time, her eyes dark and breathing heavy as she spoke.

" Give me my hands back" it was not a question he noted happily.

Suddenly pulling both her hands over her head, he managed to hold them with one strong hand, smiling as she growled low in her throat. Laying a finger on her lips he slowly started down, his finger travelling over her chin and down to her throat. He watched as she closed her eyes and tilted his head, letting his finger take the touch of a butterfly's wing as he passed the valley between her breasts. He could see she was fighting for her control, tiny beads of sweat appearing on the outskirts of her face, her breathing and body tightly controlled to show as little outward pleasure as possible. It was all so clear to him, from the tiny tremble that constantly ran through her entire frame, to the slightest twitch.

When he reached the hem of her t-shirt he paused and considered his options. Reaching into his sleeve he grasped the harpy and brought it out into the light, silently flicking it open and laying the blunt side on the little bit of exposed flesh between the end of her t-shirt and the beginning of the blanket. Almost immediately her eyes snapped open and fell on his. He watched as fear and uncertainty momentarily flashed across them, felt the quick pull of her arms as she reflectively tried to pull away. At a snails pace he started gliding the knife upwards, taking the t- shirt with him. He felt the increased tremble in her torso as the blade crept higher, and watched as she was forced to tilt her head back when he reached her neck, forcing her back to arch. With one quick flick of the wrist the neckline of the shirt was slashed, and he slowly made his way back down, cutting the t-shirt, exposing pale flesh as he did so.

Clarice knew she would loose her control is he didn't touch her soon. She had never felt so vulnerable and excited before and she wasn't sure how much more she could take. The feel of the cold knife against her flushed skin aroused her in ways she didn't care to think about, and to heights she hadn't experienced before. She could feel the shirt slipping away, tickling her sides as it fluttered silently to the mattress. For the first time in her life she was not conscience of eyes upon her body, or rather didn't care what they thought.

Hannibal sat for an endless moment simply watching her chest rise and fall with each quickened breath, the way her brow knitted in concentration, and inhaling the sweet smell of arousal that floated to him in inviting waves. Taking the pressure from her held hands, he let his own travel down her outstretched arms, caressing her face as he reached it and continuing to her neck. Taking his time he bent his head to her shoulder and softly kissed before suddenly sinking his teeth into her pale flesh, leaving an angry red mark that bled very little. He could feel her tense as he did so but not through fear, she knew what he was doing as well as he. Licking the small trickle of blood momentarily he began kissing towards her neck, nipping as he went, listening to her shallow breathing close to his ear.

Clarice suddenly remembered that her hands where now free and hesitatingly began to pull them down, one hand griping the material on his shoulder the other twisted in the sheets at her side. She concentrated on each feather light kiss, her skin feeling like fire wherever he touched. When she felt him reach her breasts she couldn't hold back her vocalisations any longer and let out a strangled moan, arching her back to his eager mouth as he devoured her. Pulling at his shoulders, he raised his head and met her eyes; the silent begging and love shown there enough to bring feelings that he had repressed for years to the surface, as he moved to seal their love………………………………


Hannibal held her trembling body close to his own and silently waited for her to calm. The blanket had been kicked or thrown off at some point during their lovemaking and all that remained was a simple white sheet, which he pulled up and over her back to keep the morning chill from her. Gently kissing her hair he tried to coax her face from where is lay buried in his chest, the feel of damp perspiration beginning to cool as she shifted.

" Clarice…." He whispered

Pulling back slightly, she raised her sleepy eyes to his and smiled a smile only the thoroughly sated can.

" Hey" she whispered back

" Hello"

Stretching lazily he noticed the tiniest hint of discomfort flitter across her features.

Sinking back into his warmth with a sigh she noticed the look almost immediately.

" I'm fine. I think I must have pulled a few stitches is all, nothing to worry about."

" I'm not surprised." He answered, smiling at the light red blush that lit her cheeks.

Laying in comfortable silence, neither spoke for endless minutes, contended to listen to each other's breathing and reflect on the days events. It was he who broke the silence, his voice showing the slightest hint of weariness.

" As much as I loathe to bring this up Clarice, we must begin moving soon. It's already daylight outside and I'm sure you need no reminding at how persistent the authorities can be at times. It wont be long before they begin the medial task of door to door enquiries."

" I know," she whispered sadly.

Shifting from his position on his back to better study her, he focused on the far away look that had settled over her face.

" Clarice I would be lying if I told you I know what the future may bring for us, or what obstacles may litter our path whichever one we choose. I would also be lying if I told you that life with me was safe, untouched by peril or disappointment, and full of happiness and contentment. This isn't a fairy tale that your daddy used to read to you at night Clarice. What I can promise you is that you have, and will always have my love and protection. I will show you what has been missing in your life, what you have been denying yourself by pursuing that which would destroy you."

Taking a moment to let what he had said sink into her foggy mind he continued.

" But you already know all this don't you Clarice. You've been thinking it all through for ten years. Ten years of wonder, denial, hope and hatred, but above all that love. I would be nothing but a fool if I were to say I didn't see that when I looked into your eyes. I know you love me Clarice, almost as much as I love you, but it doesn't mean you have to take this life offered. No one can touch what we have Clarice, that is what they despise, and it will always be there whether we are together or not. It's time to make a decision Clarice, and we don't have much time. Will you take the sensible path? The moral path? Will you leave here and live out your years with no regrets? Please do tell Special Agent Clarice Starling."

Clarice looked deeply into his eyes, her own glittering with tears that would never be shed. Rubbing her thumb over the mark he had left on her only hours before she slipped into deep thought. He was right, as he always was she thought morosely. She had been imagining this moment for more than a decade and had never really thought about the consequences such an act could cause. If she indeed ran away with him now, if they where to disappear into the crowds and were never found again, what would it mean for her? That she would live the life of a fugitive? Yes, but he had been doing that for years and seemed happier than she had ever been in her years on earth. It was also true, she thought, that she would never see any of her…. she stopped. Any of her what? Friends? Family? She had neither that wouldn't be easily forgotten within a day. So what did that leave? Ah of course, she almost laughed, the F…. B…. I. The almighty organisation that brought her crashing to her knees, and laughed as they passed her by. Her childhood dream, which they took, turns in smashing into smithereens with a smile on their face. Looking back to the man that offered his hand, his love and protection she gently smiled. What had he asked her? Would she turn her back on him and walk back to that which she despised? There was only one answer that sprung to mind and it seemed most appropriate.

" Not in a thousand years" she whispered, leaning forward to give him a kiss that sealed their future.

Neither noticed the distant sounds of a clock chiming 6.00am in the house, an audible salute to their first twenty-four hours.


Sorry about the sucky ending folks. What can I say? I will try harder next time, promise.
