Title: Incubatis

Author: Chimera Dragon

Warnings: AU, some spoilers, shape shifting, minor Gwen bashing(this chapter and the next), explicit sex between two men

Pairings: Janto

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood. No money made from this.

Author's Note: Ianto learns that his body has changed quite a bit and Jack gets to see possesive Ianto. Also, very sorry for the shortness of chapter two. I usually write more each chapter, not that much less. LOL. Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.

Chapter 3:

"Hm," Ianto hummed softly as he nuzzled his face into Jack's chest with a contented sigh.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," Jack murmured quietly. "You feeling better now?"

Ianto whined and tried to bury himself further into the warmth Jack offered.

"I just need to know that you're alright," Jack insisted quietly.

"I'm fine," Ianto whined as he rolled away to press his back against Jack's front.

Jack looked down and paused to stare. "Ianto, when did you get these done?"

"Get what done?" Ianto asked the pillow as he tried to go back to sleep.

"These amazing blue wing tattoos..." Jack murmured in wonder as he let one finger gently start tracing the blue lines of the bat-like wing designs.

Ianto shuddered and arched into the feeling. His whole body tingled as he moaned obscenely.

"Ianto?" Jack asked, voice worried as he laid his hand flat against the other man's back to help steady him.

"Too much," Ianto panted. "And ... I've never had a tattoo in my life!"

"This must be one of the effects of the changes that happened to you," Jack murmured quietly. He let his hand stroke firmly but carefully down the younger man's back.

Ianto gasped as he hardened. Without thinking he rolled the two of them so Jack was on his back. He nipped and nuzzled his way from the strong jaw down to a rapidly hardening nipple.

Jack let his body go slightly limp in shock as he was rolled and maneuvered. He felt himself responding to the slightly rough treatment with his own growing erection. He let the younger man move between his legs and tipped his head back to allow better access to the teeth and tongue that were claiming him.

"Mine!" Ianto growled suddenly. His voice was low and dangerous as two slick fingers entered Jack's body.

"Yes," Jack groaned as he was hurriedly prepared. He reveled in the feeling of Ianto taking charge even as the other man entered him a little too soon. "Ianto!"

"Shh..." Ianto soothed as he gave his lover a few moments to adjust to being suddenly full.

Jack's head was thrown back and he gasped as his empathy picked up on Ianto's need and love. "Ianto..." he panted as he quickly adjusted.

"I'm going to move now, Jack," Ianto warned even as he started rolling his hips. He wanted to wait longer but his body ruled now, and it wanted Jack.

The older man groaned as Ianto shifted and changed the angle until he was hitting his sweet spot each time. Jack shivered as he quickly got into the rhythm of the man above him.

Cracking his eyes open to watch his lover Jack noticed something else that was different. A pair of blue tinted flesh colored wings were arched over Ianto's head. He felt a shiver of excitement run through his body.

"Jack..." Ianto murmured as he increased the pace again, pounding into the older man for all he was worth. He nipped and licked all around Jack's neck, leaving bruising marks. He growled in the back of his throat as Jack's body started to contract around him, signaling that he was close to coming.

"Ian ... to!" Jack cried as he was pushed over the edge. He came over their stomachs as Ianto continued to thrust deeply, coming with a gasping shiver. Jack felt teeth dig into the juncture of his shoulder and neck as Ianto came down from his orgasm and merely moaned at the feeling.

"Hm, Jack," Ianto murmured and he curled into the warmth of the other man and released his shoulder. "That was great."

Jack mumbled incoherently and nodded.

"Are you alright?" Ianto asked, voice worried.

"'m fine," Jack slurred a little. "Just a little too much ... Incubatis ... sex, apparently. It's a little draining. You have pretty wings, you know that?"

"As long as you're ... " Ianto stopped cold and looked down at Jack, eyes completely serious. "What did you say?"

"You have pretty wings?" Jack replied as he picked up on Ianto's distress.

"I ..." Ianto stammered and looked over his shoulder to see the aforementioned appendage hovering over his back. He reached up with one hand and found it was sensitive and smooth. He gave a small; almost hysterical, laugh as he felt Jack's hand join his on the wing.

"I wonder if you can fly with them," Jack murmured quietly as his hand fell to his side and he started to drift off. Ianto turned back to his lover, focusing on him to keep the panic at bay. "But I'm tired now. Sleep, then food. And coffee. And answers." He pulled Ianto down a bit, keeping the younger man on top of him to avoid harming the wings as he drifted off.

Ianto gave a small smile as he let Jack's voice lull him to the world of dreams.

Back in the HUB...

"Brilliant movie," Owen said with a grin as the credits finished rolling. He looked over and saw Tosh had apparently fallen asleep during the credits and curled up on him.

"Tosh?" he called softly, not wanting to wake the Japanese woman if she really was asleep. She murmured in her sleep and curled up to the medic tighter. He shook his head and readjusted her so that she was more comfortable. And tried to catch a nap himself. He reclined back on the couch, stretching out and pulling the blanket off the back and over Tosh.

Several Hours Later ...

Jack awoke with a start as he felt something wrap around his leg. He looked around and noticed Ianto asleep on his chest, soft breaths escaped the other man as he slept peacefully. He looked down and noticed a strange lump in the blankets. He carefully moved the blankets down to reveal Ianto's new blue wings.

He reached down with one hand and carefully stroked the nearest wing, keeping the pressure firm as he made his way down the younger man's spine. He gave a slight start as he noticed the tail protruding from the base of Ianto's spine. He let his fingers run over it and the place where it seamlessly connected to Ianto's human feeling flesh.

Ianto moaned as the base of his tail was stroked lightly. He murmured wordlessly and tried to bury his face further into the pillow under his head until it grumbled in protest. He blinked blearily as he realized it was Jack.

"Ianto. You okay?" Jack murmured quietly as he moved the stroking back up to the winged man's back.

"That feels nice, Sir," Ianto replied sleepily. He sighed into the embrace as Jack continued his ministrations. "I suppose we should be getting up soon."

"Yeah, before the others start to worry about us," Jack lamented. "And you know you don't have to call me Sir all the time."

"You like it and you know it," Ianto countered as he moved to get up. He wobbled slightly on his feet as he adjusted to the new weight on his back.

"Um, Ianto, you might want to unwrap that tail from my leg before you plan on going anywhere," Jack said with a smile.

"Oh! Right," he looked down and concentrated on getting the new limb to move the way he wanted. "It's weird," he murmured as the tail started to unwrap a bit awkwardly. "But I think I'm starting to get the hang of it."

Jack smiled slightly as he felt the skin against skin sensation of Ianto moving his tail behind himself. He stood and stretched, feeling joints pop with a satisfying sound. He looked down at himself and shook his head, feeling the dried semen on him. "Wanna get a shower before we head up to face the others?"

Ianto looked over from his inspection of his new appendages and nodded. "That would be nice. Do you have a shower down here?"

"Of course," Jack smirked. He pressed a small, hard to notice panel on the wall and a door slid back to reveal a decent sized bathroom. "Care to join me?"

"I think I would," Ianto replied as his eyes dilated slightly. He followed Jack in, watching his every move like a hawk watching a mouse.

"Just let me get the water started," Jack laughed a little as he noted the look in the other man's eyes. He leaned slightly, turning on the water and adjusting the dial until it was close to the perfect temperature. He saw Ianto had already found, and pulled out two towels for them, and was watching him again. He leaned over, making a show of changing the dial over to the shower head.

"I need you," Ianto moaned as he grabbed Jack's hips and carefully pushed his way back inside of the other man in one thrust.

Jack moaned as he quickly braced against the wall, half in and half out of the shower. He shivered at the juxtaposition of being warmed by the water and cooled by the air outside of the shower. Another moan fell from his lips as Ianto rolled his hips.

"More?" Ianto asked as he thrust a little harder on the next inward push.

"More," Jack agreed with a nod of his head. He was already hard again from the pheromones Ianto was giving off and the fact he'd never had sex only halfway in the shower. He laughed slightly at the thought but it quickly turned to a moan as the younger man quickly increased the pace.

Ianto growled slightly in the back of his throat as he pushed himself deeper and harder into the man beneath him. He could feel how close Jack was and reveled in the feel of the tight walls that were clutching him. He threw his head back as he came, feeling Jack's body clench and come as well. He slumped forward and grinned into the wet skin as the water dampened his hair.

"Sh... ower?" Jack gasped as he came down, feeling his whole body tremble as he supported both of their weight.

"Yes," Ianto purred as he slowly pulled out and helped Jack step into the stall. He noted the blissed out look and shook his head. "Sorry I'm wearing you out so much, Sir."

"It's Jack to you," the immortal muttered as he felt loving hands massage shampoo into his hair. He closed his eyes and let the sensations wash over him as Ianto's hands quickly cleaned the evidence of their love making off of him. "You're good to me, you know that?"

"I know. But you're good to me as well, Jack," Ianto replied as he started washing his own hair. He gave his wings a perturbed look as he tried to figure out how to wash them.

"Let me," Jack insisted as he took the wash cloth from the younger man and turned him around. "Relax and let me help you." He moved strong, careful hands over the delicate looking wings and strong tail as he soaped them up. He saw the shiver that went through the other man as he set down the cloth and started rinsing the soap off.

"Jack," Ianto moaned quietly.


"I need ..." Ianto replied as he turned around, revealing his rock hard erection.

Jack laughed a little and knelt in the shower.

"You don't have to!" Ianto insisted.

"But I want to," Jack said just before he took the entire length into his mouth and swallowed.

Ianto curled forward, wings changing the flow of water around them as he was momentarily overwhelmed. He gasped and let his hands tangle in the Captain's wet hair as he made shallow thrusts into his mouth.

Jack smirked slightly; mostly with his eyes, as he started bobbing his head. He used every trick he could with his tongue and quickly brought Ianto to release. He suckled until he got a moan of protest before pulling off with a pop. "Better?" he asked with a grin as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he stood.

"Fantastic," Ianto murmured quietly as his legs trembled slightly.

"I'm glad you liked it," Jack murmured as he helped to rinse the slight sheen of sweat off the other man. "Are we done in here?"

Ianto nodded slightly, still a little out of it.

"Okay, then out we get," Jack said as he shut the water off and reached out of the stall and wrapped a towel around the younger man. Ianto obliged him, helping to start drying himself off as Jack stepped out to grab his own towel.

Ianto laid his damp head on Jack's shoulder as he helped dry the older man off, nuzzling his shoulder once in a while.

Jack kissed the top of Ianto's head and made him sit down on the toliet so he could dry the other man. "Do you think you can put those away?" he asked as he pointed to the now dry wings.

"I don't know," Ianto said uncertainly. He closed his eyes and went still for a few moments. The wings folded up onto his back and then seemed to sink into the flesh seamlessly. He watched as the tail wrapped around Ianto's right leg and then melted in as well.

"That was amazing," Jack said as he ran his hand over the now tatoo looking wings.

Ianto gasped a little and caught his hand. "For now, please don't do that. I might have to take you again. And then we will get nothing accomplished."

Jack gave an airy sigh. "I suppose you're right. But why is it you taking me so much?"

"I'm sure you can return the favor again tonight. Don't forget, we started with you on top. Though, I must warn you. I might snap at Gwen if she starts flirting with you. I feel the urge to keep you away from her. You're ... Mine. I don't know how else to explain it."

Jack nodded as he moved back into his room and gathered up their clothes. "Actually, it makes perfect sense. Many races feel the need to stay with someone they're compatible with. And I know that I; personally, believe in Soul Mates. People destined for each other."

Ianto smiled softly as he slipped into his clothes. "I do too. I just ... I never thought after ..."

"I know," Jack replied. "But that's the past. We have the future to look towards."

"How can you go from being so serious to completely cheesy so fast?"

"It's a gift," Jack grinned.

Ianto rolled his eyes as he double checked his clothes in the mirror before heading for the ladder.

"You know, Owen's going to want to have a look at you," Jack said as he finished pulling his own clothes on. "And maybe me too."

Ianto bit his lip as he started the climb up the ladder.

"Are you okay with that?" Jack asked as he followed the other man.

"I ... don't know. I think I'll be okay," Ianto worried his lip with his teeth again.

"If you're not sure about something you have to let me know. I'd rather not have you decking Owen because he touched me," Jack said softly as he pulled the younger man into a tender embrace.

"I know. I just don't know how I'll react. But I know you've never shown any serious attraction to Owen. But don't let Gwen touch you!" Ianto's lip curled at the mention of the former PC. "I ... I don't think I'd be able to restrain myself."

"What about Tosh?" Jack asked, the curiosity clear in his eyes.

Ianto shook his head. "I know you don't feel that way about her either. You're too ... protective."

"Fair enough," Jack replied with a thoughtful hum. He closed the hatch to his bunker. He looked over at Ianto and noted the blue wasn't showing on his face as much. "Are you sure you're ready for for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Ianto said.

"Alright, but you tell me if something is bothering you. Yeah?"

Ianto nodded wordlessly and followed close on Jack's heels, barely managing to keep from tripping the other man.

Jack gave him a pointed look as he helped him out. "You do realize if you walk on me ..."

Ianto flushed slightly and took a very conscious step back. "Sorry. Tell me if I start doing that again."

Jack nodded and leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on the other man's lips. "I will. Now, let's see if the rest of the team is here. It's about time for Tosh to be arriving."

Ianto nodded and turned towards the coffee maker but hesitated. "I'm going to go make coffee for everyone... please stay out of trouble."

Jack looked mock-offended. "Me? Trouble?"

Ianto merely raised an eyebrow at him.

The immortal laughed. "Fine! Spoilsport, I'll go to my office and do some paperwork. Is that being good enough?"

Ianto rolled his eyes as Jack walked off. He let his hands move automatically as he went through the process of coffee making.

"Oi! Ianto," Owen called not two minutes later from the conference room. He looked a little disheveled. "Can I get a cup for Tosh up here?"

Ianto looked at the medic in mild confusion. "How did you get here so early?"

"Stayed all night," Owen replied with a shrug as he walked down the stairs trying to gauge how the Welshman was doing. "Tosh was running a program and I stayed in case one of you needed me."

Ianto's eyes widened for a moment at the protectiveness Owen was displaying. "Thank you. I ... here's your coffee," he said handing over the first mug. "I'll make one for Tosh now. You really stayed the whole night?"

"Tosh had a movie and then she fell asleep. I didn't want to move her," Owen said as he took the new cup.

"You know. If you keep that up... People are going to think you care," Ianto said in a mock-warning tone.

"I'll have to keep that in mind, Tea Boy," Owen replied as he turned to head back up to the conference room.

Ianto merely smiled slightly at the other man's antics as he grabbed cups for Jack and himself. He saw his Mate lightly dozing in the chair behind his desk and stopped to admire the view for a few moments.

"Coffee?" Jack groaned softly as the smell wafted over to him. He sat up in the chair and opened his eyes. He smiled brightly as he saw Ianto and his coffee.

"I gave some to Owen. He and Tosh ended up spending the night. Apparently she showed him some movie and they fell asleep. He took her a cup. But we're supposed to pretend we think he has no heart," Ianto replied as he handed the mug over.

Jack smiled as he took a sip and his eyes closed in pleasure. "You know," he said as his stomach rumbled. "We should probably think about getting some food soon. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

Ianto smile softly and turned to head up to the Tourist Office. "You'll be good while I'm gone, yeah?"

Jack looked at the other man with mild confusion before it clicked. He set his mug down and walked around his desk. "Ianto, I would never betray you like that. And we're in the HUB. There's no one here I like that way. I'm yours. You're mine. Yeah?" he waited until he got a hesitant nod from Ianto before leaning forward to give him a brief, gentle kiss. "Good."

Ianto smiled shyly and turned to leave. "I'll be back, quick as I can."

"I'll be waiting," Jack said as he moved back around the desk to get started on his paperwork. He heard footsteps and the alarm signaling that Ianto had left. A few moments layer Owen's head was peeking around his door.

"You busy?" Owen asked.

Jack merely raised an eyebrow at the question. "Not really. Just doing paperwork that Ianto's been asking me to do forever, why?"

Owen raised an eyebrow. "You really going to play dumb with me?"

"Because of what happened to Ianto, right? My blood work will come back fine. Same as it always does."

Owen rolled his eyes at the immortal. "It don't matter. I still need to check."

Jack shrugged and quickly rolled up his sleeve before offering his arm to the doctor. Owen took several vials of blood before he was satisfied. "You going to leave any for me?"

Owen merely smirked as he remove the needle and tourniquet. He pressed the cotton ball into place almost offhandedly. "What's Ianto up to? I saw him head out."

"Ordering food," Jack replied as he rolled his sleeve back down. He turned back to the work on his desk. "For everyone I think. If you're worried you can call and make sure he's getting something for you and Tosh."

"He already spoke to me a few minutes ago. Pretty sure he can figure out we need food, didn't realize he was going to head up the the Tourist's Office already..." Owen said thoughtfully, looking up in the direction of Ianto. It almost seemed as though he had forgotten Jack for a moment. "I'll need a few samples from him too... when he gets back."

"I'll send him your way when he gets back with the food. But he's probably going to be hungry," Jack replied as he picked his pen back up intending to get back to work.

Owen rolled his eyes and walked out of the office to go run the tests.

Jack sighed softly to himself as he finished another boring report. He dint mind the missions but he hated the reports that went with them.

Nearly twenty minutes later ...

The sound if the door alarm was music to Jack's ears. He was hungry and wanted to make sure Ianto was doing alright. With a wide; and slightly goofy, smile on his face he practically bounded out of his office.

Gwen looked up and smiled at him.

He sighed but smiled back. "Did you have a nice evening with Rhys?" he asked conversationally.

Gwen started up the stairs towards him. "We had a nice quiet evening. Watched a film, had dinner. Proper date night and everything."

"Good. Did you see Ianto on your way down?"

She shook her head and shrugged. "No. I think he might have been doing paperwork in his office up there."

"Right..." Jack looked away for a moment.

"I brought coffee, didn't know if Ianto was going to be alright to make it himself this morning." She held a cup up to Jack. "Didn't know if anyone else was going to be in this early either."

"So you only brought two coffees?" Jack asked, feeling as though he was being lured into a trap. He took a few steps back towards his office.

"Yeah. Didn't think it would be a problem," Gwen replied, following him like a lost puppy carrying the coffee.

Jack shook his head and moved back behind his desk. "Thanks but I already have coffee," he said as he took a sip from the mug Ianto had brought to him earlier. The cup was mostly drained but Gwen didn't need to know that.

Gwen didn't seem to get the hint and walked around his desk with the cup still in hand. "Looks like your out. You can have this one until Ianto is done upstairs and can make more."

Jack scooted back, startled by Gwen's audacity and a little appalled by it.

She leaned in close and looked like she was about to try and kiss him when a loud snapping noise was followed by the sound of shattering ceramic.

Jack managed to push Gwen away and the two of them turned to see Ianto standing in the doorway of his office with shattered mugs at his feet. And the metal tray he'd been carrying them on was broken. In half.

Jack swallowed heavily knowing he was in trouble.

TBC ...