Chapter 08 The Anti-Fairy visit
Quanktumspirit: "I'm actually going to almost scrap this entire chapter and re-write the lot because I forgot that chapter 07 finished in the new morning, so this is continuing on what else happened during the day, and not a new day. Sorry. Oh also in my story the Tooth Fairy and Anti-Tooth Fairy are sisters actually. And yes I know that Anti-Fairies aren't really related to Fairy's other than being their Counterparts. Oh, also I am NOT including Sparky, Anti-Sparky or Chloe in this tale at all in any Chapter possible since my idea for this tale came before they entered the show."
After breakfast, Timmy had a thought.
'If a Fairy was sick, are their Anti-Fairy counterparts affected by the same sickness as well? And if it's a yes then does it mean Anti-Jorgen is lying sick in bed as well?' Timmy asked himself.
Timmy looked at Anti-Wanda as she was busy baking a lemon cake for the visiting person. Anti-Cosmo was measuring Timmy out and creating for him by handsome new clothes too wear.
Timmy must admit after Anti-Cosmo basically 'kidnapped' him from his God-family Timmy didn't even think about packing some new or clean clothes and he was still wearing the same clothes as he was as he left.
After the last measurements were taken Anti-Cosmo asked Timmy to head into the shower and get washed. His new clothes will be done shortly.
Timmy walked upstairs into the bathroom, once inside he stripped off his clothes, had a shower and washed his hair with something called: Cex shampoo for hair and body. Timmy just assumed it was some good Anti-Fairy shampoo. It did smell nice of lemons.
After the shower, Timmy noticed he forgot to grab a towel.
'Damn it.' Timmy thought and poked his head out of the door. "FOOP CAN YOU PLEASE BRING ME A TOWLE!"
Foop appeared a few minutes later with a big white towel, he turned away, knocked on the door and Timmy grabbed it from him.
"Thanks." Timmy smiled.
Foop just nodded and left back to his bedroom, Timmy dried himself off, tied the towel around his body before leaving the bathroom and heading quickly into his bedroom.
As he got in there he did find Anti-Cosmo held his promise. A newly made pair of black trousers were lying on his bed, as well as a bright blue T-shirt, a dark blue pullover and Timmy's same pink hat.
"Nice," Timmy smiled.
Quickly Timmy got dried and put on his new clothes, then he combed his brown hair down and back and was then ready for the day ahead.
As Timmy left the bedroom he meets up again with Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda in the living room. Anti-Cosmo was reading another knowledge book and Anti-Wanda was reading a knitting book, whiles trying to knit at the same time.
"I'm ready Anti-Cosmo." Timmy smiled. But he then noticed something strange, "Hang on a second, where is Foop now gone?"
Anti-Cosmo looked up smiling, "Well, he's now in the bathroom, getting dressed and is also going to be done in a bit."
And true to Anti-Cosmo's word Foop came down only 5 minutes later, also washed and dressed and wearing now a black top and black trousers. He was also holding a rolled up piece of paper which he made for his sick family member.
"Everyone ready?" Foop asked facing his 'family'.
Anti-Wanda nodded her head, Anti-Cosmo nodded his head too. The family left the home and took Anti-Cosmo's car to get to Anti-Jorgen's home.
Nothing much was said during the drive. Timmy took note that a lot of Anti-Fairies were talking to each other, there were shops, stalls, farms, fields etc. all over Fairy world. Only instead of being built all on one line, Timmy noticed they were on various levels of Gray clouds.
Anti-Cosmo looked a few times in the back mirror at Foop and Timmy, but both boy's just sat there waiting for the drive to be finished. After travelling for 5 more minuet's they came to Anti-Jorgen von Strangle's small ballet school home.
Timmy looked even more confused at it, not understanding why he would live in a ballet school. How many Anti-Fairy's enjoyed ballet?
Anti-Cosmo parked the car perfectly in the small driveway and they saw another car parked. It looked like a detectives car. As Anti-Cosmo recognised the car he smiled.
Anti-Cosmo first got out of the car, then freed Timmy from the complicated belt system, later on, Foop and then he helped his wife out who started eating the belt. He rolled his eyes annoyed in his head and repaired the belt quickly. Then as everybody was out of the car and Anti-Wanda had the present for Anti-Jorgen von Strangle Anti-Cosmo took her hand and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" Came from inside the house.
"Anti-Tooth Fairy von Anti-Strangle, it's your Great-nephew Anti-Cosmo, your Great-great nephew Foop ad your great-niece-in-law Anti-Wanda. We've also brought our trainee along with us, Timmy Turner. Can we please enter to check on Anti-Jorgen?" Anti-Cosmo explained.
"Sure just one second." Was the reply.
With a various of poofs, the Anti-Cosma family and Timmy found themselves inside the castle. The Anti-Tooth Fairy raced out of a room and quickly shut the door.
"Sorry for being late Anti-Cosmo, its just Anti-Jorgen is getting slowly out of control." Anti-Tooth Fairy explained.
"HATUE!" Came from inside the castle.
Timmy blinked a poof was heard, after 2 minutes the Anti-Tooth Fairy entered the room again and sighed,
"Not again sweetheart." She sighed.
Anti-Jorgen von Anti-Strangle has poofed himself into his ballet uniform and was practising some moved, The Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy sighed and poofed her husband back in bed, before placing a peg over her lover's nose to stop him sneezing.
After Anti-Jorgen noticed they had guests he threw his tissue away and shook in his bed.
"H... hello Anti-Cosmo... I'm sorry sir that... that I am in no shape to shake your... your hand... hang on. HATUE!" Anti-Jorgen went.
Instead of changing something Anti-Jorgen poofed himself out of the room. The gang spent 20 minutes until Timmy found Anti-Jorgen had poofed himself into the cellar. He was brought back to his bedroom where the poor lad was still shaking.
Timmy felt really bad for Anti-Jorgen, exactly like his big counterpart Anti-Jorgen couldn't control his cold or magic and the Anti-Tooth Fairy looked just as shattered as her Fairy counterpart did.
"Its alright Anti-Jorgen, you've got the same nasty cold as Jorgen von Strangle has. And it too will go in a couple of months time. But don't worry love, I'll cook all the meals to get you back on your feet in no time at all. In fact its lunch time now, "
"Oh that's alright Anti-Tooth Fairy, we've brought the family recipe the Chicken soup, we will just have to warm it up and Anti-Jorgen can have a nice slap of a meal," Anti-Cosmo explained.
Timmy helps up the pot with the 'now cold' soup in it. The Anti-Tooth Fairy nodded and shooed Timmy with the pot into the kitchen.
As the two were in there they set to work, the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy got a pot out and tipped the delicious family receipt soup into the pan, lit a small flame under it and using a spoon she stirred it up.
Timmy found some bread, cut some slices off and placed them on a side plate. As it was done the two flew back upstairs with the steaming hot soup.
"There, finished dear." The Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy smiled and handed her husband the hot soup.
Anti-Jorgen von Anti-Strangle smiled and tried a bit, it was indeed piping hot, but he liked the meal anyway. Whiles, he was eating his lunch the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy shooed the others back downstairs.
They ate some chicken salad, had some pop to drink and as a desert very sticky toffee pudding.
She looked at Timmy interestingly waiting for him to lose a tooth, but Timmy being intelligent instead of biting the Toffee he licks the Toffee.
As they finished lunch Anti-Tooth Fairy showed them for free around her rotting teeth collection. She had well over 200 billion teeth from all animal's, decades and humans as well as Fairy and Anti-Fairy teeth.
Timmy was well impressed, despite it being disgusting, "Wow, that is some collection. Does the Tooth Fairy collect anything?"
"Why yes she does, she collects everybody healthy teeth. In fact, we work together to get all the teeth into the right world's. So the rotten teeth of Anti-Fairy world and the healthy teeth into the Fairy world. In fact, I have a meeting with her in a bit, come along Timmy." The Anti-Tooth Fairy smiled.
Timmy nodded and the two vanished from her home.
With the Tooth Fairy back in Fairy world
The Tooth Fairy has called Cosmo, Wanda and Poof to her. It was for the poor Tooth Fairy heartbreaking to see the wonderful, kind and loving family so heart broke.
Cosmo had eyes full of tear's, Poof was having one nightmare after the next, always waking up screaming, and Wanda was breaking inside terribly. The family missed Timmy so badly that it disturbed them in their now day to day lives. They just couldn't get over their job as a Fairy Godparent.
Even if they had another Godchild it still wasn't the same without Timmy. After all, they have formed a long bond with the kid.
As the family were in the Tooth Fairy's office they could barely look at each other or the Tooth Fairy.
She smiled a bit at the God family, "Don't worry guys, I know of a way where you can see Timmy again for a few hours if you wish?"
"Really? We would do almost anything to get Timmy back or to just see him. And you are sure it won't infuriate Anti-Cosmo or the other Anti-Fairies?" Wanda asked worriedly.
"Sure Wanda, don't worry. But we have to go now. I have a meeting with the Anti-Tooth Fairy in a bit. At the edge between Fairy world and the Anti-Fairy world. I could ask her to bring Timmy along if Anti-Cosmo is also visiting his great-uncle Anti-Jorgen von Anti-Strangle. Our business is I collect the old teeth fallen form the children and hand them over to her, and n return she gives me some magical gold coins I can give to the children who have lost their teeth under their pillows. If Timmy comes along then you guys can see him without Anti-Cosmo interfering." The Tooth Fairy explained.
Poof's eyes lit up excited, "POOF, POOF!" (Ok, let's go already and see Timmy again.)
The Tooth Fairy chuckled, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof all looked now a bit happier about being able to see their 'ex-godchild' again. The Tooth Fairy nodded and flew with the family to the edge of Fairy and Anti-Fairy world to meet up with the Anti-Tooth Fairy.
Timmy had to follow the Anti-Tooth Fairy for quite a few miles. It turned out that the meeting was to take place in an area that the Anti-Fairies and Fairies have called: The dead trade land. Or TDTL for short.
There was nothing, only a single passage for Fairies and a passage for Anti-Fairies to get in, but only again with a special pass, which the Anti-Tooth Fairy had. And to be able to get in with a second person the Anti-Tooth Fairy had to hold an iron grip on Timmy's arm and pull him quickly into the room.
Inside the room, Timmy was finally released and he saw that the Tooth Fairy was also there, with a bag at her side as well.
"Hello Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy, good to see you again. I take it that is the bag full of the gold coins like every time?" The Tooth Fairy asked the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy.
She nodded her head and they traded the bags over.
"It sure is sis. Oh, are Cosmo, Wanda and Poof with you, like I asked?" The Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy inquired.
"They are just outside, I'll get them in." The Tooth Fairy said and left.
A short while later Timmy's face lit up. Before another word was said Poof shot from his parents and embraced his 'Ex-Godbrother' in a tight embrace.
"Timmy, Timmy come home." Poof wailed and embraced Timmy as hard as he could.
Timmy sat at the table, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof beamed and all 3 hugged Timmy once more to themselves.
"I swear I'm going to kill Anti-Cosmo, to just have us outwitted at the jury conference and kidnapped you, Timmy," Cosmo complained.
Wanda checked Timmy over, "How are the Anti-Fairies treating you, Timmy? Are you hurt or have you suffered any consequences whiles under the watch of Anti-Cosmo?"
Timmy shook his head, however, "No guys... in fact..."
Timmy reported to them what has happened so far, Cosmo blinked as he Wanda and Poof listened to Timmy's story.
Wanda gave it some thought, but it didn't add up. Why take Timmy and do all these weird things with him?
"Well Timmy, from what you've reported to us,... I don't think Anti-Cosmo would ever want to hurt you, apart from taking you from your parents." Wanda pointed out.
Timmy blinked, "Hu? How did you figure that out?"
"Well think about it, Timmy. You've been now under his care and guidance for 24 hours and you are fine. I don't think Anti-Cosmo would want you harmed, otherwise, you would be sitting in his dungeon by now." Wanda explained. "You have to return back to Anti-Cosmo's place and find out what else he is doing."
Timmy nodded his head, "Ok. I'll see what I can do. Oh, what are you 3 actually doing now? Seeing as you've been written off from me?"
Cosmo sighed, "We were forced to resign Timmy. Until we can get you back we are forbidden from looking after any other Godchild. And are also in a job search."
Poof hung his head, "Poof, poof." (I wish we could take you home with us.)
Timmy embraced Poof, "Don't worry Poof. I can look after myself. And I'll see that I can get away from Anti-Cosmo somehow. And please Poof, keep an eye on your parents. And grow up to be a great Fairy Godparent."
Poof blushed and nodded his head, the two hugged each other one more time before Timmy felt a hand on his shoulder.
Cosmo had tears falling from his face, but he pointed to the Tooth Fairy and the Anti-Tooth Fairy. The 'God Family' sat down and remained quiet, to listen in on the sister's discussion.
"So Anti-Tooth Fairy, do you know why Anti-Cosmo has all of a sudden gained an interest in Timmy Turner?" The Tooth Fairy asked.
The Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy sighed and shook her head, "No one in Anti-Fairy world has even got a clue what he discovered. Whatever it is he will sooner or later need Timmy for something he is planning... some even assume it has to do with a massive tragedy that happened 10 years ago... as... as he lost something very important to him as the massive storm was raging between Fairy and the Anti-Fairy world."
"The vast storm?... I remember that one. It was so bad that no one could get out of Fairy, Anti-Fairy world, heck even the Pixies were forced to find shelter. And you are saying in that storm Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda could have lost something?" The Tooth Fairy pointed out.
"Correct, the suspicion is also that is could have been a child from Anti-Wanda and Anti-Cosmo. But due to the storm, and the fact that Anti-Cosmo couldn't place the family protection spell over their newly born child they lost the child in that storm somehow. And are now trying to re-find him or her again." The Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy explained.
Timmy has listened to their discussion carefully, he was now even more confused.
"Wait, guys,... what for a child was it? Where is it now? And how am I involved with this kid?" Timmy asked confused.
But neither the Tooth Fairy nor the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy knew the answer to that question. Timmy blinked and tried to think as far back into his own life as he could. Sadly nothing came to mind.
The clock suddenly chimed above all 3 of their heads, the Cosma's sighed as they had to let Timmy go back to Anti-Cosmo.
Poof hugged his Godbrother one last time, "Poof, poof." (Please promise to visit us soon Timmy.)
Timmy sighed and kissed Poof on his head, "I don't think it will happen any time soon Poof. But know I will never forget you 3. No matter what Anti-Cosmo is planning."
Cosmo, Wanda and Poof nodded their heads upset, they just had to accept the fact they have lost Timmy... maybe for good.
Poof then had an idea, he raised his rattle and poofed their image on Timmy's arm. But only Timmy and the 3 could see it. Timmy smiled and looked back up to Poof.
"Thanks, Poof." Timmy smiled.
Poof nodded, the Cosma family and the Tooth Fairy had to head back to the Fairy world, Timmy took the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy's hand and she flew him back to Anti-Fairy world.
Timmy sighed as he was getting tired, the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy smiled a bit and carried Timmy in her arms back to her home.
Once she got there she parked the rotten teeth into her office for sorting out later. She then flew to her living room with Timmy where Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda and Foop were waiting for them.
"Hi Timmy, had a nice time with the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy?" Foop asked.
Timmy grabbed Foop, sure he wasn't Poof, but Timmy just needed the close comfort now, his heartfelt twisted and every beat was hurting that he wasn't with Cosmo, Wanda or Poof.
The Anti-Tooth Fairy rolled her eyes and just handed Timmy a leaflet over how to keep his teeth in check for the rest of his life. Timmy nodded and then Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda turned up.
"Did everything go well Timmy? How was your time with the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy?" Anti-Cosmo asked smiling.
The Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy rolled her eyes, "No problem Anti-Cosmo. Everything worked out well and I've taught Turner how to keep his biters cleaned up for the rest of his life."
Timmy nodded his head, she sure does. Anti-Wanda smiled and took Timmy by the hand to head him and Foop to the car.
Anti-Cosmo stared behind and hovered in front of the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy, she sighed knowing what Anti-Cosmo wanted to know from her.
"Everything is going according to plan Anti-Cosmo. And the Tooth Fairy has confirmed your fears as well... like it or not Anti-Cosmo... its coming." The Anti-Tooth Fairy explained.
She picked Anti-Cosmo's book and write inside it. Anti-Cosmo sighed and hung his head, something was up.
After the book was filled out the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy handed it back to Anti-Cosmo. The family bid the Anti-Tooth Anti-Fairy goodbye and headed all home.
Timmy looked a few times to the book Anti-Cosmo was carrying, he thought over wanting to steal it to see if he could work out Anti-Cosmo's plan, but he knew better then to look into one's own future.
Quanktumspirit: "Please review."