Raven reassumed her mask of stone when Beast Boy confessed his feelings for her. His emotions were a jumbled mess of confusion, colliding and mixing with each other, making it nearly impossible for the young empath to read. She closed her eyes for a moment.
"He likes us!" Happy danced around in Raven's head.
"You should tell him how you feel," Confidence and Bravery fist bumped.
"He had grown up a lot, Raven," Wisdom said softly. "In maturity as well as physicality."
Affection joined Happy in her idiotic dancing and squealing, "He likes us! He likes us!"
"How DARE he!" Rage screamed. "If he thinks himself worthy enough to be our mate-"
"SHUT UP!" Raven screamed at her emotions. "Just stop. I don't like him like that."
Her aspects just stared at her. Love placed a hand on her shoulder. "You do. We do. Except Rage." Love smiled softly. Rage scowled.
"But... But what if he turns out like Malkior?" Timid pulled her hood up, whimpering pitifully and ducking behind Bravery.
"This is different than Malkior. Beast Boy loves us. Look," Love murmured.
Raven opened her eyes and cast a sidelong look at the changeling. She was stunned as waves of emotion rolled off of the green boy and hit her hard. The fear and confusion were still there, but amidst the throng of mixed up emotions one stood out prominently.
"He likes us! He really, REALLY likes us!" Happy squealed again.
Rage muttered something unintelligible.
"Beat it," Raven told her emotions.
"Not until Rage tells us something she likes about Beast Boy!" Happy giggled.
"Not on your LIFE!" Rage raged.
"Well there has to be someth-"
"Discuss this later, please," Raven sighed.
"Oh, right," Bravery said. Raven could feel her grinning hard. "There's a certain green changeling waiting for an answer."
Raven inwardly rolled her eyes as she felt them retreat into the back of her mind. She looked at Beast Boy. His hand was still clamped over his mouth. Green eyes wide, staring at her. Wisdom was right. Beast boy had grown up a lot. Not long after Tokyo, the changeling had had a growth spurt. He was now 6''0, and his face had lost some of the childlike roundness. His muscles, once thin and ropey, were nicely toned. As for maturity, Wisdom had been right about that to. Beast Boy had become less annoying lately and more gentlemanly. Of course he still told cheesy jokes and pulled childish pranks, but less often, and mostly directed at the other Titans.
They sat there staring at each other for a long time. Finally, Beast Boy took his hand slowly from his mouth. "Raven, I understand. I hope-" he looked down and stood, walking very slowly to the door. He paused and looked back. "I hope we can still be friends..." He resumed his sluggish pace.
"What are you doing?" Love screamed at Raven. "You're letting him get away!" Still, the empath sat. "Do I need to take over your mind?" Love threatened.
Raven stood. "Beast Boy," she said, her flat monotone cracking a little. "Wait."
The changeling's pointed ears twitched when he heard the crack. He turned slowly, his face almost as blank and emotionless as her own.
"Yes?" he asked flatly.
She took a deep breath, glad it was too dark for him to see her blush. "Beast Boy, I- I-" She looked away, "Never mind."
"Oh," he sounded disappointed. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. His emotions were so strong they hurt. Literally. Raven felt his pain so strongly she just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry herself dry.
"Oh, for the love of Azar!" Love sounded exasperated. Raven's eyes widened in horror as she felt Love take over. "I love-" Raven slapped a hand over her mouth. She could feel hope radiating off of the green boy.
He walked to her and gently peeled her hand from her mouth. "What was that?" He held her hand so she couldn't slap it back on.
"Herbal tea." She said through clenched teeth.
Love made a sound like a buzzer. "Wrong answer, Rae!" She started to speak for Beast Boy again.
"Beast Boy, I love-" Up came the other hand. He took that one away too.
Now he had both hands in his. He stared at her with such an intense look that she had to avert her eyes. "Raven. If you have something to say... If you like me back, just say it."
"Yes, Raven. Just say it." Love was clearly annoyed.
"Fine." Raven said mentally. "Beast Boy," she lifted her head and looked him dead in the eye. "It."
"She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling at the bewildered expression on the changeling's face.
"Excuse me?" He said.
Love laughed lightly. "Well, I guess that's one way to say 'it'. I'll leave you two alone now." She retreated into the folds of Raven's mind.
The empath rolled her violet eyes and wrapped her arms around the green boy, pressing her face into his shoulder. "It, you idiot. It."
The confusion started to fade, being replaced by pure joy. Raven couldn't help but smile. Beast Boy laughed and hugged her back.
"Oh, most wonderful!" Starfire squealed as she, Robin, and Cyborg reentered the room. She squeezed the new couple in a death-hug.
"Pay up, man." Cyborg grinned, holding out a metal hand. Robin grumbled as he fished around his pockets for a twenty.
"Star... Can't... Breath..." The changeling and empath weezed.
The alien princess let go of them and smiled hugely. "Does this mean you are now doing the 'dating'?" She clasped her hands under her chin.
Beast Boy glanced unsure at Raven. She nodded, giving him a tiny smile. He grinned and pulled her into another warm hug. "Yeah, Star. I guess we are." Starfire cheered.
"Raven stood slightly on her toes, resting her chin on Beast Boy's shoulder. She spoke quietly, so only he could hear. "You know, I kind of like this. Us dating, I mean."
"Me too, Rae," she stiffened at the nick-name. "Ven," he added quickly. "Sorry, I won't call you that anymore."
"Why do I feel like you'll forget," she muttered. "Tell you what. You can call me Rae, if I can call you Garfield."
"Deal," he said, happily burying his nose in her lilac scented hair. "Rae."
"Garfield. It has come to my attention that there is something very wrong here." Raven said flatly.
Beast Boy pulled back slightly, looking at her in concern. "What is it?"
She rose an eyebrow, her voice still quiet. "You've managed to embarrass me and yourself in front of the entire team, causing not only multiple lightbulb damages, but also the need for a knew refrigerator. I can't really let you get away with all that, now, can I?" Her eyes started to glow white. Beast Boy stiffened with fear as he heard a window open behind him.
"Rae," he squeaked, his voice barely audible above the cheerful laughing of their companions. "Heh, heh... Umm, watcha doin'?"
She pulled him close and brushed her lips against his cheek. "I love you, Garfield." she murmured.
The Titan's merrymaking was interrupted when they heard a loud scream, which faded into nothingness. Raven walked silently past them, face devoid of any emotion. She exited the room.
Glancing around for Beast Boy, all they found was an open window.
"Umm, did Raven just throw BB out the window?" Cyborg asked in confusion.
"That's what it looks like," Robin shook his head.
"Please," Starfire asked. "Why did Raven throw friend Beast Boy out of the window? Does she not have the 'feelings' for him?"
"Well, she definitely said 'it'," Cyborg sighed.
"She may have said 'it', Cy, but you never can tell with Raven." The Boy Wonder chuckled slightly. "Since Raven broke the fridge, let's go out to eat."
"What about friends Raven and Beast Boy?" Starfire asked.
"We'll bring 'em somethin' back," Cyborg shrugged. "Now, who's up for Chinese?"
Haha! The end of the story! :D I hope you guys enjoyed it! Peace!