Title: Work with the Two Dads
Rating: PG
Contains: Fluff, Humor, Cuteness
Pairings: McNozzo (Mainly), Tibbs
Copyright: All characters belong to CBS
Work with the Two Dads
Gibbs sat at the table in the break room. He had taken Anthony to a nearby grocery store to get themselves some sandwiches. Anthony sat in the chair opposite of him, eating his sandwich as he swung his feet back and forth. He smiled at Gibbs as he ate.
Gibbs grinned as he looked down at his half eaten sandwich, "You're a smart kid, junior."
Anthony laughed as he finished up his sandwich. He took the napkin Gibbs handed him and cleaned his hands and face. Gibbs helped him and handed Anthony a dollar, "Help yourself."
Anthony took it, "Thank you, papa." He slid off his chair and went over to the vending machine. He stared at it. Gibbs finished his sandwich as he watched him. Anthony stood on his toes trying to put the dollar in the machine. Gibbs got up and picked him up from behind, "What do you want, junior?"
Anthony looked at him, "Nutbutt! Please."
Gibbs stared at him; he looked at the vending machine and saw what the boy meant, "Nutterbutters?"
Anthony shook his head. Gibbs grinned and pressed the buttons, setting Anthony down so he could grab it.
"Gibbs." A voice said.
Gibbs turned around to see Ziva, "What do you find out from Gross?"
"That she and Tutor were dating." Ziva explained as she walked over to the two of them, "She saw him few nights back but that was it…she told me that he had been acting strange. Apparently he was emailing someone…"
"If there is a laptop at his house I am sure McGee will grab it." Gibbs said as he cleared the trash he and Anthony left, "I'm going to check in with Abby, call those two and ask what they found."
Ziva nodded and left. Gibbs told Anthony to follow him as they went to the elevator. Gibbs knelt down and whispered something to Anthony before the doors opened. He nodded to Anthony, who walked into the room, "What do you have, Abbs?"
Abby stopped what she was doing, "Geez Gibbs, you are sounding rather young."
Anthony giggled. Abby turned around and ran over to him, "Little Tony!" She hugged him, "How are you doing?"
"Good!" Anthony told her as they went to her desk; she put him up on her chair.
Abby typed onto the computer, and explained to Gibbs what she had found. Anthony sat there eating his Nutterbutters watching Abby explained everything. He was very curious as to why Abby was using her hands a lot and pacing around.
Abby turned and smiled, "Tim!"
Anthony looked over and waved one of his arms, "Daddy!"
Tim went over to his son and his head, "Nice hat, Anthony."
"Papa gave it to me!" Anthony exclaimed as he shared a Nutterbutter with his father.
Tim took a bite, "We found a laptop at Tutor's home. I have it downstairs, a lot was encrypted. I have a program working on it…"
"Work on it. The killer might be named on it…all we know is Tutor was talking to someone." Gibbs informed him.
"His house was a mess. It looked like he was attacked there…nothing was missing from what me and Tony saw." Tim said as he picked up Anthony, "I'll go work on the computer."
Downstairs Tony was leaning back in his chair, twirling a pen in his hand, "We have no evidence of Tutor speaking to anyone else…"
Ziva was at her computer typing, "Obviously he was a very private man."
"You said that his girlfriend told you he was emailing someone?" Tony asked; staring at her from across the room.
"Yes. It was all too secretive and she had no clue what it was about." Ziva said as she stopped typing and sighed, "How are we stuck on a case? Normally, we have someone in interrogation. Interrogating them."
"Once McGee gets those emails readable we'll have someone to interrogate." Tony said as he leaned forward dropping his pen on his desk.
"Why do you call him that?" She asked.
"Call who, what?" Tony raised an eyebrow, confused at her question.
"Calling him, McGee." She said placing her hand under her chin.
"We agreed that in the work place we shall call each other by our agent names. I used to call him McGee all time…might as well keep doing it. Plus that means I am able to use McNames." Tony explained as he opened his own email, "At home…I say McGee also. It's just imprinted in my mind, I suppose."
Ziva grinned. Tim returned to his desk, setting Anthony down, "Anthony you should take a nap…you've been up all day."
Anthony nodded, he was a bit tired. He bundled up his blankie, sat it on the floor and laid down using it as a pillow. Tim sat at the laptop and started working on it.
Tony and Ziva were sent off to speak with any family that was in town. They came up with nothing. Tim still struggled with the laptop getting no where.
It was getting around dinner time when Gibbs returned to his desk, "Guys, go home."
Tim looked up from the laptop, "But boss…we still haven't found the killer."
Gibbs glanced at Anthony who was on the floor between his fathers' desks playing with Legos, "Junior needs to eat and sleep."
Tony glanced at his son and smiled a bit, "True."
"I am close to finding it out, though." Tim said as he stood up from his desk, making his way to Gibbs', "Just a few more minutes?" Though he wasn't even halfway there to revealing the emails.
Tony watched as Anthony dropped his Legos and sat at Tim's desk. He started pressing buttons on the laptop. Tony got up and rushed over, "Anthony, don't to-"
Everyone looked as Tony's eyes widened, "Um…Anthony here just got the emails to open."
Tim rushed over to see that his son did, indeed get them open and readable, "Tim pressed a few buttons and got the email up on the monitor. He searched the IP address and found the owner of the computer, "Officer Masters. Part of Tutor's division…seems they had some gambling issues."
"Tony, Ziva go pick Masters up." Gibbs said as he walked over to Tim's desk, he rubbed Anthony's head, "Good job, kiddo."
With Masters now behind bars for murdering Tutor. The day was over. Tony drove Tim and Anthony home so they could get cleaned up. Tony went out to get some take out for them all. He stopped by Gibbs' house on the way home. He let himself inside and figured his boss was down in the basement.
He went down the stairs to see Gibbs working on a wooden train. He went and stood on the opposite side from Gibbs, "Nice train, boss."
Gibbs looked up at him, "Why aren't you home with your family?"
"I wanted to thank you." Tony said softly, "For allowing Anthony to stay for the day."
"Good thing we did. The kid found out who was the killer." Gibbs said as he went back to painting the train.
"He'll be a great NCIS agent himself when he's older." Tony said as he leaned against the table.
"You and Tim are great fathers." Gibbs said as he looked back up at him, seeing Tony a bit confused, "Isn't that why you are here? To reassure yourself that you're a good father?"
Tony grinned, knowing it was true. He was always wondering how people saw him and Tim as parents. Worried that they might assume that two men couldn't be good enough fathers. He knew if Gibbs thought they were good enough, they were great.
He sighed, "You can read me like a book, boss."
Gibbs sat down on his stool, "Your son is very well behaved, and smart."
"I think it helps when he has a great grandfather." Tony said eying his boss carefully, "And no I am not talking about my own father or even Tim's. Talking about the one grandfather that actually cares…"
Gibbs stared at him, "Is that why you're here? To complain about your father?"
"No." Tony sighed again, "I am here to say thank you. For looking out for Anthony, Tim and me."
Gibbs smiled as he wiped his hands on a towel, "This train is for his birthday."
Tony looked at it and smiled, "It's nice. He'll love it."
Gibbs stood up from the stool, "You better head home, Tony."
Tony pushed off the table, "You're right. They are waiting for me to bring home dinner."
Gibbs watched Tony go up the stairs, "Tony."
Tony stopped and looked down at him. Gibbs grinned, "Next time, give me a heads up."
Tony smiled, "Of course, boss. Goodnight." He left the house and got into his car. He started it up and made his way home to his family, smiling the whole way.
Thank you all for the comments! I hope you enjoyed it. I might write more based off of the idea of Tony and Tim having Anthony. And how it all came to be and so on. So look out for those in the future! -Rhith