Joey growled slightly as he spoke. "I refuse to wear it!" he crossed his arms in irritation, tossing the maid outfit to the floor. "I can't believe I lost..." he muttered.
Kaiba smirked, as he leaned against the doorway. "Too bad mutt, you're going to be wearing it. Or are you too much of a /coward/?"
"Coward? Joey Wheeler is no coward." He pointed to himself, and picked up the maid dress hesitantly. "I'll be right back." he hissed, walking out of Kaiba's office and into the other room to change. As he changed, he muttered random profanities and blushed ever so slightly. "...Okay." he poked his head in the door, narrowing his eyes at Kaiba.
"Well, mutt, Let's see it." Kaiba said as he reclined in his office chair. Joey stepped into the room, swinging the door open and clenching his fists. He stood awkwardly in the doorway, twitching slightly. "And what are the conditions to me wearing this?" he asked, gritting his teeth.
He let his eyes roam over the blonde before he spoke. "Well, since you lost the duel, as expected of a second-class duelist like yourself, you are now my slave for the next two weeks. And you're going to do whatever I tell you to." He smirked, leaning back in the leather chair, putting his hands behind his head.
Joey face palmed, feeling doom wash over him.
"...Two weeks? No way!" he complained, feeling a cold draft slip under his dress. "Two weeks of... of this?" his voice held dread, wishing there was some way out of the situation.
"Yes puppy, two weeks." He replied, leaning forward on the desk and placing his chin in his hands. "Of course, you can always bail out..." he closed his eyes. "But not only would that discredit your honesty and show you as a poor loser, but it would also give me reason to tell /everyone/ about /all/ of your loses to me and give them /all/ of the details about how pathetic you were."
Joey sneered. "I won't bail out!" he insisted, cheeks tinting the lightest shade of pink as he became rather uncomfortable in the dress as it slowly seeped in that he truly was in a maid outfit. "...Well now what?" he coughed awkwardly.
"Now what indeed." He smirked pushing back from his desk a bit. "First, come here so I can see how /well/ the maid outfit suits you."
Joey took mechanical steps forward, regretting each one as he approached the desk with what looked like caution. "Does it suit me?" he asked sarcastically, pissed off beyond belief. As his discomfort grew, he pulled down the corners of the maid dress as best as he could, seeing as it felt just a little bit too short.
"Why yes, yes it does" he responded. "You should dress up more often puppy," he said, putting much emphasis on the word dress. "It well describes your lack of masculinity."
"Why you..!" He was just about ready to punch Kaiba, but restrained himself as he thought about just how badly that would go over. "Tch..." he growled, looking away as he desperately tried to hide the embarrassment that clouded his expression.
"Amazing bonkotsu. You haven't made a fool of yourself yet. It seems the dress has given you a bit of common sense." He gracefully rose from his chair and approached the blonde duelist. "Shut the hell up!" he shouted angrily, winding up his arm and eagerly attempting to ram his fist into Kaiba's face, hoping to break that 'oh-so-handsome' thing he called looks. Easily catching the fist that had been launched at him, he pulled the fist and its owner towards him. "Naughty puppy, trying to harm its master. It seems we'll have to punish you." Kaiba leered at him, only inches away from his face.
Jou's eyes widened, a look of irritation crossing his face. "Get the hell away from me!" he spat, looking down at the floor and avoiding thinking about the distance between the two of them. "Oh, but puppy, we haven't given you your punishment yet. You can leave /after/ that though." The CEO slyly said, leaning in even closer. The blonde jerked his head backward in hopes to create more space between the two of them, even if it was just a little. "How do you plan to punish me?" he snarled, glaring at Kaiba.
"Hm, a good question puppy. How about we start with getting you to show some respect. From now on, you'll refer to me as Master, alright?" He released the other, and turned around to look out his window, which over looked the entirety of Domino city.
"Like hell I'll do that." Joey rolled his eyes, turning away from the other male and crossing his arms stubbornly.
"Whatever I told you to, remember Wheeler? Are you backing out already? I knew you were weak willed, but this is just pathetic." said the brunette, smirking, even at the glass.
"F-Fine!" He snapped, closing his eyes and trying to calm down.
"Well then... /Master/. What am I doing for you now?"
He sneered at the blonde puppy. "Well... How about, we start off with... Get on your knees in front of me Wheeler."
His eyes widened. "W-What...?" His hazel eyes shifted down to the floor, his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink without much notice. "..Tch. Whatever." He rolled his eyes, clenching his fists as he dropped to his knees in front of his master.
With an evil smile, he gestured with his hand, "Closer puppy, you're a bit too far away to do what I want you to."
Joey inched closer on his knees, the pink dusting over his cheeks darkening slightly. This seemed so... sexual. "Now what?" he asked, gritting his teeth.
Reaching out his hand, Seto roughly grabbed Joey's chin, tilting it upward. "Look at me puppy. I want to see your face before this starts." His cheeks heated up more as Joey was forced to look up at Kaiba. "..." He bit his lower lip, avoiding saying anything he would regret.
A sinister laugh slipped from his mouth as his grin widened. "Now puppy," An eerie silence filled the room, Kaiba's words echoing around the room. "You're going to open your mouth..." The anticipation for his next words was tangible."... And tell me what a wonderful duelist I am and admit to me that you will never be able to reach my level." Relief washed over Joey as he exhaled heavily. "...You're the best duelist around, and I will never be able to reach your level of shit, for it is too god damn low to even think about." He muttered angrily.
The smile slipped from his face as a frown replaced it. "Now, now, Wheeler, that's not right, is it? Disobeying me already mutt?" His hand gripped tighter on the blondes face. "Maybe I should punish you a bit harsher, yes?"
"Tch. Whatever, /Master/." He murmured sarcastically, looking down with his fists still clenched tightly.
"I thought I told you to look /up/ at me Wheeler." He forcibly pulled the other's head up to look at him.
Joey winced slightly, looking up at Kaiba hatefully. "I am now, aren't I?" his hands grew tired from clenching in rage, and he relaxed them.
Kaiba scowled frustrated at how the mutt wasn't cooperating. "Now puppy, Dogs aren't supposed to talk back to their masters. I guess we'll have to occupy your mouth with something else."
"W-With what?" He asked, blushing heavily despite his anger.
"You're the best duelist around, and I shall never reach your level." He growled lowly in disgust.
"Good job Puppy. For that I'll give you a treat." Reaching into a drawer in his desk, he pulled out a bag. Releasing the blonde's chin, he reached into the bag and pulled out what looked like... a dog treat?
Joey's stomach dropped out of his ass as he saw the dog treat. He felt as though he was going to vomit.
"...Do you expect me to eat that?" he practically hissed.
"Hm, silly puppy. Of course I expect you to eat it, I wouldn't have taken it out otherwise." He smirked, once again grabbing the blondes face and putting pressure on his jaw, forcing his mouth open. "Now be a good puppy and accept your treat."
"Oh fuck you..." he muttered, groaning as his mouth was forced open. He tried to pull away, but winced as pain shot through his jaw.
"Tut tut puppy, struggling will just make this /harder/ you should know that." One hand gripping the others face, slender fingers entered the others mouth, dog treat clasped between them.
Joey bit down on his fingers as they slid between his lips with the dog treat, hard enough to cause some minor bleeding. Seto hissed as the teeth clenched down hard on his fingers. Instead of getting mad though, he smirked and wiggled his fingers, moving them through Joey's mouth, sliding them over his tongue.
The blonde gasped slightly, eyes wide and heat rising up to his cheeks yet again. "..Mmph!" his tongue slid over Kaiba's fingers, the taste of the dog treat filling up his mouth. Irritatedly, he spat out the fingers and the dog treat.
"Hm, bad puppy." He laughed sinisterly. "Not only do you disobey me, but you're ungrateful as well." He threw the treat into a nearby trashcan and wiped his fingers off on his coat. Still not letting go of Joey's face, he stood, lifting the other with him.
Joey wobbled as he returned to a standing position, growling yet again but this time he didn't speak. "..." he shut his eyes tightly, the bruising pain in his jaw starting to bother him.
Kaiba released the duelists jaw, practically flinging his face away from him as he stalked over to his phone.
"Watson, I need you to go out and buy me a collar and a leash... Yes." He hung up the phone and looked up at the inferior duelist, an evil smirk on his face.
"You're fucking kidding me?" He snarled, face palming as he spoke. "A collar and leash? You stupid money bags!" Joey adjusted the corners of the maid outfit yet again.
"Oh this is no joke retriever. I have to make you realize your place, Dog." He walked around his desk, purposefully striding towards the Brooklyn, leaning in close to his face when he reached him.
"Realize my place?" he repeated dumbly while rolling his eyes. "W-Whatever, moron." He muttered under his breath, blushing at the distance between the two of them. He thoroughly ignored the heat rising to his cheeks.
"Not a very good retort. Then again, it would be foolish of me to expect something else from a /mutt/." He then raised his brows, lifting his hands to cup his counterpart's tanned face. "You seem red puppy. What's wrong, ashamed? Or embarrassed? Could it be that you /enjoy/ being dominated like this?"
"Why the hell would I enjoy anything that has to do with you, you sack of shit?" Joey's cheeks turned to an even darker shade, his heart pounding quickly in his chest.
"Such a filthy mouth /Chihuahua/. It seems I was right about needing something to occupy your mouth. Should I tape it shut? Or gag it? Or maybe something /else/?" Yet again, a sinister laugh emerged from his mouth as he stroked the other's cheek. "You would like that, wouldn't you mutt?"
"L-Like what? The hell are you talking about you sick pervert!" He shoved at Kaiba as he shouted with rage. His expression grew rather shy, though he displayed rage verbally.
"Oh, a pervert am I? I said nothing sexual at all to insinuate perverseness, which means it must have been /your/ mind that was in the gutter. "He smirked, cruel glee adorning his face as he ridiculed the blonde. "I had no idea you thought of me that way, dearest puppy."
His eyes widened, his cheeks the deepest shade of red they could possibly be. "...W-Wha.." The young blonde was speechless, his heart skipping a beat as he came to the realization that Kaiba was partially right.
"Why puppy, it seems you really /are/ blushing. Are you having trouble breathing puppy, because it sure sounds like it." The smirk neared into growing into a full grown grin. Kaiba moved his hand into the blonde's and started to softly play with the golden locks.
"N-No! I'm not!" He growled in denial. His body betrayed him, leaning into the hand that began to play with his hair.
"Really puppy? Are you sure? Because your body says otherwise." The hand was now alternating between running through his hair and stroking his face. Leaning in even closer, he stared into the shorter man's eyes. His leg brushed against the others, hot breath falling onto his face because of the proximity. "Denial doesn't suit you Wheeler."
Joey jumped slightly as Kaiba's leg brushed up against his own. "..." He inhaled sharply, closing his eyes slightly. "Why so close?" he asked stubbornly.
"Why not? Does it disturb you? That amuses because you haven't commented yet on what my hand is doing? Or are you so enthralled with me that you haven't noticed yet?"
"Yes it disturbs me." He lied, his voice holding some sort of longing beneath the tone of disgust he was attempting to maintain. "I was politely hiding my disgust, /Master/, So that I wouldn't insult you." Joey added a bit of sarcasm toward the end of what he said.
"Well, it doesn't matter either way. Though it would have been amusing to see you fall in love with me, just so I could shatter your heart." It was now a real grin that adorned his face. He was about to say something else when he was interrupted by a knock. He smiled at Joey, patting his face before going to answer the door.
"Thank you Watson." Closing the door, he turned to the younger man, leash and collar in hand. He slowly walked towards the other man, tapping the... tools against his hand.
Joey could feel his chest clench with hatred. "Oh, no..." He shook his head, backing away from Kaiba. "Get that the hell away from me!" the blonde waved his arms back and forth rapidly.
"Ha ha... There's nowhere to go puppy. There's only one way to escape and I'm blocking the way." He continued to strut towards the Brooklyn boy, running the leash through his fingers. "Besides puppy, you're not supposed to struggle? Remember? You do whatever I say, /doggy/."
AN/: ... Uhm... What should I even say? Updating will probably be really slow, because Ellis is a LAZY ASS.