He was alone, utterly and truly alone.

He had come so close to losing him in the years of their friendship, so close, yet he saved him and each of those times-

You selfish bastard!

Holmes had managed to overcome death and they would continue on their merry way.

You can't die! Goddamn it, Holmes!

No matter what happened, who came and went, whatever was said or done they knew they would always have each other.

Dark eyes met light, brown met blue, a pair of enlightened with knowledge and sorrow and the other darkened with confusion and fear. Then-

He had sprinted to the edge because this couldn't be happening. His companion , his greatest friend, his partner's name was torn from his throat and continued to do so for past the point where his throat felt raw, far beyond when people were crowded around him, and then when the realization and truth finally struck him…he collapsed. His legs gave out from under him and it wasn't because of his bum leg or anything like that but because of this; what he just saw and understood.

Holmes was-no is dead, legitimately dead.

Not Blackwell dead, where there will be stones smashed as he comes back to life; not Gladstone dead, where if you give him a few minutes he'll pop back to life like a monkey out of a box; not Holmes drug overdose dead, when Watson has to save him even if it means shoving his fingers down his friends throat and getting punk on himself; not even dead like when they were on the train and if he had another wedding gift he could stab Holmes and all would be well. No, none of those; it was more like the Death he met in the army and the war, when those young men's goals were to protect everyone they loved and knew exactly what their fate would be and Watson couldn't do anything about it. But it was so much worse, even worse than when he practically watched his older brother, Harry, drank himself into an early grave. This Death was far worse than all those could ever be, because he lost so much more, more than anyone could realize. He couldn't' hold the weight of this Death. He could barely process anything so he just stared at the black bishop that was on the ground in front of him.

Please don't leave me, Holmes.

But he did there was a presence of arrogance and superiority next to him over the sorrow but it wasn't his it was too different. Sim and Mycroft managed to get his to his feet.

He was alone, and nothing could change that.


HoKay so...

I'm so sorry if its kinda bad I don't hate me for my awful grammar and spelling!

So was anyone else just speachless at the end of the movie I knew it would happen from moment 1 but still

this is only slash if you squint

there will be soooooo many more fics from me on this both friendship and slash and my lovely friend E





PS thanks for reading
