Ah! It's a New Year! Kind of funny I actually don't know at this moment what story this chapter will be an update of…I'm trying to think…ummm…kind of funny since the people reading this will know which story I updated because it will be updated. Did that make any sense?

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters I am about to write about. I only own the plot…Sort of.

The policeman came in and Harry stood with L just out of their line of sight. They all shuffled into the room looking around as if trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious L. When L finally appeared in front of them and announced he was L, Harry nearly burst out laughing at their shocked faces. L stared at the officers with a blank face and scratched his ankle with his foot. The policemen still didn't say anything as L scratched his hair. Harry looked at the officers and said,

"Are you going to say anything, or are you just going to stand there for the rest of the night?" The officers blinked as they noticed him for the first time. Harry was grinning up at them with his arms folded. He was still in his oversize clothes which probably didn't make much of an impression on the policemen. They seemed to come to their senses and the man Harry assumed to be the chief, pulled out his badge and said,

"I'm Yagami of the NPA." The younger looking one then pulled out his badge.

"Matsuda," he said. The rest pulled out their badges as well. There was a man with an afro, a tall man, and a shorter man with short hair.

"I'm Izawa."


"Ukita." The chief spoke up again.

"I'm very sorry we're late, currently the five of us are…" Harry raised an eyebrow at all this. Didn't L tell him that Kira could kill with a name and face, why would these men be so careless as to give their names to a total stranger? Harry thought for a moment for something that would shock a muggle and then grinned and lifted his fingers to shape a gun.

"Bang!" He said loudly. He heard L say this in a calmer manner but he stared at L for a second and L stared back. Harry then began to laugh.

"Uh?" Matsuda managed to say.

"What the hell was that?" Izawa said, obviously annoyed. Harry stepped forward.

"You would be dead by now, Izawa, if I was Kira but obviously I'm too young for that. When dealing with these matters it is usually best not to inform total strangers of personal information." The policemen began to protest. "Now, I know that this is L but still, do you know anything about him? He is technically still a stranger but judging from his paranoia, I can easily guess he did his research on you before you came here." L just stared at him, his face betraying no emotion. The policemen were stunned. What right did this child have to speak to them like this? Well, Matsuda wasn't thinking that, he was just stunned that the kid seemed so smart.

"Who are you?" He asked. Harry grinned at him.

"You can call me Raven." Harry glanced at L who was beginning to show signs of being impatient. "Ah, yes, I believe it would be best if you speak with L now, he seems to have become annoyed with how long our conversation is taking." Harry stopped smiling as the others nodded as they turned their attention back to L.

"Yes," L said. "As Raven saw fit to say," Harry could tell that L had planned to give that speech himself, which made Harry smile slightly. "You shouldn't be so careless. Let's try to value our lives." He turned and walked into the living room area. Harry followed and heard the policemen murmuring behind him. He turned around.

"Well, are you coming?" They entered and L instructed them to turn off their electronic devices then to put them on a small table. Harry sat on one of the couches and looked in surprise at the way L was sitting. Harry had not been able to analyze L fully yet so he didn't know too much about his daily routines, and habits, he only knew a bit about his life due to the Legillimency he had performed earlier. L began to discuss the Kira case and Harry listened intently. He was slightly disappointed to find that he was right in the middle of yet another conflict. He contemplated several times whether or not to reveal magic since he was fairly sure that Kira used a magical item of sorts to kill. For the first time since discovering the Voice's manipulations on L and Watari, Harry wished it were there to give more answers. He sighed mentally. Knowing his luck, the Voice would ally itself with Kira, maybe even control Kira. From what Harry already knew about Kira, he agreed with the mindset that L had set up for Kira. It wasn't so different from Voldemort although Harry didn't think Kira was as evil as Voldemort. The policemen had begun to ignore him since they were so focused on L. After L had checked to make sure they weren't Kira, he handed them out fake IDs and Watari even showed up with belts that could contact L in a time of emergency. Harry received one of those as well. Since he had been singled out due to the fact that his belt was smaller than the rest, the task force placed their attention back on him.

"Why are you here?" Isawa asked. Harry looked at him and shrugged.

"As if I would know the answer to that. Ask fate, or whatever being controls your destiny." The police looked uneasy at this response and shivered when they saw the look in Harry's eyes. They were far too old for a child that young. Matsuda being the most curious of the group questioned Harry's answer. Harry laughed an empty laugh.

"I have always had a specific destiny. I guess Fate hates me." This brought silence upon the group. Yagami finally spoke up,

"You don't seem like a child. May I ask why this is?" Harry just smiled at him.

"Maybe my mind doesn't reflect my appearance," Harry said mysteriously. He grinned at the police as they frowned. L was quiet and seemed to analyze everything Harry said. Harry knew he would be questioned more thoroughly later. L then asked if someone was at the police station and for a moment their attention drew back to L. Izawa left soon after seeing the need to have someone at all times be stationed at the police building in case someone contacts them there. They began to watch surveillance which lasted long into the night but then things became difficult for Harry. He had not wanted to fall asleep but had not been able to keep his eyes open. He drifted off and soon found himself in a nightmare that replayed the night he had been hit with the Killing Curse for the second time and from there skipped to the scene of his friend's rejection. He woke up and found himself being comforted by Yagami and after a few seconds whispered,

"You're a father aren't you?" Yagami looked down at Harry.

"Yes, Raven, I am." Harry sighed and looked at the rest of the crew who were staring at him.

"Go ahead, ask away," Harry said with a shrug, "I don't mind." Matsuda asked quickly,

"Why was this Voldemort person you were screaming about?" Harry smiled slightly. He did so anytime anyone spoke Voldemort's name.

"An enemy, not one you need to worry about. He's dead now."

"How do you know?" Ukita asked.

"I was…directly involved in that conflict."

"But you're just a child!" Mogi exclaimed. Harry just smiled at him.

"And what difference does that make?" There was a silence. L finally spoke,

"Where was this conflict?"

"Nowhere you know," Harry sighed. "Stop questioning me, I'll tell you when I'm good and ready." This shut the policemen up although they were still staring curiously at Harry. "Go do whatever it is you people do at an investigation." L still looked as though he wanted to ask questions but Harry gave him a sharp look. "No, I will not answer any more of your questions. I thought you wanted to catch Kira, you won't get very far questioning me." They all seemed surprised, as if they had forgotten about Kira. Soon, they went back to looking at surveillance tapes and Harry sat there, wondering how exactly he should explain the situation he had gotten himself into when he entered this new universe.