Viran was in his office, awaiting two things: An asshole lawyer to call him (some would call that an oxymoron. He knew several very pleasent lawyers however-almost five!) and for Natalie to come by. She'd called and said she needed to speak with him, and now he was justing waiting for her to show up. And, well, yes, playing Portal on his computer. Hey, might as well have fun while your waiting...
As a note, the office music was a loop of such songs as "Re Your Brains, Reanimator, Friends on the Other Side, and other such songs. Viran had a warped sense of humor at times.
He grinned, hearing the little bell tinkle above the door-he loved that little bell. He loved having his own business. He stood, pausing the game, and sighed. Man, he sucked at Portal. Like, severely. Anyway, he grinned at Natalie. "No problem, anytime. How's the kids? " He asked. "Oh, and what'd ya need? Another spooky issue?" Dead things, undead things, that kinda spooky. His kinda spooky. "I'm not babysitting, if thats what your asking. I can barely handle my kids. " He laughed.
He sighed. "Mine? Oh, I'm just pretty sure mine are demons bent on making sure Daddy never sleeps again. " He grinned. "I couldn't lovem more if I tried, but they do drive me insane. " He tilted his head, arms crossing as he regarded her thoughtfully as she spoke. He slid up, sitting crosslegged on his desk, heedless of the disarray if caused. HIs office, he didn't care. "If your leader ok's it, and our queen, so theres no diplomatic hoops or anything to jump through, you can color me interested. " He said after a pause, rolling the idea over in his mind. "I'd love to help. Whats your idea?"
He nodded. "I can understand that. Im facing the same thing. Especially with the..." he sighed."Changes..." he looked at his arm. He'd gone from human, to tiger, to different tiger, and some other things, and just gaah. Anyway. "So, yeah, I can understand that. I promise I'll help as much as I can. " He tilted his head. "I appreciate the trust, for such a...sensitive issue-and I understand the guards, believe me. Is there anything I should prepare for?" He asked cautiously. Rule 1 when dealing with the dead or undead-NEVER skimp on preparation. "Should I be keeping my power under wraps, or...what?" He could deal with the dead not liking him...he just hoped he wasn't forced to protect himself form them. He did NOT want to have to kick some dead guys ass and then find out he was the pack leaders grandfather or something. Ahh.
A/N: I had to add this after it sprung into my head. XD
Big thanks to Maskinos for editing this for me
I may come back to this couple in the future-for now, I'm done with them, mostly because Zecora is remarkably hard to write. XD
I don't plan on stopping tho-the fanfic bug has bitten me, and right now my goal is to ship EVERY ONE of the mane cast with a background chara.
I have the feeling I'm digging myself a hole, but I'll stick with it.
Also thanks to Choopa for putting a "zecora x someone" fanfic request as your xmas gift for the initial idea!
All of this and my upcoming fics are your fault. =P