The magpie is the most callous creature that God ever created. Worse than the crow who brought back no sign of land and worse yet than the snake that tempted Eve. This is because the magpie was the only creature that did not shed a tear at Christ's crucifixion.

There was a cold seeping through the lapels of his trench coat, it reached all the way through his black priest shirt and left a cloak of frost against his skin.

He held Dean's body tightly to his chest, like some macabre version of a bridal carry. But Dean's arms slapped limply against his thighs, eyes closed and skin pale, flecks of blood were bright lurid spots that painted his lips. The mid-morning sun did nothing to sweep away the chill as Castiel walked down to the lake, mind blank, a white page on which nothing was written.

The water was still a flat, unmarred surface, it was one of those strange moments of detached lucidity, where Castiel realised that the world moved on, uncaring for the passing of one soul.

The pebbles that hugged the lake crunched under foot as Castiel stepped towards the edge. It was strange how light Dean seemed to be in his arms, yet how heavy his own body felt. Glancing down at the water, Castiel felt the burn of tears prick his eyes. In perfect clarity his reflection was transposed on the water as though it were a looking glass.

His face was haggard and pale; the whites surrounding his blue irises were enflamed. His wings drooped at his side, feathers dragging against the chill ground. But Castiel didn't focus on any of that. A torture, dreamt up by only the most sadistic minds had him staring at the ghastly picture of his beloved dead in his arms. This thing draped between his arms wasn't Dean, he knew that. When he had conducted funerals in his church he had never quite understood the wails and cries of loss that had echoed off the cold stones. Now those memories of agony were a poor imitation of the hollow burning that gnawed away at his insides. Never would he see that sparkle of mischief in Dean's jade green eyes, or notice how his canine worried his plump rosy lips when Dean had been staring at him nor feel the soft coaxing heat of his fingers against his flesh.

Castiel sank down onto his knees, feeling salty water track alabaster lines through the black scabs of dried blood.

He sat there for a long time. Birds passed overhead as the sun tracked over the sky, till even the dark shadows of the valleys were washed away by the bright golden rays of the bloated orb sitting in the sky above him.

Castiel raised his head, eyelids leaden as he blinked them in an attempt to banish the fatigue he felt. Dean's weight still rested on his lap, unmoving.

Something warm pulsed in his pocket, an insistent tug that made Castiel's stiff fingers finally move away from Dean's motionless chest. He dug into his trouser pocket, feeling spongy lint, until something hard brushed against his fingers. Tugging it out of his pocket Castiel stared at his golden necklace, the one that had been hidden in the mantelpiece back at Bobby's.

Swiping his tongue over his chapped lips Castiel raised it up to his eyes, gazing at the crystal dangling from it as it emitted friendly little pulses of white light. Castiel let the gold chain run through his fingers, allowing the crystal to touch Dean's torn red shirt. Each pulse seemed to come quicker than the last, music that was speeding up, racing to reach the climax of the tender song. It flashed and the crystal began to distort, dripping like ice melting on a fair morning. Similar to the consistency of mercury, it landed in wet heavy thuds against Dean's chest. As the pregnant droplets splattered against his shirt, they disappeared, as they were absorbed into Dean's flesh, caressing the dead man's skin with a silver light. Soon there was nothing left of the crystal, only the fine links of gold remained.

Castiel's breath was tightly bottled in his chest, he dare not breathe lest the sound shatter whatever it was that was happening.

The gaping hole in Dean's gut grew smaller and smaller; flesh, veins and blood vessels knitted themselves back together, a delicate tapestry woven by invisible fingers. Smooth tanned skin spread over the gaping wound till Dean's body was whole once more; perfectly formed skin pulled taut over the contours of his muscles.

Castiel didn't dare smile, just kept a small flicker of hope in him. But as the minutes wore on and nothing else occurred he felt himself grow faint, skin clammy and stomach dropping. Dean was still dead. It had been some cruel cosmic joke.

Castiel laid his palm against Dean's cheek, thumb caressing the coarse stubble.

He heaved a great breath and closed his eyes.

Everything around the lakeside stilled. Orange leaves were frozen mid air, a magpie that swooped down from the sky hung like a puppet.

Castiel paid it no heed as he followed a strange instinct. He explored that dark fathomless pit inside of himself and stared at the bright flaming orb of Grace that was settled at the centre of his being. Intrinsically he knew, that it was different. God's blessing left an obvious mark on his Grace, it was a spot, a brilliant opal, planted on his Grace that shone with a myriad of greens, purples and blues. Castiel reached for it and felt the power ripple down his arm, cool water that trickled to his fingertips and fell to Dean.

Behind Castiel's delicate eyelids the scenery changed, swapping from his Grace to the vast domain of the demon's inner being. At the forefront was a twisting black mass, the thing screamed and howled, black ooze dripped from the rusted iron chains that entangled it. Castiel felt himself look harder, deeper, deeper than any angel could ever hope to gaze lest they be driven to a madness that rivalled Lucifer's. The 'opal' however protected him, deflecting the stream of sulphur and Hell's brimstone as Castiel made his way through the torrent of sticky blackness, until he finally touched upon a tiny grain of ivory light.

It had been lost beneath Hell's taint for a very long time. It was delicate and thin, a shard of an eggshell just waiting to break and be gone forever. Castiel cupped his hands aground it and gently dragged it to the surface, as though he were pulling a drowning man from the bottom of the ocean. The little shard trembled but held fast, the oozing mass of Hell screeched and writhed as it was forced to bend, flowing either side of Castiel's pale hands. As it reached the surface Castiel allowed his Grace to manifest inside of Dean, wiping away Hell's pollution, banishing it from Dean's soul. Until all that remained was the powerful white shard; Dean's lost humanity, his soul.

Castiel's eyes flicked open, meeting a bright bottle green gaze.

"Hey Cas." Dean rasped out, voice like broken glass as he smiled up at him, eyes crinkling at the edges.

The magpie flew overhead, his shadow passing without notice.

"Hello Dean," Castiel murmured, thumb wiping away a tear that rippled down the edge of Dean's nose. He wasn't sure whom it belonged to.

Dean struggled to sit up but flinched, warm back resting against Castiel's strong legs.

"Why does everything hurt Cas?"

Castiel smiled benevolently, a laugh burbling over his lips, water brimming from a glass, "because you're human Dean."


They found themselves back at Bobby's, with nowhere else to go but with no need to hide anymore.

Both of them stood at the rectangle of dark soil, the smell of fresh earth sill perfuming the area. A small sapling, bark the hue of caramel stood at the head of Balthazar's grave.

Castiel leaned against Dean, grateful for his support in more ways than one. A few days had passed since burying Balthazar's body, but the sting Castiel felt in his Grace was still raw and bleeding, a burn that still throbbed. Dean wound an arm around Castiel's waist whilst his other hand toyed with the comforting golden chain encircling his throat.

"Excuse me" a young feminine voice called, causing both angel and human to turn, facing the unexpected guest. She held herself with confidence, arms crossed over her breasts with rich mahogany hued hair and pale green eyes that burrowed into Dean's, as if to challenge her being there. "My name's Bela" she began "and I heard you were the angel to talk to about becoming human again."

Dean smiled sardonically, rocking back on his heels, as he looked the demon up and down, taking in her black leather jacket and smart grey pants, "I thought I smelled rotten eggs."

Castiel shot a glare at Dean, nudging him slightly as he walked past the human.

"Bela" Castiel intoned, lips a hard line and gaze unblinking as he peered into her soul, "you are aware that in most cases the demon does not survive."

Bela stared over the white shirt that clad Castiel's shoulder, noticing the burned remains of a funeral pyre, a stark threat of a likely consequence.

Inhaling a deep breath Bela nodded, brown curls jumping with the motion, "It's worth the risk…I'm not cut out for being a demon."

Castiel gestured for her to come closer and with a slight tremble to her step she crossed over the bare soil of Bobby's junk yard, putting herself in front of Castiel.

Raising his hand, Castiel laid his palm on her shoulder, causing the demon to gasp with fright. She looked up at him, eyes widening with pain as light began to infuse her form.

Dean turned his back to the scene, eyes clenched tight. But even with his eyelids scrunched shut and after the sounds of Bela's screams died down, he could still see the power of Castiel's Grace from behind the thin lids of flesh.

"You can open your eyes now Dean."

Blinking rapidly, Dean turned on his heel, a small thrill of shock going through him when he saw Bela standing there in one piece.

She smiled, eyes shimmering with unshed tears, "thank you" Bela gasped.

"It is my pleasure Bela. Live a long life. I hope to see you in Heaven one day."

With a stiff nod Bela turned away, walking out of Bobby's junkyard never to be seen or heard from again.


By the time Dean and Castiel pushed through Bobby's front door dusk had descended upon the sky, transforming the blue horizon into a dark purple, tinged at the corners with the sun's final gold rays.

Bobby looked up from his chair in the study as they entered, completely healed thanks to Castiel. The older man smiled affectionately at both his son and the newer addition to his family, through the waning light of day. Scarlet bloomed on Dean's cheeks at the attention paid to him, and grabbing Castiel's hand in his own he made a hasty retreat to his bedroom, dragging the all too willing Castiel behind him.

As the door slammed closed behind them Dean whipped around, leaving Castiel no choice but to lean against the door.

They stared at each other for a moment before Dean smirked and balancing on the heels of his feet his tongue followed the line of Castiel's jaw line, teeth nipping at the angel's earlobe playfully.

Castiel's chest rumbled as he tucked his hands underneath Dean's white shirt, fingers skittering over the band of Dean's underwear. "What took you so long?" Castiel whispered against Dean's skin, sending a shiver of anticipation through him.

In a blink Castiel was gone, the gentle hush of feathers alerting Dean to Castiel's presence behind him.

With a playful growl Dean pushed Castiel back against the bed, making the angel stumble and fall onto the blankets with a whoosh of air. Before the mattress had settled Dean was upon the angel, ravenous, hands trailing up the hard flesh of Castiel's flanks. Dean pressed his burning, clothed erection up against Castiel's own need, groaning low in his throat at the delicious friction. Canting his hips up Castiel mouthed at Dean's neck, laving his pulse with his wet tongue. Shuddering, Dean's legs spread further apart, till his shins were resting on either side of Castiel's legs. Smirking Castiel flipped Dean over, panting in the humid air, laden with the smell of salt and the faint beginnings of semen.

Dean cried out wantonly, pulling at Castiel's white button down shirt with greedy desperate fingers. Castiel grinned, making both of their clothes disappear with a thought, except for the golden chain that glimmered against Dean's tanned throat. The wet needy head of Dean's erection spread pre-come between their sweat slicked bodies, making Castiel grind his own erection against the perfect sweaty divots of Dean's belly.

Dean looked down at his naked form, lust blown pupils ravaging Castiel's own body, making the angel blush despite himself. Chuckling, Dean sat up, fingers carding through Castiel's hair, tugging it, to bring the angel's lips against his own.

Nipping at the sensitive lips, Castiel opened his mouth allowing Dean's tongue to slip in, warm and talented. Their tongues splayed against each other, exploring and fighting for dominance until Dean parted with a gasp. "Do angels need to breathe?"

Castiel smirked, teeth running white lines over his shining, swollen lips.

Growling slightly, Dean latched onto Castiel's shoulders, putting the creature under him in one fluid motion. Dean hovered over Castiel, cock aching in the tepid air of the bedroom. He crouched over the powerful being that was laid down before him on its back. The thought of finally being able to claim and mark this angel as his own sent a jolt of electricity straight to his cock, making it twitch with eagerness.

Resting on his one hand Dean let the other explore the perfect canvas of Castiel's chest, nails nicking intentionally over one of the hardened nipples. Castiel's eyes clenched shut in a hiss of delightful pain. Dean's fingers moved to Castiel's face, cupping the sweat damp cheek and thumb running over the rosy dust that painted Castiel's skin. Popping his fingers into Castiel's mouth the angel hummed, tongue darting between the appendages, coating them with saliva.

Withdrawing them with a wet suck Dean moved the fingers down to Castiel's entrance, teasing the flinching ring of muscles as he traced it in teasing circular motions. Castiel's back arched into the touch, silently begging for Dean to breach him, break him apart. As though sensing the thought Dean's first finger slid in, pushing past the clenching muscles and into the scalding velvety heat. Castiel closed his sapphire eyes against the intrusion, heavy black lashes kissing the sheen of his cheek. Wantonly he spread his legs, the burn from the first finger subsiding. Dean added a second finger, watching the ripple of pain and pleasure work its way through Castiel's body as his fingers clenched at the white, damp sheets.

"Dean…" Castiel panted out, cock pulsing hot beneath Dean's luscious sun kissed skin, "stop teasing."

Dean heaved in a breath, body shaking with need and want. Taking his blood-heavy cock in hand Dean positioned the sensitive head at Castiel's wet entrance. Slowly he eased his way in, hissing as the blinding tightness enveloped his cock. Castiel groaned, head thrown to the side as he felt Dean's cock splitting him open, claiming him.

Dean stilled above Castiel waiting for the angel to adjust before moving. Dean's right hand clenched at the dip of Castiel's hip, holding the angel in place whilst the other hand splayed the sheets next to Castiel's flank. Opening his eyes once more Castiel's free hand went to the hard curve of Dean's ass, urging the human to move with a forceful press.

Hips canting backwards Dean felt his cock slide inside of Castiel's channel with only the head of his cock trapped in the mind numbingly good muscles at the entrance, and then with a fluid thrust he seated himself fully. Castiel felt the thread in him grow tighter and tighter, each breath coming quicker than the last.

Pivoting his hips again Dean drove in and out, finding a steady rhythm as he groaned and moaned Castiel's name, prayers obscenely falling from his lips. Castiel cried out, fingers digging painfully into Dean's shoulder as the head of his lovers cock hit the little bundle of nerves inside of him. Dean's rhythm began to fall apart as he felt his own need building, jerking spasms of his hips that had him driving against Castiel's pert ass with hard lewd smacks of flesh against flesh.

Dean angled his hips, thrusting in just so hitting that spot once more. Castiel clenched around him, a silent screaming on the angle's lips as he came, cock twitching between their sweat slicked bodies as strings of come splattered against his stomach. Castiel's channel flexed, clamping down on Dean as though to milk him dry, and that was all Dean needed as he came with a broken cry, spilling his own hot seed into Castiel's passage with a final, deep, bone-jarring snap of his hips.

Bones turned to jelly, Dean collapsed onto Castiel, both of them breathing hard, uncaring for the semen that was rubbed into their skin like a soothing balm. Eventually Dean rolled off Castiel, spent cock slipping free. Castiel held onto Dean, hand still clamped on his shoulder. Eventually though his hand slipped from the damp skin, leaving a red impression, testament to his grip.

Dean stretched, supine and sated as he slotted his lips against Castiel's, placing a chaste little blessing upon the red skin. Blue gaze met green as they relaxed, basking in the afterglow.

"Cas" Dean began, fingers threading through the angel's sweat soaked hair, "I miss seeing your wings." Castiel frowned, laying the invisible feathers over Dean's naked body. Sighing, Dean pressed himself against the other warm body, imagining for a moment that he had felt the soft brush of feathers.

"But now, being human…I get to see Sammy when I die." Dean groaned, burrowing his face into the pliant pillow to hide his embarrassment, "I don't want this to turn into a chick-flick moment, but I'm so happy…I thought I would never see him again."

Gently Castiel placed his fingers under Dean's chin, tilting Dean's face up so his summer blue gaze could latch onto and hold Dean's eyes, "and I can't wait to meet him when I find your soul in Heaven. But for now, you'll have to deal with me."

Dean smiled through the tears of joy, coaxing Castiel's lips into a similar curve.

"And that's why I'm the luckiest son of a bitch alive." Dean murmured, lost in the thrall of his angel's hypnotic eyes. Because, for the moment, this was Heaven.


(A/N: I hope you enjoyed (and that the ending wasn't too Disney!). I already have another fic brewing so I would really appreciate some constructive criticism so I can make my next story better than this one. Thanks for reading.)