Hey guys...
First of all - and again - sorry that it always takes so long for me to update and sorry that I cannot present you a new chapter even now.
That was the reason why I hesitated so long to write an AN, because all of you would be disappointed at finding just this AN as an update...
Well, yet I wanted to reassure you that I had NOT given up on my story, I just have a bit of a personal problem at the moment. Nothing severe, not even something concrete, we have just moved into another house and town and I strangely cannot find any personal space and time here... I just do not feel homey enough to write, I am a bit beside myself at the moment - or for the last half year :)
I will change that soon - things cannot go on like this. I NEED time for myself, for reading and writing and other things (damn, I haven't been reading for over a year now, formerly I sometimes read several hundered pages a day!).
So, I am sorry to say that an update will not come at the beginning of May, as I had told some of you via PM, yet I am onto it and halfway done with the next chapter - I will claim my alone time now for at least once a weak and hurry things up :)
Sorry, sorry again, delaying like this is really heavy on me conscience - so please be reassured that I had not and WILL not give this fic up - it just might take another 5 years or so for me to finish it :) (joke)
Thanks to all of you who had been and still are loyally at my side for all those years!
Stay tuned for the next update!