Hi! So this is my first caskett fanfic and I've been into them for a while now, (they are so damn cute godammit!) And I came up with this one night when my internet was down, I will say again it is my FIRST castle fanfic so don't be too harsh! (Though constructive critisism is appreciated)

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

Becca xox

Kate entered the loft, exhausted after her long day at work, it was nearly midnight and all day she had wanted nothing more than to come home and hug the two most important people in her life.

She quickly dropped her coat on the sofa and, as quietly as she could, made her way upstairs to find her family.

Creepy into the dark nursery, she expected to find her daughter curled up asleep in her crib. Instead, all she found was a rumpled pink blanket, confused, she stumbled into the main room; and her heart melted at what she saw.

Lying on his back on the bed, was Rick, his right hand was lying gently on his daughter's back, as she slept peacefully on her father's chest, her pacifier half hanging out of her mouth and her midnight black curls framed her angelic face. His other arm was lying out on the bed, just waiting for his wife to come and snuggle with him.

Kate smiled softly, slowly climbing onto the bed (careful not to wake either of them) and snuggled into Rick's side, conjoining her hand with his over her daughter's back, memories of handcuffs and tigers washing over her as she slowly lulled herself to sleep in the safety and presence of her family.