All Wounds Leave Scars

A/N- Hey guys, I have finally forced myself to sit down and write this chapter. Hopefully by next week I will have written the next 2 or 3 chapters. Anyways please read and review and enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 12- Tonight's the night

"Don't get too close, It's dark inside, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide"- Demons by Imagine Dragons

Humphrey P.O.V

I was being dragged into the centre of the pack. I was shocked. I couldn't howl or anything. I didn't even know who this stranger is. Then...I notice a figure in the darkness. His eyes piercing the night's cruel fog. My fur stands to its ends. I recognised the wolf. Actually there were 2 different wolves. One male and one female. I start to shed tears. It's her...its Shannon...with...Butch.

I start to growl. I am absolutely angry. I feel my blood lust level rise to its peak. I feel my body getting stronger. This will be the last night he torments me.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yell, my very voice piercing through his soul as he lets me go. I sprint towards Butch. My claws out and my fangs shown. I hear him laugh as I start going faster and faster until I leap. He side stepped but I managed to claw his side as he howls in pain.

"THIS WILL BE THE LAST NIGHT YOU TAKE ANYTHING FROM ME!" I yell. Butch runs straight at me, growling. I tried to side step but he was just a few seconds faster as his claw cuts my sides. I feel the warm, iron tasting liquid come out of my body. We both start to circle each other, growling. We were both sizing up each other. Just from the look from him I knew I had to get help otherwise I will not be able to kill him.

Even though we brought Butch near the middle of the pack, some wolf managed to grab me and drag us to the spot we were now fighting in. Luckily I had my friend Shadow.

"Shadow, let's finish this." I said in a serious voice.

"Put me to sleep evil angel, open up your wings evil angel" Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin

Butch P.O.V

I need help. I have been really wounded and Shannon has ran away to avoid getting help. I smile, I am glad that she won't be hurt in this fight but I may not be there with her. I see Humphrey's friend bolt at me. From the look of him, he is a beta. I try to side step but I forgot Humphrey was here as I got clawed at my left side as his friend gets my sides. I howl in pain and fall to the ground.

"Haha, need help fighting do you Humphrey. You really are pathetic. You need someone to help fight me. First will be you and then your friend and maybe Lilly as well. I hear she's pregnant. Maybe I'll kill the pup also." I laughed as I spat blood on the ground. I look into Humphrey's eyes. His eyes are yellow now. He is really angry. I smiled as I received a punch in the gut by his friend Shadow.

"COME AT ME HUMPHREY! LETS FINISH THIS!" I screamed. I bolted at Humphrey as he in turn did the same thing. This was the final part...We then collided.

"I walk, you run. I feel outdone. You always wanted it to be one on one." Sore winner by There for Tomorrow

Shadow P.O.V

All I could was sit back and watch Butch and Humphrey run at each other. I see the western pack Alphas standing. Wide eyed at the current events unfolding. I see blood splatter. Both bodies fell. I bolted in to see if Humphrey was alright.

"HUMPHREY! ARE YOU OKAY?" I shook Humphrey. I see him smirk.

"It's...finally...over" Humphrey said as he passed out.

A/N- Only 2 more chapters to go readers. I hope you enjoyed this waited chapter. Please read and review. Remember, if you wanna chat add me on skype! thelonelyblitz