YAY Tiffany's Third story!

This is like super random and not at all canon...in fact I tried to make it as un-canon as possible

oh yah and it's mostly all fluff with basically no plot line...but it'll be a fun/funny read! ... i hope...

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own Draco or his Veelaness, although I really wish I did...I do however own my brain and randomness which is very prevelant in this story

WARNING! : yes there is slash...that should be expected from me by now...and there are multiple strange pairings...

if this is not your cup o' tea then you go forth reading upon your own will...


Chapter 1: As Hot and Sexy as Ever was Possible

Draco always knew he was devastatingly beautiful. That was a fact he liked to flaunt in less-devastatingly beautiful people's faces and the reason why he spends hours primping in front of his mirror.

However, on this fine morning Draco looked in the mirror and found himself to no longer look devastatingly beautiful. Now this would normally be a very huge concern to Draco Malfoy, but currently it was not. For instead of being devastatingly beautiful Draco was now as sexy and hot as ever was possible.

This development caused Draco such excitement that he sprinted down to his father's office to announce this news to Lucius Malfoy. After sliding down the Grand Staircase's railing, Draco arrived in front of a dark oak door that was 10ft. tall and 6ft. wide.

Draco threw open the door and bounced with delight into his father's study. Lucius Malfoy was sitting in an elegant chair with a glass of whisky on hand, reading the Daily Prophet.

"Daddy!" Draco announced, coming to stand in front of Lucius Malfoy.

"Yes, my son?" Lucius asked, looking over his paper at Draco.

"I am no longer devastatingly beautiful!" Draco announced.

"Indeed you are not." Lucius agreed. "In fact I'd say that you are as hot and sexy as ever could be possible."

Draco nodded, looking perplexed. "But whatever could have caused this, daddy?" Draco asked.

His father set down his newspaper and gestured for Draco to come closer. Lucius sighed, "Well, my son, it would seem as though you have just come into your Veela inheritance. A little late, I must add."

Draco looked confused. "But we aren't Veelas." he said slowly.

"Well I am my son, though your mother is not. It seems as if today you have gotten your full-blooded Veela traits, which would be the cause of you suddenly becoming as hot and sexy as ever was possible." Lucius explained. "This also means that you will be able to seek out your mate, bond with her, and give me multiple half-Veela grandchildren. Oh joy." he said sarcastically.

"Mother's not your mate, is she." Draco stated.

"No she is not. Why else would I give her diamonds?" Lucius replied.

"She's not my mother either is she?"

"Nope." Lucius stated. "In fact you have no mother, but two fathers! Isn't that wonderful!" Lucius said bitterly with multitudes of sarcasm thrown in. "Seriously, if that Veela slut wasn't my mate I would wring his scrawny little neck and then pound his pretty little arse into the ground for letting me get him pregnant." He growled.

Draco just stared at his father in shock and fear. "Anyways," Lucius continued as though nothing had happened. "Besides your hot and sexy looks and getting your lucky mate pregnant, you will also have the oh-so-coveted Veela allure. And yes that does mean that you will have wizards of all ages and sexes basically throwing themselves at you." Lucius finished with a sneer. "Oh and it also means you will receive your full name." he added.

"Wha-but I LIKE my name!" Draco protested, backing away from his father. He wondered if running from the room would stop his name change. He thought not.

"Well now your full name is Draco Drakus Scorpus Lucifer Narsis Albus Grindelwald Draconius Snape-Malfoy." his father finished with a grand flourish.

Draco groaned and rolled his eyes. "And how the HELL am I supposed to fit THAT on a suitcase?"

Lucius just sniggered and smirked. "Oh you'll figure it out. Oh yah and I forgot about mating season, the funnest fucking time of the year!" Lucius exclaimed sarcastically.

Draco, afraid for his sanity and that of his father's, was slowly backing from the room. "Wait," he said suddenly, realizing something. "Why's my last name Snape-Malfoy?"

Lucius smirked at him, rolling his eyes. "It's cuz I'm straight as an arrow and Snape's my mate." he said, shooting back a shot of gin.

This time Draco bolted.

Harry awoke feeling very very happy for no apparent reason. Then he remembered, today was his birthday! Harry practically leaped for joy at this prospect and he hurried to get dressed for the day. Now since today was his BIRTHDAY Harry wanted to look as devastatingly beautiful as possible, so he decided to wear a beautiful green shirt with some very nice dark jeans.

When Harry looked in his full-length gilded mirror he gasped in surprise and delight. His hair looked amazing! For once in his life it was not sticking up all over the place! In fact, his hair was now silky and perfectly shaggy. Harry smiled at himself in the mirror; boy did he look good.

Happily, Harry jumped down the stairs and into the Weasley's kitchen. Yes, Harry was indeed at the Weasley's for the rest of the summer, which was truthfully only two weeks. Percy was studying abroad in Italy with the Italian Ministry, so Harry got to use his room for his stay.

"Hiya Harry!" Fred exclaimed, jumping up from his spot next to George in order to mess up Harry's head. Well, there goes my good hair day, Harry thought when Fred had finished. But to Harry's joy and shock, when he looked at his reflection in a small mirror over the mantle his hair was still perfectly shaggy!

"Whatcha so happy about Harry?" George asked. Harry leaped over to sit on the arm of the couch.

"It's my BIRTHDAY!" Harry exclaimed happily, swinging his legs in the air. "I'm finally 16!" Harry was so happy. He was finally not the youngest person in his grade, or at least he wouldn't be until everyone else turned 17.

Suddenly his vision was obscured by a mass of orange and brown hair. This mass turned itself into Ron and Hermione as they stopped hugging him to death. "Happy Birthday Harry!" Hermione squealed, handing him his present. Soon, Harry was surrounded by numerous gifts as the rest of the Weasley's joined them in the kitchen/living room.

Hermione, to no one's surprise had given him a book. And not just any book, but a very SPECIAL book. A book so special, in fact, that Harry had to quickly cover the title. He thought that Fred might have caught it, especially since he kept on winking at Harry for the rest of the afternoon with a mischievous smile on his lips. Let's just say it was a book to be read in privacy with the blinds drawn and the door double bolted.

Ron and gotten him a Broom Care Kit-typical Ron present. And Ginny had given him a book on killing basilisks. None of the irony was lost on Harry and he grinned in appreciation at her. There were times when she would have turned scarlet at this act, but she had long ago moved on.

The twins had given him some of their special merchandise. This included two bottles of love potion, one jar of instant darkness powder, three boxes of Skiving Snackboxes, five pounds of crystalized pineapple, and two duel-cloaks. There was also a note at the bottom of the box that Harry read quickly before pocketing it.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley gave Harry a bunch of new quills, a nice new sweater, a golden slightly dented pocket watch, and a new set of dress robes. Harry thanked everyone profusely and they celebrated into the night.

The cake was wonderful until the leftovers formed a giant mass and rolled off the table into the night. They sat in the Weasley's yard for quite some time, talking about everything and nothing. Sadly, Ginny soon fell asleep into her bowl of blue jell-o, and Mr. Weasley announced it to be time for bed.

Before Harry knew it, September 1st had arrived and they could be found hurrying through King's Cross Station-almost late, again. Harry and Ron hurtled through the brick wall, quickly followed by Ginny, the twins, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They quickly said good-bye and jumped onto the train, which for once was NOT moving.

The twins went off to find their friend Lee Jordan to talk about business, while Ginny raced off after them to find Kormick McClaggin, her new love-interest.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were weaving their way through the corridor to find an empty compartment when a giant toad landed on Ron's head, crushing him! Okay, so it wasn't a giant toad and it really didn't crush him, but it DID land on his head. Chasing after said toad was a slightly rotund lad by the name of Neville Longbottom.

"Oh, hi Harry, Ron, Hermione." he said while prying the toad off of Ron's head. "Sorry about that" he said, placing the toad back in it's box. "He just gets out at the darndest times."

Harry smiled kindly at Neville, who could be quite strange at times. "Hey, do you have any room in your compartment by chance?" he asked Neville.

Neville shifted awkwardly, trying to decide how to answer that. "Well uh, ur, you see Luna and I, we were gonna...Uh..." he trailed off. Harry just laughed and patted Neville on the back.

"We'll see you at the feast then." he said laughing as they left Neville to try and find a compartment.

When they found an empty one, about half way down the corridor, Harry flung open the door and they tossed themselves into the seats. The door for the first time ever did not magically slide closed behind them and for some odd unknown reason the three did not notice. Perhaps it was because that was just what needed to happen for a course of occurrences to occur. Perhaps.

Malfoy was having a bad day. He left his father and mother on the platform as he got on the train; his mother looking as insane as always, but still bubbly and sweet, and his father had just finished his second bottle of malt whiskey that day. He had said it was something to do with "my son is going to have lots of half-Veela brats with some miscreant slut", but Draco didn't think that was all there was to it. After all, the start of school meant that Snape was going back to Hogwarts as well.

Draco jumped as Crabbe and Goyle, his most trusted and interesting sidekicks, came up behind him. "What's the matter boss?" Crabbe asked him, pulling on his arm to make sure Draco did not fall.

"Nothing. But if I, for some odd reason, start looking like I'm forming a life-bond due to stupid Veelaness with someone other than a hot and sexy stud then PLEASE club me over the head so I don't form said bond." Draco said as he stomped off through the corridor. Crabbe and Goyle just looked at each other and shrugged. Sometimes their boss was a little weird. Not to mention completely and utterly flamingly gay, but they didn't talk about that.

Draco, not able to find a suitable empty compartment for himself, his Veelaness, and his two sidekicks, decided to kick some first years out of theirs. Of course, for reasons once again unknown, Draco did not notice the people who were sitting in the compartment across the corridor with their door conveniently open.

Draco slid the door open with a bang, making the three first years jump. "Get out." Draco growled, stepping inside menacingly. The two boys EEPed and scrambled out of the compartment. The girl did not get up; she just sat there looking at him, a smirk on her lips.

Draco gestured for Crabbe and Goyle to walk in. The girl just rolled her eyes, closing the very large black leather bound book on her lap with a thud. "No need to get excited." she drawled, standing to leave. "Only an idiot would stay against those two." she said, cocking her head towards Crabbe and Goyle. She smirked again, throwing her long shiny blond hair over her shoulder. "Course I am an idiot." she drawled, sitting back down with a sneer.

Draco narrowed his eyes at her and stepped forward menacingly. "When I say to get lost, you should get lost." he growled.

"I don't see why I should." the girl retorted with a scowl.

"Because I really don't want to get blood splatters on my clothes." Draco barked, making the girl laugh.

She arched her eyebrows with a sneer. "yep, still don't see why I should."

She'd make a good Slytherin, Draco thought. But of course, good Slytherin or not, these actions could not go unpunished. Draco growled and stepped forewords, ready to throw her out, when a voice sounded behind him.

"Leave the First Years alone, Malfoy!" Harry shouted, eyes blazing. Draco just gaped at him, eyes wide. Neither of them noticed the girl exit the compartment, a happy smile on her lips.

"H-Harry." Draco gasped, mouth going dry. He found himself thinking that no one could ever look or smell or sound as beautiful as Harry did then.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked, looking up into the blonde's eyes. With the sound of Potter's voice and the contact of their eyes, something in Draco snapped.

Suddenly, he found himself with Potter pressed up against the wall, snogging the living daylights out of him. To Draco's joy Harry was responding with equal enthusiasm and currently had one hand entangled in Draco's hair while the other had somehow managed to make its way under Draco's shirt and onto his back.

Then Harry came to his senses and ripped away. "What the HELL Malfoy!" he shouted, looking angry and puzzled at the same time.

Instead of answering Harry, Draco turned to his body guards and scowled at them. "What the HELL guys! I thought I told you what to do if this happened!"

Crabbe and Goyle just looked at him. "Actually, you said to beat you over the head if the person was not a hot and sexy stud. And THAT" Goyle said, nodding at Harry, "does fit the description of a hot and sexy stud."

Draco just looked at them, looked at Potter, and then screamed. "OH FUCK NO!"

Harry just glared at Malfoy. He was quite confused by what was going on, but what he did know was that Malfoy had KISSED him. Him! And yes, he did rather like getting the daylights snogged out of him by that Malfoy, but he just couldn't go around kissing whoever he liked. Harry knew he must teach Malfoy a lesson...somehow.

"What the heck is going on Malfoy?" Harry said loudly. Draco just stared at him, thinking about how he would break this news without Harry killing him and getting copious amounts of blood on his robes. He did rather like his clothing without blood stains on it.

Draco covered his face with his hands. "I'm a Veela Potter and you're my mate." he said quickly. He heard a thud and looked through his fingers. Harry was lying on the ground, having just fainted.

"Just brilliant."

Hey there! Sorry if nothing is updated in the next week or so...it's FINALS TIME and I am dying! :) anyways here's a preview of the next chapter!:

He looked at Harry, down to the whipped cream, and back at Harry. Harry, whipped cream, Harry, whipped cream, Harry, his gaze went. A mischievious smile crept onto Draco's face as he licked his lips.

DUN DUN DUN! :) Reviews Make me feel all happy inside! so please review!