Chapter 31

As this is the last chapter, it will be a bit longer (Haha, total understatement), and written from a prompt I got in one of your wonderful reviews :) I am so, so very sorry for the long wait, but I wrote another Sabriel-fic in the meantime, for Dean's Birthday Challenge over at LJ. I'll post it as soon as possible :)

So the prompt was "A smutty fic where Sam and Gabriel discover fanfiction together". There you go, and you have been warned.

"Do you know that the fangirls of the Supernatural book series have gone completely crazy ever since Chuck released the new volumes? The ones with the angels?" Sam looked up from his laptop monitor to Gabriel, who sat across from him.

"Sammy... might explain to me first what 'fanfiction' is?" the archangel quirked an eyebrow at him, chewing idly on a candy bar.

"Stories that are written by fans, using characters of their chosen source material, which – in this case – is the Supernatural books. And with stories, I mean slash fiction. Which practically is porn. Between the protagonists. Which, as you know, are mostly male in our case – do I need to say more?"

"Oh, no, I'm not that dense. But what did you mean with 'the fangirls have gone crazy'? Isn't taking two fictional protagonists and let them have gay sex in your story crazy enough?" Gabriel screwed up his face, but seemed to be way cool enough with that matter. Or at least he didn't have a gay freak-out.

"Well, see," Sam coughed. "before - it was only Dean and me-"

Gabriel raised his finger, interrupting the hunter. "Wait... Dean and you as in... Dean and you?" Gabriel's eyes went wide. "In, like – together? And there's porn of it? They do know you're brothers?"

"Yeah, doesn't seem to matter. They even have a name for it. 'Wincest.'" Sam chuckled. The dialogue reminded him an awful lot of the one he once had with Dean about this exact same topic.

The archangel began to laugh loudly. "Oh that is... just awesome." That was not how Dean had reacted, though.

Sam gave him his best bitchface and waited until perception kicked in.

Suddenly, Gabriel's smile faded and his eyes went clouded as he pondered. "Wait, you said the slash fiction increased since the angels appeared... which means we are paired with..."

Sam slowly nodded. "Go on," he grinned self-confident.

Gabriel was quiet for a while.

"Okay, I give up. I don't know who gets paired with whom," Gabriel shrugged in defeat a minute later. "Enlighten me, kiddo."

"Hm, let's just say... for whom else but me has Dean a very soft spot for?" the hunter smiled over the edge of his monitor, quirking his eyebrow suggestively.

"Castiel..." the archangel answered instantly, and grinned once their eyes met again. "So - Castiel/Dean... Ca... Casean?"

Sam couldn't suppress the bubbling laughter rising up in his chest. "Actually, it's 'Destiel'."

"Doesn't sound like any real angel name," Gabriel snorted.

"Oh, so what do you think about 'Sabriel', then, Gabe?" Sam smirked mischievously.

A trademark angel head-tilt accompanied Gabriel's confused question. "Sabriel... as in... Sam and Gabriel?"

"Exactly that," the hunter answered.

"Please tell me you're joking, Sammy," Gabriel shook his head in disbelief. However, a smirk slowly but steadily made its way onto his lips.

"Nope, dead serious."

"So there's gay porn written of us on the internet?" The archangel gestured back and forth between them before he snapped his fingers and another laptop appeared in front of him. "I have to read this. I suppose you've got a link for me, Sammy?"

"Actually... yes, I have. Look, there," Sam smirked, showing his screen to Gabriel so the angel could read the website.

Now, an hour later, the two of them are buried under loads of fanfiction stories and laughing their asses off. Gabriel throws his head back and laughs merrily once again. "Hey, Sammy, this one says you like sucking my cock!" he nudges the hunter suggestively with his elbow.

Sam raises an eyebrow and retorts dryly, "Well, as I never sucked cock before, I can't really ditch it, now can I."

"Oh, don't tell me you're one of the 'don't ditch it 'til you tried it'-type of guys," the angel snickers.

Sam shrugs and smirks back. "I've got a better one anyway. I make you come by grooming your wings in this story."

Gabriel just coughs uncomfortably and doesn't answer.

"What, don't tell me that your wings are actually that sensitive?" Sam giggles as their eyes meet once again, but he stops quickly when he notices that the angel is serious about this.

"Well, not that sensitive but if they get touched in the right places, it does make me kinda horny," Gabriel looks back onto the screen while he explains, avoiding Sam's gaze.

The hunter just raises an eyebrow. "So, it's like when you bite my neck," he states and huffs lightly when he earns a confused look from Gabriel for that.

"Says who?"

"This story, and me," Sam grins back. "The girl's good."

They read for a little while until Sam takes a swig of his water and almost spits it out the next second.

"What is it?" Gabriel asks excited and all but bounces around the table in glee. Maybe he enjoys this a bit too much.

"I just found a story where you rescue me from a tentacle rape monster. Seriously, who thinks of something like that?" Sam coughs. Gabriel pats his back lightly to shrug the cough attack off.

"Has it had the chance to... do its thing before I rescue you?" Mischief almost drips from Gabriel's words as he speaks.

"Well... yeah."

"And you liked it?"

"What do you mean? No, of course I didn't like reading about it, but in the story, I kinda liked it... oh Jesus," Sam moans in despair.

"What now?" Gabriel asks, smirking even wider now.

"Now I'm poisoned and therefore horny and you have to help me by screwing me with your big almighty archangel dick," Sam states and all but slams his head into the keyboard.

The angel across from him bursts into laughter. "You might... oh god... you might wanna rephrase that, Sammy," he manages, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Uhm... yes, I meant in the story. Obviously," Sam adds quickly, embarrassed beyond compare. He shifts a bit on his chair, ignoring the bulge in his pants. Yeah, even if the story has been pretty scary, it has also been very good in its descriptions.

Gabriel still chuckles and reads on, until his jaw drops after a few minutes.

"Found something?" the hunter asks over the table, already laughing because of the expression on the archangel's face.

"Well... yeah. I never knew that you're such a good kisser that you can make me come just with... well, kissing that is, but this... yeah. It's actually kinda hot."

"So... you don't believe it? Do I have to prove it?" Sam asks jokingly with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrow. Oh, he could so play this game, too.

"Let me get back to you later, honey," Gabriel smiles smugly and winks.

The banter between them is easy and light, and Sam enjoys it. He has learned more about Gabriel in the last hour by reading fanfiction than he could ever imagine, although it was mostly intimate details. Still, talking about sex that openly with Gabriel was funny. And entertaining.

And hot, to say the least.

"Hey, listen to this," Gabriel clears his throat and reads theatrically out loud, "'Sam never knew that he would enjoy feeling Gabriel's cock buried so deep within his body, filling him-'"

"Wait, why do you only read stories where I bottom?" Sam accuses, interrupting the angel when he notices the pattern.

"It's kinda interesting, you know, with you always being the big, tall, strong hunter and in the end bending over and taking it up the ass from an angel who's a foot shorter than you," Gabriel answers honestly and grins back.

"Touché, Gabe. But, I've found this one... where it says that you're a pushy bottom who likes to ride me 'til the sun rises and I cry out your name blissfully while coming hard and deep into you," Sam smirks widely.

"Huh. Not bad either," the angel cocks his head in acknowledgement. "But are we really discussing now who would top and who would bottom if we had sex?"

Sam looks up, a bit dumbstruck. "Apparently, yes. But not that it's really a question, I mean, you would so bottom," he states dryly.

Gabriel grins at him. "Yeah, I probably would. Which doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to try it the other way around either."

Sam shoots him another look over the edge of his laptop, and their eyes lock. It's a weird moment of thick, heavy tension building up between them, and Sam finds himself holding his breath for a second. Gabriel's eyes are shining with something else than their usual mischief and the hunter can't deny that he's intrigued. The honey brown orbs resume trailing down his body, from his neck over his chest to his hips and crotch, and he doesn't even bother to hide where he's looking at. This goes as far as the angel leaning back in his chair to get a better look at Sam's ass. And he looks directly back into Sam's eyes as soon as he is done with roaming over his body and checking him out.

The smug sparkle in his eyes makes Sam quiver. Damnit, he hasn't even been touched yet, and still... god, his jeans are killing him. Note to self: wear wider jeans when Gabriel is around, Sam sighs silently to himself. The sudden urge to simply touch himself, to just rub a bit over the bulge in his pants to relieve some of the tension hits him with unexpected force. Still, he isn't able to look away from the archangel's gentle, but meaningful smile. Oh, that bastard has just read his mind, he'd bet-

"Yes, I did," Gabriel admits, leaving Sam sitting there gaping at him - literally.

"What did you see, then?" Sam swallows heavily.

"Enough. Soo... why don't you just do it, Sammy?"

Sam coughs uncomfortably. "No, I mean, I can't-"

"Of course you can. Please, go ahead," the angel says softly, adding with a much more rough undertone in his seductive voice, "let me see it."

The look of undisguised desire in his eyes convinces Sam enough that he's serious about this. And by god or whomever- that look made his cock strain against his zipper even more.

Plus, hearing that bedroom voice of Gabriel does things to Sam he isn't capable of describing - the urge to touch himself from before seem almost harmless against what happens now. Sam sits there, wanting and needing a hand in his crotch right the fuck now, but the thing is... he is also completely aware that it's not his own touch but Gabriel's that he's craving. The touch of those tiny – at least compared to his own – hands, rubbing over his chest and down to his abs, caressing his sides and running around to cup his ass-

That's the point where Sam decides that Gabriel has heard enough of his dirty secrets over the past hour and a half, so he doesn't care about how much more he might actually see. Sam's eyes are glued to the archangel's, though, when he reaches down and shortly gropes himself through the thick fabric of his jeans. Sam isn't able to suppress the hot groan escaping his lips at this. God, that has been necessary, even if it didn't ease the tension that much. He tries to stay calm during all of this, make it as less embarrassing as it could probably be, but the hunter just can't help the delightful sigh that leaves his throat. And Gabriel just grins at that, very pleased with himself.

Then Sam realizes a wholly different thing. The fabric of his jeans grazes his sensitive skin notably, there is... nothing in between. No extra layer of underwear, although he definitely had put a pair of boxers on this morning. Gabriel's smirk goes just a bit wider and darker, and Sam knows exactly whom he has to thank for the lack of underwear.

"I don't think we've encountered a story that includes my particular preference for not wearing any underwear?"

"Nope, don't think so, but... honestly, I don't really mind," Sam answers and watches carefully to not miss the shudder rolling through Gabriel's frame at these words. The angel sighs quietly and leans his head back against the chair, his hands folded on top of the table. He's getting right where Sam wants him to be.

The urge to reach out and touch Gabriel hits Sam by surprise, and hard. The hunter wants to trace Gabriel's naked body with his eyes and hands – in that order – discovering all the sweets spots that drive the angel nuts. Find that particular part of his wings that makes him horny when being touched – just like in that story. He doesn't know what the stories did to him, but they obviously managed to attract him to Gabriel.

Not that he ever thought about Gabriel that way before. Well, maybe. A bit. On Tuesdays.

Sam catches himself at practically undressing the archangel with his eyes, his hand still resting in his crotch as he massages the bulge lazily. He doesn't want to do this himself, but it's too good to stop, and Gabriel responds notably to those movements. Sam lets his lips fall apart and huff out another deep breath, enjoying the way Gabriel presses his lips together and swallows heavily.

"Well, at least now I'm finally sure that you and Dean-o are brothers," Gabriel snickers, but the arousal in his voice is so very obvious.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks back breathlessly.

"Well, you both got a sense for eyesexing an angel that's sitting right in front of you and waiting for something to happen-"

That's as far as he gets. Sam jumps from his chair to kneel down on the floor before Gabriel within a second, and puts his hands on the angel's hips, pulling him forward. The hunter gasps for air and doesn't quite know what to do for a moment, so he rests their foreheads together. Gabriel's breath is just as wrecked as his, and he nudges closer to Sam, seeking the contact of the Winchester's hands and skin. Sam opens his eyes that he has pressed shut in an attempt to focus on what he was doing – a fruitless attempt, as it turned out – and his eyes meet Gabriel's honey brown ones, and the intensity in the angel's orbs knocks the last remains of restraint out of him.

Sam presses their lips together in a hot, messy kiss, which includes too much tongue and even more moans, delightful little gasps that fall from their mouths as they plunder and ravish each other's. The taste, the movements are new to Sam, and yet all of it seems familiar. He somehow knows how to kiss Gabriel the way he likes it best, and the angel confirms it with a short grind of his hips against Sam's stomach. When Sam pulls back, breathless and craving for more, he first takes in the beautiful view in front of him – Gabriel, sitting on the edge of the chair, his hair messed up, plush lips parted and his eyes half-lidded and clouded. The look of wild desire that he shoots at the hunter makes Sam shiver, stirring up those exact feelings within himself.

"Now it comes in handy that I know you just love this," the archangel leers at him before he lunges forward and latches his lips onto Sam's neck, biting gently down at the sensitive skin.

Sam wasn't prepared for the wave of sheer want and need that swashed over him at Gabriel's ministrations. He moans loudly, half from arousal, half because of being taken by surprise, and Gabriel grins against his neck and chuckles. When the angel starts to place a love bite there, sucking the skin into his mouth, Sam is too far gone to protest.

The hunter runs his hands up the smaller man's back, eliciting a delicate huff out of him as his palms trace the shoulder blades.

And suddenly, he remembers. Gabriel's wings, they technically had to be attached around here, and according to a story he had read barely half an hour ago-

Sam presses his palms flat against both shoulder blades, massaging them firmly, and suddenly, he is rewarded with a writhing, moaning, begging archangel in his arms. Yes, definitely a sweet spot. Point goes to the fangirls, they were right. Gabriel groans again and apparently forgets completely about his task at hand, caressing Sam's neck. Not that the younger Winchester minds, seeing the angel like that is arousing enough.

"Putting your knowledge of fanfiction to good use, huh, Sammy?" Gabriel coughs, panting hard.

"Well, I can't see anything wrong with that," Sam answers. He is aware that the statement is so much more than just about the stories.

He is okay with this, all of it, because he wants Gabriel. Wants him more than he ever thought of being possible, and it doesn't matter that he is a guy. And Gabriel wants him the same way, which sends off fireworks somewhere in Sam's chest – or at least that's what it feels like. And Sam loves it, cherishes the feeling so he would always remember what it's like to hold Gabriel's beautiful body in his arms for the first time.

Gabriel's hand slips into his pants before Sam even realizes it. And because of the lack of underwear, it immediately wraps around Sam's cock. The younger Winchester groans wantonly as he falls forward, resting his head at Gabriel's shoulder and breathing heavily. His hands find their way to the angel's hips to run along the waistband of his jeans. While Gabriel begins to work his hand up and down the length of Sam's cock, the latter makes short work Gabriel's zip and button, pushing the angel's pants down to capture his equally hard dick in one hand and cup his ass with the other.

When a lustful moan escapes the angel's lips, right beside Sam's hear, he can barely restrain himself from coming. Everything from there is nothing but a frenzy, hands hurrying across the other one's body, tugging helplessly at clothes, until Gabriel finally simply snaps everything away and they finally have a quiet moment to just stare at each other.

And damn, does Sam like what he sees. He literally gasps at the picture of a wholly naked angel in front of him, admiring the slender, trained body. Gabriel just smirks back down at him. "Sammy, I remember that you liked sucking cock?" he waggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Well, I remember that you like it when I get all bossy and possessive," Sam smirks in return and pulls Gabriel up with one arm wrapped around his waist. Within a second, the small archangel is lifted by Sam's strong arms and thrown onto the nearby bed. Gabriel's startled expression is priceless, and Sam laughs silently to himself.

Kneeling down between the angel's spread thighs, Sam leans forward and wraps his lips around Gabriel's dick without hesitation. He is rewarded with a pleasant groan from above and the smaller one's hips bucking up needily in an attempt to meet his moves. Sam chuckles and places his arm across Gabriel's belly and waist, holding him down. The vibration of Sam's lips works, apparently, as the angel writhes and shivers under his touch, and he hasn't even got started yet.

Sam sinks his mouth down Gabriel's length, until the other one's cock buried balls-deep in his mouth. He stays like this for a moment, simply working the muscles of his lips and mouth, applying pressure and releasing it again repeatedly while caressing the underside of Gabriel's cock with his tongue. Small, but firm hands tangle themselves into his long hair strands after a few moments, pulling him up, and he reluctantly gives in. The hunter looks questioningly up at his completely debauched angel, spread before his eyes, coming undone under his hands, and the picture is simply beautiful. Gabriel pants hard under the Sam's eyes traveling appreciatively up his body.

"Everything alright?" he asks, a little worried.

"Fuck, of course, it's just... I was almost done right there," Gabriel chuckles, which is followed by an approving whistle. "And we can't let it end like that, now can we?"

"Yes, we can," Sam mocks with a smug smile and bends forward again. His tongue swirls lazily around the head of Gabriel's dick, collecting the salty drop of pre-cum there before Sam takes it fully into his mouth. While he caresses the head firmly with his lips and tongue – Gabriel is already back to shivering and panting by this point – Sam wraps his hand around the shaft, right beneath his mouth, and works it simultaneously to the moves of his mouth. And when Sam eventually begins to suck hard at the tip after a few more strokes and up-and-down bops, Gabriel's hands are in his hair again, trying to pull him off. This time, Sam doesn't give in, purposefully.

"Sam... Sammy, stop it, I can't- Shit, you really wanna chance it- I'm gonna come, Sammy, because you're so god-damn good at this..." he moans deeply, his voice wrecked and rough, and his body trembling. But Sam just keeps going, smiling around the cock in his mouth.

Now this went straight to his list of things he'd never expected to ever happen in his life: that he liked sucking cock because it gave him so much power over a fucking archangel of the lord.

"Last warning, Sammy... but if you stop now, I swear I'm gonna smite you-" and that's as far as Gabriel gets.

Sam curls his tongue around the head of Gabriel's cock once more and sucks all the way down, until he feels the pressure against the back of his throat. It only takes one more squeeze of his now spare hand around the angel's balls, and he comes – hard, with a long, guttural groan, escaping uncontrolled from his lips. Gabriel's body shivers and trembles with every wave of his orgasm rolling through him while Sam tries his best not to gag at the short, repeated spurts of jizz into his mouth. It isn't the best taste in the world, that's for sure, but Sam just swallows everything in one big gulp, shaking his head involuntarily after in slight disgust. The things he did for Gabriel...

Speaking of which - Gabriel's laugh is warm and affectionate when he sees Sam like this. "That bad?" he asks, reaching down to run his thumb gently across Sam's cheek and lips.

"Takes much getting used to," Sam states and screws up his face. "Do we have soda or coke somewhere around here?"

Gabriel snaps his fingers with a grin and holds out a bottle of coke towards him. "Angel, remember?"

Sam almost drinks it in one gulp, but it eases the sticky, salty taste in his mouth well enough.

"So," Gabriel begins slowly after Sam has put the bottle aside. "What're we gonna do about this?" and he nods towards the hunter's obvious erection with a trademark mischievous smile and waggle of eyebrows.

"Well, I remember someone being a pushy bottom with a preference for the riding position," Sam teases, smugly, as he hovers over Gabriel before gripping his waist tightly and rolling them around so the angel is on top. "'Until the sun rises' I think was the exact quotation."

Gabriel throws his head back and laughs. "Until the sun rises, but only under one condition," he says, shifting his position slightly as to sit more comfortable across Sam's lap.

The hunter nods and waits.

The short angel with the wonderfully gold-brown eyes and the curly brunette hair, who took his heart by storm, bends forward to whisper into Sam's ear. "Promise me this won't be the only blowjob I've ever got from you."

Slowly, a smug grin spreads on Sam's lips again. "Are you asking me to date you or to be your fuck buddy? Because I would only say yes to one of those options." It's a risk, but first Sam is pretty sure he knows what Gabriel meant and second – this is totally worth it.

"Okay, got me, Sam-squatch," Gabriel chuckles and nudges Sam's side gently. Then he places both of his palms flat against the taller man's chest and leans down, almost pressing their bodies flush against each others. "Sam Winchester, do you want to date me?" The question is accompanied by a deep, sincere look into his eyes, and Sam just knows it's what Gabriel really wants. Knows that this isn't a trick.

They're long past that state anyway.

And what kind of an idiot would he be to knock that offer back. "Yes, I do," Sam answers and cups Gabriel's cheeks into both hands to kiss him passionately.

Well, I think that's a good ending for a series of drabbles :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you enjoyed all of the chapters, to be exact. And I hope you've got the few seconds it takes to log in and review this story for one last time, tell me honestly what you think. Make a writer happy :) I love you all for your wonderful feedback so far, for all your favorites and story alerts, and thanks for sticking with me and this series until the very end! I hope to see you soon!