It's Christmas. A time of peace and love, but someone has murder on their mind. Unknown to Steve and Danny one of them is the target for revenge. But who is it, and why? I won't say who's whumped as I don't want to spoil the surprise, but read on and you'll soon find out! Set in season 1 before Ua hiki Mai Kapalena Pau.

Warnings:- A little bad language throughout and adult themes mentioned in the first chapter, but nothing graphic.

Disclaimer:- H50 is not mine - but I'm still available if the job of towel girl comes up!

Many thanks to my wonderful beta Sterenyk Strey for doing the honours here. And of course a very happy birthday to my good friend Sherry 57. Have a wonderful day hon, and I hope you like your gift!



Stake-outs had never been Danny's favourite part of the job. Cooped up in an enclosed space with another body for hours on end was never fun, even if you did like your companion. The combined heat created by two sweaty males made for an interesting odour, and after a while even good friends struggled to find something new to say.

Stuck in a car was bad enough, but he was supposed to be shopping for Gracie's Christmas gift. What made it worse was sharing with someone who didn't know what good food tasted like. Danny realised it was his own dumb fault for allowing mister 'My body is a temple' McGarrett to buy the supplies. Now he was starving, and it didn't look like he'd be able to hit KAULAN'S BURGER SHACK anytime soon.

"Do you want some of these?" Steve rattled a bag under his nose. It was full of greenish seeds. They looked disgustingly healthy.

Danny pushed the bag back towards its owner. "No thanks. The last kid that messed about with something like those ended up fighting a giant." He peered round and glanced at another bag lying on the back seat. "I don't suppose you have something that actually tastes edible? A burger maybe or some pizza?"

"I've got some energy bars, and fruit." Steve offered, starting to reach for the bag.

Danny's mouth twisted in disgust. "Nah…I'll pass. I don't believe you brought this crap to a stake out. Okay…I get that this cop business is still new to you, but don't you watch the movies? There should be burgers, or pizza and maybe even some jelly donuts…and plenty of coffee. What do you bring - freaking smoothies!"

"Too much caffeine is bad for you, and "KATHY'S WHOLE FOODS make the best smoothies in the island. Seriously, Danno, the garbage you eat is full of saturated fat. Shit like that is gonna be the death of you." Steve looked at him concerned, before grabbing a handful of seeds and throwing them into his mouth.

Danny thought he looked like a gannet devouring a fish – whole.

"These pumpkin seeds are the real deal. They're full of all the good stuff – magnesium, iron and zinc." Steve finished chewing, and pushed the bag towards him again. "C'mon try some. They taste nice and these little guys can prolong your life."

"Oh, yeah? So I can spend longer in a retirement home with the rest of you fitness freaks." His mouth twisted as he squirmed away from the offending object. "Thanks…but no thanks."

"Suit yourself." Steve shrugged, then stopped mid chew to pick up his binoculars. "Chin's just given the signal, he's going in…"

Prostitution was the oldest profession in the world and probably even predated the wheel, but it was still illegal. Danny had worked vice in his early years as a cop. In the seedy underbelly of the city he'd lifted many hookers off the streets, but their pimps paid the fine almost before the cell door had closed. He wasn't surprised to see someone he'd arrested only hours before, reappear later the same night. It was like a game. They all played their part, and everyone knew the score.

Some of the girls used to shout abuse unhappy at losing their takings, but most viewed their arrest as an occupational hazard. He'd even got to know some of them quite well. Many had only gone on the game because of hard times. Others to give their kids a better education, an opportunity to make something of their lives. Danny wondered how many had made it into the big time. At the very least he hoped the young offspring from the streets gave the ivy leaguers a run for their daddy's money.

No-one wanted to see them hurt, but the bottom line was that the hookers knew what they were getting into. The risks they took by jumping into a stranger's car. What he couldn't stomach was human trafficking.

Girls, some barely older than Grace, were unwitting sent into the sex industry by well meaning parents. Hard working folks who saved every nickel they made to give their kids a better life. Except instead of sending them to a land of more opportunities, these poor girls found themselves in the hands of unscrupulous men to be used in the worse possible way.

The scum behind it were rarely caught, and each time they shut one operation down, another soon took its place. They normally had to be satisfied with releasing the girls from a bad situation, but Danny hoped that just once they could catch Mr Big. Hence the reason that instead of taking advantage of the late opening hours in Waikele shopping centre, he was sharing his car with a health freak.

A tip from one of Chin's informants, had lead them to an address owned by one Akela Kealoha. In her glory days she'd been a madam who ran one of the biggest, and most popular cat houses on the Island. From what Chin had told him she'd made her money, and probably due to some well connected clientele, did very little jail time before finally giving up the profession. Although from all the low lifes coming in and out of the apartment, it didn't take a genius to guess she'd come out of retirement. What made this brothel different from the rest was there was no sign of any girls outside having a smoke, or more significantly leaving after their shift.

It was a simple plan. Suitably disguised, Chin would go in posing as a mark. If the house turned out to be your average brothel, they would let HPD make the bust. If not, it was going to be a very long night back at the station. Danny reached for his vest and fastened it tight. Painful experience had taught him the Kevlar wouldn't stop him getting shot, but if things turned bad, it could mean the difference between life and death.

Steve gave his vest a tug and checked his gun. "You ready?"

"I was born ready, Steven." He gave his partner a wry smile.

"Yeah…I got that when I met you." Steve's returned his smile, but it faded and his expression became serious when Chin's voice came over the line.

"I'm in. There are two guys just inside the entrance, armed with 9mms. Another is posted at the back. From what I can tell they are six rooms all locked from the outside. I got sight of one girl as I passed by as her mark walked in. The poor kid couldn't have been much older than fourteen. My 'date's' a little older. She didn't want to talk at first but when she saw the badge she told me she'd arrived from Albania with four others. It was the usual story, they'd been promised jobs but when they arrived…well you know the rest, brah." Danny could sense Chin's rage even over the air waves. "Anyway, she's only met three other girls, but thinks there might be more."

"Thanks, Chin." Steve clenched his jaw, and hit the radio again. "Kono, you and the guys ready?"

"Sure, boss." Kono answered quietly. She turned and gave the HPD force sent to reinforce them, a nod. The rugged faced sergeant acknowledged her signal. "Just give the word and we'll storm the back door."

"Okay, guys, we go in on my mark." Steve instructed as he followed Danny out the car. Both men checked the area then confident no one could see them, ran across the street. Using the cover of darkness they crouched down low, and snuck around to either side of the front door. Only then did Steve whisper into the radio. "On the count of ten…"

Before Steve even got to nine the SEAL kicked the door open. Danny went in low with his pistol raised, but didn't have to fire a shot. One of the men was already out cold, knocked out by the weight of the stiff wooden door. The other had his hands up, obviously of the opinion that he'd rather serve time, than die for a business where he didn't make a cent of the profits.

A crash from behind, told him that Kono had arrived through the back door. After that, it wasn't long before it was all over. HPD were leading the hapless Johns away in cuffs, the shamefaced morons begging not to be charged, while Chin along with Kono released the girls. There were twelve in all, their pale gaunt faces confused and afraid at this latest development. When Kono gently led them outside they burst into tears. Loud sobs as they clung to each other, relieved their horrific ordeal was finally over. The only person left was Kealoha, but instead of being frightened, the wizen faced madam just looked pissed.

Danny joined Steve as he questioned her. "It costs a lot of money to run an operation like this, and somehow I don't think your social security would even cover the rent on this place." Steve leaned forward on the desk with his arms outstretched, and stared into her muddy brown eyes. She didn't flinch. "Look…you don't strike me as being the self sacrificing type, so why take the fall - who's behind it?"

From her record Danny knew Kealoha was only in her late fifties, but she looked older courtesy of her garish dyed red-hair and heavy make-up.

"Fuck you!" She spat out and without warning lunged at Steve, digging her teeth into his arm.

"Ow!" Steve yelped, pulled back his arm and pushed her on her ass.

Danny grabbed Dracula's bride and kept her head against the floor, while quickly cuffing her neatly manicured hands behind her back. He none too gently hauled her to her feet, watching with concern as Steve wiped the drool of the wound with the back of his hand.

Steve examined the blood seeping through the broken skin, before dragging his eyes back to the thin malicious smile of the madam. "Book her, Danno. We'll question her back at base."

The Danno reference was really getting old, but today he didn't say a word. Danny knew it was rare for something serious to come from an attack like this one, but he was worried about Steve. A rookie from his last precinct ended up with HIV after being bitten by a junkie. He'd heard the guy had died earlier in the year.

Kono winced as she watched Steve flush out the wound with some bottled water. "Ouch – that looks nasty."

The woman continued to rant, and Danny made sure to stay out of range of the woman's sharp teeth while reading her rights.

When he was done he handed her to over to a young officer from the HPD. "Get the doc to take a blood test." When the young officer looked puzzled, he explained. "She's just bitten McGarrett. I want to make sure she hasn't given him rabies." The woman snarled at the remark, but the cop nodded in understanding before taking the woman away.

Danny went over and stood with his arms crossed in front of his partner. "You, my friend, are going to the hospital to get checked out."

Chin had given him a dressing, and Steve was winding it around his arm. He looked up at the sound of Danny's voice. "This? It's nothing, just a scratch."

"So what if you start sprouting fangs and prowling the Island for the blood of young girls?" Danny drawled sarcastically.

Steve's mouth twisted. "Funny. You've been watching Buffy again haven't you?" At Danny's determined stare, Steve sighed. "Look…I'm fine – besides there's work to do."

"Danny's right, brah. She looked clean, but in this game drugs and prostitution go hand in hand." Chin pointed out.

Steve put his hands up in the air, in defeat. "Fine. If it gets you guys off my back I'll go."

"I'm coming with you." Danny grabbed Steve's arm and pulled him towards the door."

Steve turned and glared at him. "You're nothing but a bully – you know that?"

Kono and Chin shared a smile. "I'll start the interrogation until you get back." Chin called over. "If I crack the case, I'll call you." He said with a wink and a smile.

Danny looked at his watch, it was only eight fifteen. The burger joint was on the way to the hospital and it was open till ten…


It was Friday night and the Emergency Room was bursting at the seams, but because of an advance call by the Governor, Steve was taken to a treatment room straight away.

He felt like a heel passing by citizens who'd clearly been waiting there for hours, but Danny had stuck to him like glue. Even now he could spot the steely blue eyes watching him through the glass panel in the door. The guy even had the cheek to wave, wearing a dumb smile, when he saw Steve looking at him.

The nurse had asked him to sit on the gurney while he waited for the doctor, but Steve elected to stand. Sure, he'd heard the horror stories but the Navy had kept his tetanus shots up to-date. Besides the perp was getting her blood tested, so he'd find out in a couple of days if the madam had anything other than a bad attitude.

It didn't even hurt, at least not as much as his pride. A navy SEAL for how many years, and he hadn't been able to jump out the way of a mean old woman. Man, he was really losing his touch.

"Mr McGarrett?" The door swung open to reveal a striking redhead with a pair of blue eyes he knew only too well.

"Sherry Maxwell! As I live and breathe – it's damn good to see you." He walked over and engulfed the medic in a hug.

She returned the embrace and smiled at him. It lit up her beautiful face. "When I saw the name I wondered…but I didn't know you'd come back to the Islands. Why didn't you call me?"

Steve felt the colour rise in his face, and felt a bit sheepish. They'd met in high school and were an item for many years until his dad sent him away. In the early days when he'd first left he'd written to Sherry every week. Then once a week became once a month, until his new life took over and eventually the next girl had come along.

"Honestly, I didn't know I'd be staying at first," Steve rubbed his chin self-consciously, "then I got tied up with a new job."

Sherry's face clouded over, and her blue eyes looked sad. "I was sorry to hear about your dad, he was a nice man," she patted his back, then after a brief moment gave him a wry smile, "but now you're back, you'll need to stop by and meet my kids. I have twin girls aged six, and a boy of three. "

Steve's eyes went wide in surprise. "Wow, you've been busy - a doctor and a mom." He smiled at her. "Who's the lucky guy?"

Now it was her turn to look embarrassed. "Sam Johnstone."

"Really?" He'd heard Sam had taken over from him as quarterback after he'd left. Steve now realised that wasn't all he'd taken over. "Well tell Sam I'm asking for him."

All of a sudden her easy demeanour vanished as Sherry took his arm and examined the bite. "So who did this, a disgruntled girlfriend?" She raised an eyebrow.

Steve shrugged, wincing slightly as she prodded the area. "I got bitten by a madam. She didn't take kindly to being arrested."

"Well sit down and let's have a look…Marie," Sherry spoke to the blond-haired nurse who was standing by waiting for instructions. "Could you draw some blood for analysis, and put a rush on it? Thanks."

The nurse went away and left them once again alone. Sherry led him over to the gurney, but when Steve went to perch on the edge, her sharp look made him shuffle until he was sitting all the way back. "I hate bothering you with something as trivial as this."

Sherry irrigated the area with saline, then began to clean the wound. Steve flinched, and she caught his gaze. "It's no bother, bites can turn out to be nasty. Still, even if your perp is HIV positive it would be rare for you contract it. However her sample should tell us if she's a carrier soon." She gave him a reassuring smile. "If she's clear, then I'm probably sticking you with all these needles for nothing."

Steve shrugged. He wasn't worried, even though his team thought he should have been. As a SEAL he'd face death so many times, he was pretty philosophical about the Grim Reaper.

He'd served with good men who'd come home as heros only to die in a car accident, or doing something as simple as crossing the road. Steve hoped he was clear, but even If he did contract HIV, at least with the drugs now available his prognosis would be much better than it would have been ten years ago. In any case, he didn't think it was likely. He hadn't seen any track marks on the old woman, and she really didn't look as if she was servicing client's anymore either. If he was going to catch anything from her, it would be more likely to be mad cow disease.

Twenty minutes later he appeared with a small dressing and an invitation to dinner the following week. His ass was a little tender where she'd given him a shot of antibiotics, but the gleam in her eye had told him that was a little payback for old time's sake. Steve shook his head and smiled. It was a small price for seeing her again.


Some days you'd no option but to accept the second best result, and after grilling Kealona for hours, Danny knew there would be more chance in getting blood from a stone.

The sour-faced madam sat glaring at them through hooded eyes, her mouth set in a firm line giving them nothing. He knew Steve was convinced it was Wo Fat behind the operation, but Danny wasn't so sure. Either way the people behind it were still at large, and with no one talking, they settled for bringing down another trafficking ring. On the plus side they'd saved the girls from a hellish life but their dreams had been shattered, and their innocence gone. It wasn't easy pushing that disturbing thought from his mind, but there was another girl to consider – Gracie.

She wanted a pink bike and Danny had reserved one at Macy's but some numbskull had sold it, and there was none left in the store. Now he needed to return to Christmas hell, to try and get a replacement on the twenty-third of December of all days. He hated shopping at any time, but here in the land of sun, sea and pineapple, it was just plain weird.

Christmas in New Jersey was cold. There was usually at least a covering of snow, with vendors lining the busy sidewalks selling hot chocolate and roast chestnuts which burnt your fingers when you tried to eat them. Here it was roasting outside and instead of heavy coats and thick-soled boots, the shoppers teetered past in high heels, tees and shorts. It just wasn't right. Even Santa was wearing freaking flowers round his neck greeting the kids with "Aloha". In his book it should have been a chargeable offence

As for peace and goodwill, it had well and truly left the building. Normally sane reasonable people became psychotic Neanderthals with little old ladies barging past to grab the last DVD, video game or whatever the hell was on their list. He didn't want to be there, which made him all the more curious why Steve wanted to come with him.

"How about in here?" Steve pointed to a toy shop tucked into a corner beside Starbucks. "Look, isn't that the bike she wants in the window?" His face broke into a grin.

Danny eyes opened wide, and he started to smile. "Yeah, it is…" he sighed and his smile faded, "knowing my luck I bet it's sold."

"C'mon, man you've got to start thinking positive." Steve persisted as he pushed him towards the door.

"And I have so much to be positive about." Danny mumbled.

Steve put a hand on his shoulder and turned him round to face him. "It must be tough not being able to spend Christmas with Grace, but you'll see her tonight. And it's only a couple of weeks, man. She'll be home before you know it.

"Yeah, I suppose so." He knew Steve was trying to cheer him up, but it wasn't working. Rachel was taking Grace to England to spend Christmas and New Year with her folks, and although it seemed a reasonable thing to do, he felt gutted at the prospect of missing Christmas with his girl.

Steve glanced at his watch. "Let's go, partner. I want you to help me to pick out something from her uncle Steve."

Danny nodded at his friend, and forced a smile on his face as he entered the store.

There was a girl behind the desk and Danny reckoned she couldn't be more than nineteen. She was pretty in a Goth sort of way, with long straight black hair, dark painted eyes and a diamond piercing in her left nostril. He tried to take his eyes off it when she spoke, but he needed have worried. The skinny teen was leaning forward making sure Steve could see her assets heaving under her tight fitting red lace tee.

"I'd like that pink bike in the window please?" Danny stood in front of his friend to get her attention.

"I think it's sold." She answered, in a bored monosyllabic tone, her laser-beam eyes not leaving Steve's face for a second.

She hadn't even checked, and Danny was about to give her a piece of his mind when Steve spoke. "I don't suppose you could check that for me?" Steve flashed a wide smile. "It's for my niece and well…she'll be upset if Santa doesn't get her a pink bike for Christmas."

Danny could see the girl melt before his eyes. He didn't understand how the ex-SEAL managed to attract all the women but if McGarrett could bottle it, the guy could make a fortune.

"Sure…just give me a minute…Mister?"

"Just call me Steve."

Now he was feeling nauseous, but Danny kept a tight smile on his face because if he got the bike, then this sickening exchange would be worth it.

The girl bent down, and Danny averted his eyes from the black lace thong visible at the crack of her low-cut jeans. The fact she was aware of the display evident, as she thrust her ass in the air for a moment longer than necessary so they, or more specifically Steve, could get a good look.

She smiled revealing a silver tongue stud as she put a plain black ledger on the counter, then ran a long purple polished fingernail down the page. "Sorry, but it's reserved. The customer was supposed to come in for it this morning."

Danny's face fell. Deflated, he was about to leave when Steve put his hand across his chest to stop him moving.

Steve peered at the name tag on her tee. "Julie is it? Well it's nearly one o'clock, so it doesn't look like there coming."

The girl tilted her head, and twirled a long strand of hair around her finger. "I prefer to be called Jules."

Steve smiled, full beam. Danny thought he was going to be blinded by the glare.

"Well…Jules, my brother here can take it off your hands now," Steve reasoned, "and when you're done serving him maybe you could help me pick out a suitable present."

Julie aka Jules, looked uncertain as the strand of hair got wound even tighter. "I'm really not sure about this. Mr Richards wouldn't be happy if I let down one of his regular customers."

"And quite right too." Steve's expression became serious, then the smile came creeping back. "Of course we're customers too, and I'm sure he wouldn't like an expensive bike like that left unsold at the busiest time of the year."

There was a slight hesitation in the girl's brown eyes, before she went over to the window lifted the bike and handed it to Danny. He had been going to pay by charge, but couldn't risk the manager reversing the sale when he'd found out what she's done, so handed over the cash instead.

Relieved, he held the bike close to his chest. "Thanks!" He smiled at them both, but threw his partner a grateful look. "I'll just put this in the car."

Steve nodded. "Jules will help me get something for Grace, so will I meet you in Starbucks in say…" he glanced at his watch, "twenty minutes?"

"Sure – and I'm buying." Danny smiled at him.

He felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Gracie was going away, but at least he had a kickass gift to give her. It took a while to reach the parking lot and the bike was quite heavy, but he didn't care about the ache in his shoulders – nothing was going to spoil his good mood.

Danny hadn't quite reached the coffee shop when he saw Steve coming out the toy store, holding a large box wrapped in silver foil and festooned in scarlet ribbons. Danny tilted his head from side to side trying to guess what it could be, but he came up empty. "Okay, you got me – what did you get her?"

"A karaoke machine." Steve gave him a wry smile. "According to Jules, since that show Glee came out, they're all the rage."

Danny shook his head. "Cool, Gracie loves that show. Thanks, man. She'll love it…and thanks for the assist in the shop – you saved my life."

"No problem, now how about that coffee?" Steve walked the few steps into the Starbucks next door, and stood peering at the menu. "Seeing as you're buying I might break a habit of a lifetime, and have a cappuccino with one of those cranberry muffins. It is Christmas after all and I have something to celebrate. Chin called. The Governor put a rush on Kealona's blood work – the old witch was clean."


Hidden in plain sight neither of the two men noticed the stranger watching them. They were laughing, enjoying each others company but it wasn't going to last. Revenge was a dish best served cold, and by the time Christmas was over one of them would be dead. The other, he would learn the heartbreaking pain only grief could bring. Then and only then, would justice be done…


TBC no answers yet, but you'll find out who the victim is soon! Hope you enjoyed the story so far, and please review. I really love to know what you think.