Hey guys

Just letting you all know I haven't abandoned my stories, I have just been amazingly busy. I fell through my barn roof and nearly killed myself I was lucky a bale of hay was under me, the I started collage, the my pony kicked me in the head, got a load of collage work, one of my girls tried to strangle herself on electric fencing. Oh and on Monday my collage bus crashed! Anyone in Bournemouth may of heard of it, if not Google, BBC News and look for collage bus crashes 56 students, its something along those line, if you want to see pictures go onto face book and look for Vicky Walters (Pic girl in blue and a chestnut pony leaning against each other looking drunk) and go through the photo's you can then see my bus after it decided to tip on us slid down a ditch and try to kill us all! So I'm In a fair amount of pain, so I can't get comfortable nor can I sleep at the moment, so I will be back to my stories asap, just need to recover a bit, and catch up on some sleep!