Fellow gleeks;

Four and a bit months ago we lost, one of the most important men in our lives, Cory Monteith. I just wanted to take this moment to say a few things. Cory is and was an amazing man who sadly was fighting an uphill battle. He had an amazing support but his time sadly came to an end. I am proud to call myself a gleek and even prouder to call myself a leanatic because that girl? She's the epitome of strong, she's just amazing. I just wanted to say to all you fellow gleeks, that I love you all and if you need to talk or anything, send me a message, no matter who you are, I am here.

Disclaimer: I don't own GLEE but I wish I did

"Rachel, please please please would you sit your ass down, I love you, I really do but your pacing is giving me a headache!" Shelby said as she looked up at her little girl as she paced back and forth.

They had just finished their performance and were now seated in their dressing room waiting for their call. Rachel had been pacing back and forth for awhile now, messaging her friends whilst she waited. Turning around to stare at her Mom, Rachel huffed. She really just wanted to get it over and done with. Placing her phone down on her dressing table, Rachel walked over and sat on her Mom's lap and sighed.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'm just super duper nervous, If we win, then we go to nationals, but if we lose, then it's a much a much" she continued with a sigh. Shelby smiled as she wrapped her arms around Rachel's waist and rested her head on her daughters shoulder. Everyone in Vocal Adrenaline was spread around the room, all with their friends and just sitting with their friends and one another. Shelby was happy that they were all here together, it felt..good.

"It'll be fine Rach, don't stress" Shelby said softly as she kissed her daughters head and chuckled lightly, her daughter was more of a worry wart than herself. As Rachel was about to reply, the bell rang above their heads. Rachel gasped before standing up, soon followed by Shelby. "Okay guys, this is it, no matter what happens, you guys are all amazing and my stars" Shelby smiled lightly.

Vocal Adrenaline walked onto the stage where they were in the middle, surrounded by the other teams with Aural Intensity on their left and New Direction on their right. Rachel stood next to her Mom and her friend Emily on her other side. Holding their hands, they waited for the results. The stared at the MC as he took the stage, all of them waiting for the results. They watched as he took the cards and the microphone in one hand.

"So, in third place we have….Aural Intensity" he said as the lead singer from Aural smiled begrudgingly and walked over to accept their trophy. The MC smiled and clapped his hands before focusing on his cards once again.

"In first place and representing the district at Nationals we have…" he said as he trailed off to let the moment sink in. Rachel looked past her Mom and locked eyes with Santana and smiled, no matter what happened, Rachel knew she had the best deal.

"Vocal Adrenaline! That means New Direction have come in second but will still be going to Nationals" smiled the MC. Rachel squealed as she threw her arms around Emily before wrapping her arms around her Mom and squeezing softly. Her mom squeezed her back as she gave her a light push to go get their trophy. Rachel turned on her award winning smile as she walked towards the front and accepted their trophy, holding it up in her hands before grinning as she returned to her team and jumped up and down. They won. They were going to Nationals as reigning champions, could this moment get any happier?


"We won, we won. We are off to Nationals!" chanted Rachel as they danced around their dressing room with grins. Shelby chuckled lightly as she watched her daughter dance around the room with her friends. She was so happy to see her daughter so happy, it made her smile knowing her daughter had friends. Rachel turned to grin at her Mother before dancing over to her

"We won!" she squealed as she wrapped her arms around her Mom's waist and held on tightly, squeezing lightly before pulling away to look up at her Mom with a smile.

"We did baby, we won and we are off to Nationals" Shelby smiled in reply as she brushed a strand of hair behind her daughters ear with a soft smile.

"WE ARE OFF TO NATIONALS!" yelled Rachel as she people in the room and danced around with her team mates. Hearing her phone vibrate on the bench, Rachel smiled and leaned over to pick it up. She quickly scanned her messages and seen she had messages from her friends, she grinned as she turned towards her Mom "Mom, I'm going to see the other kids, I will be back in a bit" she smiled as Shelby nodded her head.

Taking her phone with her, she walked out of their dressing room and made her way to wait outside the McKinnley dressing room to wait for her best friends to walk out. She tapped her foot impatiently as she waited. She bit her lip, she really wished they would hurry up. She ran her fingers through her hair as she waited before stopping as she heard the door open, she looked up grinning as Brittany, Santana and Quinn walked out.

"Ray! You won! You're going to nationals! Congratulations!" Brittany squealed as she wrapped her arms around one of her best friends, hugging her tightly and looking like she was probably never going to let go. Rachel chuckled in reply and squeezed Brittany in reply. Brittany reached over and pulled both Quinn and Santana into the hug as well, laughing as they hugged one another.

They all pulled away from one another with a smile "So Miss Off to Nationals, how are we feeling?" Santana asked as she looked at her best friend. Never in a million years would Santana think that after bullying Rachel for so long, that the duo would be best friends and sisters of a sort.

Rachel flashed all three of them her soon to be award winning Broadway smile. "I am..ugh! So excited. I was pacing around the room before finding out where we got and Mom basically forced me to sit down" she chuckled lightly before shrugging her shoulders "And then when we won, we all ran back into our change room and danced around" she continued with a laugh. The other three girls laughed in reply. That sounded like their best friend of course.

"So, Rach, Shelby tells me that you're writing your own solo song and entering in a contest to sing your own song, is it true?". Quinn asked as she turned her head to the side and stared at the jewish brunette standing opposite her.

Rachel blushed lightly before nodding her head "You would be correct. I've written my own song and it's called "Get it Right" and Mom no matter the outcome with the competition, she said next competition we do, I can sing my original as the solo" Rachel smiled as Brittany squealed and wrapped her arms around Rachel.

"We are so proud of you!" Brittany squealed again and squeezed Rachel harder whilst the other two just laughed.

"B, Ray actually needs to breathe" Santana chuckled lightly as Brittany pulled away with a pout. Rachel smiled lightly at the pouting blonde.

"It's okay Britt, I promise this weekend we can all have a sleepover. I'm sure Mom will let us, she let's us do everything and anything we want after this one" she grinned lightly just as she heard footsteps coming up behind her.

"Yes girls, you can all have a sleepover this weekend" Shelby chuckled lightly as she walked over to the quad. Santana smiled lightly and reached forward and hugged the older brunette.

"Congrats Shelby!" Santana smiled and squeezed her harder before pulling away from Shelby, allowing the other two to hug her.

"We Vocal Adrenaline peeps are celebrating tonight, are yall joining?". Shelby asked with a small smile, already knowing the answer without having to ask. The girls looked at each other before grinning and replying in sync.

"Of course!"

Hope you guys like this chapter, sorry for it being so late.