A/N: So as previously mentioned before, I leave for my internship tomorrow. I can't promise any timing about when the update will be. If you do follow my Tumblr though, I usually post when I am working on it and things about it. :)

Thanks all of you for being so patient. :) I will update as much as I can and as quickly as I can.

Also, this format in this chapter is a little different than the others.

Disclaimer: I own none of Glee or the Warblers.

"How are you feeling Mr. Hummel?" Kurt tore his eyes away from the doctor and he looked at Blaine's face, who was standing on the other side of the bed. Blaine was smiling but Kurt could tell, even in his drug induced haze, that it was forced and Blaine's eyes looked worried.

"Mr. Hummel?" The doctor asked again. Kurt tore his eyes away from Blaine to look back at the doctor.

"Mmmm Okay." Kurt replied. He had only been awake for 10 minutes and he was already getting tired, slurring his words. The doctor had come in and removed the oxygen mask which Kurt appreciated.

"Do you hurt anywhere?" The doctor asked. Kurt didn't respond as he closed his eyes, eyelids feeling far too heavy to keep them open.

"Honey, I need you to keep your eyes open. I need to ask you these questions before you can sleep again." The doctor said. Kurt kept his eyes open until he felt pressure on his hand. He forced his eyes open to see Blaine standing there.

"Hey babe, keep your eyes open, okay? You can sleep once she has asked the questions, but you need to keep your eyes open right now, can you do that?" Blaine had so much concern in his eyes that Kurt nodded. He didn't want Blaine to be worried and he resolved to keep his eyes open while Blaine wanted him to.

"Do you hurt anywhere?" The doctor repeated her question.

Blaine was looking at Kurt, struggling to keep his eyes open. He had screamed rather loudly for a doctor when Kurt's eyes had opened. Kurt had looked so confused that it had torn Blaine's heart apart. And now, he could hardly keep his eyes open to answer the questions. Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand again and started rubbing circles on Kurt's palm with his thumb. Kurt looked at him and Blaine tried to smile.

"I don't really feel anything." Kurt replied, blinking rapidly.

"That's because you are on a lot of painkillers right now. You might start hurting a bit more once those begin to wear off. Your temperature is still a bit higher than we would like right now, and you are still quite sick, but you are definitely getting there. Get some sleep and if you need anything, there is a button above your bed. Someone will come and check on you in a few hours." The doctor said. Blaine watched as she looked at the monitors Kurt was attached to, wrote a few things down and then walked out of the room.

Blaine watched as she shut the door and then he turned his attention back to Kurt. Kurt's head kept drooping forwards and he kept jerking back up, blinking his eyes rapidly and looking at Blaine.

"Kurt, you can sleep honey." Blaine said softly.

"Don't want to." Kurt replied.

"Why not?" Blaine asked.

"Miss you." Kurt responded.

Blaine's heart soared. He knew Kurt was not entirely himself at the moment due to the drugs in his system, but Blaine couldn't explain his love for Kurt at that present moment.

"I'll still be here honey. And your dad and Carole will be here soon. You want to be awake for them, don't you?" Blaine encouraged.

"Sleep with me." Kurt mumbled. His eyelids were half-shut at this point but Blaine could see him still fighting them.

"Kurt, I'm not sure that is a good idea." Blaine hesitated. He wanted nothing more than to be next to Kurt but he was afraid of hurting him.

"Please." Kurt's voice sounded so pitiful that Blaine gave in. He moved away from Kurt and removed his hand from Kurt's, intent on taking his shoes and jacket off.

"No." Kurt mumbled when Blaine's hand left his. "Come back."

"I am honey. I'm just taking my shoes and jacket off." Blaine said. He did this in record time and was back holding Kurt's hand before he knew it. He climbed carefully onto the hospital bed, aware of all of Kurt's wires and IV and being careful not to knock any of them out. He shifted behind Kurt while trying not to knock Kurt either. Kurt slowly lifted his head and then put it on Blaine's shoulder.

"Is that comfortable Kurt?" Blaine asked, looking down at Kurt whose eyes were closed again.

"Mmmm. You smell so good Blaine." Kurt slurred and Blaine smiled. He kissed the top of Kurt's hair, not caring how messed up it was.

"Go to sleep honey. You need rest." Blaine said. There wasn't a response from Kurt and when Blaine looked down at Kurt, he could see Kurt's chest rising slowly and deep breaths emitting from Kurt's mouth.

Blaine carefully reached into his pocket for his phone, trying not to jostle Kurt as he did so. He knew he had some people to text. He quickly put his phone to silent before texting.

To Finn Hudson, David, Wes, Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Nick and Jeff 5:30pm: Kurt woke up a bit ago. Don't call, he's asleep right now. He was confused and tired but seemed okay.

It was barely 3 minutes before the texts started flooding back in.

Finn Hudson 5:33pm: I'm already on my way back with Burt and my mom right now. Be there in 10 minutes.

Mercedes Jones 5:33pm: How is he, really? I cannot believe we missed him waking up by only a little while.

Rachel Berry 5:34 pm: Did he ask about me?

David 5:35pm: Good to hear dude! Assuming you are staying there tonight?

Wes 5:36pm: Don't you dare end up missing that bus to sectionals. Glad to hear about Kurt.

Blaine snorted at that one. He still had another day and a half until the bus left for sectionals, something Wes had seemed to have forgotten.

Quinn Fabray 5:40pm: Is he off that oxygen mask? I'm happy to hear he woke up, even if it was only briefly.

Nick 5:41pm: Give him my best! Glad to hear he's okay dude.

Jeff 5:42pm: Yayyyyyyyyy!

After laughing quietly at Jeff's text, Blaine put his phone back in his pocket, careful not to jostle Kurt again. He only had a few more moments before Finn, Burt and Carole came in. They stopped at the sight of Kurt and Blaine on the bed and Blaine blushed.

"He wanted me up here with him." Blaine said softly, looking at Burt's stony face. "I can get back down."

"Relax honey. He looks peaceful for the first time in a number of days. You are fine." Carole said smiling. She reached down and stroked Kurt's hair from his forehead to see his face. Kurt responded by mumbling and burying his face further into Blaine's shoulder.

"I guess he doesn't want me to touch his head then." Carole said as she moved away.

"I'm sorry." Blaine said apologetically.

"It's okay. He wants you right now, even if he is asleep." Carole smiled as she sat down next to Finn who had taken a seat. Blaine looked at Burt who hadn't even moved. Carole saw where Blaine's eyes were looking and she looked up, getting up a minute later.

"Burt, sit down. Kurt is fine with Blaine on the bed." Carole said, gently pulling on Burt's hand. Burt pulled back against Carole and turned to Blaine.

"We need to talk right now." Burt said and Blaine jumped in surprise from where he had been looking back down at Kurt's face.

"Burt! Kurt is asleep and talking to Blaine will wake him up. Don't do that right now." Carole scolded.

"No. It has to happen right now, while Kurt is asleep. Blaine, we should talk in the hallway." Burt said determinedly. Finn looked anxiously between Blaine, Burt and Carole but not saying anything. Blaine waited for a few moments before deciding he had no choice.

"Okay. Carole, can you help me get Kurt off? I don't want to wake him up." Blaine said softly. Carole nodded and moved closer to the bed. She gently grabbed Kurt's head and pulled him away from Blaine as Blaine shifted off the bed. He unhooked his hand from Kurt's hand and as he pulled away, Kurt started to wake up.

"Blaine?" Kurt's eyes opened and he looked at Blaine sleepily.

"Go back to sleep. I'm going to talk to your dad outside and then I'll be back in here." Blaine said.

"Don't leave." Kurt mumbled.

"I'll be right back. Carole and Finn are going to be in here with you." Blaine responded.

"What are you talking about?" Kurt whispered.

"Nothing important buddy. Go back to sleep." Burt said. Kurt nodded sleepily and closed his eyes again. Blaine followed Burt out of the room, heart racing as he prepared himself to get Burt wrath again. He shut the door behind him and turned to face Burt. He was surprised when Burt was looking at him with a calm look on his face.

"Blaine," Burt started. "I wasn't kind to you the other day. I was too concerned about the fact that Kurt had been hurt under your watch to realize it wasn't your fault and that you had actually saved Kurt's life."

"That actually wasn't me. David and Wes mostly saved him." Blaine replied.

"I need to thank those boys. Can they come here so I can thank them personally?" Burt asked.

Blaine started at Burt for a few moments, surprised about what he was hearing and that Burt was apologizing and thanking him for being a part of something that had nearly killed Kurt.

"I-yeah-I can call them." Blaine stammered.

"Blaine, I really am sorry. I have you to thank for saving my son's life, and because Kurt didn't tell anyone before how sick he was, he nearly died. You are a wonderful addition to Kurt's life and I am sorry that I didn't see what you did before now." Burt said sincerely.

Blaine nodded, not able to say much. "I-uh- I'm going to call the others now."

"Okay, I'm going back into Kurt's room. Come back in when you are done." Burt said. Blaine nodded as Burt went back into Kurt's room. Blaine walked down the hallway a little pulling out his phone as he went and putting it back onto vibrate. He sat down by one of the walls and dialed David's number, figuring him as the most likely to pick up. The phone rang a few times before David picked up.

"Blaine! You are on speakerphone right now, in the middle of Warbler Practice. How is Kurt?" David's voice came through the line.

"Hey everyone. He's okay, he's still asleep right now. His dad wants Wes, Nick, Jeff and you to come to the hospital so he can thank you." Blaine replied.

"Tonight?" Nick's voice came over the line, sounding like he was a little away from the phone.

"I guess. I just said I'd call you and tell you." Blaine replied.

"Kurt's dad? The same guy who was pissed at us when we explained what had happened?" Jeff asked.

"Yes." Blaine responded.

"We'll come after Warbler practice. We want to see Kurt anyways." Wes said. "And we should continue practicing. We'll text you when we are on the way Blaine. Talk to you later."

Blaine said goodbye and then hung up the phone. He started the walk back to the room when he saw Finn dashing towards him.

"Finn?" Blaine asked, his heart rate increasing automatically. "What's wrong?"

"Kurt is asking for you and freaking out. The doctor said he's having a panic attack and needs you."

Blaine immediately took off towards Kurt's room, not caring whether Finn was with him or not. He burst through the door and saw Kurt on the bed, his arms flailing everywhere and eyes scrunched shut. He kept hearing his name repeated. Carole saw him come in and motioned for him to come towards the bed. Blaine grabbed one of Kurt's flailing arms and held it down.

"KURT!" He said loudly. "KURT!"

"Blaine." Kurt whimpered as he stopped struggling.

"It's okay honey. I'm here." Blaine said as he stroked Kurt's hand. Kurt's face relaxed and he turned his head towards Blaine, opening his eyes as he did so. Blaine watched as the panic dissolved them from, replaced with exhaustion.

"Well now that Kurt seems to be okay, can I talk to you two outside please?" Blaine hadn't even noticed the doctor in the room who was now looking at Burt and Carole.

"Yes." Carole said as she moved away from the bed. "Come on Burt." She tugged Burt out of the room. "Kurt is fine now."

Blaine didn't watch as they shut the door behind them, his eyes solely on Kurt who was struggling to stay awake again.

"I wonder what is on the tv." Finn said as he turned away, clearly to give them some privacy. Finn grabbed the remote and started to flip through channels.

"Come up here again." Kurt slurred sleepily and Blaine obliged. He carefully positioned himself on the bed and just like before, Kurt put his head on Blaine's shoulder, this time turning it inwards so his face was against Blaine's neck. Blaine put his arms around Kurt carefully, not touching Kurt's stomach or side.

"Honey, do you want to talk about it?" Blaine asked softly. Kurt lightly shook his head but didn't move it from where it was smushed into Blaine. A few minutes later, Blaine could hear Kurt's breathing start to even out. He leaned down and kissed Kurt's hair.

"Love you." He said.

Kurt's sleepy, quiet response came back a few moments later. "Love you more."

Kurt's breathing started to get deeper and slower and when Blaine glanced down a few moments later, he could tell that Kurt was asleep. He smiled and ignoring the fact that Finn was in the room, and that Kurt's parents were outside he decided to close his eyes as well.