A/N: HI! So this is what happens at 1:30am when I should be either asleep or studying for my final tomorrow. I come up with an idea for a very angsty story and decide to write it. :D

So yeah... this is that story. I have never written anything this angsty before so it'll be just as interesting for me as it will be for you. :)

If anyone wants to see updates on this story...you can follow my tumblr. It's on my profile. That is not my personal tumblr but one for writing. I have seen other people liveblog writing so I started this tumblr for that and my other story I am writing right now.

Sorry...super long AN!

I hope you enjoy the starting of this story and I love reviews...constructive criticism is great!

Disclaimer: I own none of Glee or the Warblers.

(also, this is my first time not writing fanfiction in 1st person so forgive any mistakes I make)

"This is bliss."

"What is?"

"Being here. With you Blaine. Renting out this beach with the Warblers and them just leaving us alone to lie here in the sun." Kurt rolled onto his side on the towel he was laying on to look at his boyfriend. Blaine had his eyes closed against the sun but he moved his hand so that he could grab Kurt's hand and give it a squeeze.

"And the fact that we are all skipping school right now? Me, you, Nick, Jeff, Wes and David? And you know how much trouble we are going to get into?" Blaine asked.

"I've never gotten into trouble from school before. I'll be fine so I am not worried about that." Kurt replied.

"And you have no concern for your boyfriend possibly getting into trouble?" Blaine's eyes opened and he rolled onto his side so he could look Kurt square in the face.

"Oh please Blaine. Dalton loves you, you are the lead Warbler and sectionals are next week. You can't possibly get into trouble." Kurt looked out towards the water where the other four boys were splashing around and yelling. "Them on the other hand…I'm a little more concerned for."

"They were the ones who decided to do this. I wouldn't be worried about them." Blaine replied and Kurt looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Kurt, their parents are all big funders of Dalton, I seriously doubt they will get into trouble."

"Hey you two lovebirds get in here and swim!" Nick called. Blaine and Kurt both looked around at the other boys, all looking at them and then at each other.

"I'm fine." Blaine called back.

"I'm coming." Kurt called and looked at Blaine grinning.

"Are you sure? You said earlier that your stomach was hurting you." Blaine said, his face looking anxious as he looked at Kurt.

"I'm fine now. I'm feeling the water." Kurt said.

"And once again Kurt, you zigged when I thought you would zag. I'm still staying here. I'm going to enjoy the sun." Blaine replied.

"Kurt? You are coming in?" Wes looked surprised as Kurt made his way over to them.

"Yes." Kurt replied.

"And Blaine is over there being as lazy as usual." Jeff commented, looking at the figure laying on the beach.

"So, we were thinking of swimming out to that buoy and back? It's not that far. You up for that Kurt?" David asked Kurt who nodded.

"Okay, ready get go…" Nick took off and the others all followed.

"You didn't say it was a race!" Kurt cried before taking off after them.

Kurt soon realized something was wrong when he started struggling to breath. His side was absolutely killing him but he didn't want to let the others know. He reached the buoy and grabbed a hold of it, waiting for Jeff to reach them, taking deep breaths.

"Are you alright?" David asked, noticing Kurt's slightly panicked expression and the deep breaths he was trying to take.

"Just a little winded." Kurt replied. Each breath he tried to take was getting worse than the last one.

"Shall we swim back then?" Jeff said eagerly as he came over to them as Nick took a hold of the buoy.

"Do I not even get a break?" Nick panted.

"Nope. Took you forever to get here and we are all okay to go now." Jeff said grinning. He started to swim back to the beach and Nick followed him after a few groans. Wes followed them and David turned to Kurt.

"Are you okay? We can wait a few more minutes before we swim back." David said, concern showing on his face.

"No, I'm fine. I can swim back. It's not that far." Kurt let go of the buoy and started swimming. David started behind him and soon ended up in front, occasionally looking back at Kurt.

Kurt was halfway back to the beach when suddenly the pain in his side got intense. He tried to call for Blaine but the breath got caught in his throat. He knew he needed to alert someone of what was happening and he gathered all of his breath before calling out to his boyfriend.

"BLAINE!" Kurt cried out as he went under the water for the first time fighting against the pain in his side that was making it hard to even catch a breath

Blaine stood on the beach watching as the other boys all started to come in. He could see Kurt at the back of the pack, his hair disheveled and his face lit up with joy. This makes skipping and running the risk of getting into trouble so much better. His Kurt was alive and happy and it made Blaine's heart swell with joy that he was like this for once. There had been far too much hurt in Kurt's life recently and Blaine was happy to be a source of joy for the boy that he loved so much.

"He looks happy for once." Blaine was suddenly aware of another person by the side of him. He looked round and saw Wes and Jeff both standing next to him, towels rubbing their hair dry.

"Happier than I've seen him in a while." Jeff said. "Maybe we should skip more often."

"And risk the trouble we are now about to get into often? I don't think so." Nick said as he also came over to watch Kurt who was still in the water with David. Blaine was starting at him when he realized something was wrong. Kurt had completely stopped swimming and a pained expression had come over his face.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Wes called, clearly having noticed the look as well.

"David, turn around and make sure Kurt is okay!" Jeff called to David who was just reaching the beach. David turned around and immediately started to swim back to Kurt.

As Blaine watched, Kurt suddenly called out his name and then went under the water. Blaine was running towards the water in an instant, aware that the other guys were beside him based on the sand that was hitting my legs. Blaine reached the water and started swimming, as fast as he possibly could.

"Kurt! Hold on, we're coming!" He called, starting to panic as he saw Kurt go under another two times and then another time, not surfacing again. "HOLD ON! Kurt, HOLD ON!" He called again coughing and choking on the water he was inhaling each time he called. Blaine was aware that David had reached where Kurt had gone under and was diving down, trying to find him in the murky water. Blaine stopped his swimming and treaded water for a few moments, trying to clear his lungs of the water and get his breath back.

David surfaced again and this time he pulled Kurt back up with him. Blaine felt his heart drop when he could see Kurt's face was pale and his eyes were closed. "Kurt…" He said lurching forward and David shoved him back.

"Just get back to the beach." David said in a serious tone. He started swimming, pulling Kurt with him, and making sure to keep his head above the water. Blaine remained where he was for a few moments, staring in shock at the retreating back of David before a splash of water in his face surprised him.

"Dude, swim. We have to get back to the beach, now." Wes was beside Blaine and looking into his face. Blaine nodded and started to swim back. The swim back felt like the longest swim of his life but he kept his eyes locked on the limp figure of Kurt being dragged by David in front of him, ignoring the pain in his chest from the swimming.

Upon reaching the sand, Blaine threw himself over at Kurt who was laying limp, sand sticking to bare arms and chest. A chest that was barely moving, barely rising up and down.

"Blaine, unless you know CPR, move." Wes said from behind him. Blaine turned around and seeing the look on Wes' face, decided not to argue. He moved out of the way, grabbing Kurt's hand and watching as Blaine started CPR. Staring into Kurt's blank face, Blaine was vaguely aware of Nick talking into the phone.

"We need an ambulance. One of our friends suffered a cramp in the water and he isn't breathing now." Nick waited a few moments, listening to the other person on the other end of the line before responding to whatever they said.

"Less than 3 minutes. Someone in performing CPR right now." Nick waited again before responding. The conversation went out of Blaine's mind as he focused instead of looking at Kurt's face, occasionally blocked by Wes performing the CPR.

"Dammit Kurt. Wake up." Wes said in between performing.

"Wes! Why isn't it working?" Blaine asked after 3 more minutes of seeing a very silent Kurt.

"I don't know." Wes cried. He was out of breath from sharing his breath with Kurt and it was clear to Blaine that deep breaths were starting to become an issue.

"Dude, don't make yourself pass out. We could really do without that right now." David said as he looked at Wes' pale face and labored breathing.

"Kurt…Kurt Please. Please wake up. Please start breathing. I need you to wake up. Kurt Please!" Blaine's voice was coming out in hysterics as he stroked Kurt's face as gently as he could with his shaking hand. Blaine was suddenly aware of the sirens that were coming closer and Nick and Jeff getting up to go and meet the ambulance. They returned a few minutes later with who Blaine assumed to be the paramedics following them carrying a stretcher. Blaine wasn't aware that they were next to him until he felt David pulling on his arm and unhooking his hand from Kurt's.

"Blaine, back up and let them do what they need to do."

"Someone give me a towel right now." A paramedic instructed. Blaine silently reached over and grabbed his towel and handed it over to the paramedic who started to rub Kurt's chest.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked.

"We have to shock him. Can't do that when he is wet." The paramedic responded. She rubbed Kurt's chest for a few more moments before nodding to another paramedic who was holding a defibrillator. The paramedic took the paddles and prepared to shock Kurt. When she shocked the first time, Blaine jumped when Kurt's body jumped and then lay still.

"Try again." The paramedic said after checking to see if there was a pulse.

"Again? Why?" Blaine cried before he could stop himself. That was his Kurt, his boyfriend, lying on the sand before him, his boyfriend who had no pulse. He was aware of both David and Wes' arms holding onto him, holding him back from jumping on the paramedics or Kurt.

"Try again." The paramedic ignored Blaine's question and shocked Kurt again. Blaine cried out against his will as he saw Kurt's body jump again.

"Is there a pulse?" Jeff asked as the paramedic's fingers went to Kurt's neck. She gave a sigh of relief.

"There is one. It's weak but it's there." She stood up and motioned to the other paramedics. "Lets go. Stretcher now."

Blaine could only watch helplessly as Kurt was placed on a stretcher, restraints across his forehead, shoulders, chest and legs to keep him in place. The stretcher was lifted and the paramedics started to hurry across the sand to where the ambulance was. Wes and David pulled Blaine to his feet and they took off after the ambulance while Nick and Jeff hurriedly grabbed all of the belongings.

"Blaine. Go. Go with them." Wes was shoving Blaine in front of him as the doors to the ambulance were closing.

"Get in son." One of the paramedics motioned to Blaine to join him in the ambulance. Nick hurriedly shoved a shirt in Blaine's hand and Blaine looked down at it. His mind had shut down and he wasn't fully registering what had just occurred in the past 15 minutes.

"Blaine! What is wrong with you? GO!" David shoved Blaine and it was enough to wake Blaine up a little. Shirt in hand, he got into the ambulance, sitting down near Kurt's head and grabbing the limp hand. The doors shut behind him and the ambulance took off, sirens blaring. Holding onto Kurt's hand made Blaine feel so helpless, helpless that he hadn't been able to help Kurt at all. He was suddenly aware that one of the paramedics had her hands on Kurt's stomach and was looking worried and confused at the same time.

"What?" He asked. The first words coming out of his mouth since Kurt went under that weren't begging.

"His stomach shouldn't look like it does. " The paramedic replied.

"What?" Blaine asked, once again not fully comprehending what was happening.

"Something else is going on here besides the near drowning." The paramedic replied.

"What do you mean?" Blaine cried out, his hand instinctively tightening around Kurt's limp one.

"Did he complain at all about a stomachache or anything?"

"I don't know! I was paying attention to the fact that he was drowning!" Blaine snapped back.

"Son…" The paramedic sighed. Blaine thought back a little before responding.

"He mentioned earlier that his stomach was hurting a little." Blaine replied. "I mentioned it again and he said it was fine. That was right before he went into the water. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I think his appendix may have burst." The paramedic replied softly and Blaine cried out, tears starting to pour down his face.

"What does that mean? Surgery?" Blaine asked.

"Usually it does, but usually we don't have to factor in the fact that the person stopped breathing from almost drowning. And when a person's appendix bursts, it isn't a good thing. It can make them very sick." The paramedic replied.

Blaine was aware that he was sobbing, the tears pouring down his face as he grasped Kurt's hand. The paramedic was looking at his sympathetically as she checked on Kurt's pulse again, checking the oxygen mask that was currently over Kurt's nose and mouth.

"He's strong though. He responded quickly, he's going to be okay." One of the other paramedics was saying but Blaine was beyond listening at this point. He could only look at Kurt's slack face and wonder if Kurt was going to make it through.