It started out completely different. I don't know how it turned into this.
Daddy's Love
I sat in the middle of the room.
You were supposed to be home by now.
You weren't here. You never were and you aren't now, when I need you most.
I sat there crying.
Where are you?
Don't you love me? Did you ever love me?
If so where are you?
I lie on the floor bleeding, dyeing for you.
Where are you?
I looked up and saw you. Fighting. Why?
What did I do?
I ran to you attempting to make you notice me.
You just pushed me aside and went on fighting and then turned to me.
stupid girl you said,
Why do you hurt me so?
For once in your life why won't you see me!
See me!
Please see me!
What is the point in life if you are not seen?
Help me! I lie on the floor bleeding and you won't even see, you won't even look.
The fight is about me. I know it is and you don't care that I am there listening to all you say.
Absorbing every word that comes out of your mouth,
Cursing me with every breath you took,
while I lie there on the floor flopping and flailing.
See me!
You finally turn to me and say one thing.
I am sorry.
I believe you but the next day it happens again,
and each time I felt that it become harder to breath.
Sorry you say, again and again.
But you don't mean it and I know that now.
I am not that sweet little girl that you could easily fool anymore.
So I don't listen anymore.
Do you know why?
You don't see me and you refuse to try.
I don't know why I wrote this. I just felt really depressed about some things that are going on in my life now right now. I think I'll call this 'Daddy's Love'
This is how it started. I was listening to a really sad amv of random animes when the first part, which was a piano playing solo, hit me with inspiration of a really sad poem.
At first I had intended to make this about Danny Phantom but as I wrote more, I found thatI was starting to write about myself. And then a friend told me it was also like a poem about Dani and Vlad. :) I was kinda venting out my anger in this poem.
Dani: Wow. You're a really depressed person aren't you?
Annie: Not exactly. Sometimes I'm depressed and sometimes I am really happy. It makes no sense to me.
Danny: Maybe your bipolar?
Annie: Ha! Like that would ever happen.
Danny: Annie. We're serious.
Annie: I am not bipolar! Sheesh! What's wrong with having mood changes?
Dani: If you say so...
Annie: If you guys keep talking, I'll make Sam and Undergrowth my muses instead.
Dani&Danny: NO!
Annie: Thought so.
Thanks for reading. :)
Please review! Just don't call me mental or depressed :)
Danny: Over my dead body they will.
Annie: You're already dead.
Danny: Only half!
Annie: Not in 'The Balance'
Annie: Well there goes Dani. Here comes my new muse!
Any other types of comments are accepted :)