Ally's P.O.V
I screamed out in pain as he kept pounding his fist on me with all force. All I could think of was Austin, it was the only thing that took my mind off of most of the pain. I am completely in love with him. But I know he doesn't feel the same. He just looks at me as a friend. But I love to think about his sweet angelic voice. His beautiful blonde hair. Sweet chocolate brown eyes.
"And that's what your stupid ass gets for letting him ruin the harmonica, you braking the violins, and for ever being born!" He screamed. It's always been like this. Did I mention it was the monster I call my dad. Tears started pouring out my eyes.
"Aw, is little Ally gonna cry. And go running to Austin. Well fat ugly Ally. If you ever tell anyone like this I will kill you and them. You would be the stupid little bitch that would. And go and try to tell your little boyfriend. Or should I say another person to reject your ugly ass. He would leave your ass to die."
By now I was crying harder than ever. Then he punched me in the face so hard to silence me. You would think by the way you see my dad that he is a sweet nice cuddly dad. Well you're wrong. To tell you the truth he is nothing like that. He is a mean abusive thief. And this has been going on since I was born. My mother left me so she could escape the abuse. I'm glad I don't know her, because I would never forgive her. He was so drunk he passed out right next to me. I gathered enough energy to walk up the stairs. Ally, your dad was right, you are a fat ugly girl. Austin doesn't even like you. But I know a way, just stop eating. Stop it all. You can fit into beautiful things. And even better, Austin loves skinny girls. Not just any skinny girls, but bony skinny girls. So we have to work extra hard. The voice in my head said. I nodded and threw up my lunch.
I got dressed and my makeup. Suddenly the door shot open.
"Sup Ally, Ready to right that song" He said.
"Yeah let's go" I said faking enthusiasm. I made slow movements to the piano because I was in so much pain. I took all my might to not scream.
"Ally are you okay?" He said with what I thought was concern. It must be my imagination.
"Yeah, it's…. Just cramps." I lied threw my teeth. He seemed to believe it because he nodded as if he understood. I got to the seat and sat down slowly. I grabbed my book that was laying on top of the piano and opened it. The reason I never wanted anyone to touch my book was because it has everything written about what I went through with my dad. Also it has all the things I said about Austin no one should know about. Pretending it was Dallas was genius. Everyone believed it.
"So I have this song in mind. It's a sad song." I knew he didn't like sad songs but I was going to take a shot.
"No Ally, you I hate that. If you are going to write my songs you need to know I like happy, fun, energetic songs" With that he left.
I just started playing the piano and started singing
Four years old with my back to the door All I could hear was the family war You're selfish hands always expecting more Am I your child or just a charity ward
You have a hollowed out heart But it's heavy in your chest I try so hard to fight it But it's hopeless Hopeless You're hopeless
Oh father Please father I'd love to leave you alone But I can't let you go Oh father Please father Put the bottle down For the love of a daughter oh
It's been five years Since we've spoken last And you can't take back What we never had
Oh, I can be manipulated Only so many times Before even I love you starts to sound like a lie
You have a hollowed out heart But it's heavy in your chest try so hard to fight it[ ]But it's hopeless Hopeless You're hopeless
Oh father Please father I'd love to leave you alone But I can't let you go Oh father Please father Put the bottle down For the love of a daughter
Don't you remember I'm your baby girl
How could you push me out of your world?
Lie to your flesh and your blood Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved
Don't you remember I'm your baby girl How could you throw me right out of your world So young when the pain had begun Now forever afraid of being alone
Oh father Please father I'd love to leave you alone But I can't let you go Oh father Oh father Please put the bottle down for the love of a daughter
"Wow, I didn't think it would be like that." I turned around to see Austin shocked
"Do you want to use it now?" I asked with hopeful eyes.
"Yeah" He said with a smile.
2 hours later
"Well I gotta go see you tomorrow. Dez is going to film the music video." He said. I felt disappointed but I couldn't show that. "Bye Austin." I yelled as he walked out. Out of nowhere my dad came out.
"Man I thought he would never leave. I needed to talk to you" He said with a slur. I knew he was drunk. He always was after working hours.
He closed the door and unbuckled his pants. I started shaking in fear. "Ever since your mother left I have been waiting for this" He said. I saw lust in his eyes. He pushed me down and started doing unspeakable things. He passed out and I was beyond sobbing. I put my clothes on and ran out to the one place I felt safe.
When I got there it was 3 in the morning. I rang the door bell. "Hey Al- Ally, what's wrong?" I didn't say anything. He hugged me. What I didn't notice was that he lead me into his house while I was crying in his chest. When my crying died down and hour later we fell asleep on the couch. We woke up at ten. I was laying on top of Austin with my head on his shoulder. I blushed and got off him.
"Hey, what happened last night?" He asked. I wanted to tell him but later will be better.
"I'll tell you what. How about we go to the park and I'll tell you there. Right after you finish with Dez and the music video. Like 6-ish?"
"Yeah, that'd be great." I went to the park and lay on the bench. I feel asleep with a horrible nightmare.
I was awaken by a gentle voice. I opened my eyes to see Austin staring at me. I sat up straight and he say next to me.
"So why where you crying?" He said with concern "You know you can tell me anything"
"My dad" I said. He looked confused "Is your dad ok?" He said frantically.
"Physically yes, mentally no." I muttered so I could only hear "What?" He asked
"My dad, he abuses me" I said. I could tell a giant wave of anger hit him. He balled his fist.
"HE WHAT!" He yelled. "SINCE WHEN?" I could tell he was fuming angry.
"Since forever" I said shaking. "Is that why you where crying?" He asked. His anger dying down and turned it to concern.
"Kind of" I said getting nervous. "Then what was it?" I sighed "He….He raped me"
With that he flew out of the seat and ran into the sonic boom store. I ran after him calling his name.
What is he doing?
Did you like it. I worked on it for hours. Mostly because I got distracted but you get the point. Review!
Sky Is out, peace!