An: this is my final chapter to this story. I still have four other fictions, that I'm currently working on, David saves Rachel, Rachel Berry meet Blaine Anderson, It's a glee world and my gossip girl fiction waiting. I am also in 2 english and 2 humananity classes, so when I'm not reading and writing fanficiton, I'm do the same for those classes.

Two weeks had passed since Rachel had fainted and was then released from the hospital. Puck had lately stopped partying, sleeping around with cheerio and the cougars, he cleaned their pools for. Both groups get pissed at him for the rejection and hit him on the head, arms and chest. It was worth the pain, because his heart only beat for one, Rachel Berry. No he wasn't becoming a soft-hearted Jew. He was still his bad-ass Jew self.

'You brother' Josh said.

Puck arises from his bed, un on his elbows, to find his brother, staring back at him, whilst embracing the door with his arms.

'What?' Puck groaned, he just want to go back to sleep. He wouldn't like anything more.

'Little brother, it's been two weeks since you even looked at Rachel. She's starting to worry about you. She thinks you are mad at her" Josh said.

Puck looked at his brother. He didn't want to defend his action, because he knew he was in the wrong.

"Go away" Puck mumbled, as he flipped his body around and he grabs the comforter and pulls it over the comforter to cover his body from the image of the world.

Josh didn't object his brother's demand for him to leave the room. He left his brother to be a loser in peace.

The next morning, Santana, Brittany and Quinn were fixing each other's Cheerio ponytails and making sure their outfits. They had to make sure, everything was perfect. If anything was out of place, Coach Sylvester would make them all do fifty pushes blindfolded with newborn puppies on their necks.

"Brit stop pulling at your ponytail" Santana said, swapping at Brittany's hands.

Brittany pulled her hands together and smoothly consoled it.

Quinn then went behind the other blonde, and took her hair down and put it back up and fixed it.

"Is that better?" Quinn asked. Brittany nodded yes.

Puck had been in a very determine mood, all day long. He had only one thing on his mind for that day. He quickly reached the unholy trinity.

"Hey Fabary" Puck yelled

"What do you need Puckerman?" Santana snapped back.

"How fast can you learn a song?" Puck asked.

Rachel had been at home resting. She wasn't allowed to perform with the glee club yet and she had an independent study class her last period. So she was at home trying to rest. So when Josh and her daddy, Leroy told her they were taking her for something special. Rachel got out of her dad's prius to find them standing at the school

"I just left here" Rachel groaned,

Josh just picked the girl up, and began walking into the building, with Leroy leading the way. When they got into the choir room, Josh put Rachel down on a seat, and sat next to her.

The unholy trinity, Quinn, Santana and Brittany, stood up and walk to the center of the room. Rachel watched as they began to sing 'She will be loved' by Maroon 5. When they were singing, Joshua was able to sneak away and leave the room and have his younger brother take his place. As the girls finished up singing and made their way, Rachel's head followed them as they sat back down, it stopped at puck smiling at her.

"Did you do this?' Rachel asked

"Yes" Puck said, he got up and kneeled down in front of Rachel. "Rachel Berry, will you be my Jew"

Rachel looked down at Puck and raised her hands up to his face, and rubbed it gently.

"Of course, I'll be your Jew, Noah" Rachel smiled and pulled up her Noah for a kiss.

Meanwhile outside the choir room, looking through the clear glass window from the hallway stood Joshua Puckerman. Once he saw his little brother Noah Puckerman being kissed by little Rachel Berry. The image of when they first met flashed in his head then transformed back to reality. He smiled, for that day, he left Lima.

An: it's the end! So please review. all please read my multi-ship fic – it's a glee world. I really need ideas for charcter storylines and end ships