It was late afternoon in Sasuke's apartment when Sakura finally gave in and made Sasuke his Tomato Soup.

The conversation between them earlier was played and the consequences were made, Sasuke had a long lecture from Sakura which, he quoted: Well, next time don't be so stupid and have Naruto standing right there next to you –you know how he is! All nosy and stuff. It was so obvious that Naruto was going to push you and grab it from you –which I might say, failed terribly and ended up jabbing you instead. You're lucky that you only have a minor fever and not comatose after that extraction of the poison. Tsunade was right when she said men were stupid and that you deserved the fever –a sigh –Just go and rest up Sasuke, I'll go make you your Soup. And him facing the worst dish he yet to encounter.

Arms tucked in, face twitching; Sasuke suppressed the shudder running up his spine and wrapped himself tighter in his blue blanket. He poked the red floating object in the bowl with a spoon and watched it bobble on the water's surface, making ripples around it. " What is this?"

" It's your Tomato Soup," Sakura said brightly, beaming at him as Sasuke continued to stare at the foreign dish before him.

Clearly she doesn't know what a Tomato Soup. Because all this was –" You placed my Tomato in boiled water." He stated lamely and looked up, his coal eyes burning into hers as he observed any signs of lying to him –anything to tell him that she was joking and this wasn't what he was meant to consume.

But there was nothing.

Nothing but a light blush on her cheeks.

" Y-Yeah… I know… You see I don't really know how to cook and I know you love how your mother makes the soup so I didn't want to ruin the feeling for it… So I decided to stay safe and just put in the tomato in the so called Boiled Water, it's actually an antidote that I roused up before I came over. It should kill your fever in half an hour or so –and let's keep this secret between the two of us okay, Sasuke-kun? Tsunade will kill me if she found out. "

Taking another look at the dish, Sasuke gave a hesitant hand towards it, scooping out the Tomato and took a bite out of it. If you'd ignore the bitter taste of the skin, it tasted exactly like how it should taste: Crunchy on the outside and juicy on the inside.

" Next time Sakura," He said, licking his fingers and moved onto the soup, " Just make me tea okay?"


OH MY GOODNESS I AM SOO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THIS LATE UPDATE. I Just moved you see, and my house has no wifi and I'm in a coffee shop right now -.- I feel so pathetic. So as a sorry, I wrote another Story called: How to get Uchiha Sasuke to his own Birthday Party.
