Author's Notes – I do not own Rurouni Kenshin. RK belongs to Watsuki Nobuhiro, Sony, ADV and JUMP Comics. I'm just privileged to be able to play in this universe once in a while. Thanks!

5. A Call to Arms!

Two months have passed since Kaoru had lost part of her memories and ended up in 1862 at the Sheikan Dojo. When she first woke up disoriented, she wasn't quite sure if she was dead or hallucinating her surroundings. Those first few days she had allowed her mind and body to recover from her injuries.

It hadn't been long before she figured out that she somehow ended up in the past – right before the start of the war. What she still couldn't figure out is how she ended up in this time and, more importantly, how she can get back?

Still, she woke up this morning with the intention of practicing her katas to work things out in her head. But for that she needed a few things. "Okita-san," Kaoru approached the young swordsman on the porch and stopped. Okita was sitting outside, drinking tea and enjoying the crisp morning air. As soon as he felt her approach, he had set his cup down and smiled in her direction. Kaoru paused and started fidgeting with the edges of her borrowed kimono sleeve. "Am I disturbing you?"

"Of course not, Kaoru-san." He motioned for her to sit. They both sat together in silence for a minute or two before he heard her take a deep breath before speaking. "It's been two months since you had found me in the river. Since then, you have opened your home, treated me well despite not knowing my background. I am truly thankful for that."

Okita nodded along even as he wondered where the conversation was going. "It was no trouble at all," he started to say before Kaoru interrupted him. "If I can ask a favor," she looked at him squarely in the eye. "May I borrow one of the school's shinai or bokken?" Okita's smile made Kaoru nervous as she rambled on. "As you've already observed, I practiced a sword art before my accident. So it might help me remember other things if I could …"

"Absolutely not!"

They both turned at the sound of Harada's yelling. "No! No! No!" He stalked towards the pair as he stuck his hands in his pockets. Over the past two months, he has been dropping by the dojo to see its residents, maybe get a free meal once in a while. Not to mention, keeping an eye on this strange woman. While he doesn't suspect her anymore, he still doesn't completely trust her. And now, she wants to get her hands on a weapon?

"Besides, do you even know what to do with a shinai or a bokken? I've never heard of women kendoka!" Harada yelled at Kaoru as she stood up with her hands on her hips, listening to his tirade.

"Actually, Harada-san," Okita started to say before Kaoru responded hotly. "Just because YOU haven't heard of women training, doesn't mean that it doesn't happen!"

She was beginning to lose her patience and her temper getting the better of her. Over the past few weeks, she had finally figured out who Harada Sanosuke reminded her of – Sagara Sanosuke, her adoptive big brother that would know the perfect way to rile her up. This Sanosuke apparently had the same uncanny talent. Maybe they're related, Kaoru sighed inwardly.

Okita held his tongue as he looked between Kaoru and Harada as they argued. Because of Kaoru's injuries, the doctor had restricted her activities until he had made his final check up. His visit yesterday had pronounced her fit but warned her not to overexert herself. He laughed to himself as he had to wonder at Kaoru's concept of not overexerting herself. Whatever it was, it definitely does not include picking fights with Harada or wanting to practice katas in the winter.

"What about naginatas? Women are trained in those as defensive weapons. Have you heard of those?" The two are still arguing, Okita thought.

Harada let out a frustrated growl. "Then train with a damn naginata, woman! Don't insist on a bokken. That's just weird."

"What's so weird about defending myself with a bokken? You defend yourself with your weapon, why shouldn't I?"

The trio was soon joined by Kondo and Yamanami, emerging from the training hall, who caught the tail end of Kaoru's question. "Harada-san," the latter addressing the tall, angry man. "Why don't you let Okita decide if he'll even agree to lending one of his weapons to her? After all, he hasn't agreed to it."

All eyes turned to Okita as he smiled nervously at the sudden attention. "Well, let's see …"

"…*Men…" Okita called out the strike. Swish.

It has been two weeks since that argument.The training hall was filled with students and the sounds of their bamboo swords cutting through the air. The air surrounding them momentarily crackled with static electricity as each eager strike landed on their imaginary adversaries. He watched his friend, Inoue Genzaburo, eyeing the morning class thoughtfully and noticed him smile when his eyes rested on a particular person. Okita followed the direction until his gaze rested on the far corner of the room, almost hidden from view.

"You can't see her but you can definitely hear her!" Harada grumbled two days ago when he stopped by during class. He watched Kaoru practice and had to admit that she had skills.

Ah. Kaoru. He thought and he had to smile as well. She was wearing the kendoka uniform and performing each called strike with determination. Even from his vantage point, he could see that she was tiring and he worried that she might be overexerting herself. The past few weeks have seen a marked improvement in her health and even Yamada sensei gave his consent but he still worried that she might overdo it and fall ill once again.


It was a good thing that she's in my class, Okita thought as he circled around the hall as each student practiced the strike. I can make sure she takes breaks so she doesn't suffer a relapse. She works hard in practice.


Okita walked towards her corner of the training hall as he called out another strike. Kaoru didn't pause even as he stopped next to her. Up close, he could see that was definitely tired but she was also determined not to stop until instructed to do so. "Kaoru-san, you can stop for today." He reached out his hand to touch her arm to lower it to her side. "You did really well."


Kaoru turned towards him and wiped sweat off her brow with her sleeve. "Thank you, Okita sensei." She executed a small bow of gratitude before exiting the training hall. He watched as she padded down the opposite hall to the private residential area of the compound before completely disappearing from view. He smiled for a few minutes to nothing in particular before noticing the silence of the training hall.

Glancing behind him, he noticed the students were at the ready position waiting for his next called strike. Further back, he could see Inoue and now joined by Harada, both men struggling to rein in their laughter at his lapse. The rest of the students wore varying degrees of expression – from poker faces to small grins. Okita's face formed a grimace before barking out the next command.

"200 strikes! Men!"

Later that evening, Okita found himself sitting on the porch after dinner, contemplating the days' events. As he suspected, Kaoru was no ordinary woman. He had been watching her these past few weeks as she slowly regained her strength. He remembered a conversation with Nanami and the girls where they spoke of Kaoru fondly as they played around the yard. Nanami mentioned that sometimes Kaoru would space out on their conversations as if she was not with them. "Her family must be missing her," Nanami said mournfully. "And she must miss them, too! I would miss my family if I didn't have them around."

I wonder if my own family misses me, he let out a small laugh. I know Kaoru's family is missing her. With such a spirit, it would be easily missed.

"But back to the present," Okita murmured as he roused himself from his musings. His thoughts were interrupted when Kondo and Hijikata joined him on the porch.

"Good evening, Kondo sensei. Hijikata-san."

"Okita," Hijikata nodded. "Just the person we were looking for."

"Ara," startled at the seriousness of his tone, Okita involuntarily straightened up as he waited for one of them to speak. Kondo and Hijikata sat with him for a few minutes, just the three of them looking out into the darkness of an empty yard. Most of the womenfolk have already gathered in another part of the compound to mend clothing and relax at the end of the day. Inoue had gone out earlier in the evening with Harada but had promised to return later that evening. Kaoru had retired early to her room but Okita could see that her candle was still lit, so she must still be up.

"I have heard that they are recruiting men to be in the service of the Shogunate. There is talk of a coming war and we need to defend our country from foreigners." Kondo spoke, after a short while. "They are gathering in Kyoto in a few weeks and I intend on joining them." Neither of his companions seemed surprised by this declaration.

"My brother will take care of the school in my absence." Hijikata looked at Kondo and seemed to have made a decision himself. "I will go with you. We can travel together to Kyoto."

Okita pursed his lips in thought. War. So this is how it begins. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the clean night air. He could smell the crisp winter air and … jasmines? His eyes opened and wandered towards Kaoru's window. I wonder what she will do when we leave. I wonder if she will stay. I guess I can't think about that now.

Both men turned towards their companion and Okita smiled at them both. "So, when do we leave?"

*Men = a kendo strike with arms positioned at an almost 45degree angle and followed through as a straight vertical strike to the center line of the head.