Title: In Our Dreams

AU-Two weeks before Harry and Ginny's wedding and Ginny decides that she wants to truly see what's going on in Harry's most wildest dreams... It's not what she likes.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter; JKRowling does




Ginny Weasley was getting married in two weeks. She'd been taken for years by the very Harry Potter. He was so handsomely dashing and charming. He had been the youngest seeker, he had passed with flying colors, and now he was Head of the Auror Department. That wasn't just it. It was more. It was the fact that everytime she saw him she fell just a little more in love with him. He was famous in maybe America!

When he proposed, dropping down on one knee and producing the beautiful diamond ring she almost fainted or cried from relief. She wanted this so badly! From when she had been saved by him in the Chamber of Secrets. This was what she wanted and she could already see their future; she'd still be Holyhead Harpies' seeker and they'd have three children, James Sirius, Arthur Remus, and Lily Luna Potter. So she exclaimed a, "YES!" Then promptly fainted.

She couldn't help but frown though that it wasn't Lily's ring. She got along just nicely with James but now there was an odd look almost condescending or depressened whenever she looked at him. Normally they talked about Quidditch and shared a laugh or two and Lily would be off talking to Harry's best friend, 'Mione. She was, to say the least, envious of how greatly Hermione and Lily hit it off. It was almost as though Lily wished that Hermione was her daughter-in-law.

The thought made her frown. Currently, Harry was sleeping peacefully in his room and they were in Godric's Hallow, except a slightly larger house than his birth house. After Harry's fifth birthday they welcomed the twins, Minerva and Asterio, and then there was the youngest boy who'd been born after Harry's admittance to Hogwarts, Daniel. The house, which was normally loud, was quiet. Minnie and Asterio were in their last year in Hogwarts with Minnie being in Ravenclaw and then 'Rio in Gryffindor. Rio was proud of himself and Minnie was content with Ravenclaw. Daniel had been sorted into Gryffindor, to the Potter's pleasure.

She wondered what Harry dreamt about. Did he have the same dreams as her? Them living in a happy house not too far from Godric's Hallow with three beautiful children? Did he think about it at all? She wondered if he dreamt about food and Quidditch like she knew her brother, Ron, did. The thought almost made her giggle.

Harry's perfectly abstructed body could be compared to a model's one, she mused. Harry was her everything for forever.

Looking to her right where she lie in the guest room next to Harry's she spotted the little box that George had given her, as a joke. One made for girlfriends, or fianc'ee's in her case, to go in to their partners heads and look into their dreams almost like a pensieve. She bit her lip and sat up. Should she do it? Would Harry be mad? Turning on the nightable lamp and sitting up she looked at the box and read the back.


DIRECTIONS: Insert pill into your partner's mouth or into their drink and gently touch their forehead and finally, you're in!


Guaranteed to let you be the sneaky spy and them to never figure out!

Ginny sighed and put the box down. What if Harry thought about another woman? Or other women, she snarked. She shook her head no. Harry loved her and no other woman. Who else could be so close to him? Love him despite all his faults? Love his family even their distance from her as of late? Put up with his rants on his incompetant, blubbering auror-trainees? Hermione must've been rubbing off on him.

Hermione. The name stuck to her head. She easily shook it away with a snort; Hermione had such volturous hair and she was much to smart for Harry. She'd only confuse him or make him feel stupid! I'd never do that, Ginny smirked. She'd only worship and adore as well as love Harry for forever.

"Wouldn't hurt to try." She mumbled before taking one pill out and shutting off the lamp, wondering why Lily had lamps and paid for electricty if they had magic. Gently she tiptoed to Harry's room and winced at the creaking she heard from the door opening. She very gently closed the door and observed Harry, her breath caught in her throat.

What if Harry caught her and hated her? What if-, all her thoughts stopped as Harry turned over in bed, the springs croaking under his weight. His black, messy hair was matted down, his thin and pink-plump lips were open slightly, and the moonlight from his gently opened window outlined his pale face making her blush and her mouth water slightly.

Her fianc'e was sexy to the fullest extent. She bit her lip and wondered if she should do this and gathering her Gryffindor courage she gently moved closer and dropped the pill into his mouth before gently lying her hand on his forehead and sucking in a breath.


It was sunny.

'So sunny.' Ginny thought using her hand to block the blinding lights. Looking up she realized she was in the yard of some place. There on the grass were a group of ten children all different looking. A little girl with pale blonde hair was playing patty-cake with a darker-blonde haired girl. She had a little daisy tucked behind her ear and wore a sky blue summer dress; she looked to be about eight. The other girl had a crown of daisies and she wore a similar one but a white sweater-top over and she looked the same age.

A group of boys were playing futball. A little boy with curly black hair kicked it into the goal with a proud smile and another little boy with crimson hair frowned like another boy with ruddy colored hair; both similar. A boy with messy brown hair cheered with a loud grin and fistpumped in the air before sprinting over to the blackhaired boy and hugged him tightly. Ginny knew immediately they were brothers.

"That's no fair!" The ruddy-haired boy cried outloud. The girls stopped playing and looked over with a sympathetic look. The pale blonde one marched over and handed him a daisy.

"Mrs. Potter!" Ginny looked up her eyes bright toward where the other crimson haired kid cried out expecting to find herself and almost opened her mouth. Instead there in the gateway wearing a straw-hat and blue overalls along with green boots and blue ribbon in her hat looked up from where she was planting what Ginny recognized as roses. Her breath caught as the woman's hat was tilted over her face. The woman looked up worriedly. Dropping the small shovel and removing her gloves she stood up and removed her hat. Ginny opened her mouth and let out a shaky breath.


There instead of auburn hair like her own was an adorable bun of chestnut-colored hair and a smile on two pale lips. Her smile was bright and almost mocking as she worriedly marched over to the boy and wiped her hands on her overalls. Her walnut eyes were wide and worried despite the small smile and Ginny immediately knew that face. The face of Harry's best friend. The very envy of her.

Hermione Jean Granger.


Review? Please? And also just keep in mind this is my first Harry Potter fanfic so please be gentle (: More will be explained thanks and bye!