A/N: This is my first HIMYM fic. I'd love reviews!

It was another night at MacLaren's. Just an average night. Only tonight Robin was hurting. Robin never wanted kids. She never planned to have any, but she always had the option of changing her mind. Now she was told she didn't. The decision would be made for her. Drinking made her feel better, and her friends knew that she needed to feel better. That was why Barney made sure that her glass was always full. They didn't know why she was upset, they didn't need to know. Their job as friends were to do what they could to make her happier.

Robin never remembered drinking so much scotch in her life, but that's what Barney kept giving her, and is tasted so good.

Ted was the first one to go back home. Marshal and Lily followed soon after, leaving Barney and Robin alone. "I think I need another drink." Robin said, frowning at her empty glass.

"I never thought I'd say this to an emotional and vulnerable woman, but I think it's time to cut you off."

"Barney." he whined. "I thought you wanted to make me feel better."

"If you don't feel better by now then I think alcohol probably isn't the solution to this problem."

"I'm never having kids." Robin said, shaking her head.

"Never say never." Robin said she was having kids, but Barney had feeling that one day she would cave and become that best mother to ever come out of Canada.

"I really am never having kids, though. The doctor called me back."

"She-she called you back?"

"I can't have kids. Even if I wanted to. My body's baby making department is vacant."

"What does that even mean."

"It's broken, Barney. I'm infertile. I can't ever, no matter how badly I want to, have a baby."

"How badly you want to? But I thought that… I thought that you didn't want to."

"I don't. But… You know what I mean."

"No. I really have no idea."

"I do!" She began to cry. "I do want a baby, okay? I want a beautiful little awesome baby that would wear suits all the time. I want to raise him the way my parents didn't raise me and I want him to grow up and love me and he'll be a little Robin/Barney-"

"We'd probably have to name him something like Legendbaby." Barney interrupted.

"You're right." She continued. "I never wanted to have a baby, but now that I know that I can't. I realize that it's the one thing that I want the most." She began to cry drunken tears.

"Okay, I think that I'm going to take you home."

"I want to go home with you." Robin begged.

"I-I don't know if that's such a good idea."

"Why not?"

"What about Kevin?"

"I don't care about Kevin, right now Barney. Kevin's not that one that helps me through hard times and I'm not afraid to cry and be a hot mess in front of. That's you."

"Robin, you've been drinking a lot."

"Please don't make me be alone tonight."

He didn't want her to be alone. He helped her up and out his arm behind her back for support. It was something new for Barney. He was going home with a drunk woman who also happened to be the hottest woman he'd ever laid eyes on and sex was the last thing on his mind.

It took Barney a record time to hale a cab. When people look important, people and taxi drivers assume that you're important.

This taxi ride went different then the last one. There was no passionate kiss or fireworks. All that happened was she placed her head on his shoulder, and he ran his fingers through her hair.

"You're so… nice." Robin said, as he helped her take her shoes off. "You're being so nice to me.'

"Well, you were my almost baby mama." He said, laughing and sitting on his couch next to her.

"Barney." She said, smiling at him. "You're the most amazing person ever."

"Do you want some bread to soak up some of that scotch."

"No." She said, that was a good way to avoid that compliment though."

"Robin… We've had a lot drink."

"I don't care." she said, moving closer to him. "Barney…"

"Robin. I have to tell you something. Nothing can happen between us until we talk about this…"

"Barney Stinson would rather talk then have sex? What world are we living in?"

"We're having serious time, you drunken whore."

"Okay." She said, locking her lips with an imaginary key.

"Okay, Robin. I know how to have meaningless sex. I'm the king of it, actually, but the thing is, if I have sex with you then it wont be meaningless because of our history. I know that sounds stupid and pathetic, but you're not… you're not… you're Robin."

Robin let out a loud laugh. She couldn't help it, seeing Barney so out of his element, talking about his feelings was so rare and… entertaining. "I'm sorry, Barney that's just…"

"I love you." He said. "I hate that you chose Kevin over me because you're the only woman in the world that I ever imagined marry and having babies with. When you told me that you were pregnant, I wanted it. I still want it now. You're the only person in the world that I would want to have a baby with."

Robin wasn't laughing anymore. "You know that… You know that I didn't choose Kevin because I loved him more. It's because… I love you too. And I love you too much."

"There's no such thing."

"There is when it comes to you, Barney. I know your lifestyle. You don't want to be with one woman. You tell Marshall how unfortunate his life is every day."

"I wouldn't just be with one woman for the rest of my life, I would be with you. All of those other women, there hot, and they're easy and that's all I know about them. You're beautiful and funny and you always make me laugh and I don't care that I would only have sex with one woman because when it's you one is all I need. You're kind of an animal you know…" He said with a wink.

She laughed. "You're right. I am."

He leaned over and kissed her with all of the tenderness and love that he had in his soul. "Don't hurt me again, Robin."

"I don't want to hurt you." She said. "It was never my intention to hurt you."

Seeing Barney his vulnerable was something new to Robin, but she had to admit, she kind of liked it.

They didn't have sex that night.

They made love.

Barney hated that world. Robin did too, but there was no other word that could be used to describe what went on that night. It was nothing like either had experienced in their life. It was amazing… until the next morning.

"Fuck." was the only thing that Robin could think to say when she realized where she was and who she was with. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

This outburst woke Barney up. "Well good morning to you too."

"Barney what did we do?"

"Uhh what do you mean?"

"This was such a mistake."

"Robin… it's not a mistake," he said, raising his voice. "You know that we're not a mistake."

"We tried this before. It didn't work."

"You said that you wouldn't do this to me again?"

She massaged her temples. "What are you talking about, Barney?"

"Last night you said that you wouldn't hurt me again. Do you know how hard it was to trust you after what happened with Kevin?"

"Kevin." She groaned. "how many times am I going to cheat on him with you?"

"Well I was hoping that this was the last time… Aren't you going to end things with Kevin?"

"No! I'm not going to end anything, except for this. No more hooking up, Barney. I meant it."

Barney stood up, putting his boxers on. "Seriously Robin? That's what you consider what we do? Hooking up?"

"I can't do this." She said, getting up. "I have to go."

It was the one woman that Barney ever wanted to stay