Succumb to Wishing Droplets

Drop 72

Dragonflies pt. 3

"You," The halfbreed pointed to me, "And you," He then pointed to the miko standing beside me, "Need ta get the hell over yourselves and talk! Figure it out now, understand me?!" For an uncloth bastard like himself, his manner of speech (although still as distasteful as his choice of dress) was so straightforward, it could almost be mistaken as eloquent.

He was an announce, as are the others...but, to my thanks, they all did aid me well.

I learnt of many things from them.

Inuyasha's horrendous attitude and overall weakness allowed the pride in myself to grow - If he as a halfling could be so verbally strong, I as a full demon could do better.

And the Monk! So much wisdom he had given me about the members of the opposing sex, truly a wiseman.

The Slayer's talks allowed me to heal both my heart and mind, something my father would have criticized long ago.

The young fox demon healed my mood with his kind, childlike innocence.

Rin, as always, would give chase after me, her smile like a bright ray of the sun.

Jaken was annoying. So was the wolf. Naraku as well.

"This is it," I sighed, looking to Inuyasha who in turn, nudged his head towards Kagome...she stood before me, her face dusted by the pale moonlight, stars shining radiantly in her eyes… This moment...This was the time to speak, this was the time to let it all out and say everything that had been on my mind for so long.


"Kagome, heed me well, for I am not as adept at speaking my thoughts as well as I would have wanted to be," I took a breath - This feeling… 'nervousness', 'fear', 'anticipation' - I felt like I was dying, I suddenly averted my eyes from hers, "You are someone too stunning, a human you are but, even so I…" I steeled myself, facing her, placing my hands onto her shoulders as delicately as possible, "You are just...amazing, everything you do and everything you say is my favorite, you are so bright I cannot take my eyes off of you, I begin to feel lonesome when you leave, and joy returns to me upon your arrival...Forgive me if I may be wrong, but...I think I have the 'crush' on you."