A/N: Okay I'm not going to bore you with all of the things I've been doing that have kept me busy but I felt that I should start writing again soon because I am About to finish summer school and therefore taking a load off.
Anyways this is/will be the rewritten form of Emerald Falcons "A New Beginning" (notice: same title) this story will be reformed, edited, added to, hopefully more in-depth, and possibly a little redirected.
Now that that's over: Please Enjoy!
A New Beginning
Originally Written By: Emerald Falcon
Adopted By: -Ciel Leon-
Prologue – A Talk with Ra
In all honesty, Yami, Bakura and Malik hadn't been expecting this.
There really wasn't anything around the three males except an endless darkness that seemed to stretch on forever, and while the 'ground' beneath their feet only 'looked' like the unrelenting blackness around them they could, oddly enough feel something similar to smooth gravel pressing against the bottom of their bare feet.
Frowning, Bakura studied the 'ground' flexing his bare feet, letting his toes dig into the non-existent pebbles.
He was the first to speak, and, should he have thought before breaking the silence, he would have realized that his question wasn't all that relative to their current situation.
"Sooooo… Where the hell did our shoes go?"
Malik, in response, simply face-palmed; and really Yami couldn't blame him.
Sighing, the pharaoh slapped Bakura in the back of the head, his annoyance made obvious by the twitching of a vein on his forehead- an action that almost immediately captured and held Malik's attention.
Bakura let loose a low growl preparing to launch himself at his 'eternal rival' before Yami's head snapped forward and a low chuckle echoed around them.
The darkness seemed to swell around a form that was approaching them, the darkness lazily lifting itself from the now forming figure like that of a mist being slowly blown away.
When the dark fog finally cleared, a man with the head of a hawk and a solar disk above his head came into view.
It took a second, but Malik's attention on the throbbing vein still present on Yami's forehead shifted to the man-thing in front of him.
"The hell is that?"
The being focused its hawk eyes on the dark skinned Egyptian with what seemed to be disapproval.
"My name is Ra."
Almost immediately, Yami kneeled in front of the figure.
"I am not doing the kneeling thing; it's bad for my sanity you know."
Malik gave Bakura an incredulous look.
Malik was psychotic yes, but he in no way had a death wish.
Yami stared wide-eyed at the white headed tomb robber as if to silently ask 'Are you insane!'
The god gave what could only be called a hawk-like smirk before speaking again, "Now Bakura, we all know you don't have any sanity left."
"Idiot! If I had no sanity left I would be insane, and insane is something I am not! Now, you want a prime example of insane look to my left."
Malik happened to be standing on Bakura left.
Malik snarled softly, "Being insane and being psychotic are two completely different things! And I just happen to fall into the psychotic category! After all, I don't kill people without reason!"
Yami, who had quietly stood from his kneeling position after realizing that it didn't really matter if he kneeled in front of the god or not, watched the exchange with interest before silence fell once more.
Once again, the silence was broken by the tomb robber.
"Sooooo… Where the hell did our shoes go?"
This time, Bakura actually directed his question toward the god.
"Well erm… shoes aren't really… important enough to ah… 'Crossover'."
Malik studied Ra for a second before asking the one question that was on both his own and Yami's mind.
"Why are we here?"
It just so happened that Bakura was pondering why his shoes weren't all that important and thus missed the question.
"What did you ask him Malik?"
"I don't even deem that worth a response." responded Malik dryly.
Straitening up, Ra peered down at them with his beady eyes, and, in his most serious voice said, "Yami's of the present I have come before you with dire news. It would seem that a grave error was made in your lives."
A confused Bakura blinked owlishly at the god.
"What grave error?"
Ignoring his confused charge, Ra continued his speech.
"You were not meant to come here but to be reborn with a new life in your Hikari's world. You are here to make the decision to either return to your Hikari or stay here until you wish to leave and return to the living once more without a Hikari." Here, the Egyptian god paused, "Malik I'm afraid that I must apologize to you specifically, you must understand that Marik is not your Hikari. He never was. It was a mistake made by myself and the other gods." Ra gave a forlorn sigh, "Marik and yourself are actually one Yami that was split into two. If you choose to return Malik, you and Marik will both gain separate bodies and will eventually meet your Hikari. I must warn you though, your true Hikari is in grave danger his life is being sought by a man who claim himself a 'Dark Lord'. His fate has been set, and only you and Marik can change it. Do you accept your new fate or do you wish to remain?"
Malik stepped forward a frown upon his face, "You mean to tell me that Marik is also a Yami that we have the same Hikari and that our Hikari is in danger! What in the nine levels of hell are you waiting for! Send me back goddamn it!"
Yami and Bakura chuckled as Ra looked down in slight shock, "You wish to return? Malik I thought you hated the human world and the idea of a Hikari."
"So I've had a change of heart big deal, besides," Malik smirked, "I pity the fool who messes with my Hikari and I am sure Marik will think the same. I gained consciousness due to the rage Marik felt and the fact that he couldn't take the pain in his life. However, when Yami defeated me I saw what the rage and anger did to those I learned to care for. Now I would do anything to fix the wrongs that I did. If I have a true Hikari then I will protect him with all I am capable of and I know Marik would feel the same."
Yami stepped forward next, "I never wanted to leave Yugi, and if I can return then I will do so."
Bakura looked down at the ground, his previous behavior disappearing rapidly, "I owe Ryou my life. When he showed me kindness I showed him pain. I see now that what I did was wrong. I wish to right my wrongs so I to will return."
Ra gave them all a look that could only be interpreted as a smile, "Very well you will return to the human world, but it will be one year from when those you love last saw you. We will take that one year to build your bodies and history in the world so the transaction may be smooth. Yami you will return to Domino with Yugi. Bakura I am afraid your Hikari has moved back to England so that is where you shall return to. Malik, you and Marik will be transported to England as well. Are there any questions?"
Malik gave him a dark look.
"During the year that we will be kept from our Hikaris' what will happen to Marik?"
Ra blinked slightly before a frown crossed his features, before speaking slowly and deliberately-as if he was trying to find the best way to phrase the answer to Malik's question.
"Malik… During the period of time we need to set everything up… I'm afraid to say that-well- Marik will be … in a coma…"
In response to this Malik snarled and attempted to launch himself at the god, but was prevented from doing so by the other two yamis'.
Ra cleared his throat before quickly adding, "Anyways Malik, I must warn you now your Hikari is very special. So special in fact that his power alone rivals that of the Millennium Items themselves." Ra hesitated, "He is a wizard with a great destiny, the most powerful of his generation and not quite human."
After a slight pause, Ra waved his arm and said, "Now it is time to sleep."