A.N: While I kind of dislike the show, Brief is probably the most ADORABLE little victim of unrequited love I've ever seen! SERIOUSLY! GO WATCH EPISODE 12, if you haven't yet ^_^.. He's just too cute 3. He deserves better than stupid old Panty xD.

Anyway, I wanted to try my hand at writing some kind of angsty fic about him (which is going to turn out cheesy, since PantyandStocking is about the most UN-angsty show ever lol. I think this is going to take place in a universe after the whole Hell's Monkey thing, but before Stocking pulls her deus ex machina and shocks the entire fanbase xD. So I'm going to take a few creative liberties here to make the show more dramatic. If you don't like drama, you might not like this ^^'

So, SPOILER ALERT—watch the first season, people!

Fresh Eyes

Summary: Brief's loved her since the moment he saw her—no joke. Through thick and thin, for better or for worse, he never left her side. But when a harsh argument, maturity and sacrifice lead to bad blood between he and the sisters, the Angels might have second thoughts about his friendship. Especially one Angel in particular.

WARNING: If you haven't seen the series, and want to read anyway, the whole show is one big censor bar. So look out below xD

PROLOGUE: Brief Comes of Age

757 days. That was exactly how long it had been since Panty had sex with him. 757 days. Briefers Rock was convinced he would never forget it. It had been unorthodox and terrifying, mostly because they were getting it on at the edge of Hell's Gate. That, and they had been sword-slashed about 100-feet vertical by Stocking. At least he could brag he lost his virginity in mid-air, making love to an angel. Nobody else could say that.

But things locked back into normal-mode as soon as they landed. The sex was done, Panty was no longer a virgin, Hell's Gate was destroyed…and the sisters went back to treating him like the annoying, occult pest that just couldn't leave them alone. The first few weeks after the ordeal, Brief felt cozier with Panty than he ever had before. He stuttered less, reached for her hand once or twice…She had made him believe he had a right to do such things—that she was okay with it. Apparently not.

Two years later, and not so much as a spark between them. Panty called him by his name when she needed to, and refrained from using "Geek Boy," unless she was trying to be a bitch. However, there was no kissing, no hugging, and certainly no sex between them. Panty went on banging every male with a pulse and Stocking kept scolding her about it, and that was that. Brief was sure Panty had forgotten all about their night in the small shack, at the mercy of her virginity and his slick hair. It never occurred to him at the time, but he was sure by now that she had just given him sex because of his face. It was a disheartening thought.

Presently, Brief sat in his desk in the loser's classroom, sighing slowly through his nose as he watched the board. He wasn't really staring at it, but ratherthrough it. His mind just wasn't in it today. He was a senior this year, and his father was constantly nagging him about taking over the Rock Family business. "I'm grooming you for success!" his father would yell from his office down the hall, his voice trying to top Brief's classic rock CD's. "You should be thanking me!"

His eighteenth birthday was the coming weekend, and he decided that he would get himself a haircut. Brief still wore his scruffy, orange bangs over his eyes; he didn't show many people his face. He was shy, and hated attracting unnecessary attention. That, and he was frankly too lazy to slick his hair back all the time. But his father had nagged him enough about "disgracing the Rock-Family beauty" by keeping it a secret. After the wedding-ordeal with Scanty, he couldn't bring himself to disappoint his father over something as meaningless as his hair. So, he would cut it. It didn't matter.

Over the last two years, Brief had mellowed with age. Day by day, he grew less naïve about the world, and more interested in his future. His shyness and bumbling endearments were ever-present, but his childishness slowly melted into a jaded maturity, like a snowman left out in a rising sun. Dreams faded—interests shifted.

Ever since he had met Panty, he had wanted her to be a part of his future—she and he, ghost hunters, out to protect the world. After snatching her virginity, he was certain it would happen. Of course, Panty wasted no time disappointing him. She laughed in his face at the thought of marriage, even after he assured her that they had already united themselves. That made her laugh harder.

"If I married every guy I fucked, I'd be married to over a thousand men, you idiot!"

And of course, in return he told her, "You're so mean, Panty. But I still love you." Like always. Like he always said. But how long could he continue telling her that? Forever? He rubbed his forehead, sighing again. His heart ached, his head hurt. He loved Panty, but she would never love him back. She was an angel, meant to return to heaven when it would finally have her back-.. It would never have worked anyway, would it?

His eyebrows drew down, face forming a frown—not that anyone would see it anyway. It was settled. He would tell her today. He hadn't been by the church in a while now, a good month, but he would go today. Demand she take him now and forever, or at least promise to do so eventually, or he was moving on.

He could do it. He could say it to her. Brief's hands balled up into fists on the surface of his desk. He would bring flowers, and chocolate, and even get his hair cut early, just for her. His chest ballooned with a soft, but full breath. Yes, that's exactly what he would do. Today.


AN: Ne? Was it bad? xDDDD. I'm writing this for fun, and because I'm suffering from Brief-fangasms. So hopefully someone else will enjoy it ;D