Attention readers. This story may not be suitable to readers under the age of 18. I don't own any rights to Bratz. MGA Entertainment does.

Never Knew It'd Be You

Eitan's POV

"Eitan, honey. Let's go. We don't want to keep the movers waiting!" Mom called from downstairs.

I didn't answer her.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. I didn't want to move. I stayed lying on my carpeted floor of my now emptied room, staring at my bare navy blue walls, the morning sunlight gleaming in through my curtain-free window. I stood and glanced out the window at my girlfriend's house next door. I'm going to miss sneaking out to see her… *sigh* my whole entire life is here…well, high school life. This is the room where my friends and I would sit up all night and play video games…talking about girls and our jobs…where my girl and I first made it official, even slept together… Now I have to let it all go because of some stupid job my mom was offered. I sucked my teeth as I turned, grabbed my laptop from the floor, and stood, facing the door.

"Come on, sweetie. Your friends are down here to wish you a farewell!" She called again.

"I'm coming." I grunted, dragging my feet over to my bedroom door. I turned and took one last look at my room. I'm going to miss it here. But in many ways, this is a good thing. This doesn't have to be permanent…besides, I'll still have my friends and my girlfriend. With that, I stepped out and closed the door.

"Ethan, where is your shirt?" Mom asked, as I made my way down the stairs. I paused mid-stairway and took a look at my empty home…I shook my head to myself in disbelief.

"Right here." I answered, plucking it off the rail of the staircase. I pulled on my favorite black fitted tee, and fixed my hair afterwards.

"Sweetie, don't sound so down. You'll like it in our new home. I can guarantee it." She simpered, reading my expression. She ran her fingers through my hair.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, flinching away. She dropped her keys. She knew how I hated that.

"Eitan, I don't know why you wear your hair like that. You never should've dyed it black like that." She frowned, turning to pick up her keys.

"Hey, I thought we agreed that I can do what I want with myself?"

"Yes, but you don't have to use gel to style it. Why don't you just comb it down like mommy wants you to?" She asked.

"Can we go now?" I asked, growing impatient. I hated how life seemed the same, but we were leaving. It began to irritate me, just standing in here. I felt a sense of false hope…

"Ladies first." I said, as I shook my head and awaited her to walk out the front door. She stepped out and went straight for the car as I closed the door behind me.

As I turned around, there stood Ralph, Jaden, Ricky, and Julissa.

"Hey man." Ricky said as I approached them.

"Hey guys." I responded, watching my mom get in the passenger seat.

"Can't believe you're leaving, dude." Ralph blurted out.

"Yeah I know, man. We've been together since freshman year." Jaden added.

"I know, but my mom said that anytime you guys want to come up, it's fine. I heard the new house is huge." I said, keeping my eyes off of Julissa. I would only assume that she's taking this hard. Our relationship has been on the rocks ever since the move has been the talk of the town.

"Yeah, everyone knows the house is big. We saw pictures." Ricky recalled.

"How the—"

"Watch your mouth young man!" Mom called from the car.

"How the fuck did you guys see pictures?" I whispered to them.

"Your mom." He whispered back.

Face palm.

Everything that happens here in this house or even in my life has to be publicized. That's what happens when your mom dates the town sheriff of a small town.

Unfortunately, their relationship didn't last. Now that I think about it, this move is good for her. The new job and location is just the distraction she needs to steer clear of any bad memories of Louis.

"Don't worry. No one said anything bad." Ralph reassured.

"Trust me, that's the least of my concerns, there is just no privacy in this town. That's the upside of leaving this place." I grunted. It was the truth. When Julissa and I slept together, the very next day, everyone knew about our relationship.

Julissa gasped, throwing herself into me. She began to whimper, her hands grasping at my shirt.

"Babe, stop crying. We'll see each other. Don't worry." I whispered in her hair as I held her close.

"When? During Winter breaks and holidays?"


"That's not enough for me, Eitan." She cried.

"Well, we always have Skype (A/N: I do NOT own) and we can keep in touch over the phone." I said, trying to cheer her up.

In truth, I knew that Julissa and I weren't going anywhere. Everyone knew that she's a sexual being, and most of our relationship has been just that…maybe this move isn't so bad after all. If there is anything between the two of us, space would be the perfect method to prove it.

"It's not the same…" She continued to cry.

"We'll be fine…or maybe…" I started, pulling back.

"Maybe, what?"

"Maybe we should stop seeing each other." I suggested. I knew this was probably the worst time to ask this of her, but I'd rather leave things off where we are both on the same page.

"So you're saying that you don't love me?" She asked, her tears rolling down her perfect ivory cheeks.

"I honestly don't know, Julissa. We've talked about this already. I want to see if there is something left between us that's worth exploring, but if you can't handle a long distance relationship, you should let me know." I told her, taking her hands.

"I can handle it, Eitan. I want to be with you. At all cost…" she said, dropping her head.

I eyed her.

"…Even if it means that it'll be long distance." She mumbled.

"Atta girl." I said, pecking her lips, quickly. "Alright guys, you know my number, make sure you call if anything." I finished, walking over to the car.

"We will, Eitan. Don't forget about us." Ricky called behind me.

I couldn't respond. I fought back tears as I got in.

"Honey…are you okay?" Mom asked, handing me the keys.

I dropped my hand to my lap, eyed them and nodded.

"I'm just going to miss them, is all." I mumbled, letting a tear touch my cheek before I wiped it away with my arm.

"Aw, baby. I know. It's going to get better soon, I promise." She said, her and going to my shoulder.

"I know, mom." I nodded quickly. I stuck the key in the ignition and started the car, backing out of the driveway. I couldn't look at my friends…it hurt too much. We've been through so much together. It's so hard to say goodbye. We were off. I played Alexis y Fido's "Lento Lento Lento". I needed something to keep my mind away from what I was doing.

The trip was supposed to be two and a half hours long… so far we've been on the road for one and a half. Great…and mom is sleeping. My mind went back to when I traveled to Stilesville last summer for a college summer program…never knew I'd be moving there…

I had to look on the bright side of all this. I'm not completely alone there. I have Cameron, Dylan, Kobe, Cade and Iden. I had to count my blessings because it could be worse, where I don't know anyone. My mind kept battling with itself throughout the duration of the trip. I wanted to look at the positive, but what is there to really look forward to?

"Eitan, pull over. We need to switch." My eyes darted to where she sat.

"I'm doing just fine, mom. Go back to sleep." I told her, focusing on the road again.

"That's sweet of you, honey. But I need to be up. My first day at work is tonight."

"Tonight? They couldn't let you get settled in first?" I asked. That's the least they could do. They have her moving so far away from home and she can't even get settled in her new home before they send her off to work.

"Look at my little boy…a senior in high school…thinking that he can be in grown folks business." She retorted, crossing her arms.

"Well, mom, I am an adult, and I do have—"I stopped myself…damn.

"You had a job…but that's not the point. My hours don't concern you, honey. Let me worry about my schedule. Your job is school. I can handle myself." She smiled.

"I understand that mom, but you still need your rest."

"I'll be fine. Driving will help me. Vamos, hijo. Pull over."

I threw my hands up in defeat. "Fine, you win."

I pulled over into the truck drivers' station, and got out. I walked over to her side and let her out, following her over to the driver's side.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink, mom?" I asked as I closed the door for her after she got in.

"No, I'm fine. Remember, I packed sandwiches and sodas." She answered as I followed her in.

"Mom, why do you cut corners? We're not poor."

"You don't have to be poor to cut corners, hijo. The food at home had to be used. I figured what better way to use the food than road trip snacks. Genius, right?"

"Right." I sneered, closing the door.

Before I knew it, we were here. I couldn't believe the size of this house. I thought mom had it good then…they must be paying her triple for this job. I felt better once I spotted my pepper grey Ford Fiesta (A/N: I do NOT own) parked in it's own brick garage beside the house. Mom got it for me because it matched my eyes…I shook my head at the thought of the silly reason. I didn't care though. It is a nice car. It's fast, and drives well.

She took her house key and ran to the door opening it, and went inside. I got our things out of the hatch of her Chrysler (A/N: I do NOT own), shut it, and followed her into a massive hall just beside a huge marble staircase, locked between polished red wood rails, resembling the house from that movie "Death Becomes Her". (A/N: I do NOT own) I can't believe that I'll be living here.

I placed everything beside all the boxes that were lying around, and stepped back outside.

I had a lot to take in and adjust to. Our neighborhood back home looked nothing like this. Every house, there, looked the same as everyone else's. But here, all of the houses were huge, and were built in complete opposition of one another. Every drive way had at least three cars…nice cars at that.

I shoved my hands in my pocket and just stared at the sky. The air was thick and warm, but I got goose bumps, taking a breather. My eyes darted down the street as I caught the sound of a car coming.

It was the guys, pulling up in a new red Mini John Cooper convertible (A/N: I do NOT own)

"Eitan!" Cameron called from the driver's seat. Cam was my all-time best friend. We grew up together. We're more like brothers. It'll be good to be able to catch up on lost time. Iden, Kobe, and Dylan jumped out and all ran over to where I stood, while Cam parked, bear hugging me all at once.

"Guys! It's good to see you, but I can't breathe." I managed to say.

All backed off except Dylan. I laughed to myself.

"I missed you, man!" He play-cried, still holding on.

"I missed you guys too. Dyl, man. Let go, already." I chuckled.

"Sorry, dude. It's just been so long since we saw you." He justified, letting go.

"He's right. Before last year when you came to visit, you never came back here." Kobe added.

"Yeah, things have been busy back at home."

"We can only imagine." Cam said, walking up. "Sup, Eitan." Cam grinned.

"What's up, Cam?" I laughed, putting him in a choke-hold. I broke him off with a nuggie, just like I did when we were young.

"Eitan, man! You have to quit doing that. I have a reputation to uphold."

"Oh yeah? What reputation is that? Cool guy with the spiked blonde hair?"

"You already know. It was the same for you." He said eying my hair. "Who did your black? It looks tight, dude."

"A colorist." I answered.

"A colorist?" The all asked.


"Oh…" They all nodded, as it registered.

"Yeah. She didn't agree with it, but she didn't want me doing it myself." I explained.

"I did mine by myself." Kobe said, flipping his Justin Bieber dark reddish brown hair.

"Yeah, and it looks like it too." Iden teased.

"Hey, where's Cade?" I asked.

"Somethings never change. His mom still doesn't let him out on school nights."

"Aw, that sucks."

"It does." Dyl co-signed.

"Anyway, Eitan, are you ready for school?" Cam asked.

"No, the real question is: is he ready for the smokin' hot babes in school!" Dylan corrected. Just like Dylan…it's all about girls.

"Sorry, Dyl. I have a girlfriend back at home."

"What? Long distance? You know that's not going to work out, right?" he challenged.

"I guess we'll see." I shrugged.

"You will see, because with the girls living around here, you won't want that relationship you have back home."

"And what does that mean?"

"The chicks here are hot!"

"So is my girlfriend."

"Oh? Let's see her." Cam prompted.

"Fine." I said, pulling out my phone. I went to my pictures and showed it to them.

"DAMNNNN!" They all exclaimed, looking closer. I nodded. Dylan took my phone.

"Yeah, uh, I'll be getting this back to you tomorrow, Eitan."

"Someone has jokes today. Give it back." I said, snatching it away.

"You left "that" to come here? Man, how did you do it?"

"Do what?" I heard some girl say. The guys turned and I followed them to a black haired, green eyed girl getting out of a green foreign car I didn't know too much about, approaching us.

"Who's that?" I asked Dylan. He ignored me.

"H-hey Jade! How's my Kool Kat doing?"

"Pretty good, Dylan. What's going on?"

"Jade, this is our friend, Eitan. He's new to Stilesville…well…not technically." He said.

"Oh, hi! Welcome back, Eitan." Jade said, taking my hand.

"Thanks, Jade. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. But I was on my way to Yasmin's house to work on our project for Chemistry. You should totally come and meet her!"

"Um…why?" I asked.

"She's always trying to hook Yasmin up with guys." Kobe said, taking Jade by her waist. He planted a kiss on her cheek and whispered something in her ear that made her blush.

"Hey, she's a nice girl. She doesn't need to be single."

"Maybe she's single because she wants to be single." Kobe told her.

"Nah, Yasmin is single because she's shy and doesn't like talking to guys."

"Exactly why it's our job to help her get out there!"

"But I—" I started.

"Hey guys. What's everyone doing here?" A chocolate skinned girl with brown eyes said, walking up with blonde haired, blue eyed girl.

"Hey Bunny Boo! Hey, Angel! There's someone I'd like you meet!" Jade exclaimed running to her friends.

"Who are they?" I asked the guys. Cam seemed to be struck with awe, his eyes beaming on the blonde. I slightly pushed him with my index, he didn't move.

"What's wrong with this guy?" I asked Kobe. "Hey, Earth to Cameron!" I exclaimed.

"That's Sasha and Cloe. Jade's friends. " Kobe answered.

"Okay. That doesn't explain Cam's weird, sudden case of foolishness."

"Cloe is his girlfriend. They are currently in their honeymoon stage." He explained.

"Oh. So that's your girlfriend, huh? She's pretty."

"Yeah, these girls around here are something else. Especially those four."

"Four? There's only three over there."

"Yasmin makes four." Sasha said, coming up to me. "You're right, Jade. He is hot." She smiled.

"Told you." She called, coming back over to Kobe.

"I'm Sasha by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Sasha." She was really pretty.

"So do you like it here?" She asked.

"It's okay. First day in the house."

"Always the hardest. Nostalgia."

"Exactly." I agreed.

"But you're going to love it at Stiles High." Sasha said. The girls nodded along in agreement.

"Yeah, you would be perfect for Yasmin! You seem like the type. You're into close relationships, aren't you?"

"Um…I guess. But I—"

"Yeah, you seem like such a nice guy. Yasmin is into sensitive guys. You guys can go to the movies together and watch romantic comedies, and talk long walks on the beaches—"

"Cool it, Cloe! We're trying to invite him in, not scare him away." Sasha said, cutting Cloe off in the middle of her rant.

"Look guys—"

"Are you into the sensitive, shy type?" she asked.

"What about girls who express themselves in intellectualized forms?" Jade asked.

"Girls girls girls!" Dylan exclaimed. "This guy has a girlfriend back where he's from."

"Noooooo…." Jade whined.

"It's true, guys...a hot one at that." Cam included. Cloe flashed him a furious stare.

"What?" He asked.

She ignored him, frowning.

"You're lying. He would've said something!" Jade said.

"Babe, you guys didn't give him a chance." Kobe responded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's so sad."

"Look guys, I have to go. I'm pretty tired from the trip." I told them.

"Well, don't you at least want to meet her?" Cloe asked.

"He has a girlfriend, Cloe." Everyone told her, simultaneously.

I chuckled to myself.

"If she is half as nice as you guys, I don't see why I can't be friends with her." I said.

"Ooh! Sounds promising!" Cloe responded

"We'll take it!" Jade co-signed.

"Alright guys. I'll see you all tomorrow."

"Okay, Eitan! See ya!" The girls called.

"Hey, E!" Cam called.


"Are you driving to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Okay, meet us at the Stiles shop just beside the school. We always grab something to eat there before class."

"Will do. See ya." I stepped into the house and close the door behind me. The experience just now wasn't a bad one…but meeting new people is a lot of work.

"Eitan, is that you?" Mom called from somewhere far.

"Yeah, it's me." I breathed.

"Okay. I'm leaving for work. Everything should be in your room."

I ran up the stairs and noticed that this house had more than one bedroom. I wondered what the purpose was for this massive house…doesn't make any sense.

I checked door to door for my room, and finally I found it. To my surprise, it looked just like my old one, but bigger. I wasn't too satisfied. I love the house…but it just isn't the same. I walked over to my newly made bed and laid down. Everything is going to be new…new house, new school, new people…new environment.

"Honey, I have to go. I hope you like everything. Do me a favor, and leave the boxes for later. If you want to unpack your tv, that's fine. I should be back home in time for dinner, if not, order us a pizza, okay?" She called from downstairs.

"Will do, mom. Be safe." I called back.

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you too."

"Behave yourself, okay?" I heard her call before I heard the front door shut. I didn't feel up to doing anything, so I took out my laptop and immediately logged onto Skype. (A/N: I DO NOT OWN) Julissa was on.

Julissabear220: Hey baby. How was the trip down? -

Eitandragon01: It was good, babe. I'm beat.-

Julissabear220: After 2 n a half worth of driving?-

Eitandragon01: Yea don't forget the 18 hours I spent packing for this trip.-

Julissabear220: Oh yea, I almost forgottt. Sry, baby. I want 2 c u. I miss u. 3-

Eitandragon01: I miss you too.-

Julissabear220: I'm feelin a bit horny rite now, Eitan. What shud I do?-

Eitandragon01: Haha, I don't know. I'm not there.-

Julissabear220: I kno tht…I wish u were.-

I didn't know what to tell her. I actually wasn't in the mood for any talking, let alone, typing.

Julissabear220: U there?-

Eitandragon01: Yeah, I'm here babe. I am about to hit the sack. I'm really tired, first day of school tomorrow.-

Julissabear220: Oh. No time 4 ur gf, huh? J.k Bt, ok. U get sum rest. I'll tlk 2 u l8r. 3 u! Night!


Julissabear220 signed off.

I put my laptop on my nightstand, and turned to lie on my back. I wonder how it's going to be this school year. So convenient mom chose to move during the first few weeks of school… Welp, better rest up. It's going to be a long day in school.

End of Chapter 1.

Please read and Review. I plan on adding some over winter break. Hope you readers enjoyed. Working on some more ideas for this story. Thanks for reading.