[A/N] Well It's been a long path leading up to this point, and indeed longer than I had first assumed. Indeed this was supposed to be a much shorter fic, but as with most things I write, the cards did simply not land that way. Anyways, let's carry on, times a wastin'.

The 12 Years of Christmas

Chapter 11: 2011 (final)

Apollo always used to say there were rules for everything in life, being a god his very existence was tied into these rules; the 'natural order' he called it. There were even unspoken rules, like the ones between myself and 'Santa'. The rules explained why I ever even stood a chance against him: he never used anything when fighting me that was truly beyond my ability to handle. After all, if he simply incinerated me the instant the fight began (like I knew he could with nothing more than a thought) then he wouldn't really get much in the way of enjoyment out of a fight. Of course, this was a two-way path; when instinct had revealed herself, 'Santa' had therefore utilised his own tactic for levelling the playing field by changing into his giant form.

I suppose one could call it punishment for being underhanded.

That explained why the god hadn't simply sent us flying with a blaze of sunlight the instant the battle began, but that didn't explain why, now my father and Lanaya had intervened, that he hadn't upped the stake on his side in response.

Either he was up to something, or we really did have him cornered. Either way, forcing a god's hand was, without exception, a universally inadvisable course of action.

I let out a sigh.

There really was only one thing for it then…

"Attack!" I called out, 'Santa' raising his sword in readiness.

My father extended his hand out to stop me, "worry not, my son. I shall best our foe."

"Umm, father… I don't think that's-" but he was already attacking.

An instant later he shot back across the roof as 'Santa' kicked him away.

He scrambled back to my side a second later, "It would appear are foe is more agile than his stature dictates. Worry not!"

I rolled my eyes, "Why?"

"We shall yet prevail and-"

"He's a god," I cut in dryly.

Hippolytus blinked, turned to 'Santa', and then back again, "Truly?"

I inclined my head, "'fraid so, old man."

His brow clenched in thought, "Worry not!"

"Stop saying that! It's making me worry!"

"Very well, I have a new plan. We shall attack once more! Only this time-"

"He can hear you, you know?" I cut in, but he carried right on.

"-We shall attack as a joint venture. Together, our combined might and valiant effort shall surely vanquish our foe!"

I cocked an eyebrow, "So… just do exactly what we were going to do in the first place?"

He nodded emphatically, "Indeed."

I sighed and raised my sword back up, "Okay, people, as we were."

And so we attacked.

It surprised me, that for people who for the most part had never fought before, how well we battled together. Many persons attacking one in a closed space isn't something done without coordination.

The two Nymph's dealt with restraining the old man, who would then blaze free of them when they became too much of a hindrance. I noticed Lya wince in pain each time he broke out of her grasp, Lanaya must've had a much higher threshold for pain as she barely blinked each time her roots were damaged.

I noticed the god seemed particularly wary of fending off my father's blade, which left Aren and I to attack his unguarded spots. This was not as easy as it sounds as 'Santa's' flailing seemed to have a knack for accuracy and ended kicking both me and Aren clear on more than one occasion.

Regardless of difficulty, one thing was becoming clear: he was currently outmatched.

This unsettled me, I had no doubt he would soon pull something to level the playing field, and so I wasted no further time.

I flicked up an eyebrow and the silver wolves hanging on the periphery of the fight launched into the fray. I just had to pin him to the ground; make him submit. However, dragging a god to his knees is not an easy feat, as you may very well imagine.

That was when he made his move.

In the split-second between blocking my father's blade and the wolves striking, his outline seemed to blur and, for an instant, I thought I was seeing double.

That was until I realised I was seeing double.

The second form pulled free of the old man, solidifying into Apollo; donned in a festive red and white tuxedo version of his alter-ego's outfit.

His foot glowed with light and he swung into an arching kick that struck each of the wolves out of the air causing them to explode into wisps of silver moonlight.

Apollo landed and waved his hand. The roots constraining 'Santa' burned away as the sun god materialised a blade in his hand. Both turned in readiness to fight.

"Hello, uncle. I was wondering when you'd finally choose to show yourself."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Well look at you, all grown up, I suppose you're a bit beyond me needing to pretend any more."

I smiled, "Oh, I wouldn't say that… we all need to pretend sometimes."

"Well I'm not pretending any more." He said seriously and with that air of nobility present in his family, "Get ready."

I clenched my grip on my sword as the wolves reformed around me. He was serious now. This was exactly what I was trying not to bring out; giant angry Apollo I could deal with. That was just him throwing a temper tantrum, that Apollo I could handle. This Apollo was the Apollo that assisted half-bloods in mysterious and subtle ways on their quests, the Apollo that fought against Typon in the war.

This was the Apollo I was trying to avoid.

I knew a god could divide their presence between two places at once, and even if his physical power was split in some way, we still had two extremely powerful targets now instead of one.

"Lord Apollo…" breathed my father.

The god smirked, "Yes, I can see you all are stunned. It was really me all along!"

Resisting…urge… to face palm.

Is this as serious as he gets?

"Umm… We kind of already-" began Aren, but I raised my palm up to cut her off.

"Don't…Just…No." I said, rolling my eyes, "Can we just fight now?"

"That eager are you?" asked the god, still smirking.

My eyes flicked past him to his counterpart, "I'll handle the old man. I still have to beat him. Everyone else, take care of his tag-team partner."

'Santa' let out a hearty laugh, "You think you can beat me alone?"

I shrugged, the wolves at my sides letting out low growls, "Why not… That's how it's always been, hasn't it?"

The old man smiled slightly, "You always did have a sense of aptness, I'll give you that. Proceed."

I charged forward, the wolves remaining behind to help the others. Apollo moved forwards as I passed him, raising his blade to strike my father.

'Santa's' blade was up already, waiting for my strike. It was nearing midnight, and the skies were clear; my powers were at their best and Apollo's were nearly at the point where they waned the most. This was my chance.

The battle behind me I followed by sound alone. Blades sung as they cut through the air and I caught the sound of teeth tearing through fabric, often followed by a brief whine as a wolf was dispatched. Blood tinted the scent in the air. And still I kept fighting. There was slight strain on the old man's face. He was obviously dividing his attention between the two fights and the amount of power he had put into his Santa persona was obviously much less than the amount he was exerting in his regular one. I just knew I had to beat him before he beat the others and turned his full attention on me.

"I must say, not bad, boy." grunted the old man as he swung into a low swipe at my legs which I leapt over just in time, countering with a kick to the chest.

I landed and twirled my blade back into readiness, "Well, I had a half-decent teacher…and a decent obstacle to overcome."

He smirked, and attacked again. I was surely more nimble than he was powerful, "Are you saying I'm your Everest?" he asked as our weapons clashed over and over.

"Perhaps a year ago I would've thought you that, but I regret to inform you that I've been forced to downgrade you to more of a Kilimanjaro." I shouldered into him, his blade cutting into my upper arm, but I got him off balance. I swung about and hit him with a punch under the chin. His head snapped back and sent him staggering.

Keep pushing, don't give him time to recover!

I gave what I can only describe as a somewhat merciless slash across his unguarded chest. I heard a mutual cry of pain from the two Apollos as 'Santa' fell backwards.

Finish him!

I swung my blade around and drove it down to impale him through the shoulder when his hand lashed out, a golden arrow gripped in it. He stabbed into the side of my lower right leg, the tip of the arrow puncturing clean into the muscle.

Pain arched up the side of my body as I lost balance, the injured man shoving me backwards and slashing upwards with his blade, cleaving a nasty gash across my torso.

My vision began to blur as he kicked me flat in the chest and onto my back several metres away, most of my strength being used to keep hold of my sword.

I looked up through lidded eyes.I was relatively sure that the fact there now seemed to be six Santas was not due to any trickery on the part of Apollo.

I glanced hazily to the side, Apollo was dealing with the others but had sustained several injuries, his pristine suit was ripped to shreds and stained with gold. Even though half his body was restrained by vines and only had one hand free, he seemed to be having little difficulty fending off both my father and Aren with the rapier he had changed his sword into.

My father seemed to have taken the brunt of the damage, having scores of small slashes over his body. I also suspected the Z-shaped cut on his chest was more of Apollo's twisted sense of humour that seemed to emerge when he fought. The Huntress had several shallow cuts on her body, her red outfit stained a darker colour in places. For some reason I also found myself numbly noting her Santa hat was still perched firmly on her head, making her look like an elf that had been having a particularly bad day at work.

I looked back at the old man as he strode slowly towards me, "You fought brilliantly. I will admit that freely, Armani. You really have grown since we first met -not much in the vertical sense mind you - but you have exceeded my expectations. Shall I call this game of ours over at last?"

The man speaks sense, and I rarely say that about him.

Not...yet… I thought back numbly, gathering as much of my remaining strength as I could in my right side.

He saw my hand twitch as I struggled to raise my blade and was only partially aware of the smile on his face, "And still you wont give up… you really are your mother's son."

"S'right," I slurred, "…I am." I managed to finish and as the groan of strain tearing from my throat exploded into a roar, I thrust myself up with my dwindling strength.

I gripped my sword by the hilt and, with my last grain of stamina… hurled it at the old man.

I saw 'Santa' ready himself to bat the unsuitable projectile aside, and would've done so effortlessly, had the weapon not morphed into a stygian spear mid-flight, passed straight through his guard and pierced him clean in the torso.

The old man looked down in disbelief in the instant he had before the pain registered. And then the instant passed. He arched back, a howl of pain tearing from his mouth as black smoke seemed to curl from the wound.

Apollo himself grasped his chest in shock, my Father used the moment of distraction to disarm the god as Aren pounced on him, forcing him to the floor and bringing her dagger to his throat whilst the vines about him grew and tightened.

'Santa's' outline blurred and distorted, and I knew this wasn't due to my rapidly failing consciousness affecting my vision.

Suddenly he stopped struggling, his outline solidifying.

He went silent, let out a tired breath and I caught a grudging smile on his face, "Kudos"

And without another word he exploded in a blaze of flame.

I won?

It would seem so. Now stop being stubborn and pass out already.

Will do.


December 25th 2011 6:30am

I awoke on the sofa, aching all over with Aren sitting over me, the Huntress having apparently fallen asleep right there, the bobble of her hat drooped over her face as she snoozed.

I looked sideways to see Lya curled up in Lanaya's lap, one of the rare times I had actually seen her sleep. Lanaya herself sat with almost closed eyes and I wondered for a moment if she were actually conscious either.

My father was stretched out in front of the fire, his broom/sword propped up against the wall. His long hair obscured his face as he snored quietly.

I shifted slightly and felt Aren stir. The motion also caused a shot of pain to course up my body.


You'll get no sympathy from me.

My eyes cleared and I noticed someone who I really didn't expect to still be here.

A disgruntled looking Apollo slouched with his arms folded in an armchair, his wounds healed and clothing restored.

I suddenly found myself saying through a dry throat, "You exploded."

He scoffed, "You stabbed me with stygian iron! Sometimes better to cut of an infected limb to save more pain."

I processed this through my still swimming head, "You self-destructed Santa Claus?"

He scowled, choosing not to clarify, instead saying "You're welcome by the way."


"I healed your's and your friends' injuries. Call it recompense for almost getting one over on me."

I cocked an eyebrow, "That's what you call loosing?"

He huffed, "The old man lost, not me."

I now realised I was probably about to get into an argument in which I would have to prove the god of the sun was really Santa Claus…

I decided to drop the topic.

I sighed as I realised this was as close to an admission of defeat as I'd ever get from Apollo.

"Then why do I still hurt like hell?" I decided to ask with a groan, Aren helping me into a sitting position, awake herself by now.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "I'm not that merciful."

He groaned and pushed himself up; obviously discarding the separate Santa persona had weakened him somewhat, "Right, I'm off," he said, heading for the door, "from now on your mom can deliver your Christmas presents for you…" he finished with a mutter as he closed the door behind himself.

I laid back, yawned and then paused to muse. "Now what am I going to do on Christmas Eve?"

I winced as I felt Aren twist one of my braids until it stung, "I'm going to assume that's your way of suggesting 'have a nice quiet evening in'"

"That's right…" she said in a cautioning tone and yet still she tugged me close enough to brush her lips quickly over mine, "Merry Christmas."

I laid back against her, "Merry Christmas, Aren."

She tilted my head around, pointing at her head" Now please tell me how to get this damned hat off."

I glanced up at it, "Where did you get that?"

She cocked her head towards my room, "Found it in the bottom of your wardrobe."

My eyes widened a tad, "That wouldn't happen to be the hat I left with a note pinned to it saying 'Stupid Apollo's stupid magic hat, do not wear', would it?"

"Is that what that card said. I couldn't read a word of it."

I inclined my head, "Half-blood dyslexia is a bit of a downer."

She frowned, "No, I couldn't read it because it was written in bright yellow crayon."

I scowled, "I wrote it a while ago. Don't worry, it comes off on it's own at midnight tonight. The only other way is to have someone willingly accept it in your place. Just be glad you didn't put it on on the 26th."

She seemed to shudder at the thought, then flicked the bobble out of her face and smiled sweetly at me, "I'm not wearing it for you," I said, predicting her thoughts. she frowned in response, "So what happened after I blacked out?" I asked, swiftly changing the subject.

"Apollo demanded what he called a timeout… he never timed back in."

I rolled my eyes, "Unsurprising. It's not like him to actually yield."

"And your dad spent an hour cleaning up afterwards. He'd still be out there if I hadn't threatened to hide his broom."

"And that stopped him?"

Aren inclined her head, "You'd be surprised. It was a gift from Lady Artemis after all. Ari hid it once as a prank a few decades back. He really didn't take that well."

"Pouted, did he?"

She looked uncomfortable, "If by pout you mean 'dangled a certain Hunter by the foot off the edge of Olympus until she talked' then yes; he 'pouted'."

I glanced at my father as he began to wake, "Remind me never to make my dad upset."

I flinched in shock as a voice suddenly spoke from my right, "Many have made that mistake in the past. Few get the opportunity to repeat it." said my Mother, who had appeared out of nowhere and was sat on the other arm of the sofa, surveying the room.

"Lady Artemis!" gasped Aren, immediately getting to her feet to bow before her goddess.

"My lady." Said Lanaya curtly, inclining her head.

"Fuzzawuzzah…" muttered Lya incoherently, and immediately went back to sleep.

I smiled, "Hello, mother. You're early."

A ghost of a smile tugged at her lips as she glanced at me, "I rarely find myself sticking to schedules."

"Mistress!" snapped my father, bolting to his feet, somehow shaking his drowsiness off in the space of half a second, "You will find the temple clean. I must however submit myself for punishment in that I have not yet completed maintenance outside and that I dared allowed myself rest when one of your places of worship was less than perfect."

My mother glanced at Aren, "He wouldn't go to sleep so we dragged him in and threatened to take his broom from him."

My mother nodded, "Ah, I see." She turned back to my father, "You have done well, my servant and, as I have told you the last six thousand two hundred and forty-six times, I am pleased and will take no pleasure in punishing you, my faithful friend."

My father smiled and bowed, "As you wish, my lady."

"You came to see us alone?" I asked

"The others will be here soon, however the book I have been reading suggests occasional solo visitations to One's child at certain points in their life to be mutually beneficial. This is, after all, your first Christmas since I claimed you."

I inclined my head and smiled, "If that's the case, then I appreciate the gesture. Wait, just what book have you been reading?"

"This one." she said, materialising a large modern looking book with a glossy white cover.

I glanced at the cover, "'Less is More: An Olympian Guide to Parenting'"

The book vanished, "It has some interesting pointers and, although I don't agree with the separatist philosophy, it does raise some valid suggestions. Athena loaned it to me." I flinched as she scowled, "It is certainly more informative than that…that… other book which you gave me."

I frowned, "What book, I don't - ah… that book." She cocked an eyebrow, waiting on an explanation. I shrugged, "I thought you would've found it enjoyable."

"And what, may I ask, lead you to that extremely bizarre assumption?"

"Simple, because it shows without a doubt just how badly needed you are in the world today. Do you have any idea how many millions of copies that thing sold? If that doesn't say something about the minds of the 'maidens' of the world today then I don't know what will."

She regarded me carefully, "Is that so?"

I nodded, "It certainly is… the excuse I'm sticking to."

She looked about to chastise me, but then just gave up and sighed, "I am starting to think I may need to start writing my own book on parenting."

"Of course, " I said, smiling, "I am one of a kind after all." and I leaned over and hugged her small form briefly, "but merry Christmas anyway, Mother."

Her shoulders sagged and she smiled reluctantly, "Yes, my tiresome child…Merry Christmas."

"You should probably get changed though." I said.

She glanced down at her standard Hunting outfit, "Why?"

"Because it's Christmas. You have to be, y'know…festive."

She glanced at Aren, "I am not dressing like that."

I barely suppressed a snort of laughter at the thought, "Of course not, though I'm sure you'd look…adorable."

And there was that scowl again.

A smirk spread itself into existence on my face. I suppressed it as soon as it appeared. "A compromise then."

She regarded me warily, "I'm listening."

"Just one piece of festive clothing. It really would make me happy, and Aren certainly too."

"It would?" she asked.

My mother was silent for an instant, "Very well…just one."

"You'll accept one piece of festive attire?"

She frowned, then inclined her head a millimetre.

I smiled, "Excellent." I said, and reached over to Aren, plucked the hat off her head and dropped it down on my mother's, "There we go. Now you look the part."


You really don't know when to stop, do you?

Merry Christmas to you too, crazy voice in my head

I noticed my mother flush somewhat and I straightened it out on her head, "Looking good, mom."

She glared at me, "I'm taking it off as soon as the rest of the Hunters arrive."

"You do look quite fetching, Mistress."

"You're not helping, Hippolytus."

"A-Armani…" stammered Aren.

I turned round to her and smiled, patting her blonde hair down flat, "Yes, Aren?"

She just mutely shook her head, a tiny smile on her face, "I think I'll go get changed into something a little less…this."

"I maintain you look beautiful in it." I offered.

She blushed reluctantly as she turned and left.

My mother watched her leave, turning to me again, pausing to blow the bobble out of her face, I suppressed the urge to laugh again, "So…how have you been? Have you been staying out of trouble?"

"Aren has been doing her best and, with the exception of last night's excitement and a small incident with Amazon customer service, I'm glad to say things have been very…tranquil."

She nodded, "I am pleased. Though I hope you have not given Aren much cause to stay on her toes."

I glanced at her hat for a second, "nah, never had much reason. I've been as good as gold."

She regarded me blankly for a moment, "Am I wearing a cursed hat?"

I went silent, "…Maybe"

I expected a scolding, and instead she just gave me a tired smile.

I sighed and plucked it off her head and propped it on mine, "I suppose I can bare it until midnight."

We fell into a comfortable silence next to each other.

"So, how are things?" I asked quietly after a moment.

She was silent a moment more before replying, "I hesitate to speak."

"Hunter's honor I won't get involved," I said, giving a mock scout salute.

She cocked an eyebrow, "Are you trying to be funny?"

"I can never quite tell. Come on, promise I won't tell."

She frowned, seeming troubled, "There have been…stirrings."


"What do you know of Gaia?"

I glanced at her, "Goddess of the Earth, right? Is there a problem?"

She frowned, "It could be nothing. It is not just Gaia that could be stirring, it Is Her children also."

"Her children? Trouble are they?"

She glanced back at me, "Considerably less so than you, but yes. However if at all possible-"

I cut in gently, "Don't worry; I've gone into early retirement until further notice. There are a generation of heroes out there who can handle it without me causing extra grief."

"Do not discredit yourself, Armani. I am proud of that which you have accomplished, never forget that."

I blushed slightly, "Yes, Mother."

The calm was disturbed by a gentle rapping on the front door, "The others have arrived. Aren, if you would?"

"Yes, Mistress." said the Huntress, who had changed into a more sensible ensemble of jeans and a t-shirt, before turning about and heading to let her sisters in.

The day turned very interesting from there on.

I learned several interesting facts this Christmas day: One was the fact that the Hunters could totally outmatch me at DDR.

I also learned Lanaya wasn't above spiking a certain goddess' eggnog. I wont wound her pride by describing the rather interesting effect it had on her. All I will say is that it involved the nymph strategically placing some mistletoe and my father threatening to kill himself.

And finally, as the chaos went on around me, and Aren lounged happily at my side, I realised that though a peaceful Christmas may never be on the cards for me, I could live like this…

Yes, I think I'm going to enjoy my retirement...

The end

[A/N] Well this little side-story took a lot longer to complete than I first assumed. Though late, I hope I managed to keep you entertained for just a little while. Final thoughts, feelings, opinions? Hit the button below. I've had a bomb writing this little tale and who knows? I may be back at some time in the future. Until then…