Hope you like this one as well ^^
Disclaim: I don't own Prince of tennis, I only own the girls team ^^
"It. It, it.. itai~"
"Oh get a grib Chika" Kimiko was trying to clean the wound on Chika's left chin she had gotten, after saving Oishi from Momoko's fast serve.
"But it hurts" Chika sounded like a little child and Kimiko couldn't stop a little giggle coming from her. "Oi Kimiko don't be like that" still like a child Chika was wrapping her arms in front of her.
"sit still" Kimiko was still smiling when she did put the white band-aid on Chika's left chin.
"Now you also got one nya" Kikumaru had joined them in the dinning room
"But yours is on the other cheek" Kikumaru lifted his hand to feel the right cheek and gave Kimiko a even bigger smile smile.
"We'll have dinner in half an hour" Fuji suddenly appeared in front of them. Chika and Kimiko jumped a little but for Kikumaru it was like nothing change.
"Oh... I want to take a shower before eating~" Kikumaru suddenly shouted, jumped and ran out of the dinning hall. Fuji smiled after him, and then looked at Chika and Kimiko. "You two should also leave" he had his arms crossed in front of him, but looked like he was really relaxed. Chika realized he wasn't in his regular uniform, but was wearing a plain white shirt and some black pants.
"h-hai" Kimiko was a bit starlet by the fact that a boys regular was talking to them. That Fuji was talking to them. Like the rest of the girls tennis club, for Kimiko Fuji was one of the 'Prince's' in tennis.
"Come on Miko" Chika was to her feet, "we also needs to get changed" Chika was starting to leave the dinning room. She was walking straight past Fuji without even looking at him.
"Oi Chika..." None of them had said anything before they reached the girls room.
"don't mind Kimiko" Chika had been wanted to go straight to her stuff. She wanted to have a shower before eating.
"Seriously Moko you're stuff is all over the playce"
"What are you saying Yako" Momoko and Ayako was at it again. "Your stuff is just as split as mine is..."
"Oh really~" it was like they never stopped.
"Come on you girls, stop it" as always Sayumi was trying to break them apart.
"Do you want have it also?" Ayako looked at Sayumi and her eyes was fierced. She was pist.
"What are you saying!" Sayumi was always a pretty quiet girl but sometimes her mood was going to wrong way. She was standing between Ayako and Momoko and was about to start shouting as well.
"Break it up you three" Raina had entered the room and was looking at three girls.
"She was starting it"
"No way she kicked my stuff"
"Oh come on~"
"Ayako! Momoko! Sayumi! 25 laps around the house" Chihiro their captain had entered the room as well and she was in no way, in a happy mood. All three girls was stopped their argue and looked at the captain.
"Chihiro we're having dinner in 30 minutes" Momoko had changed out of her uniform. She was wearing a pair of jeans and some kind of t-shirt. Ayako was wearing three quarters paints, a cap and a t-shirt, Sayumi as well.
"Well then you'll have to hurry" Chihiro looked at them and three girls was running fast out of the room. Chika couldn't help it and let out a small giggle, it had looked so fun.
"Chika do you want to join them?" Chihiro looked at here and in half a sec she had stopped giggling and was standing straight.
"No thanks Chihiro"
"Well then start changing" the captain didn't sound mad any longer, but she didn't wanted to have her part of the anger so Chika did as she told.
"Chika you look cute~" Sayumi the vice captain had taken the space behind her in the food chain.
"Oh Arigatou" she was wondering why so many people always though she was sweet when she was wearing a skirt and a pair of knee tights underneath. Was it so sweet?
"It was my piece" a little bit further down the queue Momoshiro and Ayako was looking at each other. About the fight again.
"Then you should had been a bit faster" Ayako wasn't a girl who normally would eat meat but some days she just felt like eating meat and then no one shouldn't try and take it from her.
"Are you saying I'm slow?" Momoko snarled like a lion. Yuuka was on her way to the two girls but never mad it so far.
"Just get out of here!" Kaidoh was shouting
"You get out of here" And Momoko as well. But instead of doing it like Momoshiro and Ayako, just over the table, the two other where shouting from each end of the room.
"You're such an eyesore" Chika was trying to keep up with who was shouting what, because even thought Ayako and Momoshiro had been keeping their mouth shut it was only for a short period of time.
"Yako just move it" they where at the end of the food table and again they where in trouble.
"What are you saying~" the whole dinning room ended up being in one big argue because of these four rivals.
Chika wasn't able to tell who throw the first meatball but suddenly something flew against Momoko who grabbed a racket, and made a return.
The meatball flew towards Kaidoh but in sted of hitting Kaidoh it hit Ayako in the back of her head. She turned towards Momoko, and properly without thinking she grabbed a piece of bread and threw it towards Momoko.
Also this was hit by the racket. And suddenly some one shouted;
"Foood fight~" and suddenly every one what throwing food everywhere.
Someone threw a meatball towards Chika, she dodge it, but some other side dish came her way. She tried with her acrobatic but most of the girls regular was trying to aim at her, and she got more than one dish on her.
"Who started this!" every one stopped whatever they where doing. Oishi was suddenly in the door.
"60 laps around the house" Chihiro was right beside him.
"I couldn't hear your answer" Raina had stepped in the dinning room.
"Hai~" every boy, girl, freshmen or regular answered. And all hurried out of the dinning room and started running.
"Are they for real?" one of the boys freshman was running at one of the first. It was only because he had stayed closes to the door.
"Yeah Chihiro and Raina is very real" Yuuka was running just beside them. Chika and the rest of the girls was a bit in the front, and most of the boys in the back. It was weird how they had made that split, but maybe it would stop those four from argue.
"The last five people will get the Inui*Yuuka special trainingscamp juice" they had been running a few laps around the awful big house, it was bigger than the all the courts at school, so this was harder for both the boys and the girls. But when they all heard about the juice it was like all got more energy and stamina. No one wanted to drink that juice.